btw Robert, my book 'Presidential Take Down, how Fauci & CDC & FDA et al. toppled Trump', is on Amazon, you will enjoy it! If you wish to fight 'nice', go ahead one day we will swap stories on the end
It touched you because its message was preached to the choir. (This echo chamber that I'm a member of.)
The folks who REALLY need to be shaken by that data it contains, on both the left and right side of the fence, all over the planet not just in the "USA USA USA!!" will never watch it.
I didn't send links to "Died Suddenly" to anyone who has fired me, demonized me or denied me medical care or access to family members requiring my advocacy.
I have four sons. All of them were home birthed and home schooled. NONE of them ever had a single vaccine. One of them hooked up with a brain dead left wing "cougar" who convinced him to get the only vaccine he has ever had. This one. Think I'm pissed? Just a bit. Especially since he has cancelled his mother and I because of that bitch. He literally has gone nuts since the vaccine. Acting like a total lunatic screaming and cursing at his mother and I. He lives in a fantasy world that I can't break through. More interested in games and movies than what he had stuck in his body by some idiot nurse or doctor.
Sounds like he is an empath involved with a narcissist. Please go watch HG Tudor on youtube. All about narcissism and how to deal with it....(basically you can't/have to go grey stone on them).
It might help you figure out why your son is acting the way he is. Check out his videos on Prince Harry and Megan Markle...I think you will see parallels. She is a mid range Narcissist.
My nephew married a "cougar" narcissist. Older woman who saw his money earning potential and decided to be on easy street. She refused to work after she lost her job. And she spends his hard earned money like a drunken sailor. She is conniving and manipulative.
I don't know, I think there is a large group out there who really just trusted the government, not because they love government, but because they are fairly low information. If this movie comes across their feed, they will be gripped in a couple of minutes and likely finish it. The graphics and testimonies are so compelling and EASY TO UNDERSTAND. I'm optimistic.
Yes...lying to us, but also being behind the crime, as well as others too long to list here. As I've said re the U.S. government -- the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate.
I'm JUST starting to get into that. My eyes have been opened. It started when I read Dr. Mary's Monkey, the whole Lee Harvey Oswald connection really intrigued me.
Yes fantastic connection in that video of Dr Mary's monkey and the key lesson from the story is they err on vaccines and killed people. It was the polio vaccine. So people can stop trusting big pharma because they make grave mistakes in the past with vaccines. They are doing it again now. At least they finally admitted it back then and stopped that vaccine.
That book opened my eyes to so many things. I was a government skeptic before I read it, but it popped my eyes open to so many more things, like, I can’t believe I vaccinated my children so blithely. I am now convinced that the government tells the truth about nothing. And, don’t think I’m crazy, but I’m actually looking more deeply into the moon landing and even 9/11 as being a false flag event. Because when I think of that stupid moon buggy careening around on the moon’s surface, does that REALLY make any sense? And that 9/11 truther group of engineers makes some excellent points about the seemingly controlled demolition. I’m not there yet but I’m Keeping my mind open to more explanations now.
Yes they will. And they will be exposed to the blatantly sloppy work. And they will be embarrassed should they ever dare to hold it up to their friends, because their friends already heard about all the provable, embarrassing errors in it.
And that brings us back to your point. Why did they hear about it? Because it's being promoted on the mainstream channels. It comes up with its own section on a Google News search. <-- I'm not joking when I say that THIS is how you can tell it's bullsh-t.
It is true we face an extraordinary uphill battle getting the truth out -- as you say. But this movie ain't it, chief. It puts so much BS on the truth that the first thing anyone moved by the information will have to do is take the BS off of it.
Here was an excellent post by a Substacker (Guy Duperreault) who posted on Dr Yoho’s Substack with compelling info & historical evidence about the govt using the now famous snake venom.
I am at the point after 3 years of not trusting the “all wise” Drs in the meanstream medical entities as much - since so many never did do diligence & research, but, just willingly followed the abysmal, frau faucchhi & his cohorts in crime & of course, our vile media. So, do I bash & trash Stew Peters - nope. I bash & trash the medua & govt creeps
Substack - Guy Duperreault - "Re the 'snake venom' bullshit theory: I suggest that we rethink it because: "... we know now that to learn what is likely true, we must notice what information is expertly sabotaged." Snake venom was brilliantly sabotaged.
I don't believe it explains everything, as the actual bioweapon attack is multi-pronged and multi-faceted. Here is a short summary of why I don't dismiss that *possibility* that snake (or animal) venom in some form is a part of the mix of this bio-battlefield part of the war.
Snake Venom Stew Peters and Brian Ardis:
I have come to think that snake venom is a part of the roll out, a part of the plan. The manner of the spread of the infection along administrative boundaries delineated by Dr. Yeadon (and others) supports that. The CIA used snake venom to test it as an invisible pathogen in the 1970s on the FBI building. It remained an undetected pathogen administered via their water system in a secure building filled with envenomated sick FBI employees. The CIA, in a congressional hearing on public record, revealed in detail how to deploy it in water systems, accommodating for chlorine, which neutralises it. It is also very easily aerosolised. The disadvantage of that method is that illness is not reliably predictable, a condition not required to create a plandemic of sickness that is mostly fictitious. (Hydroxychloroquine contains chlorine; and advocates of chlorine dioxide as a cure suggest that both may be effective in part, at least, because they may be neutralising the presence of venom, when it exists. Pierre Kory describes how different patients have different symptoms and require different treatment plans. This suggest that the various injections and or methods of infection may contain different dosages, of differing strengths, differing quality controls, and different ingredients from placebo, to contaminants, to even snake venom. )
In an interesting bit of science, it turns out that venom is used to cleave genes and there are venom peptides in the spike protein and/or other elements of the mystery soup that makes up the injections.
Snake (and animal) venom peptides attach to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Nicotine and ivermectin are the best antidotes to this because both displace the venom peptides. The venom peptides that attach to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors depress the breathing mechanism and slow the heart, mimicking respiratory illness. So, for this reason the respiratory response was incorrect. If covid was respiratory then smokers would be at high risk, and yet were only about 5% in a French study in early 2020. When this was pointed to the health officials, the following week the msn broadcast the importance of smokers to stop smoking immediately because they were 95% of the deaths. A total lie. Biden has signed law that tobacco manufacturers are to reduce nicotine in tobacco; Australia to ban liquid nicotine imports in 2023; Canada and New Zealand have announced the intention to start a strong stop smoking campaigns. (For me, personally, I did an intuitive test that confirms the presence of venom as a part of the whole enchilada.)
I go back to your quotation attributed to Sherman: "... we know now that to learn what is likely true, we must notice what information is expertly sabotaged." Deliberately or unconsciously, one of the most expertly sabotaged 'possible' explanation, at least in part to the covid 'virus' and spread, was the snake venom.
And I would add to that: look to where the MSM is telling you to go or do, and likely the opposite is the healthy choice."
And look at the big picture...even people like Dr. Lee Merritt have been puzzled by how the virus behaved....and spread or DIDN:T. She was following parasites...they thought of snake venom...and of course, Matthew Crawford brought up a great interview with someone talking about infectious clone swarms...
All of them are just seeking some answers to how/why/what the hell went on with spread/variants/etc.
I don't condemn anyone looking to explain the evil and the patterns of what happened and is happening.
Interesting, isn’t it the media got their panties in a wad over ivermectin & snake venom, but, not a poorly tested, abysmally recorded results which the (F)raud (D)eceit (A)pparatus tried to keep hidden for 75 years!, DEAD lab mice, etc, etc & no worries, no coverage, no complaint, no exposure. Hmmm...???
Stew Peter's looks genuinely upset at the whole vaccine debacle and the deaths its caused.. Karen Kingston is legit. None of its political. Just read the obituaries and social media to see the amount of harms from the vaccines and locksowns. Real life experience trumps science books. Very sad of a mother who did nor want the vaccines but as she slowly lost her freedoms including volunteering at the school she gave in and got the vaccine and died. 2 young girls motherless. Those are the reasons you don't mandate a vaccine and criminally bully and take away freedoms because then you aided in the death of this young mother. Her blood is on your hands.
I always get a bit anxious when two covid truth tellers suddenly turn on each other. Paul, please for all our sakes, do not be tempted to do this, it weakens the side. Thank you. You don’t hear the globalists contradicting one another💕
Food either nourishes or poisons. And it only takes a little poison to switch from the former event to the latter.
Paul's a doctor, not a conspiracy guy. This takes a conspiracy guy.
Conspiracy guys are used to having their stories mixed with bullshit and repackaged to a wider audience. Any conspiracy deboonking show you see on TV generally deboonks straw men, or red herrings -- they make up "conspiracy theories" no one believes and deboonk them. Over and over and over.
There's no reason to include suspect data. There's no reason to include athletes that didn't suddenly die. My list of athlete sudden deaths and illnesses is 390 long and I stopped counting long ago. I can list a dozen teenage athletes that died suddenly since the shots rolled out.
While Erikson is playing for Denmark in the World Cup right now, and his on-field collapse wasn't vaccine-related (so the story goes), Sergio Aguero certainly isn't playing for Argentina. And his teammate on the women's side at FC Barcelona, Caroline Graham Hansen, she's out with the same thing Aguero is -- heart arrythmia. And, if you don't know, FC Barcelona boasts of being almost 100% vaccinated and heavily promoted vaccination, including donating time on their training grounds to become vaccination centers.
There's no need for errors. We have too much truth on our side.
The movie makes the truth look bad. It makes the truth position impossible to argue. There are errors with the representation of the DMED data. Athletes that didn't get the vaccine. Athletes that didn't die suddenly. Totally unvetted and unattributed film clips. All interplayed with this depopulation scenario and an unhealthy dose of trippy visual effects. Nah.
It's not depopulation. Stew Peters is dragging the normies into too deep of water even though he's in the shallows.
Once the globalists have total control, "population" won't matter. If they own the whole world, and can enforce vaccine passports based on vaccine credits and social credits, and rent your own existence back to you with carbon credits -- once they have that system in place, with everyone in mega-cities and nothing but wildfires and tick-related diseases in the outlands -- we're in for a thousand years of slavery. They're playing for total world domination. The vaccine passports, the threat of all-digital currency, and threats to free speech -- these are credible angles. "They're trying to kill us all!" is not.
thank you...i cringed at the errors. Malone is correct when he states we are held to a higher standard. The suggestion, without basis, that an athlete dropped dead due to the injections, cast doubt on everything else. What i do hope is that more autopsies are done, and the ME’s look for clots. Also, the opening to the documentary was unnecessary. Peters should have stuck to the subject. He & Malone had a testy interview at least a year ago. Peters has a tendency to bait, Malone was obviously not happy. Also, Peters is “outside” the circle of experts, ie FLCCC & more, due to his sensationalizing subject matter. The data continues to pour in. Stick to it...Bannon & Naomi Wolf continue to do stellar work. Peters is not in this league.
This is an emotional issue for all of us here. I can relate to everyone in this fight. We do need to debate our differences. If we lose the ability to communicate with each other like we do here we have lost the 1st amendment and are in big trouble. Stew is trying to drive the message home. For every person that Stew reaches and is awakened out of their covidian stupors that is another win against the Fauci cabal. Dr Malone is brilliant and a bit eccentric and doesn’t always see what some of us see. I am glad we are all on the same side though. This is a war we need to win so I hope Dr Malone will see that his critique of Stew went a bit too far.
I do appreciate Dr Alexander’s thoughts on this matter.
Dr. Alexander misses Dr. Malone’s statement that he quotes and I’m ready to unsubscribe because of this rant. He isn’t close to offering amnesty but he wants science and truth to win fairly. That is how a scientist thinks and there is nothing wrong with that for God’s sake. He is not a media marketer but a scientist. If he acted like Peters, I would not think he would be a good scientist! Just like Peter’s sells the sizzle that Dr. Malone can’t, there is serious room for both. Let the media man sell it to the people. Media is dishonest. They play unfairly and prey on vulnerability and emotions. It works plain and simple and we need someone out there to fight fire with fire. Dr. Malone is legit science and that just doesn’t sell like a scary blood clot story. I wish Peters had been a bit more careful more with the snake venom story which hit me as too over blown. He lost credibility with me on that but I still think he’s valuable. Ardis was very convincing with his research on Remdesivir but I thought he came of badly on Peters show. He seemed more balanced and believable on an interview after that but I sort of lost interest in him because of the sensational nature of Peters snake show. So if I thought it was far fetched then I think those on the fence would too. It’s a shame there are big egos at play and it’s not in the best interest of the people. It’s time to put the egos aside and learn to be in the same space without attacking each other. Every one in this space is important and is beat up on enough already.
While I can appreciate Stew Peters passion for making he point about the clot issues, he sensationalizes a bit too much & the drama used to drive the point home went a little overboard. It doesn’t bode well for the sake of getting the information out to those who need to hear it. You are right about the fence sitters. And there are many who are in the field working and missing out on the message altogether because they are under threat of losing their jobs. I know that first hand and just today pointing someone in the right direction as to where they can find answers about myocarditis issue. This after Dr Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General’s memo warning of the potential for myocarditis in males aged 18-40 a few weeks ago created a firestorm. You better not be caught talking about clot shots, VAERS, contradicting the CDC protocols etc. the hospital and other areas of healthcare. Censorship has done a number. The snake venom theory by Dr Ardis was a way off to say the least. Peters lost me there. I have the greatest respect for Dr Malone. But I do appreciate the need for cooler minds to prevail. Everyone has a place in this conversation because of the censorship has been so intrusive across the board.
I think the first time I came across Dr. Malone was in the Bret Weinstein conversation with Steve Kirsch. It stunned me then to learn that the guy who played a role in developing this mRNA "platform" had actually taken the junk -- for a respiratory infection. WTH???
Yes, but I recall that he tried to justify taking the "vaccine" by stating that he felt he had no choice because he needed to travel and had to have proof of vaccination; I didn't find that a convincing "excuse" but even today you can find examples of his "fence-sitting" or "hedging his bets" along with an apologetic tone when it comes to discussions of responsibility and accountability about so many Covid unscientific decisions; he was there when a lot of this began and was part of that power structure which he may believe can still be redeemed with such as himself as part of the new leadership; that shouldn't happen because the whole big pharma and friends "club" have been rotten to the core for decades and needs to be dismantled and destroyed at its roots.
If someone states that maybe he didn't take the shots, but claims he did, then there's forgery involved someplace. Right? Or is trashing someone just your go-to when you don't have a reply?
And actually my initial reply was to Bridget, not you. 🙄
Especially where he and his wife have nasal DNA vaccine patents no? Specifically because of how shite his original platform was if I remember correctly
Malone has it out for Peters because Stew called him out big time when Malone was on his show. Malone basically said he has to be careful of what he says because of his career and Stew called him out on that big time. I watch Stew Peters daily and I saw that interview. When Stew exposed Malone I knew then Malone would never accept another invitation from Stew Peters. You can praise Malone all you want but he IS a fence sitter and I do not trust him. You do not spend 30 years in the swamp, as Malone has, without knowing the crimes taking place. He tells us just enough to keep his face on TV but never goes all the way. I prefer to listen to the likes of Stew Peters, Brannon Howse, Alex Jones and Karen Kingston because they do not hold back like Malone. I have written about my distrust of Malone on my own Substack. Just remember folks; all that glitters is not gold. I believe Malone is the one person that could put Fauci and others in prison but he fears losing his career and the ability to fund his very expensive horse hobby.
Malone's accusation of defamation against the Breggins is nothing but spiteful and hateful garbage and has no factual basis; who else does he plan on suing if they don't agree with his personal views!?
Thank you, I commented on Malone's Gab or Gettr page pretty much what you said, stop the infighting. As for Steve, I read he didn't know he'd be in the documentary. The film makers took clips of people speaking on other platforms, some were not in the documentary. All I care about is this show wakes people up so they ask themselves, "why is a documentary like this needed" maybe then they'll start researching for themselves. I really found nothing wrong with any of it but then I wasn't nitpicking either. I say, Good on Stew, Malone simply has to climb down off his pedestal and join the fight.
Malone has described DARPA + CIA's work in fighting bioweapons, in plaintive & nonjudgmental tones towards their stated motives regardless of the consequences, which amounts to little difference from Wuhan lab's stated objectives in procuring human-adapted bat viruses to find effective vaccines.
I understand. My only point was other commenter trying to CONNECT him to evil work, as if he's a player/contributor. Many people are in the position to KNOW about things that they aren't a part of.
That being said, I have never fully trusted Malone. He knows too much about the technology, and about repurposed drugs. Why line up for the vaccine?
Yeah...Paul this is getting ugly and I have huge respect for you, and love your style of fight which is mine as well. Here is the problem w/your writing which is going to kill us from within. There is so much in your stack to address but let me top line my problem with it. Malone's right. If "we" are going to put out a doc it has to be duck nuts tight so the other side can't use the misinformation to whack us and say "see, they lied with stats/wrong video of collapsing etc". Didn't we just bitch for last 3 years about how "they" manipulated data/stats on everything from IVM to hydroxy masks etc? But now its OK because thats how they do it so we do it too? Cmon thats BS and degrades our whole movement. As far as Stew whose heavy in your stack. I too was a fan but then he went into crazy town and couldn't think logically like he was a disciple espousing the message from above. If you're going to be a man of God, then yeah you actually do have a higher moral obligation to speak and act in truth. Its a tenet of religion actually. I saw the Stew/Malone interview in real time. Here's what you missed watch it again. Stew claimed Malone was actually responsible for the vax damage because he invented the TECHNOLOGY. Stew wasn't smart enough, or cared enough to get it accurate....or he knew he'd get more clicks by being bombastic but not correct. That analogy is like saying the person who invented the syringe is somehow responsible for heroin overdoses now and forever even though the syringe allowed medicine to advance and many lives saved. I'd be pissed too if someone on camera called me evil and basically going to be judged in hell. If you accept Stew's assertion about Malone's tech invention being synonymous with vax killing then you also subscribe to gun makers being held responsible for all killings since they made the firearm....and we sure as hell don't draw that conclusion nor should we as it only allows them to remove our 2A rights. Now, Ardis and Snake Oil/Venom. Man that was another video created to tap into fear without the facts (You know like mask up take vax or we'll all die sound familiar?)Ardis did me a solid when he spoke about Remdesevoir on Reiner Fuellmich's podcast but to make a claim like its in the water everywhere coupled with snake symbol on crucifixes (also on the EMT/Paramedics star of life symbols) you'd better be damn sure you have facts because now you are using my religion and distorting it for your own purposes. The snake venom video and now died suddenly has so many errors, yeah thats a big fing problem because, like in Art of War, you basically gave the other side a weapon to say "see burn the witches" It degrades EVERYTHING we stand for.
Im going to get burned for this..... but I also think that it’s a ‘class’ (for lack of a better term) issue.
Dr. Malone and others with his viewpoint are professionals or are recipients of a good, old style education. They have been taught to be precise and accurate in their communications with others and know that falsehoods and unproven accusations will damage their arguments, no matter how well presented.
I don’t believe that Malone is trying to hog the show or that he has any other selfish motivations. He just knows that presenting the facts alongside unproven assertions will damage the case against the ‘vaccines’.
Stew, on the other hand, is trying to attract as much attention as possible. To do that, he’s including unproven allegations and ‘feelings’ instead of just sticking to the truth. The truth is certainly bad enough without additional hype.
It's also a global-scale infowar that has never happened simultaneously with real human casualties, in real time. Until we get the upperhand, there is a bit of learning curve to how much of truth as casualty we can afford to lose in this post-truth world, before our physical bodies are ground down by the global coalition who has every institutional lever of power at their disposal.
We are all rooting and working for the Good Team. Just like a baseball team, every player has different traits and a role to play. Attacking teammates only brings the team down. Team Evil, doesn’t play fair and will exploit any weakness of their opposition. Let’s all stay United for Good Team. The Evil Team must be defeated!
Oh, man. I really hate when egos come into play like this...
Each and everyone of us are gifted with talents and cursed with flaws. We are fighting a war. This is no time to air a team player's perceived shortcomings...
The brain and the heart are the first things affected by the vaccine and Dr. Malone has two mRNA vaccines inside himself. Does anyone know if he’s also boosted? His personality is changing and that is unavoidable. I fear for Steve Kirsch as well. Stephen king couldn’t write this complicated plot.
BOOM! 💥 And THIS post right here is why I love Dr. Alexander. People want to kill us and the calvary are quibbling. Already folks are forgetting that many, many people have been killed by forced hospital protocols; that our government threatened doctors for prescribing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin; that many have been maimed, disabled and killed by these 'poison-death-shots' (I miss Dr. Zelenko). Yeah, so some people were just passing out ('TIMBER'), fracturing their skulls and who-knows-what is brewing in their bodies, but many ARE dying-suddenly— just because the video is titled "Died Suddenly" doesn't mean every person keeling over in it died right yet. Maybe this documentary will get through to those with eyes-wide-shut.
Here is what those who declared themselves the only purveyor of truth about covid and these fuxxines need to realize: The vaccine industry and the medical industrial complex are the ones who 'jumped the shark.' For a year and a half, I have no longer trusted the medical profession (save the few who have been shouting since the beginning not to trust these fuxxines) and I will never allow any of the nonsense called vaccines to be injected into my body ever again. Hopefully the Died Suddenly movie will open the eyes of some of these zombie-like lemmings walking towards the cliff.
Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for your passion and verve.
I'm 73 and have always been a voracious news reader. In all my years I simply DO NOT remember such overwhelming numbers of seemingly healthy people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. Either it wasn't happening or it simply was not being reported much at all.
Dr. Paul, you are the bomb. Awake but never woke; you certainly have no fear about calling a spade a spade. So rare.
- I appreciate Robert Malone and what he's done despite some questions about how he managed to so quickly recover from what for all accounts appears to be myocarditis resulting from his taking the bioweapon shots; is this not a truly life-threatening condition from which there is little chance of actual recovery? His coming out story is one of having been fooled and then realizing his mistake after harm....yet I have not heard any follow up on this, other than the initial explanation of his good fortune in having an immediate consultation with some apex cardiologist who must have apparently helped to fix him in some way that is apparently unknown to other apex cardiologists such as Dr. McCullough. I find this entire story very head-scratching and have no idea what to make of it. But the end of the day, shooting the messenger instead of taking the message to heart is complete and utter folly. It is also the mechanism by which the appeal to authority logical fallacy works. It must be rejected.
Correct. But people like their bubbles and echo chambers. And what they do in them? Listen to their leaders, key voices, and most prominent members of that particular group. In our case, it is the resistance movement. People idolize, blindly trust and follow those whom they regard as 'heroes', 'experts', or 'truth tellers' of the pandemic within the resistance movement, without realizing that no human is infallible. No one is an oracle, and no one knows everything. We all make mistakes. We can all be fooled, indoctrinated, and propagandized in some way. It could have already happened a long time ago in the past. We can even do that ourselves without knowing it. Therefore, this kind of behavior, meaning blind trust in 'our leaders' can be dangerous and is not that different from what sheeple and the masses have done during the last 3 years. We all need to remain skeptical and never idolize anyone, no matter who they are or what they have done or achieved, especially when it comes to finding the solutions to the problem known as The Party. Solution is the most crucial part of all of this. There is nothing more important than winning the war.
How many serial killers have believed their compulsive behavior, the work of their lives, was a work of art? "Art" and the sophistication of "high culture" is how a lot of self-deception sustain among humans. The creation of suffering, premature death, tortured existence is somehow justified by their makers as a Dark Art.
My role in the Died Suddenly film was limited to my speaking part. I did not fund the film or have any say in the editorial direction of the film.
Read this excellent article about the clots and the movie. I agree with the author that the blood clots are the strongest part of the movie and that it will be attacked on other parts.
In particular, I agree with the statements made by the embalmers and by Dr. James Thorp.
I don’t agree with any of the conspiracy theories hinted at in the film.
That is a much more complicated topic. In my opinion, the film would have been stronger if it had kept its focus on verifiable facts rather than unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Even if the people who concocted this dastardly scheme of a fake pandemic and lockdown were to be put in jail or worse, it would not make much difference for long. I'll tell you why...that is not the problem. The problem is people who obey mandates. These are the problem people not the ones who give mandates. If you put a mandate out, nobody would listen to them right? Let alone obey them. So why do people obey mandates by some people and not by others? Because they believe in an authority above themselves. Even when it comes to killing off their children or themselves. If we don't recognize the real problem, more centuries will go by where nothing much will change. But if we do recognize the problem, things would turn around 180 degrees and everyone will finally be free. It really is as simple as that. No need for charts or tables - the real problem is rarely, if ever, addressed. And thus things continue on the same.
Actually, Dr. Malone said today in an article: "Not everyone wants to be free. Many just want to be told what to do." I've definitely seen that in a great many people I've observed the last couple of years.
Stew did great. It touched me. We are way to stuck on little errors. The emotional message is right. This is what reaches. The left knows this.
It touched you because its message was preached to the choir. (This echo chamber that I'm a member of.)
The folks who REALLY need to be shaken by that data it contains, on both the left and right side of the fence, all over the planet not just in the "USA USA USA!!" will never watch it.
I no longer care about the people who will never watch the documentary. They are entrenched in their devotion to Fauci and the covid death shots.
We tried to warn them. They demonized us. They fired us from jobs. They denied us medical care.
I didn't send links to "Died Suddenly" to anyone who has fired me, demonized me or denied me medical care or access to family members requiring my advocacy.
Those folks? Can go f*ck themselves.
Ignorance is bliss. And it is also DANGEROUS and DEADLY.
so is censorship
Censorship is what keeps people ignorant. Free speech is our only bastion, our only safeguard - we who do not have armies.
"I no longer care about the people who will never watch the documentary."
I do. They're family members.
I have four sons. All of them were home birthed and home schooled. NONE of them ever had a single vaccine. One of them hooked up with a brain dead left wing "cougar" who convinced him to get the only vaccine he has ever had. This one. Think I'm pissed? Just a bit. Especially since he has cancelled his mother and I because of that bitch. He literally has gone nuts since the vaccine. Acting like a total lunatic screaming and cursing at his mother and I. He lives in a fantasy world that I can't break through. More interested in games and movies than what he had stuck in his body by some idiot nurse or doctor.
Sounds like he is an empath involved with a narcissist. Please go watch HG Tudor on youtube. All about narcissism and how to deal with it....(basically you can't/have to go grey stone on them).
It might help you figure out why your son is acting the way he is. Check out his videos on Prince Harry and Megan Markle...I think you will see parallels. She is a mid range Narcissist.
My nephew married a "cougar" narcissist. Older woman who saw his money earning potential and decided to be on easy street. She refused to work after she lost her job. And she spends his hard earned money like a drunken sailor. She is conniving and manipulative.
Thank you for the tip to watch HG Tudor.
He is right on target.
Checking him out. My son is definitely not an empath.
How horrible!
Sorry to hear that...hope they will be OK.
Me too.
Mine too. So sad and I am sorry...for all of us who have this.
That's fine. You can.
I've decided you just can't fix stupid!
I don't know, I think there is a large group out there who really just trusted the government, not because they love government, but because they are fairly low information. If this movie comes across their feed, they will be gripped in a couple of minutes and likely finish it. The graphics and testimonies are so compelling and EASY TO UNDERSTAND. I'm optimistic.
For a lot of us, the first example of the government lying to us, was the JFK assassination and the coverup.
Yes...lying to us, but also being behind the crime, as well as others too long to list here. As I've said re the U.S. government -- the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate.
US government = overthrowing legally elected governments around the world for over 75 years.
That is a great tag line for the US government.
Realize it isn't the government per se. It's the BANKSTERS who RUN THE GOVERNMENT!
Crooked people in government with the banisters who help money laundering and other fraud.
Those federal government workers are the underlings that carry out the banksters plans.
I'm JUST starting to get into that. My eyes have been opened. It started when I read Dr. Mary's Monkey, the whole Lee Harvey Oswald connection really intrigued me.
Yes fantastic connection in that video of Dr Mary's monkey and the key lesson from the story is they err on vaccines and killed people. It was the polio vaccine. So people can stop trusting big pharma because they make grave mistakes in the past with vaccines. They are doing it again now. At least they finally admitted it back then and stopped that vaccine.
That book opened my eyes to so many things. I was a government skeptic before I read it, but it popped my eyes open to so many more things, like, I can’t believe I vaccinated my children so blithely. I am now convinced that the government tells the truth about nothing. And, don’t think I’m crazy, but I’m actually looking more deeply into the moon landing and even 9/11 as being a false flag event. Because when I think of that stupid moon buggy careening around on the moon’s surface, does that REALLY make any sense? And that 9/11 truther group of engineers makes some excellent points about the seemingly controlled demolition. I’m not there yet but I’m Keeping my mind open to more explanations now.
Yes they will. And they will be exposed to the blatantly sloppy work. And they will be embarrassed should they ever dare to hold it up to their friends, because their friends already heard about all the provable, embarrassing errors in it.
And that brings us back to your point. Why did they hear about it? Because it's being promoted on the mainstream channels. It comes up with its own section on a Google News search. <-- I'm not joking when I say that THIS is how you can tell it's bullsh-t.
It is true we face an extraordinary uphill battle getting the truth out -- as you say. But this movie ain't it, chief. It puts so much BS on the truth that the first thing anyone moved by the information will have to do is take the BS off of it.
As opposed to all the bullshit about the covid shots being "safe and effective?"
Here was an excellent post by a Substacker (Guy Duperreault) who posted on Dr Yoho’s Substack with compelling info & historical evidence about the govt using the now famous snake venom.
I am at the point after 3 years of not trusting the “all wise” Drs in the meanstream medical entities as much - since so many never did do diligence & research, but, just willingly followed the abysmal, frau faucchhi & his cohorts in crime & of course, our vile media. So, do I bash & trash Stew Peters - nope. I bash & trash the medua & govt creeps
Substack - Guy Duperreault - "Re the 'snake venom' bullshit theory: I suggest that we rethink it because: "... we know now that to learn what is likely true, we must notice what information is expertly sabotaged." Snake venom was brilliantly sabotaged.
I don't believe it explains everything, as the actual bioweapon attack is multi-pronged and multi-faceted. Here is a short summary of why I don't dismiss that *possibility* that snake (or animal) venom in some form is a part of the mix of this bio-battlefield part of the war.
Snake Venom Stew Peters and Brian Ardis:
I have come to think that snake venom is a part of the roll out, a part of the plan. The manner of the spread of the infection along administrative boundaries delineated by Dr. Yeadon (and others) supports that. The CIA used snake venom to test it as an invisible pathogen in the 1970s on the FBI building. It remained an undetected pathogen administered via their water system in a secure building filled with envenomated sick FBI employees. The CIA, in a congressional hearing on public record, revealed in detail how to deploy it in water systems, accommodating for chlorine, which neutralises it. It is also very easily aerosolised. The disadvantage of that method is that illness is not reliably predictable, a condition not required to create a plandemic of sickness that is mostly fictitious. (Hydroxychloroquine contains chlorine; and advocates of chlorine dioxide as a cure suggest that both may be effective in part, at least, because they may be neutralising the presence of venom, when it exists. Pierre Kory describes how different patients have different symptoms and require different treatment plans. This suggest that the various injections and or methods of infection may contain different dosages, of differing strengths, differing quality controls, and different ingredients from placebo, to contaminants, to even snake venom. )
In an interesting bit of science, it turns out that venom is used to cleave genes and there are venom peptides in the spike protein and/or other elements of the mystery soup that makes up the injections.
Snake (and animal) venom peptides attach to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Nicotine and ivermectin are the best antidotes to this because both displace the venom peptides. The venom peptides that attach to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors depress the breathing mechanism and slow the heart, mimicking respiratory illness. So, for this reason the respiratory response was incorrect. If covid was respiratory then smokers would be at high risk, and yet were only about 5% in a French study in early 2020. When this was pointed to the health officials, the following week the msn broadcast the importance of smokers to stop smoking immediately because they were 95% of the deaths. A total lie. Biden has signed law that tobacco manufacturers are to reduce nicotine in tobacco; Australia to ban liquid nicotine imports in 2023; Canada and New Zealand have announced the intention to start a strong stop smoking campaigns. (For me, personally, I did an intuitive test that confirms the presence of venom as a part of the whole enchilada.)
I go back to your quotation attributed to Sherman: "... we know now that to learn what is likely true, we must notice what information is expertly sabotaged." Deliberately or unconsciously, one of the most expertly sabotaged 'possible' explanation, at least in part to the covid 'virus' and spread, was the snake venom.
And I would add to that: look to where the MSM is telling you to go or do, and likely the opposite is the healthy choice."
And look at the big picture...even people like Dr. Lee Merritt have been puzzled by how the virus behaved....and spread or DIDN:T. She was following parasites...they thought of snake venom...and of course, Matthew Crawford brought up a great interview with someone talking about infectious clone swarms...
All of them are just seeking some answers to how/why/what the hell went on with spread/variants/etc.
I don't condemn anyone looking to explain the evil and the patterns of what happened and is happening.
Snake venom is used in the manufacture of many drugs...including blood pressure meds.
Interesting, isn’t it the media got their panties in a wad over ivermectin & snake venom, but, not a poorly tested, abysmally recorded results which the (F)raud (D)eceit (A)pparatus tried to keep hidden for 75 years!, DEAD lab mice, etc, etc & no worries, no coverage, no complaint, no exposure. Hmmm...???
No -- in alignment with it.
Exactly, and that kind of preaching gets old.
Stew Peter's looks genuinely upset at the whole vaccine debacle and the deaths its caused.. Karen Kingston is legit. None of its political. Just read the obituaries and social media to see the amount of harms from the vaccines and locksowns. Real life experience trumps science books. Very sad of a mother who did nor want the vaccines but as she slowly lost her freedoms including volunteering at the school she gave in and got the vaccine and died. 2 young girls motherless. Those are the reasons you don't mandate a vaccine and criminally bully and take away freedoms because then you aided in the death of this young mother. Her blood is on your hands.
I always get a bit anxious when two covid truth tellers suddenly turn on each other. Paul, please for all our sakes, do not be tempted to do this, it weakens the side. Thank you. You don’t hear the globalists contradicting one another💕
Food either nourishes or poisons. And it only takes a little poison to switch from the former event to the latter.
Paul's a doctor, not a conspiracy guy. This takes a conspiracy guy.
Conspiracy guys are used to having their stories mixed with bullshit and repackaged to a wider audience. Any conspiracy deboonking show you see on TV generally deboonks straw men, or red herrings -- they make up "conspiracy theories" no one believes and deboonk them. Over and over and over.
There's no reason to include suspect data. There's no reason to include athletes that didn't suddenly die. My list of athlete sudden deaths and illnesses is 390 long and I stopped counting long ago. I can list a dozen teenage athletes that died suddenly since the shots rolled out.
While Erikson is playing for Denmark in the World Cup right now, and his on-field collapse wasn't vaccine-related (so the story goes), Sergio Aguero certainly isn't playing for Argentina. And his teammate on the women's side at FC Barcelona, Caroline Graham Hansen, she's out with the same thing Aguero is -- heart arrythmia. And, if you don't know, FC Barcelona boasts of being almost 100% vaccinated and heavily promoted vaccination, including donating time on their training grounds to become vaccination centers.
There's no need for errors. We have too much truth on our side.
The movie makes the truth look bad. It makes the truth position impossible to argue. There are errors with the representation of the DMED data. Athletes that didn't get the vaccine. Athletes that didn't die suddenly. Totally unvetted and unattributed film clips. All interplayed with this depopulation scenario and an unhealthy dose of trippy visual effects. Nah.
It's not depopulation. Stew Peters is dragging the normies into too deep of water even though he's in the shallows.
Once the globalists have total control, "population" won't matter. If they own the whole world, and can enforce vaccine passports based on vaccine credits and social credits, and rent your own existence back to you with carbon credits -- once they have that system in place, with everyone in mega-cities and nothing but wildfires and tick-related diseases in the outlands -- we're in for a thousand years of slavery. They're playing for total world domination. The vaccine passports, the threat of all-digital currency, and threats to free speech -- these are credible angles. "They're trying to kill us all!" is not.
thank you...i cringed at the errors. Malone is correct when he states we are held to a higher standard. The suggestion, without basis, that an athlete dropped dead due to the injections, cast doubt on everything else. What i do hope is that more autopsies are done, and the ME’s look for clots. Also, the opening to the documentary was unnecessary. Peters should have stuck to the subject. He & Malone had a testy interview at least a year ago. Peters has a tendency to bait, Malone was obviously not happy. Also, Peters is “outside” the circle of experts, ie FLCCC & more, due to his sensationalizing subject matter. The data continues to pour in. Stick to it...Bannon & Naomi Wolf continue to do stellar work. Peters is not in this league.
Good comment. I agree.
This is an emotional issue for all of us here. I can relate to everyone in this fight. We do need to debate our differences. If we lose the ability to communicate with each other like we do here we have lost the 1st amendment and are in big trouble. Stew is trying to drive the message home. For every person that Stew reaches and is awakened out of their covidian stupors that is another win against the Fauci cabal. Dr Malone is brilliant and a bit eccentric and doesn’t always see what some of us see. I am glad we are all on the same side though. This is a war we need to win so I hope Dr Malone will see that his critique of Stew went a bit too far.
I do appreciate Dr Alexander’s thoughts on this matter.
Dr. Alexander misses Dr. Malone’s statement that he quotes and I’m ready to unsubscribe because of this rant. He isn’t close to offering amnesty but he wants science and truth to win fairly. That is how a scientist thinks and there is nothing wrong with that for God’s sake. He is not a media marketer but a scientist. If he acted like Peters, I would not think he would be a good scientist! Just like Peter’s sells the sizzle that Dr. Malone can’t, there is serious room for both. Let the media man sell it to the people. Media is dishonest. They play unfairly and prey on vulnerability and emotions. It works plain and simple and we need someone out there to fight fire with fire. Dr. Malone is legit science and that just doesn’t sell like a scary blood clot story. I wish Peters had been a bit more careful more with the snake venom story which hit me as too over blown. He lost credibility with me on that but I still think he’s valuable. Ardis was very convincing with his research on Remdesivir but I thought he came of badly on Peters show. He seemed more balanced and believable on an interview after that but I sort of lost interest in him because of the sensational nature of Peters snake show. So if I thought it was far fetched then I think those on the fence would too. It’s a shame there are big egos at play and it’s not in the best interest of the people. It’s time to put the egos aside and learn to be in the same space without attacking each other. Every one in this space is important and is beat up on enough already.
While I can appreciate Stew Peters passion for making he point about the clot issues, he sensationalizes a bit too much & the drama used to drive the point home went a little overboard. It doesn’t bode well for the sake of getting the information out to those who need to hear it. You are right about the fence sitters. And there are many who are in the field working and missing out on the message altogether because they are under threat of losing their jobs. I know that first hand and just today pointing someone in the right direction as to where they can find answers about myocarditis issue. This after Dr Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General’s memo warning of the potential for myocarditis in males aged 18-40 a few weeks ago created a firestorm. You better not be caught talking about clot shots, VAERS, contradicting the CDC protocols etc. the hospital and other areas of healthcare. Censorship has done a number. The snake venom theory by Dr Ardis was a way off to say the least. Peters lost me there. I have the greatest respect for Dr Malone. But I do appreciate the need for cooler minds to prevail. Everyone has a place in this conversation because of the censorship has been so intrusive across the board.
There is no collective resistance. For a start , even using the word collective makes me feel uncomfortable.
For a man who knows as much as malone does to take the mRNA shots ( or claim to have taken them) raises serious doubts about his authenticity.
I think the first time I came across Dr. Malone was in the Bret Weinstein conversation with Steve Kirsch. It stunned me then to learn that the guy who played a role in developing this mRNA "platform" had actually taken the junk -- for a respiratory infection. WTH???
Yeah...I think that should have been our first warning sign that something just was not right.
Yes, but I recall that he tried to justify taking the "vaccine" by stating that he felt he had no choice because he needed to travel and had to have proof of vaccination; I didn't find that a convincing "excuse" but even today you can find examples of his "fence-sitting" or "hedging his bets" along with an apologetic tone when it comes to discussions of responsibility and accountability about so many Covid unscientific decisions; he was there when a lot of this began and was part of that power structure which he may believe can still be redeemed with such as himself as part of the new leadership; that shouldn't happen because the whole big pharma and friends "club" have been rotten to the core for decades and needs to be dismantled and destroyed at its roots.
Why would someone who supposedly invented mRNA technology take the shot?
He has stated that "he knows where the bodies are buried."
Then, why doesn't he tell us?
No doubt some nasty work with DoD and DARPA will reveal his complicity.
So you're proclaiming Malone a mole? When you preface a statement with "no doubt", it's a proclamation.
I completely agree with your initial statement. But there's no logical path from that to your "no doubt".
DoD and DARPA was/is involved in some pretty horrific "experiments."
That doesn't mean Malone is complicit, in anything. You can't make that connection, so you shouldn't state it as a given.
Even a simple moron figured out mRNA shots are not OK.
Malone is suing Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife for $25 million.
Oh he plays the shakedown game alright. He is suing Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife for $25 million.
I disagree. A lot of people blindly trusted the government. They don’t now.
Malone has no excuse for taking the death shot.
Who knows if he actually did?
Good point.
Well, then you're concluding he forged documents to travel.
Do club members need to show their passes?
Did people flying private ever have to show documentation?
Look, I'm just remarking that that's the excuse he used. He either got the vax, or got saline. Who knows.
Troll...are you DHS or DoD?
If someone states that maybe he didn't take the shots, but claims he did, then there's forgery involved someplace. Right? Or is trashing someone just your go-to when you don't have a reply?
And actually my initial reply was to Bridget, not you. 🙄
I think I read he claimed he had some sort of vaccine damage from it...but can't be sure. This is stuck in my memory.
@Kathleen Janoski: everyone who took the covid vaccine had a reason to do so.
Especially where he and his wife have nasal DNA vaccine patents no? Specifically because of how shite his original platform was if I remember correctly
Yeah...kinda ashamed i didn’t sus that sooner
Exactly my concern!
Bravo for this article. We have to stop demanding perfection from our allies, while bending over backwards giving our enemies every benefit of doubt.
Malone has it out for Peters because Stew called him out big time when Malone was on his show. Malone basically said he has to be careful of what he says because of his career and Stew called him out on that big time. I watch Stew Peters daily and I saw that interview. When Stew exposed Malone I knew then Malone would never accept another invitation from Stew Peters. You can praise Malone all you want but he IS a fence sitter and I do not trust him. You do not spend 30 years in the swamp, as Malone has, without knowing the crimes taking place. He tells us just enough to keep his face on TV but never goes all the way. I prefer to listen to the likes of Stew Peters, Brannon Howse, Alex Jones and Karen Kingston because they do not hold back like Malone. I have written about my distrust of Malone on my own Substack. Just remember folks; all that glitters is not gold. I believe Malone is the one person that could put Fauci and others in prison but he fears losing his career and the ability to fund his very expensive horse hobby.
I think you may have some valid points- also, there’s an awful lot of “suicides” connected with people who take a stand ag the “establishment”.
I will still pray for all involved in trying to wage thus war ag the demonic forces.
LOL those beautiful horsies are why Fauci is at-large.
Great points! Agreed
Excellent points.
Malone is suing Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife for $25 million.
Not nice.
Malone's accusation of defamation against the Breggins is nothing but spiteful and hateful garbage and has no factual basis; who else does he plan on suing if they don't agree with his personal views!?
He will probably go after Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby.
WOW. I am surprised reading that but sadly also, not suprised.
Something just didn't seem right about him. I was always suspect because of of his work with DARPA and DoD.
He said "he knew where the bodies were buried," but never told us.
I quite agree for similar reasons I have already posted in my comments above...
Thank you, I commented on Malone's Gab or Gettr page pretty much what you said, stop the infighting. As for Steve, I read he didn't know he'd be in the documentary. The film makers took clips of people speaking on other platforms, some were not in the documentary. All I care about is this show wakes people up so they ask themselves, "why is a documentary like this needed" maybe then they'll start researching for themselves. I really found nothing wrong with any of it but then I wasn't nitpicking either. I say, Good on Stew, Malone simply has to climb down off his pedestal and join the fight.
Malone puts himself on a pretty high pedestal. His fall into a million pieces will come eventually.
Not likely.
Malone has described DARPA + CIA's work in fighting bioweapons, in plaintive & nonjudgmental tones towards their stated motives regardless of the consequences, which amounts to little difference from Wuhan lab's stated objectives in procuring human-adapted bat viruses to find effective vaccines.
I understand. My only point was other commenter trying to CONNECT him to evil work, as if he's a player/contributor. Many people are in the position to KNOW about things that they aren't a part of.
That being said, I have never fully trusted Malone. He knows too much about the technology, and about repurposed drugs. Why line up for the vaccine?
Troll...are you DHS or DoD?
Malone is too busy trying to rustle up cash. He is suing Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife for $25 million.
Yeah...Paul this is getting ugly and I have huge respect for you, and love your style of fight which is mine as well. Here is the problem w/your writing which is going to kill us from within. There is so much in your stack to address but let me top line my problem with it. Malone's right. If "we" are going to put out a doc it has to be duck nuts tight so the other side can't use the misinformation to whack us and say "see, they lied with stats/wrong video of collapsing etc". Didn't we just bitch for last 3 years about how "they" manipulated data/stats on everything from IVM to hydroxy masks etc? But now its OK because thats how they do it so we do it too? Cmon thats BS and degrades our whole movement. As far as Stew whose heavy in your stack. I too was a fan but then he went into crazy town and couldn't think logically like he was a disciple espousing the message from above. If you're going to be a man of God, then yeah you actually do have a higher moral obligation to speak and act in truth. Its a tenet of religion actually. I saw the Stew/Malone interview in real time. Here's what you missed watch it again. Stew claimed Malone was actually responsible for the vax damage because he invented the TECHNOLOGY. Stew wasn't smart enough, or cared enough to get it accurate....or he knew he'd get more clicks by being bombastic but not correct. That analogy is like saying the person who invented the syringe is somehow responsible for heroin overdoses now and forever even though the syringe allowed medicine to advance and many lives saved. I'd be pissed too if someone on camera called me evil and basically going to be judged in hell. If you accept Stew's assertion about Malone's tech invention being synonymous with vax killing then you also subscribe to gun makers being held responsible for all killings since they made the firearm....and we sure as hell don't draw that conclusion nor should we as it only allows them to remove our 2A rights. Now, Ardis and Snake Oil/Venom. Man that was another video created to tap into fear without the facts (You know like mask up take vax or we'll all die sound familiar?)Ardis did me a solid when he spoke about Remdesevoir on Reiner Fuellmich's podcast but to make a claim like its in the water everywhere coupled with snake symbol on crucifixes (also on the EMT/Paramedics star of life symbols) you'd better be damn sure you have facts because now you are using my religion and distorting it for your own purposes. The snake venom video and now died suddenly has so many errors, yeah thats a big fing problem because, like in Art of War, you basically gave the other side a weapon to say "see burn the witches" It degrades EVERYTHING we stand for.
I couldn’t agree more.
Im going to get burned for this..... but I also think that it’s a ‘class’ (for lack of a better term) issue.
Dr. Malone and others with his viewpoint are professionals or are recipients of a good, old style education. They have been taught to be precise and accurate in their communications with others and know that falsehoods and unproven accusations will damage their arguments, no matter how well presented.
I don’t believe that Malone is trying to hog the show or that he has any other selfish motivations. He just knows that presenting the facts alongside unproven assertions will damage the case against the ‘vaccines’.
Stew, on the other hand, is trying to attract as much attention as possible. To do that, he’s including unproven allegations and ‘feelings’ instead of just sticking to the truth. The truth is certainly bad enough without additional hype.
Upscale vs low rent.....
Good comment Mark...!
Well-stated, Victor. I love your reasoning and just plain common sense analysis. Thanks.
Best comment!
It's also a global-scale infowar that has never happened simultaneously with real human casualties, in real time. Until we get the upperhand, there is a bit of learning curve to how much of truth as casualty we can afford to lose in this post-truth world, before our physical bodies are ground down by the global coalition who has every institutional lever of power at their disposal.
We are all rooting and working for the Good Team. Just like a baseball team, every player has different traits and a role to play. Attacking teammates only brings the team down. Team Evil, doesn’t play fair and will exploit any weakness of their opposition. Let’s all stay United for Good Team. The Evil Team must be defeated!
Oh, man. I really hate when egos come into play like this...
Each and everyone of us are gifted with talents and cursed with flaws. We are fighting a war. This is no time to air a team player's perceived shortcomings...
I want to take the higher ground..... BUT I HAVE CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN! I will do whatever it takes to win this war against EVIL.
The brain and the heart are the first things affected by the vaccine and Dr. Malone has two mRNA vaccines inside himself. Does anyone know if he’s also boosted? His personality is changing and that is unavoidable. I fear for Steve Kirsch as well. Stephen king couldn’t write this complicated plot.
BOOM! 💥 And THIS post right here is why I love Dr. Alexander. People want to kill us and the calvary are quibbling. Already folks are forgetting that many, many people have been killed by forced hospital protocols; that our government threatened doctors for prescribing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin; that many have been maimed, disabled and killed by these 'poison-death-shots' (I miss Dr. Zelenko). Yeah, so some people were just passing out ('TIMBER'), fracturing their skulls and who-knows-what is brewing in their bodies, but many ARE dying-suddenly— just because the video is titled "Died Suddenly" doesn't mean every person keeling over in it died right yet. Maybe this documentary will get through to those with eyes-wide-shut.
Here is what those who declared themselves the only purveyor of truth about covid and these fuxxines need to realize: The vaccine industry and the medical industrial complex are the ones who 'jumped the shark.' For a year and a half, I have no longer trusted the medical profession (save the few who have been shouting since the beginning not to trust these fuxxines) and I will never allow any of the nonsense called vaccines to be injected into my body ever again. Hopefully the Died Suddenly movie will open the eyes of some of these zombie-like lemmings walking towards the cliff.
Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for your passion and verve.
I'm 73 and have always been a voracious news reader. In all my years I simply DO NOT remember such overwhelming numbers of seemingly healthy people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. Either it wasn't happening or it simply was not being reported much at all.
Dr. Paul, you are the bomb. Awake but never woke; you certainly have no fear about calling a spade a spade. So rare.
- I appreciate Robert Malone and what he's done despite some questions about how he managed to so quickly recover from what for all accounts appears to be myocarditis resulting from his taking the bioweapon shots; is this not a truly life-threatening condition from which there is little chance of actual recovery? His coming out story is one of having been fooled and then realizing his mistake after harm....yet I have not heard any follow up on this, other than the initial explanation of his good fortune in having an immediate consultation with some apex cardiologist who must have apparently helped to fix him in some way that is apparently unknown to other apex cardiologists such as Dr. McCullough. I find this entire story very head-scratching and have no idea what to make of it. But the end of the day, shooting the messenger instead of taking the message to heart is complete and utter folly. It is also the mechanism by which the appeal to authority logical fallacy works. It must be rejected.
What Robert and many others like him in the resistance movement still don't understand:
Not just intellectuals...I think most people will do anything to keep from the realization that everything they think they know is a lie.
Correct. But people like their bubbles and echo chambers. And what they do in them? Listen to their leaders, key voices, and most prominent members of that particular group. In our case, it is the resistance movement. People idolize, blindly trust and follow those whom they regard as 'heroes', 'experts', or 'truth tellers' of the pandemic within the resistance movement, without realizing that no human is infallible. No one is an oracle, and no one knows everything. We all make mistakes. We can all be fooled, indoctrinated, and propagandized in some way. It could have already happened a long time ago in the past. We can even do that ourselves without knowing it. Therefore, this kind of behavior, meaning blind trust in 'our leaders' can be dangerous and is not that different from what sheeple and the masses have done during the last 3 years. We all need to remain skeptical and never idolize anyone, no matter who they are or what they have done or achieved, especially when it comes to finding the solutions to the problem known as The Party. Solution is the most crucial part of all of this. There is nothing more important than winning the war.
How many serial killers have believed their compulsive behavior, the work of their lives, was a work of art? "Art" and the sophistication of "high culture" is how a lot of self-deception sustain among humans. The creation of suffering, premature death, tortured existence is somehow justified by their makers as a Dark Art.
Thank you!
From Steve Kirsch:
About Died Suddenly
My role in the Died Suddenly film was limited to my speaking part. I did not fund the film or have any say in the editorial direction of the film.
Read this excellent article about the clots and the movie. I agree with the author that the blood clots are the strongest part of the movie and that it will be attacked on other parts.
In particular, I agree with the statements made by the embalmers and by Dr. James Thorp.
I don’t agree with any of the conspiracy theories hinted at in the film.
That is a much more complicated topic. In my opinion, the film would have been stronger if it had kept its focus on verifiable facts rather than unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Even if the people who concocted this dastardly scheme of a fake pandemic and lockdown were to be put in jail or worse, it would not make much difference for long. I'll tell you why...that is not the problem. The problem is people who obey mandates. These are the problem people not the ones who give mandates. If you put a mandate out, nobody would listen to them right? Let alone obey them. So why do people obey mandates by some people and not by others? Because they believe in an authority above themselves. Even when it comes to killing off their children or themselves. If we don't recognize the real problem, more centuries will go by where nothing much will change. But if we do recognize the problem, things would turn around 180 degrees and everyone will finally be free. It really is as simple as that. No need for charts or tables - the real problem is rarely, if ever, addressed. And thus things continue on the same.
Wish I could like 1000 times!
Blind obedience has been the root cause of this mess. I watched in horror and disbelief as the sheep happily entered the slaughterhouse...
Actually, Dr. Malone said today in an article: "Not everyone wants to be free. Many just want to be told what to do." I've definitely seen that in a great many people I've observed the last couple of years.
Very insightful comment!