good point by Rice Jr.: "While the Red Cross study found 2.03 percent positives, the Roosevelt study found 60 percent positive."...point he is making is critical, means our immune systems had seen
this 'COVID' or whatever it was, 'before', if we went along with the fraud COVID story, let us play a bit here, for this is why husband died in same cabin as wife on Diamond Princess, both locked in
but she lived…why? how? if this was legacy Wuhan and burning through Diamond…then why did it stop at 20%, and not burnt through entire ship of ~ 3,700? if this were true, let us play along, then 3,700 would have been infected…means immune systems of these median aged 70 passengers etc. had seen it before…this was never NOVEL…never…we had some type of immunity…from prior experience with it…
we have 1 bona fide (and still can be argued) DEATH among 3 warships (~8 to 9000 crew infected) with an IFR (infection fatality rate) of 0.02%…that is 1/4 (25%) of the 0.09-0.1% for seasonal influenza…you got that, it was far less severe than flu and WHO and CDC and Fauci etc. lied with the 3.4% mortality…LIED!
all about this was a lie…all of COVID, nothing was and I true….
I am telling you this, whatever it was, and I am not committing to lab leak or any kind of leak, or time-line, I am leaning toward multiple release points, infectious clones (Couey) and I am telling you, 100%, this was benign, always circulating, for maybe 5 years prior…these fuckers used the PCR ‘process’, over-cycled to 40 and 45 to PCR test everything as positive, and they used the RT-PCR ‘process’ to declare a pandemic that NEVER was…to force masks, lockdown, close schools, businesses where today all the data shows every lockdown failed, every closure, not one worked…
and then Malone and Bourla and Sahin and Weissman et al. ran quick to cash in and bring the fraud deadly mRNA technology vaccine. And now pretend ‘oh, shit, it is deadly, oh shit, not my fault, it is Trump’s, he approved OWS)…
these fuckers, Malone, Bourla, Birx, Hahn, Azar et al., FDA, CDC, all of them knew they were fucking Trump to the cross with lockdowns and the deadly unsafe mRNA-LNP vaccine…he did not know…
COVID was never a pandemic, I argue we never had a pandemic historically…show me one…show me the records…’pandemic’ is a made up construct….COVID could not pandemic nor can any other respiratory type pathogen, no RNA virus…cannot…is not possible…moreover, I will say again, COVID was a fake, non-pandemic, it was a PCR manufactured fake non-pandemic based on the lie of asymptomatic transmission and equal risk of severe outcome if exposed despite differentials in baseline age-and risk…it was all a lie and yes, in part to topple Trump…it did. with the stolen votes. used the fake pandemic to help steal votes.
We had no pandemic, no virus, not what they told us, this entire thing was fabricated on the fraud over-amplified PCR process, and cooked up definitions especially of what being ‘vaccinated’ was…we detected something that was always circulating…benign…it is what we did to the people with the medical management (isolation, sedatives propofol, midazolam, fentanyl, Remdesivir, ventilator, no antibiotics etc.) that killed the vast majority…with the deadly vaccine.
Those who controlled Covid tests controlled the world (
It is and always has been the EFing common cold. That has been my assessment from day 1. Whenever I was asked if I took the v@x I replied "No because I am not afraid of this. If I am going to die I prefer it to be by natural causes and not by some unknown substance that the lying US Government wants me to take. Since when do they care about me?"
Even if you believe the full on narrative...isn't it hubris to think we have never encountered something before as a species? I have only been around 57 years...humanity has been around thousands upon thousands of years...and yet it just so happens that just in the nick of time when we have a PCR test, there! A new completely new virus! Everyone panic! Shoulder roll! Run serpentine! Alert the CDC! Help Me Tom Cruise! Help Me Oprah!