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Politics, Trump's war, his battle for USA, the good bad & ugly; fake COVID-19: natural immunity; innate immunity; vaccines; no vaccines for children; early treatment; lockdowns; taking back freedoms liberties
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I cannot believe this Lloyd Austin, is this guy serious? He is outdoors here. Is he as clueless? This is so laughable I am lost for words. Foreign governments must laugh at the US; what about Bourla?
This guy got 17 vaccines out his eyeballs, then got COVID twice...you cannot make this stuff up! This is beyond stupid! What about Pfizer's Albert Bourla CEO? 4 shots, now catches COVID
Darth Austin? Who is more idiotic, Austin or Bourla??? I cannot yet decide. I think it is a tie! And here is the dangerous reckless idiot Bourla who foisted a fraud COVID injection on us, that he knew was failed and harmful before it was even brought, advertising for the failed Paxlovid!
Quadruple Vaxxed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Catches COVID for Second Time
Remember when this liar said this to bullshit you to take the jab:
Looks to me like he's trying to morph into the Shriner's version of Darth Vader.
You can’t fix stupid.