
its funny, in stacks like Malone and others, you cannot make a comment if not a paid person and also if they do not agree they block...I dont...its free and what you the subscriber must understand is treat me and others with the same regard that you are here with no restrictions...respected...have your view but others who are disparate are not WRONG or bad...we just have different views...I like it for I think gives us chance to think a bit more...I am not big on sycophants. I love individual thought...deep thinking...for in the end we want to defeat this beast call democrat radical leftist

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If I ever offended anyone please forgive me. I don't understand why it has to be paid for the subscription when many have been injured from vax without money and medical care. If the views don't align not approved. Got shoved a day after epidural for low back pain barely walking infusion for biological orencia try to get better shoved again. Estimate the physical attack because support political view.

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I was very critical of Trump in 2015 before I got to know him. I have since done a 180 and am an ardent supporter of President Trump. I can change my mind and don't owe anyone an apology. Who better to speak to those who think they hate Trump because they either don't understand him or are brainwashed into it by the media than Vance?

This second-guessing is not helpful. There are a myriad of factors that go into the selection of VP, most of which we are not privy to.

It is amusing that the same people who decry DEI now want a woman candidate bc optics. I would have loved Kari Lake because she is bright and understands the issues, not because she's a woman and therefore "beats them at their own game". But if Kari Lake can win her campaign for senator in Arizona, we need her as a senator. Pro Tip: Never play your opponent's game; set your strategy and make them play to it.

I want to tell people to shut up and support the ticket but I realize that isn't very nice so I won't say it.

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one more issue, this stack was not about 45...no one questioned 45...I stand by its not the best pick...not my choice but I stand by it. optic is key...today...for example, 45 must stop name calling Harris etc...leave that to us the soldiers...focus on policy...enough there...now, that does not mean I dont support 45, I just said he should not name call...my opinion...its a different time and person relative to Hilary...so not because someone questions something its because they have wavered...no, they want the best and to win...and have different eyes and different information.

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humility and respect...always

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you have said nothing we dont know...this is our opinion...we ALL think we know more and best...but we dont...remember, we said here we back the ticket but there are issues and I am as big a supporter or even more of Trump...I was never critical of him...so supporting Trump is not the issue, I worked in his administration for a reason...so its special for me too...its the WIN...dont tell folk shut up I dont think useful as we all have a voice......let them either get to where you are or you get to where they are. we dont necessarily want a woman, but saying there were some as, or better suited in the new landscape.

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we accept the ticket but issues arose too fast....anyway, its Trumps to figure out

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Say it loud n be proud ehh

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Paul, I hear you, but...let's face it, Harris is terrible and everyone knows it, even those who "support" her. The JD pick shows 2 things: 1. Trump is not the total egotist grudge-holding get-even person that he is accused of being, since he was willing to forgive and ticket with a former never-Trumper, and 2. It shows that anyone, even never-Trumper Democrats with any sense who realize Harris is no good can do like J.D. and make the right choice and vote for Trump, even if he hasn't been their favorite for years. So maybe it does make sense.

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love your balance.

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could be too...as I have always written, he is a good man, better and best than most in congress and senate...a great person...decent...

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I like your reasoning, Bobby.

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I like that answer

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Watching Sky news out of Britain they actually said Kamala has worst numbers of the millenia haha but all being 'rushed' to support her.

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Trump made the decision, we need to stand firm, stand with JD. It would look weak to swap him out. Trump did not bale on Brett Kavanaugh, he will not bale on JD. First and foremost, we need to get over the finish line in Nov/ Jan for inauguration. There is plenty of time for JD to prove himself or else, be replaced.

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Vance knows the leftists from living in the belly of the beast. They hate him as much as president Trump because they thought they had groomed him to be one of them and he gave them the finger and went full conservative warrior like Trump. He does not owe any apologies. He is likely the most competent, most credible VP pick in decades. He has earned this and will be an excellent VP and future POTUS if the left doesn’t burn things down first. None of the VP candidates suggested by Lahren would be better and many are not credible competitors. Everyone needs to get on board now and stop second guessing president Trump. The Democrats are not in disarray as many seem to think, they are united in evil.

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I watched the Hillbilly Elegy movie. Vance had a tough life growing up. Thanks to his grandmother he got his act together and became successful.

Kamala was raised mostly by her professor mother. Her father is an extreme liberal..also a professor. Vance’s story is just as important as Kamala being a “minority”.

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Historically no one votes for president based upon the VP on the ticket.

Let's not forget the backlash Dem George McGovern received as a result of dropping Eagleton.

It would be considerably worse "optics" if Trump were to "change his mind" under pressure after naming his running mate. IMO We have to trust and fully support his decision, not second guess him. Democrats immediately united behind 'empty pants suit Harris.' Republicans must do the same or profoundly regret it in November.

There undoubtedly would have been complaints no matter who Trump picked for VP. I don't see how anyone could suggest Vance is not up to the Presidency in 2028 after four years of braindead Biden and airhead Harris.

Parting shot: Even I might have re-considered voting for Trump if he had named creepy "yes man" Vivek as his running mate.

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the funny thing about Vance's past comments...

if he were a democrat, the media would just gaslight the public into believing they never happened ("Kamala was never appointed border czar, conspiracy theorist!!!!") or we'd all just be told it was fine and dandy and that's politics and move on and fall in line like good lil hivemind lemmings...

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Steve Bannon wanted President Trump to pick a woman, he said that right before they took him to the ClinK.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

he was right...in this election game we play...optics is key and many are capable

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I agree with you. I thought he should have chosen a woman. Especially since they might install Michelle Obama.

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Vance is good but its not just good...

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and if you lose Tomi, says something...she is a fierce Trump conservative...brilliant too. I like her

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She was. She supported DeSantis in the Primary. There were only a few "Conservative/Republicans" that were behind Trump. Steve Bannon on the War Room never wavered.

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I would never choose a candidate because of the ‘plumbing’ they were born with. Would you pass up a physician for the same reason? Love Bannon, but Conservatives don’t need to play identity politics to win. We win on ideas and principles. 🚽

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You are right, Politics is an ugly business and our elections are full of Fraud. We donate have a media it's all Propaganda. Trump won 2020, he couldn't close it. Hopefully he will be able to close the deal come Jan 20, 2025. It has to be to Big to Rig. I actually like JD.

I watched his primary election in Ohio.

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Kari Lake would’ve been the one to choose. She’s loyal, & Trump likes that. She’s smart & articulate. She’s a Constitutionalist. She turned down a million dollar bribe to go away & shut up. She’s all about the people. She would be capable of continuing Republican control into 2028 & beyond. But she’s not going to shill for big pharma nor the AI surveillance/digital currency industries, so she is shoved aside. Which should tell people all they need to know. Look into Peter Thiel, Eric Prince, Jamie Dimon, & their financial support of both Trump & JD. Two wings of the same bird y’all. Cognitive dissonance is a b_tch!

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Kari is huge, love her too

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I agree Kari Lake is up to the task.

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Picking a woman, just to pick a woman, is patronizing.

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For those who don't want Vance as VP...get over it.

While you are bickering, Obama and the Deep State are planning another assassination attempt.

Priorities, people, priorities.

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Completely disagree. If anyone can explain how and why a person can go from disliking President Trump to admiring him, it’s JD Vance. How many people are swayed by President Trumps crass manner and words? Just not presidential they say. Well JD Vance is an incredible communicator and will serve as the perfect compliment to President Trump. And if this evil corruption doesn’t scare him away, we have a solid inspirational candidate for President in 4 years. I for one am solidly behind President Trumps choice of JD Vance.

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You can bet Harris won’t pick a woman VP. 😏

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Maybe not of her own volition.

But she will if she's told to. She's beholden to the Dem political machine.

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I have to admit, I'm not sure it was a wise choice for J.B. Vance 2/b honest. I wish Trump had put a whole lot more thought and prayer into that choice ....

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correct....if its the ticket, its the ticket...BUT.....

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Eric Trump likes him and so does Don Jr. so he wasn’t alone in his pick.

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I like a lot of people too, in my personal life. But, there are some people I simply would not hire to do jobs for me on my ranch. Yes, they are great people ... but is he the BEST CHOICE? That is the question that needed to be asked.

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Okay then. Eric and Don Jr. sized Vance up and agreed that Vance would be better than the rest of the pack. Vance has a personality that reflects an ability to lead. He is a conservative, and one speech at the RNC doesn’t tell us anything. Do you j54 hire people you don’t like?

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I found Vance's speech at the RNC convention inspiring.

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There will always be something they will find that can be used by the controlled media to pick on, no matter who is selected as VP. As far as "bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives.", so what. I think it’s true and funny. Time to dig in and support Trump and his VP. This is minor stuff, the real battle will be the cheating that they will do to win. They have at least 10 million illegals that they can use for votes plus all the fake mail in ballots that they can print that will be used. This is what we should be focusing on.

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Paul, sent this to you by email, but according to Rebecca Hardy, from Texans for Vaccine Choice, JD Vance is on our side on medical freedom. If this is true, we should be seeing some attacks. Would be worth confirming this report: https://texansforvaccinechoice.com/jd-vance-on-vaccine-choice/

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JD Vance? Nah from me. But not because he was critical to Trump. He is oportunistic in my views. I may be wrong. Hopefully he has principles too.

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