Just when I thought you might be coming around on foreign policy you go and post some moronic article like this. When you find yourself in agreement with the Biden administration you know you have gotten something wrong. It is a horrible idea for the US to bomb Iran or the Houthis. All the Houthis are asking for is that Israel to stop killing Palestinian civilians and for them to allow some aid come in. That's not very much to ask for. Instead of agreeing to those agreeable terms the Biden administration is probably going to get us dragged into WW3 by escalating the issue and bombing the Houthis and Iran like you suggested, which is not going to end well for us.

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Iran must never ever be allowed to have nuclear weapons...ever...if this is the method, then we take it out...this is my opinion, you can have yours.

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I agree with Fons. This neocon regime will never accomplish any goals you rightfully wish they could/would/should. What you are asking of this regime will only backfire and blow back on humanity. They only want WW3.

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Then why does our government give Iran money under the table? Obama gave em $400,000,000 on his way out. And Biden Admin. has also given them money. They’re funding all sides. It’s insane. Our military is merely fodder for their war games, just like innocent civilians. They do not care!

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Please note that the money that the US gave to Iran was Iran's money that the US had held from them. On the other hand, the billions of dollars that the US gives to Israel every year are US taxpayer dollars. There is a big difference between giving someone back their own money and giving someone our tax dollars.

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Get your Ahswers and share with us plz!

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Apparently, you have conceded that continuing to bomb the Houthis is a bad idea, which seems to be why you change the subject to the possibility of Iran getting nuclear weapons. Please keep in mind that Russia will defend Iran if the US ever bombs them, and Russia's got way bigger and better nukes than the US. So, if the US bombs Iran that would be suicide. The best thing that the US can do, in my opinion, is get the F out of the region, and stop giving billions of US tax dollars and weapons to Israel.

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You speak sense Mr Fons.

Please see my comment in the comments thread.

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Iran has vowed to level Israel to the ground. I wouldn't put it pass them to do it. They've already murdered 30,000 of their own people, with their current leader Raisi in charge of that.

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I have to agree with you Dr. the problem is this current illegitimate administration is on Irans side and has been for years. Every single destructive force attacking every level of American life and in support of everything Un-American has come out of the closet, sort of speak. There isn’t a single thing patriotic Americans can point to which is helping make life better for the bulk of Americans! Not one single thing! Iran is the “PUPPET MASTER” of terror in the world! Palestinians elected HAMAS! IMO, they get what they deserve! I am fed up with the deep corruption and in your face bullshit! Higher Education is another yet and worse a “CESSPOOL” of deep lining pockets of hatred towards America! When any half- witted person looks back 3+ years when Trump was in office, there’s been a complete reversal on every single policy to destroy America! Who may be doing this? It’s freaking obvious! I don’t need to name who anymore, if people can’t see what’s happening to America, deliberately I might add, then they’re part of the problem! It’s not complicated and it’s quite obvious!


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Awesome & may add Canada too?🇨🇦💜🇺🇸☮️

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Absolutely Michele, I typically add at the end of my post, “May God Bless America and The Entire World” because I was pressed for time and posted without adding my ending. Thank you for mentioning Canada, of all allies, Canada is “MOST IMPORTANT” and I keep up with what’s happening in your country, which is ahead I believe in being “DESTROYED” as America! So IMO, “WE THE PEOPLE” means, “ALL GOD FEARING FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE”! Thanks again Michele.


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Bid re n was elected by we Smerucans; take your good ideas to the Dems!😉

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There is always a hidden chess game going on behind the scenes. We don't get 'news' as you know. We are the dispensable pawns in this game. Reacting with 'get them!' is exactly what 'they' intend. Don't fall for it please - you know way too much for that. With respect.

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while the rest of the world does???would you want to be a SITTING DUCK? my opinion..ALL NUCLEAR PROGRAMS MUST BE SCRAPPED..THE WORLD IS FOREVER AT RISK UNTIL THIS IS DONE!!! this I CAN HAVE THIS but YOU CANT BS???

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Your opinion is dangerous and willful madness!

Where are you from?

Are you an American Citizen?

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Remember what happened to Ilan Ramon, one of the IAF pilots who bombed the Iraq Osiraq nuclear reactor in 1981?

He became the first Israeli astronaut on NASA's STS-107 Columbia Space Shuttle flight of January 16- Feb. 1st, 2003, which was initially reported to have disintegrated over Palestine, Texas. (I thought that to be so eerily strange, at the time)?

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While I do like Dr. A ... he's dead wrong on this one. First, the Houthis reside in Yemen...which has had the shit bombed out of it by the Saudis (US)....killing tens of thousands. Yet, not a word of protest from others in the region and/or the US/EU. Next, Iran having a bomb is more of a local issue... and Israel has it covered. Seems to me that should Iran get the bomb, Israel will respond profoundly (if you know what I mean). Finally, this whole Gaza thing has gotten wayyy out of hand and should end. Yes, Hamas is evil (we'd all like them dead)...period, but there is more than meets the eye with this whole affair. Israel has not helped the local situation; and the local arabs can't stand the so-called Palestinians but none of this group want them all dead nor flooding into their countries. Furthermore, tens of thousands have been killed and the odds of eliminating Hamas are between nil to none (you can't kill an idea colaked in a theology). Even worse, Israel has guaranteed years of revenge from the survivors. So the whole thing is a mess. This of course begs the question should the US get sucked into another regional war? (BTW neither Russia and China are not interested - they just want access to oil.) Seriously, who benefits and how is Israel helped? We don't benefit (nor do we have the resources) and Israel is most likely now hurting itself. Is there a chance for a two state solution? Not in our lifetime. So it seems to me that once confronted by nothing but bad choices and outcomes, one should be looking for an off-ramp to regroup and figure-out a better way forward. All of this bombing and killing really serves no purpose. Ok, off of my soapbox. Where am I wrong? Pax

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Where you're wrong is to deny Israel the right to defend themselves. Hamas has repeatedly stated that they NEVER intend to stop killing Jews, no matter what kind of deal or cease fire, Hamas will till their last dying Jihadist, continue to attack and murder innocent people. Israel has no choice at all, they have to eliminate as many Hamas as possible for their very survival.

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Ahhh thanks for the Level One thinking. One would think Israel protecting itself was self-evident. Next, you do realize that Hamas was created by Israel to disrupt the PLA....oops! Continuing, Israel has not been treating the local "Palestinians" well at all and has seized land illegally. Sorry this is a know fact. Moving along, you really don't know about the middle east honor/dishonor ethos that is within the Arab DNA. My assertion that if Israel wants to eliminate every last jihadi in Gaza, they'll have to kill the entire population. The population in Gaza is mostly kids and young adults (there has been a baby boom in the region as the locals know demographics wins in the end) who have seen loved ones blown to bits. To date there have been over 30,000 Gazans killed...only a fraction of whom are Hamas. Needless to say much of the above group will be open to some form of revenge. ...so please explain how this works? And BTW at some point Iran will energize Hezbollah into the fight not to mention other Arab countries who will eventually say enough (this may even include Turkey). Again, so what is the pathway forward? If Israel wants to peruse the killing ... be my guest.... but this not America's fight. Personally, I want nothing but the best for Israel but the blood letting has gone on for too long. I'm going to use a talking point from the Dems "give peace a chance".... or at least detente. There is no winning formula at this time and we as a nation are not position to do much good - except find a way to construct an off-ramp. Pax

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Israel just wants peace in the Middle East. A piece of the West Bank, piece of Gaza, piece of Syria, piece of Lebanon, piece of Jordan, piece of Syria, etc. In regards to who benefits by the US joining in the fight? It's Israel, and they want a bigger piece of the pie. It's called "greater Israel", and the Zionists don't have it all yet, and won't be satisfied until they do. That is why the US is occupying Syria, that's why the US went to war in Iraq, and that is the root cause of all of the problems in the region in my opinion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greater_israel.jpg

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Love the play on words . 🍰& ☮️ . Good points .

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Root cause?



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No a viable strategy :-P

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The problem is a radicalized Gazan population, and it will take years to correct. One idea is to have the United Arab Emirates take control of Gaza. Those figures "30,000" are Hamas propaganda. Honestly there are no easy solutions, but if Israel lays down it's arms, there will be no Israel.

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I am not going to debate the numbers....suffice it to say that they're in the tens of thousands. Then again, does the number really matter? I think all can agree that too many have died in response to the evil inflicted upon Israel. Enough already. And no one is asking for Israel to lay down arms....quite the contrary. The real ask is for Israel to re-think its current strategy....realizing that the current one is a dead-end. Pax

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Feel free to suggest another strategy, I'm sure Israel would like to hear any ideas. But the current strategy of wiping out every Hamas member sure sounds like a way to defeat the enemy. How did we defeat Japan? How did we defeat Germany? We bombed them into oblivion, it's about the only way to win a war.

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Bibi set them up


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Dismissal had far exceeded its right to defend

End if subject

Grnocide id not defendable.

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I believe that it is only Zionists that Hamas has a problem with.

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How come there are so many Hamasians (JFK). HAMAS?

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At the expense of our Military who just lost their lives. So, what now we are going to watch

Treason JOE and Dr. Jill appear at Dover AFB, so he can look @ his watch again. The

Corrupt Biden Crime Family are scums. Have no right to be in the people's House.

They need to be thrown THO already.

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That's what JOEBAMA was hoping for: a reason to do it.

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i soo appreciate SENSIBLE VIEWS...

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Yes so true but it seems they want WWIII to depopulate faster....not to mention keeping endless wars going...

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You are so far out in left field your right leg is tearing apart from your left crotch. I cannot believe you do not see a deterrent is necessary for peace to prevail.

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Iran and the Houthis do not care one whit for the people in the Gaza strip. Iran is behind all the terrorism bent on the complete destruction of Israel, and all Jews. Iran and their proxy terrorists are responsible for any innocents being killed, not Israel who are doing everything humanly possible to spare innocents. Israel is fighting an existential battle against the forces of evil and Iran religious zealots are the heart of this evil.

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Wrong, Qatar is the primary funder and harborer of Hamas

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We should bomb the hell out of the Houthis. The aid would only go to Hamas and none of the Palestinians citizens.

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Saudi Arabia,, with US help, bombed the Houthis for years and the Houthis still kicked their a$$ out of Yemen. The Saudi's learned their lesson and don't want to have anything to do with anymore bombing of the Houthis, becuase the Saudi's know that the Houthis will blow up their oil refineries if they even think about doing that. Bombing the Houthis won't accomplish anything except for make them block even more ships and blow up oil refineries in retaliation. The only way to defeat the Houthis would be to send 100k or more troops into Yemen, which would be another horrible idea that would cost thousands of American lives. Eventually a deal is going to have to be made with the Houthis becuase they aren't going to stop until that is done.

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Like making a deal with Hamas? Like the cease fire Israel had with Hamas before Oct 7? Reagan destroyed the Iranian navy and they didn't give any more trouble after that. We should at least escort ships through the red sea, and any Houthis attacks repealed with full force, obliterated. Qur'an, "War is deceit" No way to make a deal with the devil Islamists.

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I'm curious what your thoughts are regarding Israel's involvement in 9/11? Do you think that it was a false flag attack orchestrated by Israel as Chris Bollyn details in the video linked below, or do you believe the official story that it was Islamic terrorist? https://rumble.com/v3kehtc-tricked-into-war-israeli-zionist-government-was-behind-the-911-attack-septe.html

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Any source that you look at, Bollyn hates Jews, period. He sure works hard to paint Jews as evil villains.

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Bollyn lived in Israel for several years and had a Jewish girlfriend and does not hate Jews at all and is NOT a holocaust denier. The same Wikipedia and mainstream sources that you read that on also will tell you that COVID shots are super duper safe and effective. Why don't you watch the video and give me your opinion on it rather than parroting hit pieces you read about him from not-so-trusted sources?

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I hadn't heard of this Bollyn before. He denies the holocaust occurred.

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There have been insane theories about 9/11 that make zero sense and have no evidence. 9/11 was done by Saudi nationals, radical Islamic Jihadists. We know their names, have their DNA, the plane hit the towers, we have the fragments of the plane, DNA of all the victims of the plane passengers. We have the plans of 9/11 that Bin Laden himself did. Any theory that Israel did Oct 7 or 9/11 flies in the face of any common sense.

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I have to disagree with this. It's time to stop. Just stop. Close all the overseas bases, bring all the troops home and close the CIA and the entire military industrial complex. Then make a statement that the US is now a peaceful nation and will not kill any more innocent people. And I just saw a flying pig!

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Just stop indeed!

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We just need to get the hell out of all these other countries!! They shouldn't be our problem. Never a good thing to make other people's problems become your own. We've got a horrifying invasion happening in our own country & every damn state is loaded up with those invaders. I always thought joining the military was about fighting for our own country and its people, not fighting wars for other countries...that's just down right sad. Thanks for all you do and write Dr. Alexander!! Love it when you just let it loose!! God bless you sir!🙏

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See my "isolationism" comment above.

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The number one hit song of 1943 was titled, “Comin’ In on a Wing an a prayer”.

Does anyone really think America would, ”DROP THE BOMB ON ME”? (IRAN)? NOT! Yes another song metaphor, but so true and so NOT GOING TO HAPPEN with this administration! The USA is lead by the most corrupt and destructive “illegitimate administration” I have ever witnessed! With more than half of congress’s UNI-PARTY, which happens to be “ON THE SIDE” of Iran & Houthis, why would anything close to “ELIMINATING IRAN” ever occur? And might I ask would they ever, drop a bomb on their own allies? NO THEY WON’T! NOT!! Not when this UNI-PARTY is sided with IRAN! Only Americans and our allies and certainly those countries around the world, who side with America would support that idea. America is screwed! Look around at the amount of money being pissed away and right back into the pockets of this “ ILLEGITIMATE ADMINISTRATION,”! And certainly not after $100 billion in ATM withdrawal fee credits a month or so ago given to IRAN! “THANK YOU TAXPAYER SUCKERS!! That’s how “WE THE PEOPLE” are looked upon! Trump was right about one major issue all of Americans are facing in which is, “The MSM is the enemy of the people”! Hasn’t anyone noticed the “ONE SIDED NEVER ENDING DRUM BEAT” supporting this administration? Day after day, the MSM covers and promotes this “illegitimate administration” and the last thing the MSM will do is “bite the hand that feeds them”! Beginning with Obamas “TARMAC CASH” DROP OF 6 Billion, if I’m not mistaken when that DESTRUCTIVE administration supported Iran, to more recently, $100+ billion dollars supporting Iran to keep the “peace in the Middle East”! ATFKM? Does anyone really believe Iran the peace keepers?The insanity of those people who, on the cusp of wanting the destruction of America, are calling these two “CASH WINDFALLS FOR IRAN”, “BRILLIANT”! So please people, don’t hold your breath for the sounds of “SEVEN TRUMPETS” singing out “ONE AT A TIME” to signal an apoplectic event happening anytime soon over the sky’s of Iran, as they say, “IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN”! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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stop fomenting WW3

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No, it's not time. We are not equipped physically, mentally, morally nor emotionally as a nation. We need to close our borders, work on selected trade and cut out the cancer, build morale and resilience and get ready for war with China.

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13 from the Afghan debacle now 3 more heroes in Jordan. Life means nothing to Joe Bidum and the Democrats along with the Republican sympathizers on the right who sit on their hands and do nothing. Well, it's our government that has more blood on its hands not including the jab... Keep your expectations low!!!

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Only concern for Brandon Administration is whether the dead Americans' body organs were able to be "harvested" .. gotta maximize profits .. any overseas involvement of American military is all about money..

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Zbig Pedo would not plan even that idea. Iran's being groomed to counter Russia. Not gonna happen. Without Kissinger, Trilateral-Bilderbergs are without a brain. Funny how life runs in a meandering flow sometimes.

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Sometimes just deserts is a headshot

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Hello Paul,

Some elusive facts for you.

Fact 1:

South Africa fucked Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) where a provisional finding of genocide was made against Israel.

Fact 2:

Israel is now on trial for genocide in the main merits case.

Fact 3:

USA is starting to angst over her apparently irrevocable money and weapons support for Israel and her potential joinder to the genocide lawsuit.

Fact 4:

The timing of the killing of 3 US soldiers by mystery drone in Syria/Jordan is too coincidental.

Fact 5:

Netanyahu will do anything to keep Uncle Schmuel (Sam) in the driver's seat paying for petrol, food and drinks on the house of Uncle Schmuel's taxpayers.

Fact 6:

Uncle Sam best drop Israel soonest as she doesn't need another middle east disaster repeat of Iraq or far east horror show of Afghanistan.

Fact 7:

Russia and China are where Uncle Schmuel's tax dollars will be better spent than being dragged into a middle eastern conflict where she doesn't need the oil and tens of thousands of dead American soldiers.

Fact 8:

One American life isn't worth 10,000 raghead lives. Everyone knows this.

Fact 9:

Netanyahu and his pet project of Israel are finished, just like Epstein and Weinstein.

Fact 10:

If Uncle Schmuel is going to go to full blown war with Iran, then your name is Robert Malone, MD, cunt.

Fact 11:

Perhaps 10 above is plausible.

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No, this is a mistake.

The criminal scum deep state _wants_ you to cheer for war with Iran.

Anything they _want_ you to do, you absolutely should never do.

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Dr Alexander, I believe this is one of those occasions where one uses the phrase “stay in your lane”. The US military is being attacked increasingly because they are illegaly occupying a part of Syria and stealing their oil. The US is incrementally being kicked out of the middle east and I say good riddance to them. Why do you think the US has yet to attack or ‘regime change’ North Korea. Correct, because they posses nuclear weapons. Do you think other nations don’t understand this. You can be sure that the Iranians will acquire nukes as soon as they can, otherwise they risk an onslaught by the empire of war and lies. You are awake on covid but still slumbering here.

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I'm sorry Paul but I have to disagree here. Violence brings violence. What we need now is new ways of thinking, not archaic ones that bring us closer to war. Unsubscribing, I wish you all the best, you are a tireless worker and I appreciate your efforts but you may wish to think a little more before posting. Peace, Stephen.

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NO MORE WAR!!! Full Stop. Let Israel pay the price for the collective punishment they have delt the Palestinians. Those poor People. Forgive us Lord, for standing idly by and letting Bibi genocide the People of Palestine. Excuse me, we didn't stand Idly by, we cheered him on and supported him with our military, weapons and tax payer dollars. Guilty. I even suspect Israel's October 7th could have been a false flag or planned stand down, to start this whole mess. Peace be with You!

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No. It is not time. Well, you and the other war hawks go to war first.

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Paul and all,

All, 2024…THIS YEAR IS OUR LAST OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC ... THIS YEAR! No one politician will have the power to do it, and unless WE THE PEOPLE in America stand up together to secure free, fair, lawful and transparent elections, we won't even get that chance! Americans…wake up as the world has been waiting too long for you all to save your CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!!!

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If the US does that, the Iranians will quickly remove the things they most want to remove, gather together all the people they can get their hands on that they would like to kill, but the US does not want to kill, put them on the target zone, set up a bunch of cameras, and say, "Bomb Away".

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