I do agree with SAGE H that OWS was always designed to be a surveillance Op as well as a Murder the World Op; my argument is TRUMP could not have known, I think he was that misled, he is many things
and he is unlikeable at times, yet not a bad malevolent person, that is the key, he is someone so fuck*d by deepstate & bad 'unseen' hand people using water carriers like Faucis to do their bidding
Trump is a baby in the mix, IMO someone who did want to help America, I do not believe a bad person, not from what I know and saw, yet bad things happened under him. But IMO, greatly misled and snowed and they studied him. IMO almost chose him for the role.
I love this stack by SAGE…excellent language! Support his/her merch.
"The Manipulation of Fear": A Mini-Documentary
Ten minutes of Scary Germs and Life-Saving Treatments and Bold Statements and Emoting Goodies and Baddies. The Scorpions are laughing at both you and their Middle Managers. This is fun for them.
Start SAGE here:
“Let it wash over you.
Let the sheer madness of twenty planning exercises and decades of “penetrating zeee Cabinets” and usurping the Constitution and compromising the horny ambitious Reality TV Show hosts wash over you and let the WEFFIES and Doctors and Scientists and Tech Bros and ideological Thought Leaders from Oxford and Yale and the big smart STEMS clinging to Gilead studies wash over you and say, SEEEE, ASSSHOLE???
Let Zombies in the Scary Apocalypse wash over you just as I finally let Notorious GVB dancing on the cliff clinging to models of understanding wash over me and Steven Hatfill twirling in some dance in Bucharest along with Meryl Nass and Bob Malone and Jessica Rose who may have been accosted on an Israeli Beach so very long ago…let it all wash over you like some overly chlorinated hot tub in some pretentious foreign land where the shit is going to go down again with some old people trying to meet their self esteem needs and be a star in their own show.
Let the Gleaming Talking Heads tasked with still selling the Covid Clear Coat wash over you as they can’t wait to get off that set and anxiously sort out how to explain to the rising dead that they were duped and we were all big confused.
The Scorpions are laughing their ass off.
Bobby Takes the Off Ramp
APRIL 26, 2023
They pulled it off, which was never really in doubt, because for fuck’s sake…who DOESN’T WISH TO AVOID THE TOXIC QUAGMIRE?
Calm the marks.
The Scorpions enjoy ritually humiliating those who are tasked with their machinations.
Watch those who continue to contort because it’s just too hard to admit that they or their friend or their Gleaming Fee Fee Space Goody were either read in or simply useful Performance Artists in service of an Ostensible Reason and since the Real Reason is just too dark and they aren’t ready for that life they will twist in the wind as they live out the remainder of their lives trying to enjoy a hot tub or some veal and a pretentious adult beverage and avoid staring in the mirror for too long.
Look at them go.
::insert deleted clip of Ron Johnson thundering…WHAT HEBBBENED IN NEW YORK?::
Indeed, Senator. Indeed.
Meeebbeeeee have some more hearings to talk about jabs bad and by gosh we need to investigate and never quite get to those elusive perps and your Homeland Security bosses who threw the whole mess with their Owners and don’t you dare ponder whether pandemics can even hebbbeen?
I bet you can sort it out if you try super hard.
I sorted it out and I’m a nobody with a laptop.
Hey Senator Ron and Bobby and Donald and Tulsi.
Curl up with the Day Tapes this Sunday evening.
Your names are written in history now. (Good news for you, though. Elon and Peter Thiel’s Brain Chips will erase all that.)
“People don’t understand how power works.”
Get ready for more Turbo Cancer and more mRNA and more Dangerous Germs and more False Flags and more Heroes twisting wildly and try and watch Tucker and NFL and FEMA reps are standing by and select a doomed player in your Hero Live Action Narrative and ride with them and protect your fee-feee space all the way down to the rocks at the base of the cliff.
see also:
Bureaucratic Mass Murder: A Mini-Documentary
https://ko-fi.com/sagehanaproductions64182 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sagehanaJ
Upgrade to paid
I will not forgive Trump until he lets go of his ego and admits his jabs killed millions and it's going to be billions when this ends. He keeps saying he saved millions of lives, no he fucking did not., he will probably win the election because America is so desperate for a knight on a white horse to ride in, they've forgive everything he did, I will not.
Trump ? Won’t EVER trust his words-don’t-match-actions WarpedSpeeder’$ (lock-‘em-downer$) and Lock-her-UP turn-around per Hillary Clinton’s OBVIOUS two-tier felony-just-us actions. TOTAL POLY-TRICK-ALL deadly, moral-moron$ on BOTH SIDE$.