Excess Deaths Take Center Stage in First-Ever UK Parliament Debate on the Silent Health Crisis “The experimental COVID-19 vaccines are not safe, and they’re not effective,” (Andrew Bridgen); Vigilant
MP Andrew Bridgen of UK explains 'excess deaths' to show that the vaccine is linked to the deaths post vaccine; “experimental COVID-19 vaccines are not safe, and they’re not effective,” Vigilant Fox
Vigilant News:
‘The issue of “saving lives” has suddenly taken a back seat in the post-COVID world. In the midst of the pandemic, daily death tolls became a familiar feature in media reports, particularly by outlets like the BBC. Yet, the same media outlets have been conspicuously silent about a recent surge in excess deaths — especially after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines. MP Andrew Bridgen has tirelessly sought to bring this grave issue to the forefront, facing as many as 20 rejections before being granted an opportunity to discuss the topic. Friday, October 20, Bridgen got his chance to raise his concerns, and to an empty chamber but a large audience watching from afar, Bridgen gave a 24-minute speech on the topic of excess deaths. Here’s a summary of what he brought forth before the UK parliament.’
Excellent writing.
More recently Andrew Bridgen proposed a new Bill in Parliament: 10 Minute Rule Bill - to protect the democratic power of the people, against The WHO etc. Link below.
"On Tuesday 24th October I brought to the House of Commons the Parliamentary Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill which prohibit Ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament, unless it has been approved by a referendum; and for connected purposes."
Too bad parliament was nearly empty. Bridgen is one of the few honest men left.