GTFO & we are serious! There is NO way, ZERO, that I or anyone like me will allow Robert Malone near FDA, Malone with mRNA invention killed, MURDERED thousands, by his words, shilling for his mRNA,
jail is where he belongs and he knows that, he is pure controlled opposition, then I will stand against Trump & work against him & many will, that will be MORONIC; person who killed people heads FDA?
We cannot forget that today, Trump is the ONLY answer.
But is this a joke? This must be a game. A funny one. The Garden Gnome, someone who is controlled opposition, functioned across COVID to silence the opposition about his bad deeds? You want to lead the FDA? He must have sold you his own horse shit and you smoked it.
I ask any of his lackies, or those who gave donor money and so bought into the lies, name one, just one, beneficial action he has done for you, for America, since you gave him donor money. Just one. How did he reduce risk to you based on his mRNA invention? How? All he did was buy horses and fly around the world on your money.
Someone who makes vaccines heading the FDA? Someone who boasted and showed us papers where he wrote grants and got tons of money for vaccine makers? Himself? Someone who has multiple patents for these vaccines etc. as head of FDA? Someone who will benefit? Someone so very conflicted? Someone who spent the last decade disparaging Trump? He cannot be trusted, and Trump has had enough people in first administration he appointed, and they backstabbed him. Badly.
This guy will backstab Trump, I sat in meetings where he stated the worst things about Trump. Early in Biden administration when it was felt Trump was OVER. Trump was a joke to these people but the hate and invectives to Trump was palpable and serious. These are all democrats, but radical ones, these ‘doctors’ and ‘scientists’ and are only pretending to get jobs in a Trump administration.
Malone, a person who creates his on self-importance and has tricked people into doing it for him, and using lackies around him who spent 10 years insulting demagoguing smearing POTUS Trump? These are people who would hurt Trump the first chance they get. This is ONLY about a job and leeching off taxpayer the next four years. More grift.
I mean I only need to hear that Jeff Tucker of Brownstone (I like Jeff, IMO a good heart just misguided by the bullshit of Malone and donor money) endorsing Trump and I know we are in the twilight zone. I mean these are people who just despise and loathe the orange hair man. They write it. I respect them for their choices and freedom to make such, but it is and was a different hatred for Trump. A venom. They all had TDS. People can change I know but this is pure opportunism. In your face. And none of these people can be trusted. Not one. I knew them all well. So, then it becomes funny. Very funny. It is about trust, and in some sense loyalty. Allegiance. But trust and honesty. And these people across COVID showed they had none.
They are so transparent and funny in their prostrations now on why they like Trump, notice it is only when their pal Kennedy Jr. threw in his support. They are telling you too that their hatred of Trump made them endorse him, get that one, because it eventually made them look in the mirror at how insane they were. So, Trump is to blame for their TDS…not them and their idiocy and hatreds and faulty thinking and derangement. And now Trump is to be thanked for in their hatred, they now realize they are deranged…did I get that right? And get this, now they will support him and they are thanking him for their derangement and so they now endorse him. I need to untie my brain now. After that.
It does not get any funnier than that. So, ha ha ha ha…I had to laugh.
Back to the Garden Gnome, aka Malone, what we need is a full accounting of Malone, a proper investigation under oath, of him (deadly mRNA technology inventor) and Bourla (Pfizer), Bancel (Moderna), Sahin (BioNTech), Weissman (deadly mRNA technology inventor) et al. All of these IMO criminals are pure grifters, have stolen from the taxpayer for decades using grants and then patents to cash in after using your tax dollars to do it. We need Malone under oath telling us what he did with the mRNA technology and why he did not safety test it, and why he was silent for so long and waited until harms emerged and people died before he started to talk and sing…why he waited before jumping onto the side of ‘the vaccine is unsafe’…he knew it was not safety tested, he knew yet was silent until it became clear it was deadly. He knew about reverse transcription, he knew it was not staying at the injection site as we were told, he knew it was not dissolving rapidly as we were told to deceive us into taking the shot…he knew about potential immune tolerance and IgG class-switch, he knew all these things, but we had to prove it first and then he would stand against it? He knew it would bioaccumulate in ovaries and testis for this was his baby as he would say. He knew the harms on fertility in women (and men), he knew the harms on the reproductive system of women and women’s health. Yet the bastard was silent, like his other partners in crime, praying it would slip through. He knew the impact on driving cancers yet again, silent UNTIL. And the classic is he goes about telling you about harms of the vaccine, when it is his technology inside of it.
And he pretends he has nothing to do with it. And we have people who want to believe someone seeks to do some good, and they gave him money when he had piles after grifting your tax money in research grants for decades. Have you gotten anything for it? For your ‘donation’?
Malone needs serious explaining and even then, I WON’T trust him. He is inept, not trustworthy at a very serious time in US governance and is a pure opportunist.
This is a pure opportunist, and he silenced the alternative media, he used donor money and promises of it, he silenced many good doctors and scientists in the Freedom Movement, many I know personally and told me of their fear of losing money, out of fear he would sue them if they questioned him and he did, and their own greed, thinking silence on his wrongs would gain them money e.g. donor money.
I had groups and projects and entities I wrote for and spoke for officially telling me that I needed to ease up on Malone et al. (they knew he was dirty in the mRNA and they knew he was part cause of the harms but they needed the donor money) for he was telling them he knew some donors, and he would tell them not to finish the donations. And they would tell me that I had to be silent for they needed the money, and I would tell them, each one, to fuck off. And I quit them. Some gave me a monthly stipend to represent them, and I would be told para ‘money for silence’. I told them too to fuck off. I could not be bought. BTW, I would update you on the vaccine companies and overtures to me to keep silent and work for them. Shortly.
Malone needs to be investigated, he cannot be trusted in terms of loyalty for only now endorses Trump to get a job, one can see the game, and cannot be trusted to lead any or work in any government position. His work directly caused deaths to Americans, and so it would be literally insane, we would have lost our minds if he held any position but lab pipetting chemist and even that I would not trust him. He cannot be trusted near POTUS Trump or anything to do with POTUS Trump.
We have people who for 10 years said filthy things about Trump, who had heads up the ass of others, running to get DeSantis elected so they could get a jobs, same shit now…hoping he would give them jobs…then when it failed, ran to RFK Jr. then to Biden, etc. etc. etc. promoting them, slandering Trump, and when realized nothing in it for them, now takes their heads out those asses and inserting it up 45’s…begging, yes, read, they begging groveling for jobs now…prostrating shamefully, saying how much they endorse him now…my view, no Kennedy Jr. could get you any job…you are traitors…thanks for endorsing Trump now but you do it now ONLY out of job begging…you CANNOT be trusted…you have no idea what loyalty is, none of you…you are classic opportunists…you detested him, hell many of you said so over and over in meetings…you even had strategies to get inside then claim he is inept and insane etc. to hurt him and I argue same now in play. I argue many of you want a job so that you will then set him up to claim him and his administration and MAGA are insane dangerous people.
You CANNOT be trusted. As Trump would say, not even to be dog catcher.
So, he Trump must be careful.
Similarly, this Malone is a dangerous man…hurt good people in the COVID fight for he was jealous of other doctors and scientists and used media and his lackies to hurt them. A complete made-up fraud.
He bullshitted DEL and EPOCH and CHD and Brownstone et al. He shut down the anti-COVID Freedom media…went after other folk on his behalf but not him…silenced others…yes, the media in COVID silenced doctors etc. all over donor money…a bunch of money whores…they know who they are. These are good people, fundamentally, good people, I regard them, some became friends to me but they ran after donor money and sold out.
They the COVID Freedom media played a game, created him the Garden Gnome, built him up, they knew he was not what he said he was, but they played along to get interviews and donor money…that’s all what COVID is made of…money whores…a house of cards…that is what they did and they know they have a fraud on their hands but they made him…and they got lots of money doing what they did. They are ashamed, some came to me telling me how ashamed they are, but they love the free donor money.
Did Malone send you some of his horse shit from Virginia to smoke? Is he packaging horse shit now as weed? And you toking it? Those who said he should be FDA head? Do you know this guy? What he has done to good people? How technically stupid he is, save for being a bench scientist…he is good at measuring chemicals out of the bottle. He is good at printing other people’s work, presents as his own…look closely at the game…he is good reading off script.
Do you know what Malone did to try to destroy me, people like me, after I/we stood up to him when he sued Breggins and was going after McCullough and sued Jane Ruby and trying to sue Stew Peters and was threatening Coulson of TWC etc.? Do you? I asked him to stop as he was destroying good people…he responded by hurting me…had his whacko sick head up his ass followers threaten me….He sought to get me harmed (I got death threats due to him) and he uses media to do it, but I promised him, I will never forget you and will never let you go Malone, all you did to me using media, I will get even in media, use the same media to showcase the fraud you are and showcase your work for it is fraud, and all you have done, and any time you wish to sue me, go ahead, I will return in kind…
you see, he frightened people, all those scientists you see in the COVID anti movement are p777ies, weak pusillanimous men, mainly men, bluster in email etc. lots of talk…blah blan blah but pu888ies…they let this little, Garden Gnome scare them to silence. And they love the free donor money too, many became money whores pimping him for free money. started off as good people, but the free juice got into them and could not get off of it.
But all of this is just Malone using his tricks, trying to gin up excitement, talk, around him, like someone will seriously think of him in any serious capacity given who he is.
If that happens, if someone like a Malone gets a job at FDA, it will show that America really has hit rock bottom and cannot be saved, for the very person who brought a mRNA shot that killed you, now heads the FDA.
Cannot happen. If that happens, let’s just say Kennedy Jr. had pull to make it happen, will mean Kennedy Jr. is also subverting Trump. We cannot allow that. And I cannot think Kennedy Jr. is that stupid.
Trump is my guy, and I will always support him. I know the good in him. Misguided, deceived but good. But Kennedy Jr. would by hurting him doing anything like that.
When Malone can show me the data he referred to here below, I will talk, but he cannot and he knows it, this was all fraud…the real issue is in this TWEET he was selling vaccine for Pfizer ad Moderna and people listened and took it and died…he has blood on his hands…do you know how many took the shot because of tweets like this and died?
Malone IMO murdered people, along with Sahin, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman et al. and their mRNA invention and vaccine. They must be placed under oath in proper courts and judges and juries.
There never was and still is no data today showing the mRNA vaccine worked, was effective or saved lives.
But I think they put that out to rankle you. Not I. For nothing like this can happen.
Trump will lose tremendous credibility and daily will need to deal with people like me in media questioning this for it will be a disaster for the American people and I will work to protect them. First.
Jail is where Malone and many like him belong, who brought this death shot….yes, we need proper courts and judges and juries to hear this out, but he will end up in jail. If they, judges, juries, say people like Malone, Bourla Bancel Sahin Weissman et al. killed people and knowingly as to lack of safety of their deadly shot and that they must hang, then we hang them! The justice system must carry out the wishes of the courts.
If someone like Malone gets any position in a Trump administration, ANY, after a decade of pillorying him, I was in private calls with Malone et al. where he smeared and maligned Trump, where he slandered him…where they conspired to work against him in crap they were writing and going to do…I know all of them…now they pimping for jobs and I will be silent? No…
I will not support Malone in any Trump administration, I know the deviousness and corruption of the guy…he is nothing but a money whore con man who bullshitted people into giving him their money, often poor people and has yet to explain his death mRNA; they thought he was going to make things right, but he was not, he was part of the problem…it was his poison…
I never did this for a job, and lost lots defending 45. I will continue to. I worked hard to protect him from the failures of OWS…but I will cease and step away if someone like a Malone gets into his administration for then it will be a joke. That one move will show me that it’s a gong show, a game, a game on the American people, was always a game of nepotism and ineptness. And sellouts. And btw, 4 people have had the best seat to the complete COVID disaster, all of it including OWS. Caputo, Navarro, Atlas and I. The one who was close up and involved, was I, as a scientist. Atlas was next closest, but his office was outside of the daily action with Redfield, Fauci etc. and the decisions that were made daily. Though he is best positioned too to opine. Smart man. No one alive today, no one, save Atlas, can speak with the authority that I can on all things COVID…from the fraud of it all to the lockdowns to the vaccine….not just policy…Caputo yes on policy etc. yes, I am constrained by NDA and confidentiality as all are, but while others go on media and television and talk shows, and write stuff, they talk based on speculation, most talk crap…I was actually there and with the technical capacity…that is why I was placed there.
OWS was a pure disaster. All of it.
And I do not buy that we must not talk about it today. That is wrong, the American people have been bullshitted for 4 years with silence. Nothing. by 2 administrations. Just more of the same death shots. I cannot do that.
So, then it will get very interesting. What RFK Jr. should actually be doing is stop being silent on the OWS and lockdowns and mRNA vaccine for you were very vocal each speech. PRIOR. We don’t need hear about oils and seeds and children, we got that, we know all. You Bobby Jr. and I like you, we did stuff together, I think a good man, always said so, but you got recognition being against OWS and the vaccine etc. but we have not heard anything since you endorsed 45. Hope this is no quid pro quo…
see below…
2nd Smartest is on the money again, yes GTFO, that he, Malone, inventor of the deadly mRNA technology, who stayed silent as people took it and died, who lied about his genetic shot, who coerced people to get it lying about its effectiveness and lack of harm, who lied and lied and lied, who makes shit up as he speaks, must read off a phone or tablet or screen due to the lies he tells, and ineptness, who IMO is a complete 100% fraud, who tells you the government is imposing PSY OP on you when it is he with his mass formation crap, it is he who is messing with you, who smokes his own horse manure the crap he speaks, who went after good scientists and people in the COVID Freedom movement who questioned his bullshit lies etc. and sued good people like Breggins for 25 million $ and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million $ and the judge slapped him Malone up the head warning him stop the shit suits…he detests women and a misogynist, he went after Kennedy Jr.’s VP nomination Ms. Shanahan smearing her in media, and I am yet to hear Bobby Jr. set him straight…
look, no one in this stack knows Malone better than I…he is a complete fraud…he conned people to donate money to him and people are confused, giving him money and cannot accept they were conned…how much they were conned….yes you were. He has tried to harm and go after McCullough and Risch, and today McCullough will NEVER ever ever set foot on stage with him. He did that much wrong to McCullough.
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You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
MAGA, Trump all the way!
Sincerely sorry to offend any RFK Jr supporters here...
But I believe Malone never would have made a public display of his salivating for power at the FDA if he didn't believe he had an (almost certain) entry through the back door through his friendship(?) and tight professional relationship with Robert Kennedy Jr.
Didn't he write the foreword to "Bobby's" book?
Aren't "Bobby's" blind followers depending on him to advise President Trump on vaccines and health care policy? (Not all are "blind," of course, but most are.)
The prospect of Malone heading up the FDA is a real concern. And we don't know what kind of kompromat Malone may have on Kennedy to leverage into making his desire for political power come true.