HAMAS & similar are in America & will strike, Obama & Biden assured that in Obama's Presidency with the Tashfeen's they brought in! 150 hard core islamist terrorists came through the Southern border
this year under Kickback Joe Biden's INC., 1.5 million illegals came into America; > 20 Americans are held captive & 14 or more have been killed SO FAR! HAMAS 2.0 is in America, Obama & Biden did that
This is why the deepstate cabal and leftists and democrats and RINOs etc. wanted Trump out, this is why they used the COVID fraud non-pandemic to topple Trump, using fraudsters like Fauci and Birx to undercut Trump’s response…
Trump only could have handled this…
Biden INC. has invaded America and we have millions of rapists, murderers, killers in the illegals that Biden let in…its on their hands…
HAMAS is owned by Iran, it could not carry out this attack without Iran…why has Biden INC. not stated that? Why has Obama remained silent? The 14 dead Americans were killed due to Iran’s role…do not forget that.
Barry Soetoro is Muslim Kenyan. He admitted so in an interview before he was trained not to when he was president ( I can hardly say this ). We should really call him by his real name. Tucker even outed him , the game is over I hope. Unless he is recapturing America again.
Most of these terrorist groups are run by the intelligence agencies. Please do some research
Al-Qaeda= Al CIA-duh