It's the 2nd shot, stupid, Sasha Latypova has written well on this & shed tremendous light & I had dealt with similar in the past based on work by Irene Mavrakakis M.D., "IgE-Mediated Cytokine Storm
in Vaccinated Populations: Call for Further Investigation and Caution Original white paper by Dr. Mavrakakis revised. Original draft written by Dr. Mavrakakis and published by Dr. Alexander stack
‘from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”.’
Before reading further, let me be clear: there is no H5N1 avian bird flu pandemic, they are creating fear porn and creating a fraud fake non-pandemic based on PCR process as they did for the fake COVID…moreover, it is the culling of the birds, ducks, animals etc. that places people into contact with infected birds. Thus, people may get mild pink eye etc. Normally birds etc. do get flu, like humans, symptoms, fever, cough too, recover, get naturally immune. We do not need cull the flocks as it creates shortages and drives prices up. And yes, gets people infected by being in contact killing the birds. I think too there is ongoing manipulation in labs to create more infection virulent strains. I think they are deliberately creating a fraud fake crisis to place in Trump’s lap.
It will be interesting what he does for we will stand for nothing other than stand down, and no response, no mRNA ‘new and improved’ Malone et al. vaccine, no lockdowns, no masks, nothing. This is a non-event. Fraud, fear porn.
Stay tuned.
Now to Sasha and Mavrakakis et al. on the ‘2nd shot’ and the issue of anaphylaxis. Basically, that no vaccine works.
IgE-Mediated Cytokine Storm in Vaccinated Populations: Call for Further Investigation and Caution
Original white paper by Dr. Mavrakakis revised. Original draft written by Dr. Mavrakakis and published by Dr. Alexander on substack on 10-22-2022
Start Mavrakakis here, excellent stack, informative, support:
‘Emerging evidence suggests that cytokine storms observed in certain individuals following vaccination for respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and influenza, may be mediated through IgE sensitization mechanisms. This letter proposes that repeated injection of respiratory viral antigens through vaccines could inadvertently lead to IgE sensitization both to the viral antigens and other components, predisposing individuals to cytokine storms upon re-exposure to related antigens. Such reactions could underlie severe immune responses in some vaccinated individuals, pointing to a need for closer examination of this pathway.
Cytokine storms are hyperinflammatory reactions involving massive cytokine release, often resulting in severe tissue damage. Research indicates that IgE-mediated hypersensitivity could play a significant role in these reactions, particularly following respiratory virus vaccinations. This pathway, typically associated with mast cell degranulation and histamine release, may be triggered in sensitized individuals upon exposure to similar viral antigens. Historical insights on anaphylaxis, such as those described by Charles Richet in his 1913 Nobel lecture, underscore that unnatural antigen exposures via injections, especially through repeated exposures, can lead to severe allergic responses and anaphylactic reactions.
Note, Sasha Latypova discussed Richet’s work in this area, seminal work, pioneering and I embed Sasha’s prior stack on this below.
Studies have shown that influenza vaccination may increase susceptibility to other respiratory viruses, including a reported 36% increase in coronavirus susceptibility following influenza vaccination. Additionally, a systematic review of autopsy findings indicated heightened all-cause mortality in some individuals following COVID-19 vaccination. This may reflect unintended consequences associated with vaccine-related immune responses and suggests a need to further explore underlying immunopathology. Repeated influenza vaccination has also been linked to increased viral shedding, particularly in individuals vaccinated in consecutive years, suggesting that repeated antigen exposure may intensify allergic responses and immune reactivity.
The similarity between allergic reactions triggered by influenza vaccination and dengue fever provides a useful analogy. For instance, repeated influenza vaccination has led to increased IgE responses, potentially triggering severe allergic reactions similar to dengue shock syndrome, where IgE-mediated responses upon re-exposure lead to escalating inflammation and, in severe cases, shock. Such parallels support the hypothesis that repeated vaccine exposure could heighten immune sensitivity and drive cytokine storms upon subsequent viral exposure.
Recent studies in Japan have demonstrated mechanisms underlying cytokine release and allergic reactions associated with COVID-19 mRNA-LNP vaccines and discussed relevant preventive measures and treatments.’
See Sasha’s work and my prior substack on this issue of the 2nd shot or repeated exposure of antigen. In other words what is being said is that the vaccine’s second shot and subsequent exposure to antigen (vaccine, boosters) is what actually makes you ill and severely so, severe anaphylaxis, and possible death.
Support Sasha…great work again!
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My dad was killed
My mom coerced into shot. I saved her life. Long story. Now has not enough money to live in her house My parents worked for all their lives to b in
Now she has to move to apartment. And pay for help
My brothers made sure she got shots. Nightmare. If she had help from $ from evil, she d stay in her house
No it's not the second shot it is every toxin put into the body by intramuscular injection. What combination of toxins in what time of life or health will factor into the damage but ZERO is the right answer.
How can bypassing every natural immune barrier w toxins in cells where no T-cell threat could be & ignoring what is med school text book about how immune system & lymph nodes do their thing. Were in the model do toxins w viral bits "train" an immune system T-cell?