Round up the DARPA and BigPharma criminals at once.

Shut down entire mRNA platform forever.

Stop GMO.

End the Fed.

End the IRS.

End most Federal agencies and shrink entire gov by 95%.

Most problems solved.

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ka boom, and deep jail, never to see light of day

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You forgot one thing. Arrest ovomit and biDUMB and their ASSministrations, try for treason and then execute ASAP.

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ka boom...I love it...Edward, we will put all through courts and let courts make the definitive judgement and we then carry out what courts declare.

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...and the corpses are to be left for the maggots as an example, hanging from a tree until only skeletons remain. Barbaric? Not near as much as pos human trash stabbing, raping, murdering little children.

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Good idea Edward it will be a warning to the rest of the bitches

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this is ominous equipment...ominous plans

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This reminds me of the Nazis' mobile gas chamber trucks of the 1930s-1940s.


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Yes, the Globalists (aka the USA) are hell bent on world domination and are replicating Nazi methods. Remember that the Nazis' policies of the 1920s and 1930s were largely US policies that the Nazis simply implemented in Germany and occupied Europe on a massive scale. The Nazis were simply US proxies up until when Japan, in an act of sheer stupidity, attacked Pearl Harbor, which led to Hitler, in an even bigger act of stupidity, rebelling against his US masters and declaring war on the US. The only thing he ever did that was dumber was to attack the mighty Soviet Union, although probably did it on orders from the US. Once the rebellious US province, or colony, i.e., Nazi Germany, was subdued and under US, British and Soviet occupation, the US brought the best of the Nazi scientific talent from the US colony back home to the US motherland. Several decades later, the US jackboot is again making its mark. In reality it never went away. While the world labors under the US/globalist yoke, the US/globalists will deploy these massive gas chamber like "vaccine" manufacturing trucks against friend and foe alike in their quest for lebensraum and to rid the world of what the US deems to be inferior races.

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excellent post content...very sobering and has facts...that we try not to understand WWI and the landscape then...but a huge lot of this is so true, so well written

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this post about these trucks and the set up is very sobering

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These top brass Nazis were all on the 138-142 IQ range (including Hitler, 140, in view of his accomplishments)! How unfortunate.

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did not know this

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Hjalmar Schacht — 143; Arthur Seyss-Inquart — 141, Hermann Goering — 138+; Karl Doenitz — 138.

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... Göring had an IQ of about 138, measured by an army American clinical psychologist at the Nuremberg trial...

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Hitler, although he did some dumb things, was easily in at least the 140s and probably much higher, as evidenced by the range and detail of very structured plans he developed for his regime permeating virtually every aspect of society. This very high IQ is consistent with DNA evidence from family members of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, although he also had African and possibly Sephardic ancestry. Unfortunately, although far, far more intelligent than Hillary or Fauci, he appears to have had a similar tyrannical personality to them, with the exception that he was obsessed with ethics and morality. However he was not so tyrannical as to mandate mass vaccination. That would have been a bridge too far, even for "him," (I shouldn't be using the male pronoun because DNA analysis of Hitler's bone fragments indicated that Hitler was XX, a biological woman.)

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He indeed did showed feminine mannerisms.

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Absolutely correct.

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A military/medical depopulation "solution" for a non-existent problem.

Why are they (Moderna and their government backers) targeting Australia? Exactly how many viral outbreaks of respiratory disease have they had in recent years to evoke or "justify" this over-reaction?

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very very important questions

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Unfortunately for Moderna, at least as regards "covid," the Australians have developed a live attenuated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine which "has been licensed to Indian Immunologicals Ltd, a major vaccine manufacturer."

It is "designed to be administered intranasally, thereby inducing potential mucosal immunity as well as systemic immunity with just a single dose."

"Unlike the mRNA vaccine which targets only the spike protein, CDO-7N-1 induces immunity to all major SARS-CoV-2 proteins and is highly effective against all major variants to date."

I think I read elsewhere that it is purportedly also effective against SARS-CoV-1.

New intranasal COVID-19 vaccine promises broad protection and accessibility


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I read your linked news release. This is the optimal way to develop a vaccine. And the reasonable way to induce immunity in the respiratory system. Bravo for this Australian research team.

In truth, it's exactly what I had (mistakenly) expected the U.S. intended to do until I learned the horrifying news the plan was instead to tamper with the building blocks of life rather than produce an actual vaccine.

After 4 years in development, this Griffith University intranasal vaccine will be an exciting project to follow in its later phases. If truly "safe and effective," I could foresee its application for the typically most at risk segments of the population.

But after the (ongoing) government/media/medical abuses of current vaccines, I'm not sure I'd be willing to risk taking even what appears to be an ethically- and scientifically-sound vaccine such as this one. (I'd also worry about the integrity of production facilities in strict adherence to the formula...) Maybe after another 5-10 years. For now, I'll continue to trust my inate immune system.

The best news of all for me is that there are still scientists who recognize that mRNA transfections are not the answer to disease prevention.

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I fully agree.

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There are no 'viruses'. Stop filling for the scam. The more people understand this, the harder will be for 'them' to implement any coercitive measures to contain the said 'virus'.

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hhhmmm, you raise a hot debate right now...certainly as to what the COVID was

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Indeed, it an interesting challenge.

I've held same belief up until ~2 years ago (that viruses are real and cause disease).

But slowly, I started seeing the problems with that proposition, and now I am pretty confident they are NOT what we have been told.

Here are some interesting links on this topic, if you'd like to know more about this debate:










There are many other things to mention, like germ theory vs terrain theory or all the studies that failed to prove contagion nature of 'viruses' (including the Rosenau experiments for the Spanish flu).. but those are topics for another day :)

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very important sharing, thank you

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Mr. Putin, please do us a favor. I know you have Billy Bob's GPS co-ordinates.

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ha ha ha, nice post Kathleen, MAGA!

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Comments were turned off on that YouTube video about Bioterrorism.

Very telling...

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My first reaction is hang them by the neck until dead…all the horsemen. But maybe we should bring back tar and feathers and still hang a few (dozen) for sure.

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for sure

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What do “military-deployment of emergency ‘countermeasures’ mean?

You Dems who ritually and reflexively vote Party Line THINK what that statement means! You’re voting for your elimination via forced injection at GUNPOINT!! This is the Progressive/Deep State agenda just waiting to be deployed, if the commie Marxist party steals the election again!

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ka boom

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You're exactly right. Washington state has already passed laws for police to use force and they have encampments in place to take those that do not comply. I read there are encampments in every state for this very purpose. Dr Ana Maria Mihalcia's recent substack detailed it and she lives in Washington state. https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=37889&post_id=147929156&isFreemail=true&r=1bynu1&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MDU1OTE0NSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ3OTI5MTU2LCJpYXQiOjE3MjQ0NDkyMDYsImV4cCI6MTcyNzA0MTIwNiwiaXNzIjoicHViLTM3ODg5Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.h7laYsSAheN94aKRsdz3udnKv8DUd4SM6Y_WR4uwrkk

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When (not 'if' -- when) they hit us again, most people won't even know what hit them, or why.

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correct...they wont stop till we stop t hem...polls, ballot box, courts

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"... polls, ballot boxes, courts". Uhmm ... you wanna think about that some more?

I would *LOVE* to believe that those options you mention are truly viable.

But I have to be honest and say that I don't think they are viable at all - not any more.

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I wonder if my excavator is strong enough to pick that jab wagon up? If it comes to my door, we will find out.

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And it will be in trails for only 24 hours and deemed safe and effective. Use your brain and realize this is nothing other than an attempt to murder us with mRNA poisons.

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ka boom, nothing about RNA, mRNA technology was good....nothing

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Get the spike stripes ready 😉

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Wow! Bringing the heat!

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But out gets worse. Washington state already passed laws for use of police force, encampments for those that do not comply. Encampments are in every state. Many people foolishly thought these were for illegals. Remember Hillary screaming "reeducation camps". This is outright terrorism. Arrest all WEF.

We can thank Congress for this. Dr Ana Maria Mihalcia's recent substack post gives the details, laws and she lives in Washington state.

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Shove it up your piehole and then flock off.

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I received this text today: "Anyway, while in the VA hospital I noticed a lot of pandemic like preparations. I talked to many people about this but most were rather closed mouthed about what it was all about. However, one person said this was a directive from up high for VA hospitals to prepare for something. Rather unsettling to me considering the state of World affairs. I saw many new quarantine signs going up, social distance tape being laid down, and new isolation rooms being constructed, and much more .."

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