It's the VACCINE, stupid, it's the VACCINE!; it's the mRNA & spike protein, stupid, it's the spike protein! My substack below mainstreamed VACCINE, not virus as cause of any 'heart failure pandemic';
don't buy the fear-porn; yes we know virus (or whatever they released/I am not sold on COVID) can cause heart issues but in this case, it's the vaccine that is the cause of any heart failure pandemic!
Not the virus, and they are trying to scare you to lockdown with this new fraud sub-variant bullshit! Driving you to take boosters (and your children) when they know it’s DOA, ineffective and toxic. They want you on a booster treadmill forever with this ‘binary’ bioweapon. We know that this mRNA technology platform by Malone, Weissman, Kariko et al. used by Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. (Pfizer, Moderna etc.) to make the deadly mRNA vaccines causes myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots, bleeds, brain bleeds, aneurysms, paralysis, heart failure, strokes etc. We know this. We have seen it. The evidence is clear. We see the excess deaths (all-cause mortality). Do not fall for the fear-porn, do not fall for any of it. Do not be lulled into complacency and go rush for the fraud COVID vaccines. You know enough now to ensure you weigh the benefits and the risks.
COVID is done! Over. They do not want it done, even factions of the Freedom Movement who you thought was on your side. They cannot get off of the donor money teats, can’t suck enough and the teats are drying up, dried up. Think people, think!
This mRNA vaccine has caused so many problems and should have never been brought. OWS was a disaster, a failure. In all regards. Nothing good came from it. It is so very difficult to accept that across 4 years, they, people we trusted, took our freedoms as they sought to kill us. Nothing those linked to the COVID lockdown lunatic response helped us, from lockdowns, to the fraud vaccine. Nothing! It was all a lie, a 100% PCR-95% false positive manufactured fraud of a pandemic! We the people lost, they the malfeasants gained with money and power. We punish them!
They are not stopping so we use the courts and ballot box and we must stop them. We must stop them! We educate, we share, we inform. We unite!
They know it’s the mRNA technology gene based mRNA vaccine causing the heart problems, always was. Tell them f&@uck off! Tell them and use these words if you will “I have no doubt that there is heart problems but it ain’t no virus, its your eff in technology Malone and Weissman and all you inventors, it’s your eff in mRNA vaccine Bourla and Bancel, you crooks, so f**ck off, shove your mRNA technology and vaccine up your crooked as*es!”…yes, use those words…
A book that I have been reading most all my life ( The Bible) has scripture that states the day will come whe the truth is a lie and a lie us the truth (paraphrasing). I am completely convinced that that day has arrived.
It’s definitely the vaccine causing heart problems. I mean, they even say that myocarditis is a side effect of it, so no one can argue that now
However, let’s not forget that if we buy into fear and panic, we can also experience “heart problems” that can manifest as “viral infections.” So we need to be mindful of that as well