Jared Bernstein, chair, advisor to POTUS Biden, is literally the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers; so after looking at this clip, can we agree that he's not coherent, has memory issues? does
this video bother you? was this doctored for it cannot be real, or is it? it is frightening if he is in charge...this guy cannot even keep a straight sentence...he makes VP Giggles Kamal Harris blush
with envy…she wishes she was that non-sensical…
she makes CDC Director Dr. Many Cohen look like a Rhodes scholar. Impossible as that may seem and sound. Rochelle Walensky is angry I am told for she thought she had the ‘idiocy’ award locked up for good.
This must be a punk, a joke.
Pretty much is in alignment with all the Biden appointee's, each and every one is incompetent.
He, at least, uses a lot of 'word salad' in his speech manners!