Housatonic is over target? these leeching grift artists are clogging the airways with bullshit on COVID when they know it is done & it is all GRIFT, senate was a chat fest, nothing real! ppsst, I did
them too, so now its just lies to protect their narratives (mRNA cover up by Malone) when it really is a coup of America in your face! Housatonic: was Malone part of the planned bioterror attack 2001?
Did I hear that right?
Housatonic asks troubling questions and we need to study this urgently. Was there a planned bioterror attack in 2001 using anthrax vaccine and did 9/11 stop it? stall it? I do not know, I am listening to Housatonic who seems credible. Some of the questions are staggering. Is COVID mRNA vaccines the culmination of what was planned, then the 2001 roll-out of the mRNA vaccine? Some bioterror vaccine? That all Malone et al. is about is pushing forward mRNA and its for power and money for human life will be changed forever.
Malone’s mRNA technology and the subsequent mRNA vaccine has killed, it has killed thousands, millions.
Housatonic also asks you to consider the opioid epidemic e.g. Fentanyl etc. that kills about 120,000 Americans per year and the devastating medical management of people, our elderly that can account for the deaths these ‘grifters’ are talking about. Is Housatonic correct?
YOU are over the target, Dr. Paul. Housatonic is more right than wrong, and that’s a scary thought. Keep exposing us to these important, mainstream-cancelled, independent thinkers. Just awesome work sir.
Here’s where he is wrong. You might want to put his podcast in a context .
This is how I replied to Housatonic.
I am not happy with your attack on Sasha, Dowd or Jessica Rose.
I am a Canadian and your ignorance on political health and how it works is appalling. Being a parent I understand your anger and grief. I'm not okay with how your presentation/critique went on to blast people all over the world. People having a podcast on prions and the vax crossing the blood brain barrier do not take away from your message being heard.
Many won’t hear your message because you are blasting Canadians. How do feel being under CEPI and we are under whatever medical
Measures the Whitehouse comes up with- medical mandates injections that as per the Pfizer Cumulative Report February 28,2021. Remember 42,086 trial participants of which 3% denied and 27% severely disabled.
Regarding Rose she was one of the first to risk her life and her job to go live right off the top against the injections. Those that spoke were from all countries but were the tops of their fields. “ might as well not look both ways crossing the road” . How ignorant of a comment. She is trying to help. Edward Dowd had never been confused as to why there are excess deaths . Mocking him is an unacceptable form of speech towards a man who is speaking out for us.
Senator Johnson is not the only worthwhile person speaking up. I’m not even a Canadian. If you want to push him- push him to reveal and get him to say what Sasha has revealed that there are no safety tests used for EUA Countermeasures . The prep act was amended. That would make a huge impact on people taking these injections.
Your points about Malone are valid but your blasting of other people without a single phrase of how each of these people are lying . What are they lying about? They didn’t include 500,000 of drug of drug deaths 2018-2023? I can forgive them for omitting this when there’s hundreds of thousand being severely injured & dying by the injections. Your anger would be better placed with the border situation as that’s where the drugs are coming from.