I am the only person WITHIN the Freedom Movement to stand against Malone's bullshit & even the Freedom Movement's fraud money-whore insiders, & the Freedom Movement moved to cancel me; ha ha ha!
imagine that! do you know how many groups I am/was involved with as I was integral to starting the Freedom Movement (in my mind against lockdowns & vaccines) who cut me out, no interviews?
if I had a small stipend, it was removed…did you know that? I lost my societal jobs, no income….my A professorship at University for I stood against the vaccines and against lockdowns etc. Did you know that? Told direct to me by university. Did you know the greatest death threats came from my academic colleagues etc…? I take them routinely…the very Freedom Movement I help start 4 years ago moved to cancel me…people like me…imagine that….because I decided to call them out too, the money whores among them…the fraud among them…using money for themselves….no doubt, there are some good people in there…do not be fooled…some good decent genuine people…
so I stand on my own…I am fighting even the Freedom Movement for its filth…
As an example, a group I was integral to, actually several, I got a small stipend, couple thousands a month…not much….as I lost all my income….2 jobs removed as I was an anti-COVID advocate….and I worked hard for them…interviews to help showcase them…yet I gave all my time and education to inform the nation and world about the harms of lockdowns and vaccine etc. near 4 years ago…2-3 years ago I was told donors who supported Malone were upset and he was upset and that I was going at Malone with questions on his deadly mRNA technology…they told me stop or they would strip stidend…donors did not like that….I told them fuck off! I don’t write for them or speak for those folk anymore…
They could continue to fuck off…
I support TWC and Foster Coulson because I grew to know him. I know this new company, new, trying to do good…mistakes, bumbling at times as it finds it ways and it is doing some good work…helping lots, Foster puts his money on the line to help…he supports scientists and doctors and IMO, in my experience, he does very good, the company does good. Trying to find ways, tools to help. If I find any matters untoward, I will never be connected to TWC. I am because of folk like Risch, McCullough, Ponesse, Hodkinson et al. These are fundamentally good people, trying to make a difference. No one is perfect. But I will stand shoulder to shoulder with Foster, his TWC, Risch, McCullough, Ponesse et al. I support them technically. These are good people, among many fraud people. This entire pandemic was a fraud, complete and understand the landscape we operate in.
Go to TWC.health and read about the company…follow if you wish. There is good information we wrote there for you.
So to the Freedom Movement, the so called anti-COVID people, fuck off if you do not like me or have heads up Malone’s ass…fuck to hell off!
I will stand alone if I have to, so that I can inform the people, the nation, and support them…I will change my views always as I learn more that changes my views…until then…this is me. In the fight.
I end by saying, COVID never was, whatever it was is done, walk away, go on with life, its over, nothing is coming, no X, take nothing, move on, no vaccine, none…no lockdowns, no school closures, no masks, none…never!
Actually X is very real, and it is the #1 health issue in America, and becoming the #1 issue in most of the world. But X is not a future/planned/schemed viral disease that can give Big Pharma big profits. Instead it is Syndrome X, aka Metabolic Syndrome, aka Insulin Resistance Syndrome. Most early deaths in America are related to how X can manifest itself in different patients.
At least for me personally, X is easily treated by greatly improved diet, lifestyle, and exercise. SADly, pun intended, Big Farma and Big Pharma and Big Healthcare (sick care), give the exact wrong advice about how to eat and live.
I follow you because you're raw. No angle, no agenda, no handlers, no speechwriter, and no f**ks left to give. 😁