I know Dr. Marty Makary (MM) & been on media with him (nominee by great POTUS Donaldus Magnus Trumpos aka 47 as the FDA commissioner); 5 questions I pose to you to debate 1)MM has to NOW declare his
positions on if these Malone mRNA shots are needed in children (they are not) 2)will he reverse FDA's recent approval of the ARCTURUS mRNA self-replicating vaccine trial for fake avian bird flu? 3)
what is his current stance on Malone Bourla et al. deadly mRNA vaccines and does he stand for it to be stopped in toto? hard stop now! 4) what will be the firewall or Hadrian’s Wall between FDA Commissioner MM and Chief of Staff Susie Wiles (SW) (I almost said outlaw Josie Wales) given her lobbying roles with big PHARMA e.g. Pfizer and vaccines as per reporting and will POTUS Trump not leave it to MM or SW to ensure no conflict of interest, but he himself come to the nation and tell us how exceptionally far lengths he will impose, so that there will be no contact between MM and SW especially as to anything pharma. The FDA lead role is so critical NOW in America’s history given the disaster of COVID and deadly OWS and the deadly Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccine, that the possible contact between MM and SW is a huge potential red flag and must be NONE. Will SW’s past link and likely still even as CoS, affect FDA’s role in approving drugs and vaccines, biologics, medical devices etc.? MM to me comes across straight shooter and seeks to do the right thing. This is and was my interactions with him. Will powerful people and those funded by the powerful pharma vaccine lobby find a way to breach MM’s Hadrian Wall and impact or sway or bend his decisions? and 5) the composition of the FDA’s oversight approval boards (who will they be and MM has a role in deciding that) now become critical, and I am saying I will serve on them (if asked) to ensure that there is no conflict and that the well-being of USA is top.
I followed Marty posts in early 2020. He seemed fairly even keel throughout the plandemic.
My only concern is that he will feel the need to "thread the needle too much" as head of FDA.
If he tries to please everyone, then nothing will get done. The FDA is one of the pillars of the Medical Industrial Complex that must be dismantled and remade. My hopes is that Marty is up fro the heavy lifting it will take to reform the FDA.
There is something seriously wrong with this revolving door of employment that exists between Big Pharma and the 2 government agencies (FDA, CDC) that are supposed to be the watchdogs for the American public and its safety. Not individual wealth and influence.
Trump’s choice for CoS in Susan Wiles, former Big Pharma lobbyist, is a serious concern and a mistake in my opinion.
She’s the enemy of people like me and my wife who have worked for years in healthcare and were mandated to roll up their sleeve to take an unproven experimental gene therapy and biological weapon…or lose your job. We stood up, and refused to take his wonderful “jab” unlike most of our own respective coworkers.
Trump is an egomaniac who continues to tout the “vaccine” as wonderful. Blood on his hands for the deaths and injuries caused, families ruined as a result of Operation Warp Speed.