Jeffrey Epstein, power-broker, how could this pedophile monster operate beneath level of awareness for so long? did he? Was he state sponsored? Are highest level government officials US, UK, Israel,
Canada, involved with the sex trafficking, with abuse & sexual predatory on young girls, yet depraved business/politically-connected Epstein used their sexual demons to lure them, and blackmail them?
Has the fraud of COVID, the deadly spanse of it, the reach, the fraud of the COVID mRNA vaccines, just the entirety of it been due to the reach of sexual blackmail, of power-brokers like Epstein weilding power, of pedophilia, wrapped up within COVID, at the highest levels of government? Was Epstein involved there too?
Hi Paul,
Hope you're doing well.
A few observations here:
1. I really think you're clutching at straws connecting Jew kiddie fucker Epstein with covid.
2. I have more to do with kiddie fucking than dead Epstein had to do with covid.
3. Epstein - the Jew kiddie fucker that he was - had one gig only: BLACKMAIL.
4. He blackmailed the other Jew from Victoria Secret (Les Wexner). Les was a faygele (there's a Jewish word for you - and it means queer), and back then, in the 1980's, long long before covid was even a thought in the Bill Gates Inc.'s cabal's collective minds, Epstein was reasonably good looking. So like all rich faygeles, Les would do anything for the Epstein golden schlong.
5. Word on Jew street is Epstein embezzled USD 46M from Wexner.
6. That was Esptein's seed capital - excuse the play on words.
7. Epstein gravitated towards entitled scum - like Ms Maxwell - the daughter of UK media piece of crap, Jew Robert Maxwell, who knew and had access to all the UK royals, and Ms Maxwell was therefore the conduit between Prince Andrew and Epstein.
8. Remember Paul, when you are as rich as Croesus, then everyday life is mundane. You can eat whatever you want; travel wherever you want; buy the most expensive clothes, cars, homes, etc.
9. You can even buy people; desperate people/poor people/people looking for access to the high-life at any price in exchange for sex.
10. Especially, the way Weinstein did it; and he must've said: "listen here girly, if you want a part in my blockbuster movie, then just put your nervous little bird hand down here on my Jew va-guy-na". The end result was money, pleasure and success all round for groper and gropee. Until Weinsten got shopped by the MeToo movement. Good for them. Death and gaol to Jew Movie Scum. Unless this was a Netflix/Amazon black ops Hollywood film market monopolisation manoeuvre. Strange, not one of your readers has ever explored this angle before.
11. Keeping with the above high-flyers and their sexual proclivities theme in mind, once you have lied down with man, woman, younger man, younger woman, faygele, dyke, horse and donkey, then you still need a high because, like drugs and rock stars, the next fix needs a bigger, more potent dose.
12. And that high for the above high-flyers, comes from the ultimate sick as fuck sexual activity - kiddie sex.
13. Bill Gates did it; Slick Willie did it; apparently Ehud Barack did it; but your god, Donald T did not - phew good for him.
14. Epstein generated hundreds of millions of USD from his blackmail gig at the highest level, and he, I am certain extended his blackmail-for-hire service to black ops run out of the Uncle Schmuel USA, Western govts and middle-easter-land-stealer#1-Netanyahu-Hitler-retread-Israel-shitville.
15. But no, I cannot see any plausible connection whatsoever between Epstein and covid.
Best to you
Amazing isn't it that this criminality has been going on for so long
Just found out that a dear friend has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymph noma the website said that 6,600 have been diagnosed in 2023
Amazing isn't it what happens after the jab