vaccine; it is time that they spoke out against the deadly COVID lockdowns, the failed deadly school closures, the failed masks, the deadly Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA injection; the fraud of COVID, all
There is no way, no way, the Karmalita Harris regime is going to ever go against the COVID/bio weapon narrative. Trump, IDK about. He needs to stop talking about "Operation Warp Speed" and admit he was fooled into this bioweapon being unleashed onto society.
The quote, copy-paste from the Harris for President website:
"Harris for President requires all employees to be "up to date" on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign's COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location."
"The campaign requires all employees to be "up to date" on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign's COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location."
My guess is they are probably insisting on the basic 2, taken whenever, plus the latest booster. Otherwise I doubt they'll actually fill all those slots. But who knows!
It's funny but the reason I went and looked up the link was that I mentioned it to a colleague, that the Harris campaign was requiring workers to be fully jabbed and he laughed and said, that can't be, that's absurd, you're just repeating hearsay, show me. So I did.
Everything you’ve said/noted is 100% true…period. Yet there is a BUT to all of this…unfortunately, we live in a time where virtue is absent…especially in the public square. Those that already know that the Jab is poison have taken corrective steps. The sheep that remain have to be brought along gradually. Think about it, if DJT were to come out and say “I screwed up about Operation Warp Speed”…the Jab is poison …can you imagine how the evil MSM would crucify him? The smarter thing to do (and yes unfortunately people will continue to die) is win the election and use RFK as the foil to go against big pharma, agg, media. Justice will ultimately be served. If I’m missing something or reading things improperly…apologies, BUT often slow is fast. Thoughts? Pax
I agree with you to a degree Roger and here’s why. At this point, most people, not all but most, know the covid scam was exactly that, a scam!
They also know the shots are killing people, unlike anything, Americans have ever seen before.
Even the “lunatic lefties” know someone and or have been injured or know someone who has died or been disabled by these Shots. They know Covid was all BS!
Understand the fact, thousands of politicians never took the shot. They knew what was happening. Either they were and or have been threatened or simply won’t say anything or both, but they knew the mRNA was deadly! And if they didn’t, then shame on them! I learned within two weeks something wasn’t right about the mRNA.
I highly doubt Harris’s workers / staff or anyone within her group, will be forced into taking such a deadly risk / jab! I believe the reason Harris’s website states this is simply to preemptively get the American people use to being forced into taking any kind of mRNA bioweapon, should she prevail in November. They did it before and they will do it again!
It doesn’t make any sense for Harris to subject potential staff workers into getting injected, except for making the populace believe the JABS ARE OK! I believe all the MSM stories of Biden getting injected and Fauci etc were all phot ops, all a blind!
One thing we can bet on, if Harris wins, COVID lockdowns will look like recess for first graders. Our way of life will NEVER BE THE SAME, our country is in jeopardy!
Think about the simple fact that for three years Biden was MIA! He was very sick before the election and he was UNFIT to serve himself dinner, let alone President! But the
“DEEP STATE MSM CABAL” pulled the wool over half of American people’s eyes! Nonstop mind you! It’s quite amazing.
The reason why I am throughly convinced Trump MUST come clean about OWS and the dangers / dangerous mRNA injections is because either way he will get hammered should the Harris team of communistic ideologues decide to use OWS against him. Don’t think they wouldn’t.
Although, there may be an unspoken, inside agreement between “all parties in the know” NOT TO SPEAK A WORD ABOUT COVID! Nobody knows for sure, though this would be my first thought. It wouldn’t shock me.
The Harris lunatics can simply inform the world Trump caused millions of deaths, etc. because of OWS! And remember what Harris and Pelosi among others said?
“They would never take the JAB because it came out under Trump”. They couldn’t TRUST THE JABS! Remember?
Attacking Trump about OWS,
etc would be like throwing
“Gas On A Barbecue”. Trumps on fire lately, with RFK and Tulsi’s endorsements. Which is exactly why I believe Trump MUST COME CLEAN! He must control the narrative! Especially about OWS! Unless Trump is PART OF THE PROBLEM, HE MUST COME CLEAN! Otherwise if he doesn’t, he is part of the entire Covid scam! Remember
“The Art of the Deal”?
People would believe Harris / the State Run MSM if they attack Trump on OWS because most people understand how long it takes to get any vaccine to market. Yes it is a fine line for Trump to thread the needle of Truth, but and as you said Roger, yes there’s a but here, if he continues to stay silent, one way or another, it may bite him badly!
The American people are “STARVING” for the TRUTH. Left and right, red green and blue, everyone is. I see upside for Trump, downside if he continues his SILENCE.
Now that RFK JR has broken away from the “Dark-Side”, Trump would be most wise to allow RFK JR to explain the flaws in mRNA technology and why it’s never hit the market. Then Trump can explain how this all happened. Trump will know doubt, gain more votes from the left than he already has secured, the right predominantly are voting for Trump. His honesty would pull more voters to his side simply for his truthfulness.
Again Roger, if Trump allows the MSM and or the Harris crowd drive the narrative, he will lose badly. We know the State Run MSM has been completely captured. They’re driving every talking point good or bad about Trump. Obviously it’s been all bad which is exactly why Trump must STRIKE FIRST!
Hell what does he have to lose?
If we have an election in November, I still believe something will happen to force martial law and or lockdowns again, the fix is already in. Harris / Walz win! This is how important I believe it is that Trump comes clean about the entire Covid scam. He may not ever get the chance to. I believe this election is that DIRE!
The way things have gone since George Floyd fraudulent trial and State Run MSM drove the narrative forward is sickening! Megan Kelly’s ’ podcast is EYE OPENING. How DUPED Americans have been treated, lied to about the Floyd scandal!Office Eric Chauvin SHOULD NOT BE IN PRISON! Period! Officer Chauvin never had his knee on Floyd’s neck! Floyd’s toxicology reports were damning, all “Not Guilty” evidence wasn’t allowed into court! The same thing happened with Trump recently!
Which is why the “FIX IS IN”!
The camera angle proves beyond anyone’s doubt! The judge wouldn’t allow that particular angle to be seen by the jury among other key pieces of evidence! Another words, the state of disarray America is in today, was accelerated greatly by the “Summer of Love” peaceful protesting and it hasn’t ended!
Everything from that point forward, including Biden, the illegitimate president, Covid and all the fraudulent legal cases against Trump and RFK have been manufactured! Sadly, America’s backbone of people, aside from the Soros agitators, has been NONEXISTENT!
Yes I see Trump has all to gain and the upside is, America could be “catapulted” into a new position in America. I don’t believe the majority of Americans want Harris anymore than Stalin rising up from the “gates of hell”!
The majority of Americans are so fed up and so desperate for someone TRUTHFUL, SOMEONE TRUSTED & TRUTHFUL, this is so obvious what the American people want!
If theres any truth to anything covid, Trump must come clean and explain this to the American People and the World Stage!
Or is there another attempt on his life STOPPING HIM? I’m beginning to believe he’s under constant pressure not to say anything about OWS and the Covid Bioweapon Injections!
Thank you Roger for your insight and thoughts. I do believe a Trump must take this calculated risk. At this point for many reasons because,
“We the People” will lose our country with a Harris / Walz November win. I’ll end this with General Mike Flynn’s own words:
Mike Flynn’s own quote is below Roger:
General Mike Flynn said on “Redacted” with Clayton Morris the following:
“I’m not a bullshitter, I’m gonna be matter of fact here’s what we’re facing and I’m all for Trump and I’m going to go out there like I’ve been doing around this country and
Donald Trump Right Now is our Savior”,
“If we don’t get him in office we’re gonna become a “communist” country here, damn near overnight”!
General Mike Flynn’s:
Final words on Redacted:
If Trump Doesn’t Win,
“We will never return to being a constitutional republic!”
I have to agree with General Flynn. Unfortunately America is at a crossroad we have never been before.
Thank you Roger for your input and thoughts. This is what’s so beneficial about having conversations regardless if we agree or disagree.
what an excellent set of content AJR, again, your content is very helpful as is Roger's, ANW, Milton, 2nd Smartest, Dr. Yeadon etc. so many, in fact all I argue, even those who come just to vent and raise antibodies. Huge love and respect and your balance is important. You are trying to thread a near impossible needle. Trump cannot be silent any longer and IMO, Kennedy Jr. cannot make the case re vaccine, it will look like a failure on his part...its kind of at present Vance looks sidelined and silenced re Kennedy JR. optics are key. This is Trump's demon to slay. He cannot sub-contract it out.
I think I understand what you mean Roger. If fact, two plus years ago I said Trump needs to come clean. He must tell the world the truth about what really happened.
Obviously he’s not going to say anything. It’s shocking to think about why, not only Trump, but everyone involved has been silent. The sooner Trump tells the damn truth the better I believe he’ll be viewed, especially from his skeptical audience. The sooner he does, the better for his reelection bid, I think.
If this is what you meant by “our timing is off”? Either way I believe Trump’s lack of any forthcoming, honest discussion’s to explain what must be explained, concerns me to no end!
In other words, if Trump part of this “Global Takeover” / “New World Ordered” governance? The only other reason why he stays silent is threats. Who knows?
Today, news broke about another Pyzer Whistleblower coming forward. What I heard was that this whistleblower was saying the shots are to sterilize people.
And until three generations have been eliminated, the world population will be wiped out and manageable by these nasty
“Globalists Creeps”!
Was Covid all about Eugenics? Absolutely in one sense of the word. Although I didn’t learn much about a specific targeted outcome / goals. IE: Only 6’5 Blonde hair Blue eyes males born.
Evil has shown itself clearly. To what extent evil controls the masses I quite frankly don’t know.
OF COURSE the Jab was part of eugenics but not in the way most people think. For some reason this NWO cabal thinks they can survive and dominate the world with 500K people assisted by AI. Total horse shit! Likewise, you are giving Trump wayyyy too much credit. He and numerous others are bit players in what is going on. The "powers" are mostly found in Europe and use surrogates (like George Soros) to pull the levers of power. Trump to them is a clown....heck even King Charles is a clown to them (who basically is their bitch). The interesting thing is how they have let their guard down and are being exposed. Thus, they are vulnerable to the Mob....who will catch up with them. The thing now is to remain calm and use our collective wits to defeat these evil bastards. Basically, we the little people have to become unmanageable... a heavy task but doable. Thus embrace your Happy Warrior Spirit and carry-on. Pax
I could not have said it better myself Roger. I glad you said that. I have given Trump way too much credit / a pass. 99% I trust my instincts and Trump was that 1% part of me not wanting to believe, ultimately we’re screwed!
It’s obvious zero batters have got into the political batters box!! Strike after Strike from one side continues to drive the “NWO forward! It’s inevitable.
Your point stands! Thank you for insightful analysis. Trump is part of the problem! Part of me doesn’t want to believe humanity is so freaking cruel / evil!
I agree that DJT is VERY FLAWED…yes he still touts the rapid development - with a caveat, in that its available if you want it. Definitely a cop-out on his part…but we are where we are. Folks gotta get away from having things perfect which is the enemy of good. He ain’t perfect but do you really want a Marxist regime calling the shots? This is what you’re going to get if you can’t see beyond the flaws. So simply stated….wake up,,,get a mitt and get into the game. Pax
We know for a fact Kamala is making everyone that works for her take the shots! Personally, Kamala, you take all those nice little illegal mandates and shove them. You take all those shots yourself and how dare you force others to take a proven kill shot!
As I've expressed before (several times!), it's not "time", it's WELL PAST TIME!!!
Heck, one question: Why do they even have to be *told* or *asked* to speak out against the jabs, the lockdowns, the masks, the school and business closures, etc ... etc ... etc?
By now, any honest person KNOWS that these jabs and other things are harmful, even deadly.
So why would any caring, responsible person - let alone a government "leader" - be reluctant to speak? Why would they not DEMAND that the responsible be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law?
The ONLY reason that comes to mind is that they ALL belong to the same gang of psycho-monsters - the same gang that perpetrated the biggest crime on humanity in all history.
Otherwise , if they are not part of the gang, then they are a bunch of cowards and liars.
Thank you for saying Trump has to come clean on Covid. Besides coming clean on Covid Trump needs to not only promise never to do it again and he needs explain how he will stop the Medical Mafia this time, unlike last. He also needs to fix the Children Vaccine Schedule. While Covid was terrible while it lasted, never forget, we are poisoning almost all of our children daily with the current "Well Visit" regime. Killing Covid with the truth is only the first battle in a very long war that has already had enough casualties. "Sink the Schedule". thanks again.
The only part of OWS that worked was the monoclonals. He could vlaim crefit for thar. Vaccines failed, but to be fair, they failed during the Biden regime
🎯🎯🎯 people didn’t start dying until the mandates. Trump gave you a choice (he’s not a doctor) and Biden made your life a living hell!
The thing about TDS people is they think everything is cut and dry. They tried to kill him for God’s sake so you think if he came out it will make his life better? That is foolish…they will kill his family! What would you do? Not one of you would come out cause you would be terrified. He’s got a target on his head. Do you honestly think he would have welcomed Kennedy in his cabinet if he didn’t want to obliterate the medical deep state? Are we really this stupid!
Paul's point is that coming clean may help him win. Trump's main mistake was trying to take credit for OWS during the Biden regime. Paul could be right; look at how the crowd at the Trump rally went nuts when RFK Jr showed up. I do believe that "coming clean" should be presented as an attack on the Biden regime policies. Best defense is a good offense. Otherwise, I agree with you and I am 100% pro-Trump.
Coming clean for what? For Trump to admit something could only hurt his reelection chances. He is doing what he has to do. He states daily that he will never mandate anything and will cut funding to anyone who does.he also says he will take back all military personnel who were forced out due to mandates with back pay. Right now we have only 2 choices, commiela and forced mandates and tyranny or Trump and a chance to fix this. Any attempt to admit something will be used by the corrupt media to destroy him.
It's not worth putting your family's life in danger. Dr. Paul would not do it and neither would anyone else. He will never lose his base and he's going to win anyway, he won the last time. My point is he is not going to admit anything until he knows the deep state will not come after him or his family. But like Petz says the horse has died. Stop it...lets focus on what the both of these men will do for the country, together. Let Kennedy take the baby full force. Trump is giving him the ball.
The ticket of Trump and Kennedy are a done deal and nothing is going to stop that. Both men seem to have a plan, a good plan so instead of stating what he should do, let's forcus on what they will do going forward.
only time the deepstate will not come after him is if he wins and we need that and he takes them out, cleans them out...figuratively and take law enforcement down to the studs.
Don't fool yourself... Trump winning the election and draining the swamp sounds easy. Look at what we've seen in just the past 8 years. I don't need to run it all down again, but I will say that 2.5 million government employees, 10+ million outside contractors and a very dangerous complicit media is not gonna go away with the signing of an E.O. Trump is a great leader but without we the people, he's just a man. What needs to be done is we the people have to bypass the corrupt treasonous media and start doing some serious research to uncover the truth. You play a very important role in all of this and the constant stacks requiring Trump to ADMIT something is sending a bad message. What you don't mention is what Trump was up against from the day he first announced his candidacy straight through to the present moment. All of these psy-ops against Trump are all part of the same operation. LOOK AT WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH AS A COUNTRY! We have tampons in men's rooms and tranny's dancing on the front lawn of the white house, all while a small group of people are looking for Trump to admit something that was largely out of his control. As k some questions, like when was the vaccine really created? When did they know the HCQ actually worked? When did they realize that covid really didn't kill anyone? Did traitor obama really put a freeze on G.O.F. research? If so why did he write an executive memo lifting the funding freeze on G.O.F. research just 11 days before leaving office? THIS COUNTRY IS FKED IF COMMIELA WINS THE ELECTION! IF WE CONTINUE TO PUSH NEGATIVES INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT THE POSITIVES, SHE COULD WELL WIN AND THAT WOULD MEAN MASK, VACCINE MANDATES AND FUTURE LOCK DOWNS BY JUST SIGNING AN E.O. WE THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DIRECTION OF THIS COUNTRY. WE NEED SMART PEOPLE WHO DO THE WORK TO KEEP US INFORMED.
Agree. I think Trump could highlight his opposition to vaccine mandates, and as far as OWS is concerned shift towards taking credit for the monoclonals. He can attack Biden policies: vaccine mandates, incessant boosters, failure to monitor safety, retirement of the monoclonals, suppression of treatment doctors (how many Biden policies he chooses to attack can vary; doesn't have to be the whole Monty). OTOH, just bringing RFK Jr is alone a big signal, and Paul did say in a previous post that the next shoe to drop is that Trump will say something re covid/shots. Actually timing all these big booms right after the DNC convention is brilliant timing. It was a long wait for us, but as a strategy it makes a lot of sense.
There is no hope for you! You’re like a MSM mockingbird. Do you ever say anything nice about anyone or do you just use name calling as a mechanism to justify your idiocy? You have nothing to add to the table but deranged hate! The only sheep idiot I see on here is you! Don’t vote then fool! Don’t vote for either candidate.
Honesty will save the day no matter what the subject. People don’t realize until they hear it how far off we’ve gone. It can be a jolt back into the true state of things.
All politicians and everyone seeking public office should have to sign a declaration that they will never agree or vote for, any legislation to enact any of these unconstitutional, illegal failed health mandates ever.
There is no way, no way, the Karmalita Harris regime is going to ever go against the COVID/bio weapon narrative. Trump, IDK about. He needs to stop talking about "Operation Warp Speed" and admit he was fooled into this bioweapon being unleashed onto society.
correct, he has to stop talking about it or praising it, it was a pure failure, all of it.
if he does talk he must tell us how he will make us 'whole' again and never ever succumb to this fraud again.
Harris campaign requires proof of covid shot to work for them.
we know what she will do, she will lock us down and suffer us and the good news is 45 never was going to is the mandate that harmed us
Yep. Here's the beans:
The quote, copy-paste from the Harris for President website:
"Harris for President requires all employees to be "up to date" on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign's COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location."
In addition:
Democratic National Committee:
"The campaign requires all employees to be "up to date" on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign's COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location."
What is "up to date" now? 10 jabs?
At least she won't have to worry about her staff resigning on her anymore, they'll all be dead.
Indeed 10.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
How hopelessly ignorant can so many in The USA be?
Sad LOL.
Don’t mean to laugh but that is funny🤣
You’re so random 🤣👍🤣and honest!
Thank yer. I've been called a lot in my life, but never random (or honest come to that).
2 jabs 10 boosters.
My guess is they are probably insisting on the basic 2, taken whenever, plus the latest booster. Otherwise I doubt they'll actually fill all those slots. But who knows!
It's funny but the reason I went and looked up the link was that I mentioned it to a colleague, that the Harris campaign was requiring workers to be fully jabbed and he laughed and said, that can't be, that's absurd, you're just repeating hearsay, show me. So I did.
thank you for being here and helping and being such a shining light, beacon
Thank YOU
Thank you for posting.
Thank YOU
thank you
What a bunch of clueless fuck ups.
Everything you’ve said/noted is 100% true…period. Yet there is a BUT to all of this…unfortunately, we live in a time where virtue is absent…especially in the public square. Those that already know that the Jab is poison have taken corrective steps. The sheep that remain have to be brought along gradually. Think about it, if DJT were to come out and say “I screwed up about Operation Warp Speed”…the Jab is poison …can you imagine how the evil MSM would crucify him? The smarter thing to do (and yes unfortunately people will continue to die) is win the election and use RFK as the foil to go against big pharma, agg, media. Justice will ultimately be served. If I’m missing something or reading things improperly…apologies, BUT often slow is fast. Thoughts? Pax
somewhat and we take your input seriously, thank you Roger S....hugs
I agree with you to a degree Roger and here’s why. At this point, most people, not all but most, know the covid scam was exactly that, a scam!
They also know the shots are killing people, unlike anything, Americans have ever seen before.
Even the “lunatic lefties” know someone and or have been injured or know someone who has died or been disabled by these Shots. They know Covid was all BS!
Understand the fact, thousands of politicians never took the shot. They knew what was happening. Either they were and or have been threatened or simply won’t say anything or both, but they knew the mRNA was deadly! And if they didn’t, then shame on them! I learned within two weeks something wasn’t right about the mRNA.
I highly doubt Harris’s workers / staff or anyone within her group, will be forced into taking such a deadly risk / jab! I believe the reason Harris’s website states this is simply to preemptively get the American people use to being forced into taking any kind of mRNA bioweapon, should she prevail in November. They did it before and they will do it again!
It doesn’t make any sense for Harris to subject potential staff workers into getting injected, except for making the populace believe the JABS ARE OK! I believe all the MSM stories of Biden getting injected and Fauci etc were all phot ops, all a blind!
One thing we can bet on, if Harris wins, COVID lockdowns will look like recess for first graders. Our way of life will NEVER BE THE SAME, our country is in jeopardy!
Think about the simple fact that for three years Biden was MIA! He was very sick before the election and he was UNFIT to serve himself dinner, let alone President! But the
“DEEP STATE MSM CABAL” pulled the wool over half of American people’s eyes! Nonstop mind you! It’s quite amazing.
The reason why I am throughly convinced Trump MUST come clean about OWS and the dangers / dangerous mRNA injections is because either way he will get hammered should the Harris team of communistic ideologues decide to use OWS against him. Don’t think they wouldn’t.
Although, there may be an unspoken, inside agreement between “all parties in the know” NOT TO SPEAK A WORD ABOUT COVID! Nobody knows for sure, though this would be my first thought. It wouldn’t shock me.
The Harris lunatics can simply inform the world Trump caused millions of deaths, etc. because of OWS! And remember what Harris and Pelosi among others said?
“They would never take the JAB because it came out under Trump”. They couldn’t TRUST THE JABS! Remember?
Attacking Trump about OWS,
etc would be like throwing
“Gas On A Barbecue”. Trumps on fire lately, with RFK and Tulsi’s endorsements. Which is exactly why I believe Trump MUST COME CLEAN! He must control the narrative! Especially about OWS! Unless Trump is PART OF THE PROBLEM, HE MUST COME CLEAN! Otherwise if he doesn’t, he is part of the entire Covid scam! Remember
“The Art of the Deal”?
People would believe Harris / the State Run MSM if they attack Trump on OWS because most people understand how long it takes to get any vaccine to market. Yes it is a fine line for Trump to thread the needle of Truth, but and as you said Roger, yes there’s a but here, if he continues to stay silent, one way or another, it may bite him badly!
The American people are “STARVING” for the TRUTH. Left and right, red green and blue, everyone is. I see upside for Trump, downside if he continues his SILENCE.
Now that RFK JR has broken away from the “Dark-Side”, Trump would be most wise to allow RFK JR to explain the flaws in mRNA technology and why it’s never hit the market. Then Trump can explain how this all happened. Trump will know doubt, gain more votes from the left than he already has secured, the right predominantly are voting for Trump. His honesty would pull more voters to his side simply for his truthfulness.
Again Roger, if Trump allows the MSM and or the Harris crowd drive the narrative, he will lose badly. We know the State Run MSM has been completely captured. They’re driving every talking point good or bad about Trump. Obviously it’s been all bad which is exactly why Trump must STRIKE FIRST!
Hell what does he have to lose?
If we have an election in November, I still believe something will happen to force martial law and or lockdowns again, the fix is already in. Harris / Walz win! This is how important I believe it is that Trump comes clean about the entire Covid scam. He may not ever get the chance to. I believe this election is that DIRE!
The way things have gone since George Floyd fraudulent trial and State Run MSM drove the narrative forward is sickening! Megan Kelly’s ’ podcast is EYE OPENING. How DUPED Americans have been treated, lied to about the Floyd scandal!Office Eric Chauvin SHOULD NOT BE IN PRISON! Period! Officer Chauvin never had his knee on Floyd’s neck! Floyd’s toxicology reports were damning, all “Not Guilty” evidence wasn’t allowed into court! The same thing happened with Trump recently!
Which is why the “FIX IS IN”!
The camera angle proves beyond anyone’s doubt! The judge wouldn’t allow that particular angle to be seen by the jury among other key pieces of evidence! Another words, the state of disarray America is in today, was accelerated greatly by the “Summer of Love” peaceful protesting and it hasn’t ended!
Everything from that point forward, including Biden, the illegitimate president, Covid and all the fraudulent legal cases against Trump and RFK have been manufactured! Sadly, America’s backbone of people, aside from the Soros agitators, has been NONEXISTENT!
Yes I see Trump has all to gain and the upside is, America could be “catapulted” into a new position in America. I don’t believe the majority of Americans want Harris anymore than Stalin rising up from the “gates of hell”!
The majority of Americans are so fed up and so desperate for someone TRUTHFUL, SOMEONE TRUSTED & TRUTHFUL, this is so obvious what the American people want!
If theres any truth to anything covid, Trump must come clean and explain this to the American People and the World Stage!
Or is there another attempt on his life STOPPING HIM? I’m beginning to believe he’s under constant pressure not to say anything about OWS and the Covid Bioweapon Injections!
Thank you Roger for your insight and thoughts. I do believe a Trump must take this calculated risk. At this point for many reasons because,
“We the People” will lose our country with a Harris / Walz November win. I’ll end this with General Mike Flynn’s own words:
Mike Flynn’s own quote is below Roger:
General Mike Flynn said on “Redacted” with Clayton Morris the following:
“I’m not a bullshitter, I’m gonna be matter of fact here’s what we’re facing and I’m all for Trump and I’m going to go out there like I’ve been doing around this country and
Donald Trump Right Now is our Savior”,
“If we don’t get him in office we’re gonna become a “communist” country here, damn near overnight”!
General Mike Flynn’s:
Final words on Redacted:
If Trump Doesn’t Win,
“We will never return to being a constitutional republic!”
I have to agree with General Flynn. Unfortunately America is at a crossroad we have never been before.
Thank you Roger for your input and thoughts. This is what’s so beneficial about having conversations regardless if we agree or disagree.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
what an excellent set of content AJR, again, your content is very helpful as is Roger's, ANW, Milton, 2nd Smartest, Dr. Yeadon etc. so many, in fact all I argue, even those who come just to vent and raise antibodies. Huge love and respect and your balance is important. You are trying to thread a near impossible needle. Trump cannot be silent any longer and IMO, Kennedy Jr. cannot make the case re vaccine, it will look like a failure on his part...its kind of at present Vance looks sidelined and silenced re Kennedy JR. optics are key. This is Trump's demon to slay. He cannot sub-contract it out.
Thank you Dr.
Let’s hope Trump understands, his ”useless eaters” are withering on the vine, “starving to death”!
Seems to me we’re pretty much in agreement…the issue is timing :-)
I think I understand what you mean Roger. If fact, two plus years ago I said Trump needs to come clean. He must tell the world the truth about what really happened.
Obviously he’s not going to say anything. It’s shocking to think about why, not only Trump, but everyone involved has been silent. The sooner Trump tells the damn truth the better I believe he’ll be viewed, especially from his skeptical audience. The sooner he does, the better for his reelection bid, I think.
If this is what you meant by “our timing is off”? Either way I believe Trump’s lack of any forthcoming, honest discussion’s to explain what must be explained, concerns me to no end!
In other words, if Trump part of this “Global Takeover” / “New World Ordered” governance? The only other reason why he stays silent is threats. Who knows?
Today, news broke about another Pyzer Whistleblower coming forward. What I heard was that this whistleblower was saying the shots are to sterilize people.
And until three generations have been eliminated, the world population will be wiped out and manageable by these nasty
“Globalists Creeps”!
Was Covid all about Eugenics? Absolutely in one sense of the word. Although I didn’t learn much about a specific targeted outcome / goals. IE: Only 6’5 Blonde hair Blue eyes males born.
Evil has shown itself clearly. To what extent evil controls the masses I quite frankly don’t know.
Thank you Roger for your thoughtful response.
boom again
OF COURSE the Jab was part of eugenics but not in the way most people think. For some reason this NWO cabal thinks they can survive and dominate the world with 500K people assisted by AI. Total horse shit! Likewise, you are giving Trump wayyyy too much credit. He and numerous others are bit players in what is going on. The "powers" are mostly found in Europe and use surrogates (like George Soros) to pull the levers of power. Trump to them is a clown....heck even King Charles is a clown to them (who basically is their bitch). The interesting thing is how they have let their guard down and are being exposed. Thus, they are vulnerable to the Mob....who will catch up with them. The thing now is to remain calm and use our collective wits to defeat these evil bastards. Basically, we the little people have to become unmanageable... a heavy task but doable. Thus embrace your Happy Warrior Spirit and carry-on. Pax
I could not have said it better myself Roger. I glad you said that. I have given Trump way too much credit / a pass. 99% I trust my instincts and Trump was that 1% part of me not wanting to believe, ultimately we’re screwed!
It’s obvious zero batters have got into the political batters box!! Strike after Strike from one side continues to drive the “NWO forward! It’s inevitable.
Your point stands! Thank you for insightful analysis. Trump is part of the problem! Part of me doesn’t want to believe humanity is so freaking cruel / evil!
Thank you again Roger.
I like Roger's clarification, its good.
They don’t see it that way. They say he still brags about it…that’s a lie! He hasn’t come clean about it but he’s not STILL bragging about it!
I see lies written on this stack. If we can’t be honest then your comments are not credible! Stop it!
He has also stated that he will reinstate all discharged military personnel with back pay and a letter of apology from the Govt.
that was exceptional, that was great of him, that is a real victory and I think he will. he loves the military
And that’s a great thing👍
for sure, huge love and respect Tex
I agree that DJT is VERY FLAWED…yes he still touts the rapid development - with a caveat, in that its available if you want it. Definitely a cop-out on his part…but we are where we are. Folks gotta get away from having things perfect which is the enemy of good. He ain’t perfect but do you really want a Marxist regime calling the shots? This is what you’re going to get if you can’t see beyond the flaws. So simply stated….wake up,,,get a mitt and get into the game. Pax
excellent...we often cant get the best or what we want but we can still work with what we have and mold to the optimal situation...
Roger send me videos of where he still touts it. Recent ones. He gave options, Biden mandated it…but you know all this.
yes Biden mandated...Trump would have not
We know for a fact Kamala is making everyone that works for her take the shots! Personally, Kamala, you take all those nice little illegal mandates and shove them. You take all those shots yourself and how dare you force others to take a proven kill shot!
She won’t take the shots, she just loves to know people will suffer. That’s her shot!
This horse is dead, you beat it to death almost daily. IT'S TIME TO GET TRUMP ELECTED SO WE CAN GET OUR FKEN COUNTRY BACK.
Exactly! Cut the damn rhetoric!
Trump and Kennedy have settled their differences and are willing to work with each other to save this country.
Both men seem to be the only adults in the room.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
As I've expressed before (several times!), it's not "time", it's WELL PAST TIME!!!
Heck, one question: Why do they even have to be *told* or *asked* to speak out against the jabs, the lockdowns, the masks, the school and business closures, etc ... etc ... etc?
By now, any honest person KNOWS that these jabs and other things are harmful, even deadly.
So why would any caring, responsible person - let alone a government "leader" - be reluctant to speak? Why would they not DEMAND that the responsible be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law?
The ONLY reason that comes to mind is that they ALL belong to the same gang of psycho-monsters - the same gang that perpetrated the biggest crime on humanity in all history.
Otherwise , if they are not part of the gang, then they are a bunch of cowards and liars.
Thank you for saying Trump has to come clean on Covid. Besides coming clean on Covid Trump needs to not only promise never to do it again and he needs explain how he will stop the Medical Mafia this time, unlike last. He also needs to fix the Children Vaccine Schedule. While Covid was terrible while it lasted, never forget, we are poisoning almost all of our children daily with the current "Well Visit" regime. Killing Covid with the truth is only the first battle in a very long war that has already had enough casualties. "Sink the Schedule". thanks again.
The only part of OWS that worked was the monoclonals. He could vlaim crefit for thar. Vaccines failed, but to be fair, they failed during the Biden regime
🎯🎯🎯 people didn’t start dying until the mandates. Trump gave you a choice (he’s not a doctor) and Biden made your life a living hell!
The thing about TDS people is they think everything is cut and dry. They tried to kill him for God’s sake so you think if he came out it will make his life better? That is foolish…they will kill his family! What would you do? Not one of you would come out cause you would be terrified. He’s got a target on his head. Do you honestly think he would have welcomed Kennedy in his cabinet if he didn’t want to obliterate the medical deep state? Are we really this stupid!
technically as Eleftherios said and you are right.
Paul's point is that coming clean may help him win. Trump's main mistake was trying to take credit for OWS during the Biden regime. Paul could be right; look at how the crowd at the Trump rally went nuts when RFK Jr showed up. I do believe that "coming clean" should be presented as an attack on the Biden regime policies. Best defense is a good offense. Otherwise, I agree with you and I am 100% pro-Trump.
Coming clean for what? For Trump to admit something could only hurt his reelection chances. He is doing what he has to do. He states daily that he will never mandate anything and will cut funding to anyone who does.he also says he will take back all military personnel who were forced out due to mandates with back pay. Right now we have only 2 choices, commiela and forced mandates and tyranny or Trump and a chance to fix this. Any attempt to admit something will be used by the corrupt media to destroy him.
That makes a lot of sense.
It's not worth putting your family's life in danger. Dr. Paul would not do it and neither would anyone else. He will never lose his base and he's going to win anyway, he won the last time. My point is he is not going to admit anything until he knows the deep state will not come after him or his family. But like Petz says the horse has died. Stop it...lets focus on what the both of these men will do for the country, together. Let Kennedy take the baby full force. Trump is giving him the ball.
The ticket of Trump and Kennedy are a done deal and nothing is going to stop that. Both men seem to have a plan, a good plan so instead of stating what he should do, let's forcus on what they will do going forward.
only time the deepstate will not come after him is if he wins and we need that and he takes them out, cleans them out...figuratively and take law enforcement down to the studs.
Don't fool yourself... Trump winning the election and draining the swamp sounds easy. Look at what we've seen in just the past 8 years. I don't need to run it all down again, but I will say that 2.5 million government employees, 10+ million outside contractors and a very dangerous complicit media is not gonna go away with the signing of an E.O. Trump is a great leader but without we the people, he's just a man. What needs to be done is we the people have to bypass the corrupt treasonous media and start doing some serious research to uncover the truth. You play a very important role in all of this and the constant stacks requiring Trump to ADMIT something is sending a bad message. What you don't mention is what Trump was up against from the day he first announced his candidacy straight through to the present moment. All of these psy-ops against Trump are all part of the same operation. LOOK AT WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH AS A COUNTRY! We have tampons in men's rooms and tranny's dancing on the front lawn of the white house, all while a small group of people are looking for Trump to admit something that was largely out of his control. As k some questions, like when was the vaccine really created? When did they know the HCQ actually worked? When did they realize that covid really didn't kill anyone? Did traitor obama really put a freeze on G.O.F. research? If so why did he write an executive memo lifting the funding freeze on G.O.F. research just 11 days before leaving office? THIS COUNTRY IS FKED IF COMMIELA WINS THE ELECTION! IF WE CONTINUE TO PUSH NEGATIVES INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT THE POSITIVES, SHE COULD WELL WIN AND THAT WOULD MEAN MASK, VACCINE MANDATES AND FUTURE LOCK DOWNS BY JUST SIGNING AN E.O. WE THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DIRECTION OF THIS COUNTRY. WE NEED SMART PEOPLE WHO DO THE WORK TO KEEP US INFORMED.
Well said Petz!
“He’s just a man”
See, they don’t get that part!
Oh I’m sure both men spoke in private and have a game plan put in motion!
He can’t do it alone but we’re too damn busy worrying about an admittance while they steal the election once again🤷♂️
Just more divisive rhetoric!
Agree. I think Trump could highlight his opposition to vaccine mandates, and as far as OWS is concerned shift towards taking credit for the monoclonals. He can attack Biden policies: vaccine mandates, incessant boosters, failure to monitor safety, retirement of the monoclonals, suppression of treatment doctors (how many Biden policies he chooses to attack can vary; doesn't have to be the whole Monty). OTOH, just bringing RFK Jr is alone a big signal, and Paul did say in a previous post that the next shoe to drop is that Trump will say something re covid/shots. Actually timing all these big booms right after the DNC convention is brilliant timing. It was a long wait for us, but as a strategy it makes a lot of sense.
its key to separate himself against mandates
BOOM. Yeah, that was awesome to witness!
And still the sheeple make excuses for their golden idol. There is no hope for them.
Vote for commiela... you'll deserve what you get!
There is no hope for you! You’re like a MSM mockingbird. Do you ever say anything nice about anyone or do you just use name calling as a mechanism to justify your idiocy? You have nothing to add to the table but deranged hate! The only sheep idiot I see on here is you! Don’t vote then fool! Don’t vote for either candidate.
Yep, that's where she gets her power and explains why she has stretch marks on her neck.
🤣😂 wa wa what? lol
Honesty will save the day no matter what the subject. People don’t realize until they hear it how far off we’ve gone. It can be a jolt back into the true state of things.
Shanahan gets it 🤣😂🤣😂while rest of you whine 😂🤣😂🤣
All politicians and everyone seeking public office should have to sign a declaration that they will never agree or vote for, any legislation to enact any of these unconstitutional, illegal failed health mandates ever.
It wont happen but I hope I have to eat those words