I want Trump to give NOT one FC*KING dollar $, US tax dollar to the penis piano playing cross-dresser pump wearing bi-sexual deviant Volodymyr Zelensky; Biden, Republicans, Democrats gave billions$
while Americans suffer, now CALI burns, insurance industry can't pay/won't, yet this faggot takes our tax money & his bisexual buddies & buys high priced cars? Not one more dollar$, 47! not one!
Trump said he is going to MAGA and save America. Protect the taxpayers. I want to see if he will sign off on one dollar $ of US taxpayer money to the cross-dressing bi-sexual Ukranian freak leader? One dollar. I trust he will not. I know he wants to do good by America. Let us see.
I know we have a sellout RINO speaker Mike Johnson who lied to us on border security and did not fund it with one dollar yet gave the faggot 90 billion…so we have real problems…not because Trump endorsed Johnson makes him good or special…go back and realize Trump fired 4 Chief of Staff and most of his initial picks 2016 e.g. Tillerson, Bolton, Kelly, McMaster et al. (no doubt some sick twisted sell-out subversive freaks in the mix)…this stinks to high heavens what these thieves in Ukraine do with the tax money from US as US people, our vets etc. suffer…and Republican and Democrat congresspersons and senators get kickbacks and ponzi money…do you think our congress and senate people are not getting rich over the foreign aid money? they are buying homes, living large on you…the congress and senate are basically a den of high crime bandits, thieves…most. filthy animals IMO…I not naming names yet…with facts…not yet…
The Republicans controlled congress while much of funding for Ukraine occurred, never forget this.
As Ukraine fat cats get our tax money, these high-priced cars show up?
Can we ask for some of the fraud kickback Ukraine money to be returned to US to help the CALI homeowners giving the home insurance companies have left? Before these fires…
Is foreign aid really a money-laundering scheme for Republicans and Democrats?
I don't give a shit about that situation and I dont want one US dollar going there. not one. IMO. no US blood to be shed there. IMO the west provoked and caused this madness
Agree! Corruption at the highest level.
Corrupt governments world wide have defrauded tax payers to support this demonic freak. Unbeliebable! Living in a sick world.