hope you dont mind my theories....I am provoking thought...we are traumatized today. as a nation. we could have been dealing with a dead Trump

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I have to agree with you. There I no plausible reason for SS or police not to have been on that roof - none! They have tried everything to take 45 out, and this was their final move. But, don't be deceived...they will try again.

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The more I think about it, the more I think this was a planned govt deep state op. They knew about this kook, yet ALLOWED him to take a few shots. Afterwards, they can hide behind a "mistake.".... kinda' like the jabs and mandates.....

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The country had best count it self fortunate’ . . This whole ball of wax could have brought us a melt Down⤵️

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It is said, when you move to KILL a KING, better don't miss! They missed! Who ordered the shot on Trump? assassination of Trump, why? Who ordered the Secret Service to stand down? Who denied Trump's

request for more security? Mayorkas? 2nd shooter? Now it's over to Trump...It is also said, when you move to destroy your enemy, best dig two graves, ONE for you too! FLOTUS Melania Trump speaks out!

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Looks like a botched Black Rock maneuver. Dose anyone know who cold scew up a simple assassination?

Jill Biden Productions INC ?

Sounds right to me. Sloppy, out of step, low grade actors, just like her Christmas show last year.

With some actors that coriographed the mess in Libya in 2013.

Add an expensive rifle that the kid didn't know how to shoot,

and Jill the Queen of the Lizards

Comes to mind.

We will never know the truth Dr Alexander.

But we should let Trump know how many folks are behind him

And brace for the coming chaos.

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Trump’s Secret Service detail has repeatedly requested additional agents to adequately protect Trump. For some reason, the Obama-Biden Regime has denied all requests. And RFK Jr., with 15% of the vote, still has no Secret Service protection despite many requests to the Treasonous Regime. It seems Obama-Biden wants their opponents dead.

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boom, over target again, love this

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I cannot trust the ss or any current govt agency. Trump needs an army of competent, vetted private contractors

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Preferably vets and former special forces.

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Martin Armstrong predicted this would happen weeks ago. I held back the meme until the time was right. I guess I held it a bit too long. Had do to a quick update:


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I remember when those cards came out.

Spooky, aren't they ?

Thank for that link, Snapfactor !

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You know Dr Alexander, I am so sick of the “Evil Propaganda Machine” known as the MSM being allowed to enflame the narrative that Trump is Hitler, MAGA’s are Nazis!

Think about how insane people who are susceptible and or weak minded. Think about how many more 20 somethings are going to come out of the woodwork because the MSM has completely destroyed the Truth!

I’m not sure how many more people would do what this guy did, but I can guarantee you, it “ain’t over”! I have walked away from more people than I ever have because they go off the rails spewing Donald Trump Hate! If this doesn’t stop, more situations like this will happen!

Complicit people follow orders, even if those orders are coming from the MSM! Or at least what they believe are orders!

What happened yesterday was only a matter of time, you know that and so many other people knew!

Why the Secret Service couldn’t surveil the perimeter and eliminate 100% of any potential threats is beyond me! Too many’s Something’s stinks to high Heaven here!Things don’t add up! Was this a coordinated attack designed to “WARN TRUMP”? Who knows?

Thanks Dr Alexander.


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AJR, so grateful you are on the money, we need clear sober thought now as we try to make sense of madness...huge love and respect to you and all.

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If it weren’t for you Dr Alexander. If it weren’t for you Sir,

Many a voice, would be silent,

myself included.

So I thank you again Dr Alexander and again and again, immensely so!

Because of you, many a voice speak, many a voice heard!


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I am and always have been a “two way street”!

Thank you, Dr Alexandre very much.

We all have to work together. !


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The fact so many folks believe them show how lost our country is.

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I know Darkstar. I’ve never ever had an issue talking with customers or clients or complete strangers until lockdown.

Once lockdown started, people became overly empowered,

which I believe was in part, one element of the entire Covid Psyop.

Not only do people believe the MSM, lock stock and barrel, most I’ve spoken with are “unbreakable”! Always when I asked someone “what if”? They would pause, today they don’t want to hear anything and literally get angry.

Something else has happened Darkstar to people’s mindset. Most of whom I know as customers always engaged with me. Now, they’re off the rails nuts! I learned quickly not to engage anymore once someone goes “Biden Great” or “Orange Man Bad”.

They’re factually incorrect 100% and will not budge an inch. Even when I ask them, “what if I’m write, doesn’t the truth matter”?

Nope it doesn’t matter! Very odd and I am convinced the mRNA injections are in part, to blame.

Some of these clients I’ve known and serviced for many years.

They always engage with me and we had a decent exchange. Prior to lockdown that is.

Thanks Darkstar, I’m always appreciative.


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I'm glad to know you AJR.

Folks have grown totally irrational these days.

The truth doesn't matter anymore. Lockdown Syndrome? I'll buy that.

But the next things coming will blow your mind.

Starting Monday F-16s will be fighting with Russian SUs.

A nuclear false flag could happen any day now.

We also have a Civil War coming up. I bet it will start before the election, and last for dozens of years.

So check your engine and get ready, the shot that starts it all happened yesterday.

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Yes I believe you’re right Darkstar, the shot that starts it all! Was fired yesterday. We have been “slow boiling” for too long now.

Thank you for sharing this Darkstar. I’ll say it again, gut instincts, in my life, always have been around the target.

There is no way, as I’ve said many times before, we will have an election. It would be counterintuitive to everything that’s happened to date. Including yesterday’s assassination attempt on Trump.

You know Darkstar, those in this country who absolutely love America will destroy those people who are trying to tear US apart, tear US down! Those people I speak of,

“We the People” are mostly silent, we’re not loud mouths or blowhards. Though well armed!

I am so sick of these “soiled-shit-bags” spewing their hatred against America!

Colin Kaepernick an absolute POS! Many like him of every race and ethnicity, have absolutely nothing on their side, not when it comes down to “good vs evil”.

The gangs and foreign terrorist, etc pose more of a threat than those who were born here and have been indoctrinated into something, something most haven’t a clue about.

“Ignorance is weakness”!

Something has to give. I’ve been feeling this since lockdown. Everything Americans were forced to do was illegal!

And as the bullies they are, the dogs they all are, I say to them,“EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY”!

Thank you Darkstar very much for your enlightened response.


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No doubt it was designed to kill.

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My husband was part of the band when Reagan came to Hammonton, NJ in 1984. He still remembers with great detail how tight the security measures were. Searched, instrument cases searched, movement monitored constantly. Visible snipers all over the rooftops. People were told to close their windows and keep them shut or it won't be pretty.

This reeks of inside job.

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Just SIX WEEKS AGO Rep. James Comer, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountabity sent this letter to Secret Service Director Kim Cheadle expressing grave concerns about vulnerabilities in Secret Service protection


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This was clearly WILLFUL INCOMPETENCE. Henceforth, Trump should only hire independent contractors for his protection.

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Does anyone trust an honest investigation here? I don’t!! I believe this was absolutely an inside job. FBI investigating? The same group who raided his home? The American people have been traumatized for 4 years now. Enough of this insanity. Never stop fighting……Trump will win

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Not enough information to know what's actually going on here.

An assassination attempt by the Globalists, to take Trump out of the race, is one possibility.

Another possibility is that this was a lone crazy person seeking fame.

Do you remember Hinckley's assassination attempt of Reagan in 1981?

That was NOT the Globalist Cabal - that was a lone crazy person seeking fame.

Maybe that's what this was. At this moment, we simply do not know. Eyes and ears open.

Of course, Trump followers are going to use this event as "proof" that Trump is the "real deal".

And that could very well be the objective - to assure people that "Trump is one of the good guys".

At this moment, Trump is undefeatable!! Trump is now like a "god". Pelosi would vote for Trump!

Remember my hypothesis (Trump is actually one of 'them'). What better way to solidify a

person's standing than to make that person a survivor of an assassination attempt?

Listen, if the Globalist Cabal wanted Trump dead, he'd be DEAD - period! Do not doubt that.

Remember JFK. When JFK was hit by bullets, his head literally exploded.

Professional assassins know how to make 100% certain that the target does not survive - that's what makes them "professionals". Trump got 'hit' by a bullet and all that happened was a bit of blood. Hmmm... This was NOT a professional assassination attempt.

Again, it's too early to tell - that's all I'm saying.

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very very interesting...but you know me Jorge, I am a Trump man, not no gay stuff, just love the guy, he is the only option...he is a good man...loves his nation...I love your smarts and being here, hugs my man, we are in dark times...stay strong.

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To be clear, no one on Earth, not even you, would want for Trump to be the "real deal" more than me. You see, I cannot do what I think is necessary - I don't have the position, authority or resources. But if Trump gets back into Office AND he is one of us, then he WILL have everything needed to take out the criminals. So, yes, I very much want for Trump to be what you believe him to be.

But that desire and wishful thinking doesn't blind me to the historical fact that Trump already had EVERYTHING needed to do the job and he did **NOTHING**. After years of observation I was forced to hypothesize that Trump is NOT a "good guy" - that he's one of 'them'. Believe me, nothing would please me more than to be WRONG with this hypothesis.

I'll keep observing and critically analyzing. Thanks, Dr. Alexander.

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I actually find your viewpoint fasanting, Jorge.

I've heard the explosive charge behind the ear theory a lot today.

I don't buy the thought that Trump was in on the hit for one reason.

Trump & Biden are both Narcissists.

Nither will give a thought to losing.

Setting yourself up for a shot is a losers trick.

It's so unlike anything Trump would do.

I like your idea though

For a garunted win 🏆

Trump could do it.

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Thanks. Like I said, we are at the "need more information" stage of this event.

I put nothing - NOTHING!! - beyond what these 'people' are capable of.

Hey, they mass-murdered countless millions across the planet with their "pandemic" and killer jabs, all else pales in comparison.

I'm just keeping eyes, ears, and brain on DEFCON 1 status.

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I am trying to argue that...this was not professional...maybe 2 shooters???

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I've been following the story. A person attending was killed. I'd like to know where the person was at the time he/she was hit by the bullet, where the bullet struck, and from that determine trajectory. Also, many rounds were fired - use that fact to determine if all rounds were fired from the same source. It'd be great to be directly involved in the investigation.

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That person was a fireman with wife and two daughters he leaned down to protect his family and was fatally shot. He was a daughter father stated his wife. We see him as a hero.God rest his soul

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2 shooters for sure , one in front, one in back. The blood spalterd forward onto Trumps face.

The first few photos show the wound clearly. Entry and exit wounds almost level.

A 5.56 NATO round would have torn Trump 's ere off.

The wound looks more like a

22 rimfire, subsonic round.

So the real hitter was behind Trump and fired three shots

The reast came from the front.

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I would opine that we have long past the time not to comply or resist globalists; it is now time to indict, prosecute, and punish them for their crimes.

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Luc, our time is coming this boat won't last to election day.

I'm betting we will get our first dose of Caohs by October.

So prepare while you can.

Get the supplies you need to last through the winter if you can.

Is you don't own a gun,buy one

Even a 22 pistol can save your life,and put food on your table.

Being safe means being prepared.

Good Luck !

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Peter Navarro

Not Paul

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great catch, shit I know, worked with him, know him, super hero of mine...better than most...thanks no sleep last night

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This is akin to a lot of stories involving mass shootings. One in particular I remember the story was that it was a lone shooter. However, a school teacher on national TV said she saw a guy in full metal gear with a gun she had not recognized. He fired a shot at her just before ducking into the classroom. She had a bullet hole in her backpack to prove it. Yet the shooter they arrested did not have full metal gear on. Same thing with the Las Vegas shootings. Witnesses reported shots fired from a helicopter. Then there was the Auroa, Co shooting where witnesses claimed there were two shooters and again where only one was arrested. The Kennedy assassination had two shooters but only one was arrested. The firemen on 911 heard bombs go off before the towers came down, but that was never mentioned in the official investigation report. Finally, you need to get the safe and effective jab to avoid dying and to protect grandma.

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Who can say? Who would Dare say? That is where They have Us ! “The best laid

Plans of mice@men often gai agli “ is’nt that the saying? Close anyhow •

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It was a disastrous debacle by the SS from start to finish. Not enough agents assigned to cover every building; seemingly some poorly trained agents, and at least three who were way too small, who did an abysmal job of covering up President Trump from further attack. Having the perp in their sights but having to wait for upper level authority to take the kill shot! Extreme gross incompetence or intentional?

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registered Republican but contributed to a Progressive PAC

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That was not the shooter in that Twitter video. His hair is too long, his jaw too wide

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