Fascist Canadian Government stood out in its hatred & tyranny against those deciding to remain unvaccinated with a deadly COVID mRNA vaccine; 'Declares the Unvaccinated To Be a Danger to Society'
Canadian government under Trudeau waged a wage against the Canadian people during COVID & it is ongoing, a war against humanity! What's planned? Concentration camps and gas chambers?
‘The fascist Canadian regime just declared millions of unvaccinated Canadians already stripped of their mobility rights to be a danger to society.
Adam van Koeverden, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health, recently made an astonishing statement during his speech in the Parlament:
“Unfortunately, the unvaccinated continue to disproportionally risk the safety of those vaccinated against COVID-19"
This disgusting attack on millions of Canadians did not come as a surprise.
Planned and well-organized demonization of Canadian citizens who refused to be injected with experimental Gene Therapy bioweapon, has been gradually intensifying during the past several months:
The Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper, Aug. 26, 2021:
Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau, December 2021: “Do We Tolerate These People? Trudeau Calls the Unvaccinated “Misogynists” and “Racists” Who “Don’t Believe in Science”
And finally, a “study” by doctor David Fishman a faculty member of The UofT Dalla Lana School of Public Health sponsored by Big Pharma, van Koeverden quoted in his Parlament speech.
Fishman uses the eugenics terminology of “population mixing” for a reason. A term adjustment from “race-mixing” to “vaxxed-unvaxxed mixing” does not change the physiological impact of identifying a new subhuman group targeted for stigmatization and elimination:
Obviously, this political maneuver has nothing to do with science.
A group of real scientists demanded a retraction of Fishman’s Big Pharma sponsored anti-scientific propaganda piece:
The so-called “study” is a part of the coordinated government PSYOP to incite hatred against the unvaccinated.
Immediately after the “study” was published, the absurd headline “Mixing with the unvaccinated increases the risk of COVID - 19 infection for fully vaccinated” was blasted across multiple legacy media outlets:
And here is “the final solution” to the anti-vaxer question by a Canadian “conservative” journalist.
They just love the “final solution” theme…
I am not going to repeat myself about the similarities between Covid tyranny and Nazi Germany, and what is coming upon the world in a near future.
Nazi Germany was a trial in preparation for the coming Global Genocide. We are currently witnessing its first stage, the worst is yet to come.
Please read my recently published articles on these topics:
Stunning Parallels Between COVID Measures and Nazi Germany
“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come
China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP’
I never EVER thought I could be afraid to live in Canada. Well, I WAS quite afraid. And my fear was not unjustified. Look what happened to that poor woman in the Toronto General Hospital (I believe it was this hospital), that was suffering with C.O.P.D.. She made a fatal error in pulling her mask down to catch her breath. I believe it was a security guard and A NURSE and one other hospital staff member that went after her. SHE WOUND UP UNCONSCIOUS AND DIED A DAY OR SO LATER. What did these MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS and SECURITY EXPERTS DO???? We don't know, because the security camera was turned away. All in the name of HEALTH AND SAFETY and THE GREATER GOOD. Yes, this was what/is Canada turned into.
Couldn't even devote more than 30 seconds to intake this drivel. The Establishment dillweeds infesting our neighbors to the north are a malignant widespread cancer spreading faster than a manufactured wildfire in Maui. Evil incarnate.....soulless, lame, mentally deficient, wretched sub-par quasi-humans....the lowest scum on our planet. We are at war. Fight fire with fire. The time for polite and cordial conversations needs to stop. These lowlife "B" movie fucks need to go.