FRANCE: what is happening in FRANCE with the birth rate? Fertility has been hit we argue by the COVID mRNA vaccine! In September 2023, an average of 1,848 babies were born per day. This is 7.9% less
than in September 2022. This is the 15th consecutive month of decline compared to the same month a year ago. Why? Is it the COVID mRNA technology vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna etc.)? I say YES! You?
The month of September 2023 confirms the downward trend in births observed over the past 15 months.’
The month of September 2023 confirms the downward trend in births observed over the past 15 months. Births are still at a very low level, with 55,446 births over the entire month, or 1,848 births on average each day.
The number of births per day had never been less than 2,000 for the month of September since 1994, the first year of availability of monthly data for mainland France and the overseas departments. The downward trend in births observed in recent months therefore continues in September 2023.
Cumulatively, over the period from January to September, there will be 507,318 births in 2023, or 39,980 fewer than in 2022, a drop of 7.3%.
What's the real number, excluding the "immigrants" who weren't forced to poison themselves?
Yes. All by design.