Every COVID lockdown, school closures, mask mandate, shelter in place, all, every COVID policy under Trump and Biden have failed and have caused deaths; all officials must be held to account, jailed!
This new report tells us what we always knew and I always knew and wrote about in all of the publications with Risch, Tenenbaum, Dara, Oskoui etc. We are vindicated but we must fire and jail!!!!!!!!!!
The key question and echoed by Jeff Tucker at Brownstone: how come the US followed China’s initial response by locking down? We see the catastrophe now in China, that lockdowns did not and never will work. So how come the US, the CDC, the NIH did this??? Why did Fauci and Birx mislead POTUS Trump this way? What was the incentive to them? They could not be that dumb, inept, incompetent and idiotic? Was it ineptness or malfeasance? I lean to the latter. Maybe some of both but the latter is a core component IMO. Why did he not follow his gut instincts for the lockdowns killed many thousands, not the virus? He was greatly mislead and he must answer to this. Cannot be swept aside.
I want each official in Trump and Biden admin who made decisions to be investigated and if they made sound ones, let them alone to live life and pension. If it is shown their decisions caused deaths, especially of children, we must strip them of all income, take back all the money made, and imprison them, imprison them all!
Key reference: https://www.nber.org/papers/w29928
Key statement: “The outcomes in NJ, NY, and CA were among the worst in all three categories: mortality, economy, and schooling. UT, NE, and VT were leaders in all three categories. The scores have a clear spatial pattern, perhaps reflecting spatial correlations in demographic, economic, and political variables.”
Jail would be good, but at this point, I'd settle for recognition of failure and a clean slate with all new health officials. I wish Trump had followed through and made Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., vaccine czar. Think how different everything would have ended up being.
Lock them up!!! Lock them ALL up!