I truly believe that God, our Lord handed us DJT, I do, Trump is the right answer for this time, with all imperfections as we all have, & I stand behind him; I think the divine will take us home
we face many obstacles and it seems daunting at times, but he nearly died on that stage & we do not have all the answers but we know the Almighty intervened & there is mass evil around us now
trying to daunt us and sway us and lead us batshit crazy…I tell them in various ways and manner to fuck off…and look, I kneel down and pray at the end of day and beg forgiveness for my sins including the odd curse word, for I am human and we face evil…we are good people FIRST and I mean both sides but we are confused and barraged by hate, filth, perversions, corruption, theft etc. and all we seek is to tend to our families and have a decent life and meet our maker one day…I do…to protect them…to help less fortunate around us in any way we can, to give back, to leave the world in better stead when we leave it, to add good to it…nothing makes sense at time and even Trump is surrounded by animals and crooks and wannabes and opportunists etc….he knows…we are as close to revolution as we have ever been and hopefully it will not be…but I do know there is just too much damn good in us and among us and hope…we hope against hope and we will get there…I am not putting my life etc. into the hand of DJT, no, no man is our savior, no person can be given that power, no, the power is in each of us…Trump is our instrument to get us ‘there’, to help us carry forward a bit further as we ‘perfect’ this…he is a human being with flaws and issues like all of us…but has stood up and taken licks most of us can never…for that I thank him and at times in amazement…but there are many little ‘Trumps’ among us, among our kids, our young people, good strong determined, smart peoples, who we must nurture and help unfold who will take this world to the future…Trump is going to buy us some time…4 years….to stop the bleeding as we re-assess and gather resources forward.
Among us are great patriots and soldiers who must be brave and must stand up, speak up, make yourself known, demand to be heard, state your stuff, lead, and never ever give up till the very last breath…you were born for a reason…and for many here, all of our lives have come to this moment…we have 3 months to get this right…
I stand with DJT not as any KING or man Lord, but as someone who has shown tenacity, prowess, bravery, passion, determination, and a love of nation and people unlike any other in my lifetime…I see many who can be Trump-like and are great, may even in time be greater and do more, and we will further them…but now, we have 3 months…a lot is aligned against him as he wages, so let us rally and back him up!
It is like a China, many say this and that and China can defeat USA and the like…look, let me say this, the moment we wake to fuck up and say no more buying anything from China, let them eat it, then that nation of 1.4 billion will resort to cannibalism, in 5 days, one week, they will eat each other…it is a paper Tiger…nothing…we MADE it…we can break it…America is unlike any other nation, Americans…younger than some great empires, but the Lord seemed to have granted it special qualities…
Long live America and long live DJT and we will take him to the finish line and one day we will all meet on the other side and share with him and with each other, with our families, our parents, our friends we lose along the way, all the good things that will come from him being on this earth in this era, and doing what he did and is doing for USA. We have special thanks one day to bestow on him, not yet…we are in the fight!
May the Lord protect our police, our law enforcement overall, our agents, those who put life on the line, first responders who make life happen and support us…our military…our Secret Service…protect them…cover them with mercy and grace…for in them there is good…our FBI…our peoples who do the things most of us do not…America is a union forged out of an idea, and some say not perfect and I say not yet, but almost there. It is the most perfect union and stands apart from all other nations. It is being torn apart and down by evil forces. The key is to get to that place where we can have competing ideas and visions (and civil discussions and debate) for what the future should be and how America should be and that’s ok to differ, and even severely differ, very different views, but we respect each other, and we value each other and we do not hate each other…we debate, we share, and we walk away informed of differences and we talk some more…but we do not hate and we do not try to harm each other if we differ in our views…one can argue and I kind of believe that life really is about charity, about giving of self...to help...that IMO is what life is about...charity...giving…as simple as giving time which may be the most precious to give…it’s about service and finding where you serve best. Service to others…maybe trying to see if true altruism exists…its a question that plagues me too…
God bless DJT!
I was never a political person and with all the attacks on Trump, that has opened my eyes to see so much and my brains to learn a lot more! If we had more reasoned people, that’s not filled with hate & beholden to the ideology of the Democratic Party and even the Republican, Trumps victory would be even bigger than what’s coming.
We wish we had him here in Canada God Bless DJTrump ! May God protect him and his family .