If record numbers of Americans are homeless and cannot make it financially & for various reasons, why is Obama & Biden flooding USA with illegals who among them are rapists, jihadists, murderers,
islamists, just bad people, who cannot speak English, unemployable, high-risk, unvetted, high infections among them, a massive drain on US tax payers? Why? Why not help our police, military veterans?
our own people…why not help black Americans first??? who put blood and sweat in building USA…among others…is it because the black Americans are bolting from the (The Great Society) Democrat plantation, a modern-day slave plantation meant to devastate them into deadly dependence?
What Obama and Biden have done to USA is monstrous…devastating. They have both left our daughters defenseless to the gang rapist from North Africa and Middle East and Latino…we may need to lean heavy on our 2nd amendment rights and our legal guns to protect life.
Yep. And as a veteran, I am appalled at what is happening to our vets who served overseas and sacrificed a lot to protect us from what is now happening at the hands of this lawless group in DC, running this country into the ground.
At this point, can't help but think that it's intentional, all of it! From the stolen 2020 election to the Covid debacle, scam-demic, poisonous, mandated jabs, lock downs, etc. End game? To destroy US Sovereignty and kill off as many 'useless eaters' as possible. Sad, but true.