Dems from taking office and taking America down completely.' 'Choosing Vance and screwing over Tulsi, the most positive, best messenger, most energetic campaigner, best debater and most qualified...
I’m not putting a “like” in her treatise. She needs to do some hard research on the first 4 years of Pres Trump. If she’s still not enthusiastic, she needs to discern the last 4 years under Biden and read. Remember what Jesus said, “if you’re lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth!” Take a stance!
Tell that to 50 odd million UK voters. They just voted in a poster boy straight from the WEF. May God help them because Keir Stamer certainly won’t, with his evil WEF woke ideology!!!
Starmer didn't win. The radical far left green Tories lost. They put in a male version of Kamala, Rishi Sunak. Former Tory voters were too disgusted to turn out to vote so Starmer got in despite a record low vote. After Theresa May they went from.bad to progressively worse.
From my observations of 2020, "voter" may or may not be human or legal. It's ridiculously easy to cheat, as proven in a court where it took 5 min to hack a voting machine. The impact of media control over people's minds is beyond imagining. And system is structured to prevent a legal formal political rebellion
Blah. This: "The Republicans have moved so far Christian right, they exacerbated the divide exponentially ..." is complete BS. Someone's been buying into the propaganda from the left.
I'll come at it from a different perspective: What the "right" is about is MORALITY and if that be "Christian" then so be it. Now I know we're fighting an uphill battle in this respect, as the left is successfully powering through the entire gamut of deviancy, but I do believe the numbers that support the left's position on pushing through complete degradation of civilized culture are greatly inflated.
Bottom line, despite what you think about Trump it is very clear that he isn't rooting for a collapse of principles this country was founded on ....and the left is. So that's where the rubber meets the road for me (not that I could in my wildest imagination ever pull the lever for a D).
As for Tulsi getting passed over, so what? Makes zero difference or impact one way or the other. Do you really believe Vance being on the ticket will deter those whom I've described above? The posted screed is much ado about nothing.
While I agree with much of what you've said Gail, especially about Tulsi and RFK Jr, including that it is ridiculous to call RFK Jr antiSemitic - he is one of the most pro-Israel candidates for POTUS ever - Kemp IS scum and in calling his rivals “scum, deranged, low IQ losers …" Trump was simply stating facts.
This person shows her ignorance. Tulsi Gabbard is a "WEFfer" and she refuses to speak about it. We've seen her photograph in the line-up of Klaus' minions. We don't need another trojan horse.
Sure, if politics were all "tea and crumpets" we wouldn't be here. I think it is WISE to call out the enemies to our country and Stacy Abrams is one of them. Sure, Trump could use better adjectives to describe them, but words are nothing more than words and IF Americans like this ignorant woman continue to espouse some kind of inherent 'helplessness' of human beings based on the words of others than we really are doomed.
This woman needs to learn this lesson before she uses her words to infect others with this LIE. No one can make us FEEL, anything. We are NOT our feelings, we CHOOSE our feelings. If we are not CHOOSING our feelings than we are slaves. We DO our feelings and we can do any feeling we want to at any time we want to. Feelings are a CHOICE.
Now, if only this woman had as much dominion over her directed bodily functions as Dominion has over her vote, we would be in better standing.
Where was this woman during the "sticks and stones" lecture in kindergarten? Because of her beliefs and many just like her, REAL sticks, stones, knives, bullets, bombs and the like are going to need our attention.
In an annoying baby voice, "whah...Trump is mean and uses mean words to describe people he doesn't like and who have proven to be enemies to the American people...whahhhhh. Trump should be nicer to people who are working for people that want Americans to "own nothing and eat bugs". Trump should be nicer to people who are guilty of TREASON and who have been paid to undermine the natural, God-given rights of the American people...WHAHHHH FUCKING WHAHHHHH".....crocodile tears streaming.
I agree with a lot of what you said, especially about snowflakes, and I don't agree with all of what Gail said, but Tulsi would have more than wiped out Harris' growing lead. Harris is now in the box seat to win Bookmakers had a Trump-Tulsi ticket as a shoo-in and they have a good record of picking winners. Only the impotent are pure. So what if she is an EX weffer? People can learn from their mistakes. Trump is an ex Democrat. Are you going to hold that against him forever? Another commenter just replied to one of my comments saying that probably Trump and Willie Brown both did Kamala. Brown claims he has a photo of her on Trump's plane and Trump long ago donated to her. Some people also think Trump did Hillary, when she was much younger. Would you hold that against him if he did? I wouldn't. The past does not exist. It once did. It doesn't now. All that ever exists is now. Right now, Vance is the mentee of a WEF Young Global Leader, the homocon Peter Thiel, who is a man with a husband. Further, right now Vance has investments in mRNA technology. Would you like a booster, Lisa? Tulsi is not in the WEF any longer and she does not have investments in mRNA tech.
Vance is merely a placeholder and was never meant to become the VP. Haven't you figured that out, yet? It's a counterbalance to Kamala dropping out very shortly. She won't last and the elections will be called off, mark my word.
There is no way to have an election with the same scenario in place as the last election and the military have everything. They have all of the satellite comms, cell phone comms. before, during and after the steal. They just let it ride so the American people would be forced to SEE.
I wonder how many people would have done their due diligence on Vance if the stress and the stakes hadn't become so heightened.
Trump is and has been a "germaphobe". Trump may have a mouth the size of the South China Sea but having sex with whores isn't his "grab bag". "Grab 'em by the pussy" was more a reference to what's in your hand when you do. Clones don't have sexual parts and therefore no heat down there and the psychopath trannies in our Gov't don't cut their dicks off, they just tuck them under. They enjoy the anal expression and dominance way too much, which is part of their mental derangement. Fecal parasite brain poisoning IS a thing.
If I were ever to hear Tulsi speak of "learning her lesson" a single time or admitting to her mistake of being led by the likes of Klaus Schwab then I would gladly give her a chance, however, she REFUSES to address it and therefore, I don't trust her and I am not alone. There are too many other choices out there. This country is full of good men and women without having to choose someone who has been under the tutelage of a monster.
We can agree to disagree. I think you're what?
I thought it was interesting when Trump said about Kamala at the NABJ convention "I've known her a long time, indirectly, not directly, very much." It was the way he said it. Look, I'm sure they all threw themselves at him, the Dem women, Hillary, Kamela, Kristen Gillibrand, but ok, let's assume he didn't go there. I hope you're right about Kamala dropping out but I can't see it.
If anything, Trump has known his 'calling' for a very long time. He has taken liberties beyond the sallow and weak at heart, however, it is his nature, but it was with his words, rather than his body. He's also escaped a whole wrath of shit by being himself. If he was "good" and "wholesome" they would have started their relentlessness long before they did. He gave "good appearances".
His adversaries have also known for a long time the direction he was going. It wasn't a secret above our paygrade...I take liberties, lol.
Do you get any kind of familiar tingle about the way Trump told Macron's wife, another sick trannie, "you look good", with surprised approval about what his eyes were beholding. I don't think Trump had impure thoughts about Brigette Macron, just sayin'. He knew who "Brigette" is and what she is because sex organs are a 'real thing' rather than an 'idea'. I mean, just the stress of being "found out" was enough to 'put a dent' into the psyche and that's just a start.
You would be surprised what secret airport xray cameras reveal. It brings me to that line in a James Bond movie when Mr. White says to "M", "We're everywhere, am I right?" Trump is involved with the "now, fewer and further between" part of the scenario along with his comrades and I, for one, am deeply grateful.
Trump had his pick of models. He chose a beautiful woman that speaks 5 languages, and was a successful model in Europe and the US. She is brilliant. Trump only hangs with smart people. So that rules out Dims. And "nasty" people. Tulsi has a lot of undesirable areas in her past. Trump learned about how to draw out ppl not loyal last term
I dont agree with her on most of her analysis. We have learned so many FACTS about the Georgia steal in 2020 that whatever Trump says about Kemp is true even if its not. Kemp sold out the country.
We should be focusing on Tulsi being on a terror watch list. If the writer is correct on Tulsi then this new info should be enough to swing an election.
Someone said to me earlier "This country is done if Kamala wins". I corrected him. This country is done if Kamala gets in! There is no chance this bumbling empty fool can win but we certainly know they can get in. I live in a progressive shole state and there is no support for her thats legit. Biden got close enough for the steal last time because many people said he's been around 40 years, he knows what he's doing and how bad can he make things? You cant tell me that American can apply that to her in any way.
The media would have been much better off with their gas lighting by having her creep up near Trump over time. Only the clinically insane think shes close now.
An example, tulsi voted for this: H.R. 5038 - Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Immigrants
H.R. 5038, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without doing anything to reform our broken immigration system.
I have to say the immigration system is not broken, the laws are not followed. Border patrol head said that they don't need money or more agents, they just need to follow the law. Need a wall too!!
Thank you for your very informative reply. I had no idea. That's probably a central cause of where we are. I actually researched thousands of hours on Q drops and deep state. Its too hard to know lough to make a good judgment. But free internet has helped immeasurably.
Gail sounds just like the RINO-class. Always start with some 'disclaimer' that shows 'objectivity' by saying you don't like Trump, or Trump is lesser of two evils, or "insert something that is supposed to outrage us about Trump" to keep feeding the RINO narrative, while then damning with faint praise. I'm tired of it. Heard the same drivel since 2015. Weak-willed people who caveat so they can feel someone in their life still will like them. People need to grow up. We are in a civilizational battle. Don't acquiesce to anything the Left says. None of it. They will always hate the constitution. They won't wake up one day saying, "Wow, Gail, I guess I should vote for Trump now."
And please stop with the Tulsi stuff. The base is not the Lincoln Project. Tulsi on a ticket would ensure Republican defeat. Stop the 'working across the aisle' talk. You can't work with the Dems because they don't even have ONE pro-lifer left on their side. They got rid of him years ago. Squishiness won't win us anything. Time to be smart, and not driven by feelings.
She is doing the right thing voting for Trump even if for the wrong reasons. Whether from plain ignorance or her liberal bias. Trump saved America for four years and if the 2020 election had been clean America and the entire world would be in a much better place. President Trump speaks truth. Feelings and personal animosity have no place in this fight. Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr may make some Liberals feel good but both are, despite a few favourable beliefs, are blue Liberals and not qualified VP choices. Perhaps a position in the future administration, although dumping a dead bear in Central Park may take RFK out of consideration.
I’m still trying to figure out what President Trump said about Kamala that was racist. When did speaking the absolute truth about someone’s own words become racist? Willie Brown’s blabbering kum dumpster promoted herself with her Indian roots long before President Trump arrived in DC. Hell, her own mother is from India, and her father is 1/2 Indian and 1/2 Irish. How does someone that’s proven to be 3/4 Indian and 1/4 Irish become African American? Having a journalists association based entirely upon race is racist. Pointing out the truth about them isn’t!
I really disagree with a big part of her essay. She does not like or respect Trump, that is her right, a lot of people do not like him. But, if you look at his 4 years, he did so much good for the country! He is an egomaniac, but he is a business man that knows how to run and win for AMERICA. HE HAS PROVEN THAT MANY TIMES OVER. YES, HE LIKES TO BRAG, HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO DO IT, HE WORKED WITH THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA AND MADE US PROUD TO BE AMERICAN AGAIN! He did not at any time disappoint, lie or deliberately hurt the AMERICAN PEOPLE. THE DEMONCRATS CANNOT SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT, they have lied, concealed the truth from us since day 1. They have hurt the American people since they took illegal office. They opened borders to terrorists, that broke biden’s oath of office day 1 and it has only gone down hill since then. Yes, I agree, I love Tulsi and I am sure my President Trump will have her in his administration. She is a force, I reserve how Vance will perform as VP until I see him in action. He seems like he is a strong, honest person, so we will see.
I am not American, so I step back and analyze. I like Tulsi. I like her reasoning and strong oratory skills and presence the most. She has many more positive attributes. I also like Ben Carson. But I guess that at 70+…doesn’t fit into this election.
I believe at the black journalist convention, Trump was at the very first moment attacked viciously with a racial question. The way it was done would make a human back off. Trump’s reply was not an immediate racial response. To buy time and settle his emotions he reminded her that he was invited and he accepted the invite…also a quip about her question and non welcoming approach.
Later, Vance was questioned about Trump’s response. Unlike Trump he had time to formate his answer. His response was very good…clarifying what Trump had said. I say “chapeau” to Vance.
My take on Vance:
I believe Don Jr. Influenced this choice quite a bit. Both Don Jr. and Lara have said how Trump and Vance connect. So diffent from the groomed for service Pence who landed up dispensable. People know little of Pence’s despicable private life. Getting back to Vance who seems a bit like a Ron DeSantos who can make some mistakes when confronted by Dems’ planned tricks. Ron is getting better and confident at his answers. Vance is already starting to analyze the trick quickly. Both men are showing maturity and promise in serving the people. So double “chapeau”!
I’ve heard many times, political pundits say that Donald Trump’s choice of VP didn’t matter too much. It’s part of an initial hype and then at election, the choice is of course, mostly based on the presidential candidate.
I am concerned about the people who are running Trump’s campaign, their influence.Trump has to be stronger maybe wiser than them.
Tulsi would have been more attacks with the Russia Russia Russia propaganda. She was a Bernie supporter and voted for 45's impeachment. That does not mean that her revelations when the Dems ran the bus over her do not count.
JD is a level pick as he is smart and if something happens to 45 he could carry on.
As for Georgia-she needs to keep up on the Libertarian Garland Favorito to find out how corrupt Georgia is and what Kemp/Raff have done, including rigging the 2020 election. Kemp is Chinese owned and the receipts have been shown.
She is entitled to her perception as we all are but I prefer facts and receipts rather than emotion.
The machine would never let in RFKjr either yet someone sent him to run. Who is the question. Why is he allowed to freely discuss the CIA and yet nothing happens to him. It is odd to me.
Even though he does have a radical, crack ridden past (it is not judgment as we are all imperfect) but he is also another disruptor. He should have run for Senate so he could legislate against Fauci.
Nonetheless, people thinking 45 can fix things by himself will allow a travesty again. He still has snakes around him.
He should announce an investigation on what happened with the shot. In a campaign maybe he is advised not to at this time, but eventually he must.
We must get our own house in order now or it is over. This process will not be easy or pretty.
NO ONE should fall into another trap though and run around like an idiot in the streets. Seems according to Raskin-that is what they are planning.
Excellent comments! JFKjr may have a surprise for us near November. I would love to see Another Kennedy in the senate! The military must run an investigation and tribunal. I do think they have plenty of evidence, those listening planes and kraken. If Trump does UT, media will say its revenge.
I’m not putting a “like” in her treatise. She needs to do some hard research on the first 4 years of Pres Trump. If she’s still not enthusiastic, she needs to discern the last 4 years under Biden and read. Remember what Jesus said, “if you’re lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth!” Take a stance!
I totally agree. She has to study up on just what it was that Trump fixed and improved on in that 4 years. A lot of it was behind the scenes!!!
She’s a recovering liberal who’s only at step two of ten.
Tulsi Gabbard as the fix?
WEF acolytes need not apply.
Tell that to 50 odd million UK voters. They just voted in a poster boy straight from the WEF. May God help them because Keir Stamer certainly won’t, with his evil WEF woke ideology!!!
As for 50 million "voting", at least that's the way it appears.
Absolutely - no voting is safe anywhere now. Who knows what the “true vote” actually is???
Starmer didn't win. The radical far left green Tories lost. They put in a male version of Kamala, Rishi Sunak. Former Tory voters were too disgusted to turn out to vote so Starmer got in despite a record low vote. After Theresa May they went from.bad to progressively worse.
He was inserted just like Tusk was.
From my observations of 2020, "voter" may or may not be human or legal. It's ridiculously easy to cheat, as proven in a court where it took 5 min to hack a voting machine. The impact of media control over people's minds is beyond imagining. And system is structured to prevent a legal formal political rebellion
Blah. This: "The Republicans have moved so far Christian right, they exacerbated the divide exponentially ..." is complete BS. Someone's been buying into the propaganda from the left.
I'll come at it from a different perspective: What the "right" is about is MORALITY and if that be "Christian" then so be it. Now I know we're fighting an uphill battle in this respect, as the left is successfully powering through the entire gamut of deviancy, but I do believe the numbers that support the left's position on pushing through complete degradation of civilized culture are greatly inflated.
Bottom line, despite what you think about Trump it is very clear that he isn't rooting for a collapse of principles this country was founded on ....and the left is. So that's where the rubber meets the road for me (not that I could in my wildest imagination ever pull the lever for a D).
As for Tulsi getting passed over, so what? Makes zero difference or impact one way or the other. Do you really believe Vance being on the ticket will deter those whom I've described above? The posted screed is much ado about nothing.
While I agree with much of what you've said Gail, especially about Tulsi and RFK Jr, including that it is ridiculous to call RFK Jr antiSemitic - he is one of the most pro-Israel candidates for POTUS ever - Kemp IS scum and in calling his rivals “scum, deranged, low IQ losers …" Trump was simply stating facts.
This person shows her ignorance. Tulsi Gabbard is a "WEFfer" and she refuses to speak about it. We've seen her photograph in the line-up of Klaus' minions. We don't need another trojan horse.
Sure, if politics were all "tea and crumpets" we wouldn't be here. I think it is WISE to call out the enemies to our country and Stacy Abrams is one of them. Sure, Trump could use better adjectives to describe them, but words are nothing more than words and IF Americans like this ignorant woman continue to espouse some kind of inherent 'helplessness' of human beings based on the words of others than we really are doomed.
This woman needs to learn this lesson before she uses her words to infect others with this LIE. No one can make us FEEL, anything. We are NOT our feelings, we CHOOSE our feelings. If we are not CHOOSING our feelings than we are slaves. We DO our feelings and we can do any feeling we want to at any time we want to. Feelings are a CHOICE.
Now, if only this woman had as much dominion over her directed bodily functions as Dominion has over her vote, we would be in better standing.
Where was this woman during the "sticks and stones" lecture in kindergarten? Because of her beliefs and many just like her, REAL sticks, stones, knives, bullets, bombs and the like are going to need our attention.
In an annoying baby voice, "whah...Trump is mean and uses mean words to describe people he doesn't like and who have proven to be enemies to the American people...whahhhhh. Trump should be nicer to people who are working for people that want Americans to "own nothing and eat bugs". Trump should be nicer to people who are guilty of TREASON and who have been paid to undermine the natural, God-given rights of the American people...WHAHHHH FUCKING WHAHHHHH".....crocodile tears streaming.
I agree with a lot of what you said, especially about snowflakes, and I don't agree with all of what Gail said, but Tulsi would have more than wiped out Harris' growing lead. Harris is now in the box seat to win Bookmakers had a Trump-Tulsi ticket as a shoo-in and they have a good record of picking winners. Only the impotent are pure. So what if she is an EX weffer? People can learn from their mistakes. Trump is an ex Democrat. Are you going to hold that against him forever? Another commenter just replied to one of my comments saying that probably Trump and Willie Brown both did Kamala. Brown claims he has a photo of her on Trump's plane and Trump long ago donated to her. Some people also think Trump did Hillary, when she was much younger. Would you hold that against him if he did? I wouldn't. The past does not exist. It once did. It doesn't now. All that ever exists is now. Right now, Vance is the mentee of a WEF Young Global Leader, the homocon Peter Thiel, who is a man with a husband. Further, right now Vance has investments in mRNA technology. Would you like a booster, Lisa? Tulsi is not in the WEF any longer and she does not have investments in mRNA tech.
Vance is merely a placeholder and was never meant to become the VP. Haven't you figured that out, yet? It's a counterbalance to Kamala dropping out very shortly. She won't last and the elections will be called off, mark my word.
There is no way to have an election with the same scenario in place as the last election and the military have everything. They have all of the satellite comms, cell phone comms. before, during and after the steal. They just let it ride so the American people would be forced to SEE.
I wonder how many people would have done their due diligence on Vance if the stress and the stakes hadn't become so heightened.
Trump is and has been a "germaphobe". Trump may have a mouth the size of the South China Sea but having sex with whores isn't his "grab bag". "Grab 'em by the pussy" was more a reference to what's in your hand when you do. Clones don't have sexual parts and therefore no heat down there and the psychopath trannies in our Gov't don't cut their dicks off, they just tuck them under. They enjoy the anal expression and dominance way too much, which is part of their mental derangement. Fecal parasite brain poisoning IS a thing.
If I were ever to hear Tulsi speak of "learning her lesson" a single time or admitting to her mistake of being led by the likes of Klaus Schwab then I would gladly give her a chance, however, she REFUSES to address it and therefore, I don't trust her and I am not alone. There are too many other choices out there. This country is full of good men and women without having to choose someone who has been under the tutelage of a monster.
We can agree to disagree. I think you're what?
I thought it was interesting when Trump said about Kamala at the NABJ convention "I've known her a long time, indirectly, not directly, very much." It was the way he said it. Look, I'm sure they all threw themselves at him, the Dem women, Hillary, Kamela, Kristen Gillibrand, but ok, let's assume he didn't go there. I hope you're right about Kamala dropping out but I can't see it.
If anything, Trump has known his 'calling' for a very long time. He has taken liberties beyond the sallow and weak at heart, however, it is his nature, but it was with his words, rather than his body. He's also escaped a whole wrath of shit by being himself. If he was "good" and "wholesome" they would have started their relentlessness long before they did. He gave "good appearances".
His adversaries have also known for a long time the direction he was going. It wasn't a secret above our paygrade...I take liberties, lol.
Do you get any kind of familiar tingle about the way Trump told Macron's wife, another sick trannie, "you look good", with surprised approval about what his eyes were beholding. I don't think Trump had impure thoughts about Brigette Macron, just sayin'. He knew who "Brigette" is and what she is because sex organs are a 'real thing' rather than an 'idea'. I mean, just the stress of being "found out" was enough to 'put a dent' into the psyche and that's just a start.
You would be surprised what secret airport xray cameras reveal. It brings me to that line in a James Bond movie when Mr. White says to "M", "We're everywhere, am I right?" Trump is involved with the "now, fewer and further between" part of the scenario along with his comrades and I, for one, am deeply grateful.
Trump had his pick of models. He chose a beautiful woman that speaks 5 languages, and was a successful model in Europe and the US. She is brilliant. Trump only hangs with smart people. So that rules out Dims. And "nasty" people. Tulsi has a lot of undesirable areas in her past. Trump learned about how to draw out ppl not loyal last term
Could it be possible she was a Trojan horse in reverse?
I dont agree with her on most of her analysis. We have learned so many FACTS about the Georgia steal in 2020 that whatever Trump says about Kemp is true even if its not. Kemp sold out the country.
We should be focusing on Tulsi being on a terror watch list. If the writer is correct on Tulsi then this new info should be enough to swing an election.
Someone said to me earlier "This country is done if Kamala wins". I corrected him. This country is done if Kamala gets in! There is no chance this bumbling empty fool can win but we certainly know they can get in. I live in a progressive shole state and there is no support for her thats legit. Biden got close enough for the steal last time because many people said he's been around 40 years, he knows what he's doing and how bad can he make things? You cant tell me that American can apply that to her in any way.
The media would have been much better off with their gas lighting by having her creep up near Trump over time. Only the clinically insane think shes close now.
tulsi is a hard core liberal. She talks a good story but doesn't back it up. Here is a look at some of her voting record while she was in congress:
An example, tulsi voted for this: H.R. 5038 - Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Immigrants
H.R. 5038, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without doing anything to reform our broken immigration system.
More of her voting record:
I have to say the immigration system is not broken, the laws are not followed. Border patrol head said that they don't need money or more agents, they just need to follow the law. Need a wall too!!
Thank you for your very informative reply. I had no idea. That's probably a central cause of where we are. I actually researched thousands of hours on Q drops and deep state. Its too hard to know lough to make a good judgment. But free internet has helped immeasurably.
Gail sounds just like the RINO-class. Always start with some 'disclaimer' that shows 'objectivity' by saying you don't like Trump, or Trump is lesser of two evils, or "insert something that is supposed to outrage us about Trump" to keep feeding the RINO narrative, while then damning with faint praise. I'm tired of it. Heard the same drivel since 2015. Weak-willed people who caveat so they can feel someone in their life still will like them. People need to grow up. We are in a civilizational battle. Don't acquiesce to anything the Left says. None of it. They will always hate the constitution. They won't wake up one day saying, "Wow, Gail, I guess I should vote for Trump now."
And please stop with the Tulsi stuff. The base is not the Lincoln Project. Tulsi on a ticket would ensure Republican defeat. Stop the 'working across the aisle' talk. You can't work with the Dems because they don't even have ONE pro-lifer left on their side. They got rid of him years ago. Squishiness won't win us anything. Time to be smart, and not driven by feelings.
Tulsi is a snake, and snakes do what snakes do. Period.
Cannot say i disagree with the good lady, as history shows he made some very bad first choices
initially- i am hoping that he makes some course corrections
She is doing the right thing voting for Trump even if for the wrong reasons. Whether from plain ignorance or her liberal bias. Trump saved America for four years and if the 2020 election had been clean America and the entire world would be in a much better place. President Trump speaks truth. Feelings and personal animosity have no place in this fight. Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr may make some Liberals feel good but both are, despite a few favourable beliefs, are blue Liberals and not qualified VP choices. Perhaps a position in the future administration, although dumping a dead bear in Central Park may take RFK out of consideration.
I’m still trying to figure out what President Trump said about Kamala that was racist. When did speaking the absolute truth about someone’s own words become racist? Willie Brown’s blabbering kum dumpster promoted herself with her Indian roots long before President Trump arrived in DC. Hell, her own mother is from India, and her father is 1/2 Indian and 1/2 Irish. How does someone that’s proven to be 3/4 Indian and 1/4 Irish become African American? Having a journalists association based entirely upon race is racist. Pointing out the truth about them isn’t!
I really disagree with a big part of her essay. She does not like or respect Trump, that is her right, a lot of people do not like him. But, if you look at his 4 years, he did so much good for the country! He is an egomaniac, but he is a business man that knows how to run and win for AMERICA. HE HAS PROVEN THAT MANY TIMES OVER. YES, HE LIKES TO BRAG, HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO DO IT, HE WORKED WITH THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA AND MADE US PROUD TO BE AMERICAN AGAIN! He did not at any time disappoint, lie or deliberately hurt the AMERICAN PEOPLE. THE DEMONCRATS CANNOT SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT, they have lied, concealed the truth from us since day 1. They have hurt the American people since they took illegal office. They opened borders to terrorists, that broke biden’s oath of office day 1 and it has only gone down hill since then. Yes, I agree, I love Tulsi and I am sure my President Trump will have her in his administration. She is a force, I reserve how Vance will perform as VP until I see him in action. He seems like he is a strong, honest person, so we will see.
I am not American, so I step back and analyze. I like Tulsi. I like her reasoning and strong oratory skills and presence the most. She has many more positive attributes. I also like Ben Carson. But I guess that at 70+…doesn’t fit into this election.
I believe at the black journalist convention, Trump was at the very first moment attacked viciously with a racial question. The way it was done would make a human back off. Trump’s reply was not an immediate racial response. To buy time and settle his emotions he reminded her that he was invited and he accepted the invite…also a quip about her question and non welcoming approach.
Later, Vance was questioned about Trump’s response. Unlike Trump he had time to formate his answer. His response was very good…clarifying what Trump had said. I say “chapeau” to Vance.
My take on Vance:
I believe Don Jr. Influenced this choice quite a bit. Both Don Jr. and Lara have said how Trump and Vance connect. So diffent from the groomed for service Pence who landed up dispensable. People know little of Pence’s despicable private life. Getting back to Vance who seems a bit like a Ron DeSantos who can make some mistakes when confronted by Dems’ planned tricks. Ron is getting better and confident at his answers. Vance is already starting to analyze the trick quickly. Both men are showing maturity and promise in serving the people. So double “chapeau”!
I’ve heard many times, political pundits say that Donald Trump’s choice of VP didn’t matter too much. It’s part of an initial hype and then at election, the choice is of course, mostly based on the presidential candidate.
I am concerned about the people who are running Trump’s campaign, their influence.Trump has to be stronger maybe wiser than them.
Great comments!
Tulsi would have been more attacks with the Russia Russia Russia propaganda. She was a Bernie supporter and voted for 45's impeachment. That does not mean that her revelations when the Dems ran the bus over her do not count.
JD is a level pick as he is smart and if something happens to 45 he could carry on.
As for Georgia-she needs to keep up on the Libertarian Garland Favorito to find out how corrupt Georgia is and what Kemp/Raff have done, including rigging the 2020 election. Kemp is Chinese owned and the receipts have been shown.
She is entitled to her perception as we all are but I prefer facts and receipts rather than emotion.
The machine would never let in RFKjr either yet someone sent him to run. Who is the question. Why is he allowed to freely discuss the CIA and yet nothing happens to him. It is odd to me.
Even though he does have a radical, crack ridden past (it is not judgment as we are all imperfect) but he is also another disruptor. He should have run for Senate so he could legislate against Fauci.
Nonetheless, people thinking 45 can fix things by himself will allow a travesty again. He still has snakes around him.
He should announce an investigation on what happened with the shot. In a campaign maybe he is advised not to at this time, but eventually he must.
We must get our own house in order now or it is over. This process will not be easy or pretty.
NO ONE should fall into another trap though and run around like an idiot in the streets. Seems according to Raskin-that is what they are planning.
Excellent comments! JFKjr may have a surprise for us near November. I would love to see Another Kennedy in the senate! The military must run an investigation and tribunal. I do think they have plenty of evidence, those listening planes and kraken. If Trump does UT, media will say its revenge.