it is as simple as if Trump does not win, we will have a different fight on our hands. a fight then to save America

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It's really the same fight. The first place to start is inside each of us, ourselves. What can we do to improve ourselves and "what did I do wrong?"

Then we focus as a society to rectify our country, starting with public officials, judges, etc who have a secret blood oath or are being bribed. They do not represent "We the People". This happened before in the 1830's with the formation of the Anti-Mason party.

Welfare needs complete reform, it should never be available to anyone here illegally. No free housing, food, money ($13k on EBT cards, etc).

The money supply should be run by the US Treasury and the private banking fake money debt repudiated, as it was created illegally. The real reparations should be paid by the private bank owners for this crime.

Finally, the real perpetrators of 911 must be brought to justice and publicly executed for their crimes, if convicted.

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very good explanation here, great points.

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a tremendous post DECODE...

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Finally, the real perpetrators of 911 must be brought to justice and publicly executed for their crimes, WHEN convicted.

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brought to justice whom they are...and yes, executed once convicted. agreed 100%

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I think of Donald J Trump as the modern-day George Washington who will lead us no matter the outcome of the election.

But I still have a flickering hope that Harris will continue to be exposed for her blatant worthlessness as a leader, making a plausible steal impossible.

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Harris was outed long ago as a hooker and more recently as a failed border czar. Anyone who is not moved by these clear failures deserve what they get.

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hhhhmmm, I see you are telling how you feel about the VP...you do not really like her, do you? no doubt JP, she with Biden and Obama damaged USA hugely with what they did at border...may not be able to be fixed

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It CAN be fixed. It takes willingness to start with.

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Yes, they do. (Of course, the rest of us don't deserve the misery they wish to bring upon us.)

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Many people feel this way but society has made it difficult to voice those opinions without being called racist or xenophobic. I am a Latina born in the US. My family, from PR, also American do understand that there was a difference between life here and there. People are allowed to retain their culture but they also must be made to understand there is a greater AMERICAN culture that they must capitulate to if they want to be American. I need to know that they will fight to defend this land FIRST and put down the flags of lands that couldn’t support them or implore them to stay. It is unacceptable to have people come to not only rape and rob its citizens but the country as a whole and all we have to offer. As Americans we need to shame the misguided who wish to sit in blame and guilt over past infractions rather than recognizing that same past has not stopped people of other nations to believe that this is still the best place to fulfill their dreams.

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boom, so well stated...thank you...this is important to put in ink. we face Tren de Aragua, 18 Street gang, MS-13 Mara etc. and we need to put them down now!

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Beautifully said.

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We can’t but we do! Now what?

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we have to put them down.

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Nothing,AJR. The time is not ready for action. Wait until you clearly see and understand what is happening. Hold back until you clearly understand who you are fighting and why , you'll know what action to take.

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I agree with Darkstar...but my concern is if the American people are forced to act to defend themselves and nation, it will be bad, messy...dangerous

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Honestly Darkstar, the more I think about everything being “done to us not for us” the angrier I get!

I have learned patience throughout my life and patience is, as they say, a “virtue”!

But there comes a point when

“enough is enough”!

What’s happening to OUR HOME, should have never been allowed to get this bad. Unfortunately, the feckless people in Washington, haven’t the balls to stop, what should have been stopped, three years ago!

Imagine America as your home, your white picket fence and all the cliche’s we know! Now imagine you come home from work and 15 illegals have ransacked, eaten all your food and taken all your clothes and money! Now they’re telling you “this is my home”!

What would you do?

This is exactly what has happened to America! Obviously clear thinking, is of the utmost importance. My simple point is that! Very few people are looking through this “lens of reality”. This is reality today! America is our HOME!

Our home is under siege! Under attack! And the more I hear,

“We don’t have power” the more I realize “we’re being played”! Power is an excuse, especially when your home is being invaded and ransacked! It’s an excuse and it’s cowardice!

Let me say this, if Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or any one of those people in Washington’s homes were overrun, what would they do? We call them our representatives, “they’re not”! They’re not representing Americans! They talk the talk but they’re not walking the walk!

Not in the slightest bit!

“We the People” means nothing to Washington! No more is it

“We the People”! Maybe it never was and I need to sit down and shut my mouth? Then again, maybe the time has come to show Washington what

“We the People” truly means?

Pick your poison! Personally, I can’t do a damn thing. Not alone I can’t. Then again opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one! And this is mine.

This isn’t about me whatsoever! I’ve lived a decent life and I’m very fortunate I grew up in the “leave it to beaver” American era.

The reality is, this opinion battle is about tomorrow. America’s future is today! My Grandsons future is today and every grandparent’s grandchildren’s future is today!

That’s what this is about! I’ll be damned if a man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama and all his cronies are going to take my Grandson’s future away! While lying about where my hard earned money is going! Yes it’s not going anywhere but to his “redistribution of wealth”

bull-crap, feel good nonsense!Anyone with half a brain knows this or they should.

Isn’t it about time cowardice people are put in their place? Who gave any of them, the right to “SHIT” all over my front yard and then tell me to “PICK IT UP”!

Yes Darkstar America is our home! I’ve never been against Immigration or immigrants!

Hell no! We know what the problems are, we know who’s responsible for causing them snd we should know our congressional representatives are not working for US!

Now what? “I’d rather die a free man than live in tyranny”!

Where do you think America is headed? It’s not a white picket fence anymore! It’s not even the

“life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness” anymore! America is being dismantled to be reimagined, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean? Nice words to “steal our country & money”!

Has all sense of urgency been completely lost? Where’s all the “fathers of yesterday”? Those same men who gave their life so you and me Darkstar, could feel safe, protected and have an opportunity to work our asses off and instill those same fundamental values and principles in our children?

Where are the men of today?

I have a little grandson and he’s my life! I owe this to him and every other grandparent who can’t battle for their grandchildren! We should all understand, everything is being stolen from us, given to “illegal”others, at our expense! AYFKM?

We can’t let this continue! At some point the damn wall, though leaking now, is going to burst! Proactive is far better than reactive! Sitting around might be the new normal for all the men I’m trying to reach today. Good God, every man should ask themselves this, “what the hell am I doing with my life”? Better still, why am I letting this happen to my “HOME”?

Maybe then, real men will hear my voice? Maybe then, real men will “Salute” our flag and those who gave their lives, so you and me and all American’s, can live in peace and freedom, while being protected from all enemies domestic and abroad. Where have all the real men gone? (Congress more specifically).

Maybe this is the end? Maybe evil has prevailed and the fighting souls of yesterday have transformed into someone else?Maybe the real men are now busy putting lipstick on? Or maybe we’re all too comfortable sitting behind a computer screen, acting like real men, while screaming and feeling empowered?

One things for sure, “good things come to those who wait but only the things left behind from the ones that hustle”!

Maybe the “Fire in my Belly” has been extinguished in the people I’m speaking about and calling to action?

My life has been that of a “Lion & Gazelle”.

I’ll end this diatribe with this:

“Every morning in Africa a lion wakes, it knows it must outrun the fastest gazelle or it will starve to death, each morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed, it doesn’t matter if you’re a lion or a gazelle, when the sun comes up you’d better be running”

And now Darkstar, as Paul Harvey would say, “now you know the rest of the story”.


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Where have all the real men gone? (Congress more specifically).

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but even societally, we have poissy hat pink men now...cant even defend their women

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USA has become Scandinavia, as to men...

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those nations like Sweden became rape capitals of Europe for a reason

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They are out in the barn, screwing horses

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Horse’s are people too Darkstar or didn’t you get the memo?

“Un-Freaking-Believable”! My evil twin is emerging now. I’d better stop.

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Wasn’t that the purpose of feminism promotion? 👩‍🔧👩🏼‍🔧👩🏻‍🔧

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exceptional piece AJR and maybe all you said is 100% accurate, so well written and echoes what most people think.

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the gang situation is dangerous now and we must put them down

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we can...we must be ruthless.

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they are telling us 'we dont care' and Biden and Harris and allowed them to develop and done nothing. even in Colorado said 'nothing to see here'...

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exceptional Sir:

My life has been that of a “Lion & Gazelle”.

I’ll end this diatribe with this:

“Every morning in Africa a lion wakes, it knows it must outrun the fastest gazelle or it will starve to death, each morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed, it doesn’t matter if you’re a lion or a gazelle, when the sun comes up you’d better be running”

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Thank you Dr Alexander,

My entire life has been one continuous battle, nothing

as remotely close to what we’re facing now.

Today, more than ever, we’re all facing the biggest battle of our lives.

If we fail, we fail every youth of tomorrow, including our children and grandchildren.

We have no other choice.

This is, the most important battle of anyone’s lifetime.

I appreciate all you do Dr. Alexander.

Thank you very much!


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one of the best paragraphs:

Let me say this, if Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or any one of those people in Washington’s homes were overrun, what would they do? We call them our representatives, “they’re not”! They’re not representing Americans! They talk the talk but they’re not walking the walk!

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I have to say that’s exactly correct Darkstar. Unfortunately, the tolerance levels of those people directly in the “eye of the storm” may trigger something nobody’s prepared to deal with.

I understand we must know what we’re up against before we can take action. Antifa / BLM may be the instigators to light the match of “US vs THEM”! This seems to be the logical way forward. Why not, look at how quickly the “Summer of Love” raged out of control?

The same way dominos collapse, seems to be exactly what these radical Marxist entities, who’ve allowed such overwhelming numbers of people to enter America, are expecting to happen. All that’s left to do is “push / shove”.

If and when such time comes, we may not have any choice but to react. Anyone who thinks this can’t happen needs basic battle preparedness 101 training. Know your enemy! Or know death!

Thanks Darkstar you, of all people I’ve come to know a little bit about, understand the mindset of “gangs” and how they operate. Maybe Americans are so unsure, nothing will come of this? Maybe it will take something of a military operation to quell?


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yes AJR, it will take a military operation now to remove them all...it is not sufficient even to close the borders

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we have to remove them all, every man, woman...if border is closed but illegals left, USA is over...both must be done

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Trump said he would

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It will only get worse under Harris. Understand what is going on. A second attempt has been made to murder the Republican candidate in the months leading up to the presidential election.

Thank goodness the killer failed but read the X posts of Kinzinger and Vindman and ask yourself if those are the posts who seem happy that the killer failed.

They are taking no responsibility for the effects of their incendiary rhetoric and are blaming the victim.

They call on Trump to tone down his rhetoric but there have been no murder attempts against Trump's opponents, which is a good thing.

The crazed killers have shared the hatred of Trump of the Kinzingers, Vindmans, Cheneys and Democrats.

As regards this latest attempt, by means of murder, to prevent the American people from attempting Trump, think about this, as some other people commented in the New York Post:

"For this guy to just happen to figure out the closest place to park outside the course fence, and show up with his rifle at the perfect time, he had to know Trump would be there and when he was teeing off.....Democrats and Media: "Or maybe it was just a coincidence! Did you evah think of that, deplorable? Neener neener neener!"

....Yeah sure, Sparky. Total coincidence. No, he knew. Now: this outing hadn't been published by either the campaign or the course. So who knew Trump would be there, and his tee time? The Secret Service. Roll that around for a bit.

Reply: "Of course, he was recruited and tipped off. Trump has a private jet. He could have been anywhere, but this guy knew exactly where to sit, wait and aim."

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of course ANW, this was set up...someone in Trump's campaign or inner circle wants him dead, or even worse, in our government...they knew...someone gave this beast the information.

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we ant no one, not one of the political leaders harmed so we want SS protecting Walz, Harris, Trump, Vance...all equally

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in our givernment...

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to think he had 12 hours to set up and hang around and it was fully an off limits golf outing...insiders did this

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I don’t believe Harris will ever understand Awake because, her belief system won’t allow her to.

The same way Obama believes in his ideology. Look these people want to “take from you and me” Awake and do what with it? Redistribute to who? Themselves? Possibly, more accurately would be to overwhelm society using “Cloward & Pivens” strategy, while taking a set percentage for their “caring ways”! BS!

Both of these Marxist / Islamic driven mentally and morally against our founding fathers documented construct for America, nauseates them!

They despise America and anyone who believes in freedom plus hard work. “It’s not ours Awake” it’s theirs to use however they see fit. Again BS! They’ll never stop trying to undermine, overwhelm and ultimately destroy Americans way of life!

As “Sharia law” dictates, they believe! Harris, as empty suited as she appears to be, is far more dangerous than Obama! Together, they’ll continue chopping down, limb by limb, our nation’s founding principles.

What the hell right, why not? They’ve been able to divide Americans so far, very well. Undoubtedly in doing so they’re running the risk of this backfiring on them. As more Americans wake up, hopefully.

Thank you awake for your time and your insightful thoughts.


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“Cloward & Pivens” strategy, while taking a set percentage for their “caring ways”! BS!

boom, you hit nail on the head...they want to reduce us to peasants to rule over us...

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excellent again AJR:

Both of these Marxist / Islamic driven mentally and morally against our founding fathers documented construct for America, nauseates them!

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issue is we have our own to take care of and deal with in a difficult world as it is but the are doing things to reduce USA to 3rd world shit hole hell hole status...like Kenya, Somalia, Yemen...Venezuela too...

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Yes they certainly do Dr Alexander. What’s more interesting is, how these “Bioweapon Injections” have been reported to cause sterilization, among other devastating consequences.

The more I dissect this, pieces start to link. The abortion insanity is one piece. Meaning these same people have been “twisting & turning” how abortion is a “right”! Wrong, their maddening abortion debate, IMO is where it should have always resided, for “We the People”to decide, state by state. But the left will tell you it’s your “constitutional right”!

Abortion on demand and in cases up until birth, makes it perfectly clear, how “evil” these people are. I understand there’s exceptions to every rule and I’ll leave it at that.

Inevitably, all potential newborns will be snuffed out! Similar to China’s “One Baby” policy. The problem is, America will fall short regarding birthing rates. This adds to my point.

There’s a number of reason abortion is so important to the “lunatic leftist” one being money and two, IMO, most important is eugenics.

Through abortion, the more the merrier these “WACKADOS” want! They pray on the weak minded and uninformed making it seem as though “Roe vs Wade”puts all woman at risk and they’ve lost their “reproductive healthcare” rights. How falsely sickening!

More importantly the “Elites”

known goals, Yuval Hariri has spoken openly about this. He believes all “humans” should be replaced with “transhuman” creatures. Which is IMO, is the ultimate goal to destroy humanity and create a new, more

“perfect baby” tool! A tool they’ll continue to perfect and make easier to manipulate.

While Yuval and Dr Igor continue perfecting a “transhumanist” robot of sorts, the “Globalist Elites” will be pumping out a “Superhuman Offspring’s”!

Within three generations or 30 years, “We the Peasants” will be “dumbed” down while the “Globalists Elites” will be producing mentally

“Superior Offspring”!

This ensures generations of total “Overlord Control”! These people are deeply “mentally deranged”and very sick and dangerous individuals.

They ove playing “God” because they believe they are, far superior than our “Almighty God”!

Quite disturbing indeed!

Over time, if they succeed, they’ll continue their experimentations until they achieve the perfect baby, with a superb high IQ and

will be “Biological Superiority” over all remaining

“Peasant Humanoids”.

As diabolical as this may seem, it’s absolutely plausible and technically possible leading to the death of humanity while creating the “Perfect Child”!

The world needs more prayer, deeper understanding of how dangerously evil the world “Globalists” are.

Thank you Dr Alexander.


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but we must stop taking anyone into USA who is not legal and who harm Americans. Period.

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look, we got to take steps towards each other...we love the constitution.

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Ryan Wesley Routh has been cought in t he west palm attempt to assassinate the president -he is a delusional person who does not understand the illegal and immoral acts that lead to this war

i am blaming tgat fucking asshole BIDEN for collapsing an almost signed peace accord and for the fucking republican war monger like ms linsey graham- that assisted in making war not peace\

aas wel as the fucking mother fuckers inb the media that need t o go over their on the front lines t o back up their bravery with the lives of others-- i am addressing you MSNBC CBS AND ABC

you rotten bunch of mother fuckers -and you too you faggot bastard David Muir--

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yes they want WW III and dont understand these fuckers will die...if we had that war...if they push Vlad too far and nukes start being flung...we will die in USA...this must stop.

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Dr Paul, human lives mean nothing to these fucking elitist pigs-

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Dr. Paul, Can you honestly say with a straight face that we have NOT been living through WW3 since 2019? Get real. The entire world was attacked with GoF and mRNA Bioweapons. If that is NOT WW3, nothing is. The Free People of the World have ZERO choice but Revolution. #RevoltOrDieTrying #FreedomIsNotFree #Fire388TraitorConsTODAY #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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we are in WW 3 and even WW 4...some think we are at WW 4 or entering and I agree 100%

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, the treachery of the neo-cons began with PNAC-( plan for the new american century)WHICH culminated in the attack on the WTC ON 9-11 by Cheny and Bush-which gave birth to the fucking Patriot act- and the illegal and immoral war on IRAQ-through which it was discovered at the UN BY THAT FUCKING NIEVE


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Dr. Alexander: You need to read the article from the local Charleroi, PA newspaper.

www.monvalleyindependent.com When you read the article, you will know why

these city governments are paid off to take these illegal aliens in. Kristen-Hopkins Calcek,

Charleroi Council Member writes a negative write-up of Trump. She said Charleroi

needs to be more concerned about businesses closing then the invasion of

Haitians in their town. There is something very wrong with that woman's mind.

How can she not see the destruction those Haitians are causing and the money being

spent on all their needs.

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The glass plant in Charleroi, which makes Pyrex, just announced its closing with a loss of 325 manufacturing jobs. Some of the employees have worked there for decades.

It is sad, and infuriating, to see what is happening to America.

Pittsburgh was almost decimated by the loss of the steel industry in the 1980s. They were good paying jobs which enabled people to be able to send their kids to college. Sometimes the first person in the family to even go to college.

I weep for America.

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of course it is, devastating and yes Kathleen, we must weep for USA the greatest nation....

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Penn is in trouble and while all roads pass through Penn, we have to think seriously about the economics...

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Pennsylvania cheated 2020...and will again in 2024.

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We must FIGHT for The Freedoms which were bestowed upon US by our forefathers.

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Now Charleroi is having a baby drive to help Haitians. Do we need more of them. What a joke. The Federal Government and their taxpayer dollars are already taking care of them.

These people are lunatics.

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pure lunatics

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It's called "White Replacement " Lynn. I'm sad you are getting to see it first hand.

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yes replacement...and based purely on demographics...out birth rate is about 1.6 per family and replacement is about 2.3...

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I came from a family of 10,. My wife came from a family of 7. We have a family of 10 because we believe in giving others the opportunity to live life. These are the people we FIGHT to protect. #StockUpStandUpPreserveFreedomFOrPosterity

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thank you for sharing this...

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How dare you tell the Truth. I am more blunt. What benefit is there to a group of people sitting in a living room talking when someone carries a pail of excrement and dumps it in the middle of the living room floor? Yes I am suggesting rapists, murderers, sex traffickers, pimps, drug dealers, etc are representable excremental material that is a huge liability. And scriptures state that "He who will not work, let him not eat."

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you know we ride shot gun homie...

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Yes but there is not enough ammunition available nor enough deodorant/perfume in the whole world to mask the stench of corruption and hypocrisy of the other side.

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I never give up. The best example of that is the reality when I started a business over three decades ago, there was a 90% failure rate of budding entrepreneurs. Then of the remaining 10% left there was in the next five years a 50% failure rate.

I succeeded by branching into other areas of endeavor, keeping my overhead down and buying equipment a bit at a time. I say that to say this. Quitting is not in my genes and the damned CYSTem is learning that as well as some criminals within it who thought I was a typical sheeple.

Life is a perennial battle twixt good and evil and the reason the ovomit initially won was by cheating. The stage is set for the same 'coup."

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correct Edward, great sharing, this is not just nonsense, its BS and actually endangers...

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Have you ever sat and pondered about the killing? When it started? The depopulation? I have and it started long ago using the fool de-growthers. But did anyone catch on ? I doubt it


In the nineteen seventies the killing plan started. I was running around on a new "Night Train" Harley Davidson and also owned a new Chevy short wheelbase van, a Chev Impala two door and a 1968 Corvette loaded with a 427 cubic incher with solid valves, a four speed and a tri carb set up that produced 435 HP.

About that time I recall a summer student bragging about the gas mileage his small car got. I told him that might suit him but I loved my van and Impala for the protection they gave me. I drove both those in winter but the cycle and Corvette in summer.

As the years passed I noted gas mileage became a big thing but noted a big problem. Better gas mileage on small cars came by using less steel, replacing it with plastics. The enviro whackos thus became accessory to murder and serious injury when their "piss cutters" as I referred to them collided with gas guzzling steel full size cars. Nobody mentioned this but today I drive ALL full size vehicles including a three quarter ton heavy duty 4WD Dodge truck I feel safe in as I embrace the cost of a funeral will pay for a lot of gas.

Many people with piss cutters died or were seriously injured in head on collisions of other impactive mishaps. I referred to these types as de-growthers and have wondered how many men, women and children were killed in small cars when full sized steel vehicles might have saved them.

Several years ago my son and I turned left when a speeding teen hit not our truck, but the tandem trailer in a new TOYota van loaded with a two ton remote controlled stump grinder. The damage? the piss cutter van was totalled. The trailer had a bent rear axle with damage repair costing 300 bucks. The van damage write off was close to twenty grand for the new van.

My son was charged but he fought it and won. Today I feel safe because 90% of the vehicles are piss cutters and I still drive full sized steel monsters. Fuel is a write off for me but my attitude is to hell with owning a piss cutter. This was and is a major population reduction method but few look at it that way. It was to me the scheme of the bad guys all in the name of saving money. F*ck that, thank you!

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Yet the corrupt CYSTem protects and seeks these to invade all western nations. Treason.

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yes, again, over target

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The above human trash are what is in the mobs of fake migrants.

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Ryan Wesley Routh, the crazed Zelensky, Cheney and Kinzinger loving Democrat arrested for the alleged attempted murder of President Trump and who used similar phraseology to Harris and Biden was not just a Democrat and Harris fan but also a RINO supporter. He supported Nikki Haley in the GOP primaries. He parroted from Harris WTE that "'democracy is on the ballot." With home grown trash like Routh illegals have a lot to compete with.

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correct...he is crazy and seems he had fans in deranged anti-Trump Cheney and Kinzinger

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"Unelected government " is the key phrase. Anyone appointed to a position under the "unelected government " should immediately be wiped once Trump gets in. False appointees.

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yes....the 4 years under Trump are a key 4 years to save USA and no games, no room for error

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no parties, this is not a club.

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No we can’t Dr Alexander and there’s a multitude of reasons why we can’t.

I’ve busted my ass my entire life so maybe I could pass along, a better life for my son. Many people have done this same thing for the same reasons. And we’re all being robbed!

Wake Up America!

It’s quite clear what’s happening to the “me’s and you’s” of America. It’s one thing to work your butt off your entire life! It’s something else when someone comes along and steals from us to give to someone else. Especially when those recipients are:

1. Lazy asses or

2. Illegally entering America!

This administration, this illegitimate administration has done exactly this! They’ve been doing BHO’s unfinished business. We should all know this. Biden wasn’t right before the 2016 election and Harris is worse!

Biden was handed a stolen election! Stolen from Trump and

“We the People”! Yes cowards must steal because they haven’t any good ideas or intentions ANYONE WOULD APPROVE OF! Then they continuously blame everyone else! It’s never their fault! Well damn it


Now, thanks to an overwhelming amount of “border invaders” more of our hard earned tax dollars are being “redistributed” to illegals who never paid a single penny in taxes! Homes are being overtaken, jobs and benefits!

Americans have been reduced to second class “useless eaters” by this administration and our feckless congressional NON-representatives!

Separating “criminals & Jihadist and terrorist” illegally invading America from the poorest migrants, and we now have an all out “Invasion time-boom” waiting to go off!

There’s only so much “good and decent” Americans will take before this deliberate

“powder keg” goes boom! Which is exactly the plan, those who have no plan are hoping Will and or will initiate with the use of Antifa and BLM!

I’ll be damned if anyone, is going to take from me, what has taken my entire lifetime of hard work to achieve! Nobody else should either allow this to happen to themselves either.

Especially when they’re “stealing” from us! Not the migrants, Washington and non-elected Obama’s cronies! Which is exactly what’s happening! We can sit on our asses and wait for someone to tell us what to do or we can take a stand against this tyrannical regime of public and private sector corrupt institutions and individuals.

Better still, let’s wait for tomorrow. Maybe this will all go away? Maybe this is all a dream? Maybe, just maybe we should wait until the exact alignment of 15 stars align but only at high tide and during a non-LGBTQ celebratory event in a month that ends with the letter “T”.

That’s it! We’ll wait and we’ll wait and we’ll wait some more. By that time this “Nightmare” will be over and we can all go back to watching “Leave it to Beaver”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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yes we are being robbed, thank you AJR for saying it...in our faces.

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yes, its BHO's unfinished business: Especially when those recipients are:

1. Lazy asses or

2. Illegally entering America!

This administration, this illegitimate administration has done exactly this! They’ve been doing BHO’s unfinished business. We should all know this. Biden wasn’t right before the 2016 election and Harris is worse!

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You have to understand this is what the machine/regime want. Total chaos and the sheep petrified. The sheep are easily controlled and that's what they want. They don't want you out of your hut. They saw what happened to COVID and it gave them all huge boners. They realized that they really do have the power now to keep people stupid, afraid, and desperate. And all that brings people together-open parks, churches, town squares, etc. they want all that gone. Close the churches and fill the parks with lowlife criminals.

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George, boom, thank you for this informative sharing. lets do something, rather than falling to this, let us coalesce and rise, let us take them on...let us wage...let us go to the ballot, let us go to courts

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We're going down hill rather quickly, and at a speed that's too fast to control.

No need to think the military can help you,as very soon they will be sent overseas.

If people start planning now for the things that only can happen when the massive storm hits, some may survive..

It is a natural occurrence in all Empires, they rise to their apagee, to the towering hights of art and science.

Then they fall,and the land is taken by the Visi Goths and the Vandals.

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kaboom, yes, the unthinkable happens when we look around and see the parties and pleasure and derelict and hedonism and as you said, empires rise and then collapse and we start again, some never recover...I liken it to aliens...I do believe there were other worlds, and I believe so advanced like the earth, but they got so advanced and did what we are doing and they ended, destroyed themselves...this is where the earth is going now...seems alien life may have existed and these other worlds were just an advanced 'our world' that ended...we will get there

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what you said about sent overseas is correct

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Kind of like watching a train that is about to crash.

You know its gonna crash. You can't stop it. And you know the outcome will be catastrophic.

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and no where to go but stay on and brace

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Iran plans to deport 2 million Afghan refugees

After years of economic crisis, Iranians' frustration is increasingly directed at Afghan migrants. Under pressure to act, the government has now announced plans to deport 2 million Afghan refugees in the coming months.

Iranian police chief Ahmad-Reza Radan said in the next six months, some 2 million undocumented foreigners would be deported from Iran. Speaking to the Iranian news agency Young Journalists Club in an interview on Tuesday, Radan also said security forces and the Interior Ministry were working out measures that would deport "a considerable number of illegal foreigners" over the long term. When Iranian officials speak of "illegal foreigners," they usually mean migrants from Afghanistan. Iran and Afghanistan share a 900-kilometer (560-mile) long border, parts of which run through inaccessible, high mountain ranges. For over 40 years, Afghans have fled to Iran to escape civil war, poverty, and, now, the Taliban.


If Iran, a moslem nation does not want Afghans, why and what are western nations doing importing them?

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"...who do not respect our nations' laws" Gee, that would include the socialist democrats. So, yes, we "cannot have them"!

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