committing Rogan correct? How come Rogan did not mention the gang brutal rape of Israeli women? insertion of metal rods in their vaginas? stabbing them in genitals? those 150 hostages?
Hamas could not have invaded without help from the IDF and Mossad. The atrocities committed that day were calibrated to create this exact response by Israel. Hamas is calling the shots. Israel is doing exactly what Hamas wants. This will lead to the destruction of Israel. Hamas was created and funded by BIBI. If Israel cannot exist without slaughtering civilians then what’s the point of Israel? Never again?
Bull s hit. You've full of it. There has been a detailed analysis of how Hamas pulled it off. It was years in the planning. Yes, they took the IDF by surprise. But to accuse IDF and Mossad as involved is the height of imbecilic. At one time Israel did think that Hamas was the less radical of the Palestinians, but that didn't last long.
Bull shit to you Duane and Paul. Israel is the perpetrator and the evil committing genocide. They also allowed and embellished Oct 7 to legitimize this criminal and unprovoked carnage
can we have a debate, sharing without sides and insults and the like? what good is to have these sites if you wish a one sided debate? did you read my writing? how much more balanced can I be?
You seem to forget the 2 to 3000 missiles HAMAS attempted to drop on Israel and where they came from, IRAN. And where has HAMAS been as a governing body all these decades Building an economic, social, and infrastructure set of projects and policies to help the Palestinian people to a richer, more productive life style…instead HAMAS chose terror and weaponry, the Palestinian people lost the “Guns vs Butter” trade off with HAMAS in charge!
This is your neighbor:
An irritable snotty hater who wants to destroy you and keeps their people without proper infrastructure or economic opportunity by design!
Is Israel totally clean, no; But Al Capone at least took care of his own, unlike HANAS.
Don't be like the dumb Palestinians, most of whom are unjabbed. Be like the Israelis, most of whom are jabbed. In fact, Israelis are among the most jabbed people on earth. In the face of the deadly coronavirus they bravely raced to get jabbed. Commendable. Inspiring. Courageous. Show solidarity with Israel by going and getting a booster.
How ungrateful can you be? Israel gave the Genesis Prize to Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer. Many of the jabbed might never have been jabbed if not for Israel.
Right, 10 million Israelis came here and ushered Americans to the jab sites and helped pin them down in the chair. Oh wait, I see, you mean that Israel is such a taste maker for others like you that tens of millions of Americans followed their lead and that's why they got vaxxed.
That makes you obedient, and propagandized, not particularly well informed, perhaps the media in Israel is as bad or worse about rooting out and telling the truth as they are in the US about what the government wants us to know!
Do you know what "Audiatur et altera pars" stands for and why is it one of the most important postulates of the judiciary system?? (and in dealing with information in general)
yfi: You (and all of us) were at the receiving end (especially) these last 4 years because that postulate has been deliberately DISMISSED.
What are you a Muslim? The Qur'an says, "war is deceit". This is what lying Hamas is doing every day by pronouncing the highly inflated death toll. They purposely use human shields, they hide in hospitals, schools, in the hopes that more civilians will be killed, and the more martyrs they can show off to world opinion the better.
Years in the making and Mossad who is the world's best intelligence service did NOT know about coming and waited hours before anything was done.. Thus they let those poor women etc be mauled and in ways that are beyond criminal and of course Netanyahu and his corrupt associates have the major responsibility for this.. Netanyahu has been under pressure for years to resign and go away but he is stubborn and continues to greatly damage the good Jewish people.. and also during the Covid Pandemic Scam The Jewish people were made the lab rats by Pfizzzzer to test the MRNA shots and note that Bourla the PFizzzzer head his name very appropriately means to LIE Italian.. We must feel sorry for the good Jewish people since they have enemies from within and from all sides!
I thought the US had the best intelligence in the world? How about our intelligence missing the Oklahoma City bombing? What about the Boston Marathon bombing? And what about the 800 illegals who rushed the border recently? I’d say that was well organized as they were being observed by guards. How could we miss so much? Maybe we need to hire Mossad?
c Anderson - OK City bombing and the Bostin Marathon stuff were both inside jobs. OK City was planned and carried out by the FBI and their patsies. Boston was also planned as a FF and some crisis actors were used, like the ones in the wheel chairs pretending to have had their legs blown off, when they were already legless.
I tend to believe that the IDF knew about this and allowed it. Israel's Mossad is the partner to the CIA. Both are deep state terrorists.
Dave, you know I love you man, but Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, and you might want to check out their flag as a representation of what they stand for. Yep, two swords crossed and holding up a Koran. Israel’s flag is the Star of David. This is just one obvious point to consider. Where are the receipts for your claim that Israel created a false flag to take out Hamas? Hamas IS a terrorist group. Wiki says “The group's founder accepted the utility of political violence and members of the Brotherhood conducted assassinations…. The organization doctrine permits "the stigmatisation of other Muslims as infidel or apostate, and of existing states as unIslamic, and the use of extreme violence in the pursuit of the perfect Islamic society"; this doctrine continues to inspire many Jihadist movements.” They don’t even like other Muslims! You can write this information off as slanted, but something is wrong with people who group together to focus on violence against just about everyone who doesn’t believe the way they do!
You must be a flat earther. You believe that 9/11 was done by the US government? You believe the moon walk came from a Hollywood studio? They caught and executed the two who did Oklahoma, they caught the Boston Jihadists, none of that was "inside".
Irregardless of Intelligence failure It is sure that The current corrupt Israeli Govt is a disgrace to the Jewish people and does Not represent them many Us Jewish politicians and jewish friends agree and it it the type of Jewish govt that brings in extremists..
Also American Jews are Now suffering and being harassed and discriminated again because of the extreme reactions of the current Jewish illegal corrupt government.. This is NOT good for the Jewish people.. I read the European news and they agree with me and I feel sorry for the Jewish people because of the backlash they are and will continue to get because of the current corrupt Israeli government and the permanent damage it will cause
With great planning that took years, and hundreds of Palestinian spies, and funding and help from Iran, they did the attack. They waited for a holiday. There's a detailed explanation of how they did the attack. Look at Pearl Harbor, look at D day. With planning and stealth these attacks can occur.
The Palestinians shot out all the surveillance cameras. The Palestinian workers (spies) were able to examine all of the fence and determine how to disable all the technology. The planning for this took years. Consider all of Gaza with hundreds of mile of tunnels, was all designed to attack and destroy Israel, Gaza was one big Jihadist camp. Gaza receives $230 million per month in aid, but Hamas controls all of it and they spent the bulk of that money to build their terror network. With all that money and their determination to wipe out all of Israel, don't you see that the Oct attack was easy for them to do?
So how come you know all this and Nobody else in the world of Israel, the Us etc and the CIA Mossad etc did Not know this?? You must be the world's most knowledgeable person? Please explain how you did this and maybe train Assad and the CIA to better do their job.. So that we have no more Pearl Harbor, 9/11 etc etc Thank You!
Look at what Rama Abdul is posting on X. Every bit of it is Hamas propaganda. He even posts the false story of the food truck and the lie that Israeli troops opened fire. This guy works for and is paid by Hamas.
issue though Duane is on all sides, we must have free speech, even what I or you or he or they do not like...and I appreciate your sharings and all sharings to help inform...again, even if speech offends, someone else has the same right as you...
Look at how this is worded, "A Israeli airstrike targeted UN employee's" It's possible that an Israeli airstrike hit these people, but it's impossible that Israel "targeted" these people, they wouldn't do this on purpose. If they targeted anyone, it would be Hamas terrorists. Remember the big food trucks and the big crowd, Hamas said that Israeli's purposely shot hundreds dead. Turns out that the deaths were from people being run over and crushed by the trucks in the hysteria.
Too early to know the truth, if this is a Hamas news release, then it's suspect. Remember the hospital bombing? Hamas said 500 killed by an Israeli bomb. Turns out it was a Hamas rocket that landed in the hospital parking lot, maybe 50 killed.
Israel is one of the most vaccinated and boosted countries on earth against the deadly covid virus, which is testimony to the great courage of the Israeli people, and Israel gave the Genesis Prize (Jewish Nobel Prize) to Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer for his good work in mass marketing the covid shots. Israel has been criticized for an alleged breach of humanitarian law in hoarding shots for themselves and refusing to make them available to Palestinians. However, the Palestinians are too dumb to want the shots. They are among the most vaccine hesitant people anywhere. I would like to suggest to many of the readers here to show solidarity with and support for Israel by going and getting a booster.
i like your sense of humour … but this debate is going nowhere. in the long term, it will give people one more excuse to hate jews. everyone in my family has felt it since this conflict began. a lot of people here have strong opinions without having lived in Israel. opinions are like assholes … everybody has one. whether people like to hear it or not, fundamentalism always leads to war (the religion makes no difference).
3000 missiles worth, and where did those come from…the Mossad headquartered in IRAN?
And as bad as Israel has been over the years…ask yourself why HAMAS has not even attempted to build an economy and decent infrastructure to support their Palestinian wards, so these citizens could have a somewhat decent existence…instead HAMAS took their money and used it for weaponry, to kill Jews; the classic ‘guns vs butter’ analogy of economics!
Even if by some miracle Hamas got in to Israel without Mossad or IDF help,
How do you explain the 6-8 hours it took for the IDF to intervene at the festival or the kibbutz? In a country the size of New Jersey that has helicopters and such?
Let's see if the "temporary" port being built in Gaza morphs into a permanent US naval/marine base. It would help to stem the vast sums that the US is bleeding in defense of Israel if Israel could be more securely attached to its host.
Rogan has got this wrong. Instead of accusing Israel of a genocide he should be pointing out that Hamas is allowing mass deaths by not surrendering or releasing hostages. It is Hamas and its supporters that are prolonging human suffering and death.
in a major way you are right...look, fact is, Oct 7th Israel was attacked and I have heard Israel will not stop until hostages released and if they are killed, I would not want to be in Gaza.
The sad part of it is that innocent Palestinian refugees have been denied entry into Egypt because of security concerns due to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas is known for using violence to overthrow government leadership.
Israel has held thousands of Palestinians hostage for years. How about Israel releasing them? Maybe the breakout from the open air concentration camp they are forced to live in was their way to highlight this, or, it was allowed to happen so Bibi had an excuse to ethnic cleanse? There are bad on both sides but when every country in UN votes for an end to fighting except for USA and UK, who abstained, the two supplying weapons, you have to realise it's all about money.
I thought Shmuley was right on target for most of the interview Except for the "Michelle Obama" ... No husband ever forgets the name of his wife. Yet Barry Sotoreo, aka Barak Obama has called his "wife" Michael on numerous occasions😉
If the UN is for something, I am against it. They want a cease fire so Hamas can regroup and plan more attacks. Besides, this is all an excuse to get the US into WWIII. We have our own war here at home, where the deep state overthrew our country and are trying to finish us off before the people realize what happened to them.
Start from the very beginning. The main bad of Israel is they kept stealing Palestinian land, since early of last century (over 70 years) and still doing this. ( ) Moreover, isn't it obvious that on Oct. 7th Israel attacked itself through the pathetic false flag executed by Hamas who was created by Israel? Why Israel took a blind eye to this "attack" The whole world has noticed it already.
Even Hitler in the 1930s wanted the Jews to reside in what is now Israel, even though he was aware that the creation of a Jewish state could result. There was global support for a long time for the movement of Jews from around the world to what is now Israel. No country in the world is proposing the relocation of Israel onto their territory or that of their neighbors. Nobody envies the Palestinians or wants to take the place.
There are claims on social media needing to be addressed that the Machiavellian psychopaths who control the US and Israeli regimes sent a fake warning through Syria to Lebanon to be intercepted by Hezbollah and forwarded to Hamas about a pending attack by Israel to provoke Hamas, which set off the October 7 attack.Did Hamas attack pre-emptively based upon this purported hoax warning? It's claimed that the US was promised Gaza 14 years ago for a US naval/marine base to be built there, aspirations for which have existed since Gerald Ford was president, and that all that was in the way was the Palestinians. It's claimed that Netanyahu was running out of time because Biden won't be in power next year and it was now or never. They had to expel the people and level all structures in Gaza now. It's claimed that the "temporary" port being put together in Gaza will soon morph into a US naval/marine base.
$500 Billion of gas reserves are off the coast of Gaza.
That's what the naval fort, we, port, will be protecting and facilitating on behalf of Israel and US (and other) companies that acquire leases to drill those reserves.
US Army Forts in the 1800's were established to survey the local natural resources, acquire treaties from Indians if possible, and if not, kill or move them to desolate reservations. The located resources were obtained by the wealthy & powerful of the times, known as the Robber Barrons.
The source of all natural debt free wealth is natural resources.
It is legally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority as a result of the Oslo Accords and now Israel and the US, while driving a mass exodus of surviving Palestinian muslim refugees into Europe and US swing states, can seize the resources for themselves and assist the US in energy competition with Russia. Awin-win for everyone. Everyone's a winner. Except for the exploited and expelled Palestinians and the parts of Europe and the US that will absorb them.
These articles don't address the claim that the US will build a naval/marine military base in Gaza. (It would be out of character if it doesn't. And, as the second article notes, the US already has a secret base near Gaza (which, oddly perhaps, failed to give early warning of the Hamas attack.)) They also don't address the claim that the US fed disinformation to Hamas to provoke an attack in order to create a pretext to level Gaza. The first article does, however, point to an economic motive of screwing the Gazans economically by divesting them of recently discovered valuable natural resources and grabbing those resources for Israel/US.
The Real Reason Behind the US ‘Port’ in Gaza. The US goal of course is not to deliver humanitarian aid, after all, who builds an entire port just for a short-term effort?
I don't know if there is anything backing up these claims or not. They could be BS. They were brought up by a commenter on The Young Turks YouTube. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Gaza port.
I heard a European say about the Palestinians "It's them or us and it's better it's them. It's best they go through this so it doesn't happen in Europe or America."
The European I was referring to was a German. Consider the historical role of Germany in the events that led to the creation of Israel.
Ken Livingstone claims that Hitler had, in 1932, a policy of support for Zionism. 1.1 Sources & Responses
1.1.1 Hitler was supporting Zionism
Home Affairs Select Committee1: “… when Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy was that the Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism. He wanted all the half a million German Jews out. At that stage, his view was to move them out. By autumn 1933, he had negotiated a deal with a German Zionist organisation that led to 66,000 German Jews being moved to what is now Israel. Had the Zionists not negotiated that deal, those 66,000 Jews would have died in the gas chambers.”
Home Affairs Select Committee: “He supported the Zionists because, by doing that deal, the Zionists undermined the worldwide boycott of German goods that were organised by Jewish groups all over the world. In 1937—in August I think—there was a meeting at the German Foreign Ministry of senior Nazi officials who were all worried that the movement of Jews to what was then Palestine could lead to the creation of a Jewish state, which would become a focus for anti-Nazism. They were recommending to Hitler that he stop that. Hitler directed them to continue to move the Jews to Palestine.”
Home Affairs Select Committee: “If you look at the situation, from the moment Hitler came to power, antisemitic legislation, discrimination, absolutely endemic. The only group of Jews he worked with was the Zionists, and his deputy, Heydrich, wrote in 1935 or 1936 in his diary that “There are two kinds of Jews: those that wish to be assimilated and the Zionists, and the Zionists are the ones we should work with”.
Home Affairs Select Committee: “I simply point out that if you go to the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, you can pick up this document, which they give out, which shows that exactly what I said is true. It lists Hitler’s collaboration with Zionists.”
Home Affairs Select Committee: Mr Winnick: “… In fact, the only agreement, basically, was the one that you rightly referred to, which no one denies—the Haavara or transfer agreement, which allowed some 60,000 Jews to leave with their assets. Is that not so?” Ken Livingstone: “That is exactly the one I was referring to. That was Hitler’s support for Zionism and at that World Zionist Congress, there was a vote of 240 to 48 opposing the worldwide boycott of Nazi goods.”
Home Affairs Select Committee (Supplementary Evidence)2: The [1933 Transfer] Agreement has been widely documented. In my questioning by the Committee the source I had originally quoted, 'Zionism in the Age of the Dictators' by Lenni Brenner, was dismissed
There have been Jewish Israelis on the land for 3,200 years CONTINUOUSLY. The Romans and Greeks DID NOT drive out all of the Jews, so how is it an occupation?
When dispersed Jews from the diaspora started returning to Israel (there has never been a country called Palestine) starting in the early 1900s, they PURCHASED what was junk land from Arabs (I believe mostly Saudis) that were absent land owners, so how is that an occupation?
History is a bitch because it's reality and reality is too hard for your kind to accept. Maybe you can try getting some facts with real references from this man:
Know your history, Jews had been displaced. Where would you suggest the jewish people go? Arab countries? Surely not! Muslim majority countries in Africa. That is not possible. The truth is that mass migration by muslims into Europe has made jews unsafe there. I live in Canada and what I have seen at the pro Hamas protests disgust me. We did not have anti semitic views before our mass immigration from muslim countries. It was unheard of. When the Jews were in Gaza food was plentiful and medical needs were attended to. When they left, it became a shithole.
Please note that there was never any evidence provided for anyone being raped on Oct 7th. Yes, it is within the realm of possibilities that Hamas fighters raped some women on Oct 7th. But, there is zero evidence of that happening. There was no semen recovered from any Israeli women's vaginas, or any actual evidence provided of any rapes. Instead of real evidence there were stories given by the same people who claimed that 40 babies were beheaded saying that they saw it happen. It is easy to fool gullible Zionist like Dr. Alexander, but quite difficult to convince these folks that they have been fooled. LOL.
I am no zionist and do not know what that mean. I like your work Michael and thank you for being here but you continually attack me for my view. Do you have yours? and I am being balanced here, I asked questions. This is a debate. An exchange of views to push learning.
I have always liked your work relating to COVID, but am disappointed that you have seemingly fallen for, and continue to parrot some of the lies coming out of Israeli intelligence, like the idea that that numerous Israeli women were raped on Oct 7th by Hamas. Please post the names of 3 Israeli women who you read were raped on Oct 7th, and I will be happy to provide convincing evidence showing that their own family members don't believe they were raped. Also like Joe Biden, I would say that you are in fact a Zionist becuase you seemingly think that Israel has the right to exist through means of taking land from the people who lived there and giving it to people who claim to have Jewish ancestry. Nevertheless, if you really don't think of yourself as a Christian Zionist then please let me know how you would describe your position on Zionism.
Where's evidence that land was taken? Are you that ignorant that you don't know the term palestinian was coined by yassir arafat explicitly to gain sympathy? He admitted it and - he was an Egyptian born in Cairo. Unless Palestinians can prove they were there 3201 years ago and before, no land was taken.
LOL, the Romans called that land Palestine back in Jesus's day. In fact, according to Jewish scholars/historians, Jesus's father was a Roman solider. So, Jesus's father would have called that land Palestine while his mother would have called it Judea, and the Canaanites who also lived there thousands of years ago would have called it Canaan. Also, Neanderthal bones were found in Israel that are over 100 thousand years old. Many northern Europeans like myself have some Neanderthal ancestry. So, are all of the people who have Neanderthal ancestry entitled to some of that land since their ancestors inhabited that land thousands of years before the Jews?
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that there was no real evidence ever produced showing that any rapes happened. Despite there being zero evidence of any rapes or beheaded babies, it seems that people keep repeating these false claims in order to justify Israel's response to Oct 7th, which has now killed over 30,000 civilians.
where are the 150 hostages? I went to Israel. If I shared what actual parents of hostages told me, if I told you what I was shown that occurred that you have not seen, you will vomit.
At least a dozen of those hostages were killed by Israeli bullets or bombs, similar to how several hundred of the 1,400, or 1,200 Israelis who were killed on Oct 7th were killed by Israeli friendly fire. While Israel has allowed some Palestinian Muslims to become full Israeli citizens over the years, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israeli citizens, even though they were born in what is considered greater Israel, and Israel won't allow them to become Israeli citizens, becuase if they did the Muslims would outnumber Jews in Israel. That is why Israel is an apartheid country. Israel requires a Jewish majority, even if that means excluding some people who were born in their country of citizenship. If you have really been there then I know you understand this reality that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israeli citizens, and are subjected to military law, and not civilian law. Also, please note that Israel is holding several thousand Palestinians in military detention centers without any official charges, which is at least 10x the 150 hostages you mentioned, while the number of innocent Palestinians killed is at least 10x the number of Israelis killed on Oct 7th. There are also reports of rapes by Israeli solders on Palestinian women and girls who are being held in these Israeli military detention centers.
Really Paul, I can't believe that you think you can reason with this nonsense. I like poking them with facts for fun, but know that this ilk will go to the grave with their fallacies. Biased fools are masters at hiding from truths and regurgitating fables and and this guy is their poster child.
Yes according to hamas, Israel has killed 30,000 women and children and zero hamas fighters. The Israeli weapons systems are so inferior that they can't hurt brave hamas fighters.
Yes according to hamas, Israel has killed 30,000 women and children and zero hamas fighters. The Israeli weapons systems are so inferior that they can't hurt brave hamas fighters.
Let me guess, you are a Christian Zionist evangelical who believes that the Jews must unite in Israel before the end times, and thus you must support any ridiculous story you hear that shines Palestinians in a negative light, without the slightest bit of evidence. Do you know what happens at the end of that prophecy? The Jews burn in hell. LOL
More atrocious details from Townhall - can you handle it? " The Times gives horrific detail from eyewitnesses, videos, and after-death studies. They claim that there are three survivors of the sexual assaults who are all too traumatized to speak to anyone from the press."
There are many self hating Jews, and left wing radical Jews. The same with Democrats who hate America and are trying their best to destroy our country.
Blumenthal is one of the self hating Jews. He defends China, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela. He's published in left wing Hamas propaganda like Al Jazeera and Russian owned Sputnik and RT. Read the posting below to see how he lied about everything.
It seems quite anti-Semitic to call Jews self hating because they aren't Zionist or becuase they point out lies being spread about beheaded babies and mass rapes. Please name the 3 Israeli women who you are most confident were in fact raped by Hamas on Oct 7th, and I suspect that I can provide convincing evidence that they weren't.
Do you see how divided the world is? Look at the responses here. In my own home we’re divided over this issue. That’s the plan, people. There’s never going to be uniformity. It’s evil- What’s happening , what happened, and what will continue. No one is right. And you’ll never prove it. And Joe will not retract his statement. Move on.
What about the AI generated photos of dead babies? The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. The pernicious jew needs to be removed by force again, just like countless times in history
Graphic! Pictures of charred unrecognizable remains for you to peruse over.
Not too bad, right? "Charred remains and a CT scan of the remains show an adult and a child who were bound together and burned alive by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Two spinal columns can be seen in the scan. The pair were likely embracing as they burned. (Aaron Poris/The Media Line) Two spinal cords—one belonging to an adult, one to someone young—most likely a parent and child —bound together by metal wires in a final embrace before being set alight."
Joe Rogan is correct. The Israeli newspapers admitted that the rapes did not happen and that trigger happy poorly trained reservists were responsible for killing Israelis during the Hamas attack. The behavior of Israel has turned the world against it. You don't bomb civilians like that.
I don't normally take note of Rogan but he is spot on here and anyone who thinks that Palestinians cannot defend themselves are colluding with murderers. Israel is the invading force. Israel is the Goliath. I cannot believe anyone would side with Israel they are the most sadistic army on earth.
What proof is there that any of this actually happened? The MSM propaganda machine cannot be trusted. None of it. Anything the MSM tells us is going to be lies and spin to tell you how and what to think and how to feel about what they tell you to think. Nothing but more fear porn.
Hamas committed genocide actually. Purposefully torturing and murdering because of their hatred for the Jew. I don't know. War is horrific. Both sides are snuffing out life. Both sides are wrong actually....If one looks closely, one might get the impression that they are in a "Kill Box"....Katherine Watt.
We have different opinions on this and emotional but we can still love each other and respect each other...yet have difficult discussions yet civil? my question, is a Jewish woman less of a woman? Why has the MeToo movement, the feminists, in USA, Canada etc., the civil rights people, the women in general not stood up for the Israeli Jewish women held underground since October 7th being raped and brutalized? For the children? is the Jewish child lesser than your child?
Once again, a fake pedantic debate with foundations in horseshit.
You only have to look at the de-facto.
Gaza - 31,000 dead; 70,000 injured.
Israel - 1,200 dead; 4,834 injured.
Gaza - 65,000 buildings razed; 290,000 damaged.
Israel - zero buildings razed; less than say 10 damaged.
So, there you go.
Rogan is on the money.
The kikes/kike supporters here including Paul - who cites his standard refrain of all babies' deaths pain him whether raghead or kike - is just more horseshit.
Nigga lives are worth shit too.
King Leopold II of Belgium summarily killed 10M niggas in the Congo. How many of you kikes/kike supporters know that?
It's all about money, always has been/always will be.
Uncle Schmuel's going down with Israel and the rest of the West.
The days of ruling by the gun over apparent weaklings are over.
Barry, much respect for your sage work and input always...issue is a debate on what Rogan said and we have to get to the place where we can have it, disagreement or not, but civilly
I always comment with full respect to you, Paul, even when we differ.
I never raise my voice, nor take any personal pot shots.
I give a perspective; it might not be a popular one; however, I'm not looking for followers, only to challenge conventional thinking, which is why we are all here.
A blessed Easter to you and your family and may we all find peace, resolution and fulfilment in our lifetimes.
You forgot to mention during your conspiracy theory how the Jews control the banks and that there is a Palestinian people who had a country before 1948😂😂😂
There’s deception on both sides . Neither side are innocent. It’s all very disturbing. In my opinion nobody has the entire truth. Governments in the west play both sides so this situation is not helping.
Because he’s an ignorant jackass who doesn’t have a clue who the Israelis are OR Hamas. Most “Palestinian” civilians are FOR Hamas and CELEBRATE what they do. Meanwhile the IDF try not to harm “Palestinian” civilians. There is such a great disparity between good and evil here. Or perhaps Joe doesn’t care.
Are you kidding - the IDF tries not to harm Palestinians? You have no clue what they do. They not only brutalize them and intimidate them but they cut off their water supply, their electricity and brutally restrict Palestinian movement. Israel is a torturer and deserves to be held in contempt by the world collective.
I find that this topic causes so much inflammation, but we have to try to talk it out and find answers...thank you both for sharing and let us ensure we keep it civil...
The Palestinians fired thousands of rockets into Israel, sent suicide bombers in, sent gunman in to kill any Israeli, and then did the Oct 7 attack. And you blame Israel? After Hamas and Gazans killed 1200 innocent Israeli's turning off the water and electricity is small potatoes.
Zionists own 70% or more of the media. So yeah wank away and believe what the most chosen are about - sadism pure and simple. The IDF is so disgusting, I trust the world will shame them into stopping the murdering and slaughtering and trafficking. So disgusting, there are no words.
Ah a lazy thinker, cannot engage or interact with equals - just lays a link - says nothing about it - expects others to read what they lay down with absolutely no idea about anyone else. That is the sign of supremacy thinking and that is going out the window now. We don't want to tolerate it any longer.
Obvious that you won't take the effort to look at any opposing viewpoint, even when I took my time to bring it to your attention. I can't tolerate terrorist Hamas supporters either.
You can't just say what one side does and say nothing about what the other side does. That makes your argument totally empty. For starters, who funds Hamas? Have you checked out that it isn't the world's most twisted and sadistic army which is Israel itself? Israel is a nuclear power, what kind of rockets are the Palestinians firing to defend their land which was invaded by Isreael? Oh no mention of the invasion, I see...
From dozens of separate donations $233 million per month. Some from the United States. The UN. There's a list of countries. Hamas gets all this money, spends most of it on their terror network to attack Israel with, the Gazan people get a fraction of that. The IDF is a noble, proud army, their purpose is the defense of Israelis. Any propaganda claiming that the IDF is guilty of wrong doing is from Hamas, Palestinians, and Islamists, none of it is believable. If you had the brains to read the Qur'an, then you'd know it says, "WAR IS DECEIT" The Qur'an advises all Muslims to lie and cheat to beat the enemy, the Qur'an condones these and any lies. I already posted evidence that the IDF bends over backwards to protect civilians, where in contrast, Hamas deliberately attack civilians, and rapes, tortures, burns alive, innocent citizens. All of Israel, all of it, is historically the land of Jews, going back 3500 years, thousands of years before Muhammad was even born. The fact that Gaza was given to Palestinians doesn't mean it didn't belong to the Jews, but they gave it away to placate them and aim for peace. The West Bank, (Judea and Samaria) belongs to the Jews also, but most of the people living there are Arabs or Palestinians. Whose land is stolen? The Jews land is stolen.
Speaking of good snd evil, Israel, which is one of the most extensively jabbed and boosted nations on earth, did the Palestinians a huge favor by keeping the covid shots for themselves and refusing them to the Palestinians. Show your solidarity with Israel by getting a booster Bev.
I have no interest in Joe Rogan but I do find it interesting that his is part of an increased wave of anti-Semitism which always peaks around Passover and Easter.
Hamas could not have invaded without help from the IDF and Mossad. The atrocities committed that day were calibrated to create this exact response by Israel. Hamas is calling the shots. Israel is doing exactly what Hamas wants. This will lead to the destruction of Israel. Hamas was created and funded by BIBI. If Israel cannot exist without slaughtering civilians then what’s the point of Israel? Never again?
thanks Scott, I invite you and all to keep it civil, thank you for your sharings.
Scott is civil. He didn't insult anyone. He just stated the facts.
Hamas was cocreated by Israel to antagonize PLO and to secure that Palestinians will NEVER get their state and their land.
ps. Claims about the rape have been lies all along and are debunked.
fyi: Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate ARE Jews.
The creation of Hamas.
Ron Paul 2009 speech on the House floor :
Yitzhak Rabin was not killed by the Hamas or Muslims (after he signed the Oslo Accord with Yasser Arafat), but by the hand of Zionists.
75 years of oppression, systemic ethnic cleansing, land grab and apartheid has created their radicalization.
Newton's third law never fails: ACTION - REACTION.
It is pro Israael - pro Zionist side who is insulting.
Inform yourself about the meaning of the 3rd Temple and red heifer.
Bull s hit. You've full of it. There has been a detailed analysis of how Hamas pulled it off. It was years in the planning. Yes, they took the IDF by surprise. But to accuse IDF and Mossad as involved is the height of imbecilic. At one time Israel did think that Hamas was the less radical of the Palestinians, but that didn't last long.
Bull shit to you Duane and Paul. Israel is the perpetrator and the evil committing genocide. They also allowed and embellished Oct 7 to legitimize this criminal and unprovoked carnage
can we have a debate, sharing without sides and insults and the like? what good is to have these sites if you wish a one sided debate? did you read my writing? how much more balanced can I be?
You seem to forget the 2 to 3000 missiles HAMAS attempted to drop on Israel and where they came from, IRAN. And where has HAMAS been as a governing body all these decades Building an economic, social, and infrastructure set of projects and policies to help the Palestinian people to a richer, more productive life style…instead HAMAS chose terror and weaponry, the Palestinian people lost the “Guns vs Butter” trade off with HAMAS in charge!
This is your neighbor:
An irritable snotty hater who wants to destroy you and keeps their people without proper infrastructure or economic opportunity by design!
Is Israel totally clean, no; But Al Capone at least took care of his own, unlike HANAS.
Don't be like the dumb Palestinians, most of whom are unjabbed. Be like the Israelis, most of whom are jabbed. In fact, Israelis are among the most jabbed people on earth. In the face of the deadly coronavirus they bravely raced to get jabbed. Commendable. Inspiring. Courageous. Show solidarity with Israel by going and getting a booster.
medically, you are correct, Israel was the beta testing ground for the deadly vaccine...
If you're taking all the mrna shots, you're lucky to be healthy.
If you n want that they may be addictive you could be correct. A German fellow apparently got hooked on them.
German patient vaccinated against Covid 217 times
Is this a joke?
When in Rome do as the Romans do. Therefore, when in the USA do as the Israelis do. Get into the mRNA jabs. I hear they saved 100 million lives.
Israel has a huge medical issue now, lots of harms with the vaccine...a disaster
That's idiotic!
How ungrateful can you be? Israel gave the Genesis Prize to Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer. Many of the jabbed might never have been jabbed if not for Israel.
Right, 10 million Israelis came here and ushered Americans to the jab sites and helped pin them down in the chair. Oh wait, I see, you mean that Israel is such a taste maker for others like you that tens of millions of Americans followed their lead and that's why they got vaxxed.
What amazing insight you have.
That makes you obedient, and propagandized, not particularly well informed, perhaps the media in Israel is as bad or worse about rooting out and telling the truth as they are in the US about what the government wants us to know!
thank you
You say that you are "balanced"? Are you for real??
Than why are you thanking people from your echo chamber and not checking out information that counter your predetermined and media formed view??
Only one look at this map shows you that it has NEVER been a defense, but planned OFFENCE.
Do you know what "Audiatur et altera pars" stands for and why is it one of the most important postulates of the judiciary system?? (and in dealing with information in general)
yfi: You (and all of us) were at the receiving end (especially) these last 4 years because that postulate has been deliberately DISMISSED.
thanks for this
What are you a Muslim? The Qur'an says, "war is deceit". This is what lying Hamas is doing every day by pronouncing the highly inflated death toll. They purposely use human shields, they hide in hospitals, schools, in the hopes that more civilians will be killed, and the more martyrs they can show off to world opinion the better.
I love the exchange and would ask to stay decent and civil, we learn from each other.
Sometimes the comments are so outrageous, it's difficult to remain decent and civil.
Years in the making and Mossad who is the world's best intelligence service did NOT know about coming and waited hours before anything was done.. Thus they let those poor women etc be mauled and in ways that are beyond criminal and of course Netanyahu and his corrupt associates have the major responsibility for this.. Netanyahu has been under pressure for years to resign and go away but he is stubborn and continues to greatly damage the good Jewish people.. and also during the Covid Pandemic Scam The Jewish people were made the lab rats by Pfizzzzer to test the MRNA shots and note that Bourla the PFizzzzer head his name very appropriately means to LIE Italian.. We must feel sorry for the good Jewish people since they have enemies from within and from all sides!
I thought the US had the best intelligence in the world? How about our intelligence missing the Oklahoma City bombing? What about the Boston Marathon bombing? And what about the 800 illegals who rushed the border recently? I’d say that was well organized as they were being observed by guards. How could we miss so much? Maybe we need to hire Mossad?
funny but interesting...20,000 illegals per day
c Anderson - OK City bombing and the Bostin Marathon stuff were both inside jobs. OK City was planned and carried out by the FBI and their patsies. Boston was also planned as a FF and some crisis actors were used, like the ones in the wheel chairs pretending to have had their legs blown off, when they were already legless.
I tend to believe that the IDF knew about this and allowed it. Israel's Mossad is the partner to the CIA. Both are deep state terrorists.
hhmmm, some good sage in this
Dave, you know I love you man, but Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, and you might want to check out their flag as a representation of what they stand for. Yep, two swords crossed and holding up a Koran. Israel’s flag is the Star of David. This is just one obvious point to consider. Where are the receipts for your claim that Israel created a false flag to take out Hamas? Hamas IS a terrorist group. Wiki says “The group's founder accepted the utility of political violence and members of the Brotherhood conducted assassinations…. The organization doctrine permits "the stigmatisation of other Muslims as infidel or apostate, and of existing states as unIslamic, and the use of extreme violence in the pursuit of the perfect Islamic society"; this doctrine continues to inspire many Jihadist movements.” They don’t even like other Muslims! You can write this information off as slanted, but something is wrong with people who group together to focus on violence against just about everyone who doesn’t believe the way they do!
You must be a flat earther. You believe that 9/11 was done by the US government? You believe the moon walk came from a Hollywood studio? They caught and executed the two who did Oklahoma, they caught the Boston Jihadists, none of that was "inside".
You are completely brainwashed. Congratulations
Irregardless of Intelligence failure It is sure that The current corrupt Israeli Govt is a disgrace to the Jewish people and does Not represent them many Us Jewish politicians and jewish friends agree and it it the type of Jewish govt that brings in extremists..
Also American Jews are Now suffering and being harassed and discriminated again because of the extreme reactions of the current Jewish illegal corrupt government.. This is NOT good for the Jewish people.. I read the European news and they agree with me and I feel sorry for the Jewish people because of the backlash they are and will continue to get because of the current corrupt Israeli government and the permanent damage it will cause
With great planning that took years, and hundreds of Palestinian spies, and funding and help from Iran, they did the attack. They waited for a holiday. There's a detailed explanation of how they did the attack. Look at Pearl Harbor, look at D day. With planning and stealth these attacks can occur.
Even if you take mossad by surprise, they have electronic monitoring of every inch of their wall. If you think they don't use technology...
The Palestinians shot out all the surveillance cameras. The Palestinian workers (spies) were able to examine all of the fence and determine how to disable all the technology. The planning for this took years. Consider all of Gaza with hundreds of mile of tunnels, was all designed to attack and destroy Israel, Gaza was one big Jihadist camp. Gaza receives $230 million per month in aid, but Hamas controls all of it and they spent the bulk of that money to build their terror network. With all that money and their determination to wipe out all of Israel, don't you see that the Oct attack was easy for them to do?
So how come you know all this and Nobody else in the world of Israel, the Us etc and the CIA Mossad etc did Not know this?? You must be the world's most knowledgeable person? Please explain how you did this and maybe train Assad and the CIA to better do their job.. So that we have no more Pearl Harbor, 9/11 etc etc Thank You!
This is all well publicized; you must not read any of the news. The Geller Report follows all these events, I recommend that you subscribe.
Smart people do not believe anything that the mainstream media says. They know it is the exact opposite.
Detailed analysis by whom? CIA/Israel Mockingbird media who sold you "safe and effective vaccines"?
Saying that IDF and Mossad are taken by surprise is imbecilic.
Israel is the most advanced state in the world in software surveillance tech. made by UNIT 8200 and Talpiot program.
Inform yourself before you open your mouth and start insulting others with your ignorance.
Surprised that X doesn't remove some of Abduls postings as being false.
Good article below of how the IDF is handling the war and protecting civilians,. read all the way to bottom
Look at what Rama Abdul is posting on X. Every bit of it is Hamas propaganda. He even posts the false story of the food truck and the lie that Israeli troops opened fire. This guy works for and is paid by Hamas.
issue though Duane is on all sides, we must have free speech, even what I or you or he or they do not like...and I appreciate your sharings and all sharings to help inform...again, even if speech offends, someone else has the same right as you...
Look at how this is worded, "A Israeli airstrike targeted UN employee's" It's possible that an Israeli airstrike hit these people, but it's impossible that Israel "targeted" these people, they wouldn't do this on purpose. If they targeted anyone, it would be Hamas terrorists. Remember the big food trucks and the big crowd, Hamas said that Israeli's purposely shot hundreds dead. Turns out that the deaths were from people being run over and crushed by the trucks in the hysteria.
Too early to know the truth, if this is a Hamas news release, then it's suspect. Remember the hospital bombing? Hamas said 500 killed by an Israeli bomb. Turns out it was a Hamas rocket that landed in the hospital parking lot, maybe 50 killed.
Israel is one of the most vaccinated and boosted countries on earth against the deadly covid virus, which is testimony to the great courage of the Israeli people, and Israel gave the Genesis Prize (Jewish Nobel Prize) to Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer for his good work in mass marketing the covid shots. Israel has been criticized for an alleged breach of humanitarian law in hoarding shots for themselves and refusing to make them available to Palestinians. However, the Palestinians are too dumb to want the shots. They are among the most vaccine hesitant people anywhere. I would like to suggest to many of the readers here to show solidarity with and support for Israel by going and getting a booster.
i like your sense of humour … but this debate is going nowhere. in the long term, it will give people one more excuse to hate jews. everyone in my family has felt it since this conflict began. a lot of people here have strong opinions without having lived in Israel. opinions are like assholes … everybody has one. whether people like to hear it or not, fundamentalism always leads to war (the religion makes no difference).
3000 missiles worth, and where did those come from…the Mossad headquartered in IRAN?
And as bad as Israel has been over the years…ask yourself why HAMAS has not even attempted to build an economy and decent infrastructure to support their Palestinian wards, so these citizens could have a somewhat decent existence…instead HAMAS took their money and used it for weaponry, to kill Jews; the classic ‘guns vs butter’ analogy of economics!
Right... and Al-Qaeda couldn't have done 9/11 without the CIA. You are clueless.
Israel Mossad created Hamas to use them for this very reason
Even if by some miracle Hamas got in to Israel without Mossad or IDF help,
How do you explain the 6-8 hours it took for the IDF to intervene at the festival or the kibbutz? In a country the size of New Jersey that has helicopters and such?
Let's see if the "temporary" port being built in Gaza morphs into a permanent US naval/marine base. It would help to stem the vast sums that the US is bleeding in defense of Israel if Israel could be more securely attached to its host.
Rogan has got this wrong. Instead of accusing Israel of a genocide he should be pointing out that Hamas is allowing mass deaths by not surrendering or releasing hostages. It is Hamas and its supporters that are prolonging human suffering and death.
in a major way you are right...look, fact is, Oct 7th Israel was attacked and I have heard Israel will not stop until hostages released and if they are killed, I would not want to be in Gaza.
both sides are extending the conflict, at the expense of the civilians affected on the ground.
yes, so true and painful
The sad part of it is that innocent Palestinian refugees have been denied entry into Egypt because of security concerns due to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas is known for using violence to overthrow government leadership.
Hamas members will become a danger to civilians in the US with the open border policy of the Biden administration:
Israel has held thousands of Palestinians hostage for years. How about Israel releasing them? Maybe the breakout from the open air concentration camp they are forced to live in was their way to highlight this, or, it was allowed to happen so Bibi had an excuse to ethnic cleanse? There are bad on both sides but when every country in UN votes for an end to fighting except for USA and UK, who abstained, the two supplying weapons, you have to realise it's all about money.
yes bad on both sides...but let us stick to Oct 7th...yes, agree about money too...agree...but Hamas attacked Israel
And they were right- Israelis are a terrible nation 🤬🤬🤬 they are genocidal pepper
Dr. Paul, before you agree with people like Markker I strongly suggest you watch this interview Alex did with the much milined Shmuly.
Truth rings like a bell Dr. Paul. Watch this and tell Shumly is speaking the truth?
I thought Shmuley was right on target for most of the interview Except for the "Michelle Obama" ... No husband ever forgets the name of his wife. Yet Barry Sotoreo, aka Barak Obama has called his "wife" Michael on numerous occasions😉
Terrorists not hostages
If the UN is for something, I am against it. They want a cease fire so Hamas can regroup and plan more attacks. Besides, this is all an excuse to get the US into WWIII. We have our own war here at home, where the deep state overthrew our country and are trying to finish us off before the people realize what happened to them.
Start from the very beginning. The main bad of Israel is they kept stealing Palestinian land, since early of last century (over 70 years) and still doing this. ( ) Moreover, isn't it obvious that on Oct. 7th Israel attacked itself through the pathetic false flag executed by Hamas who was created by Israel? Why Israel took a blind eye to this "attack" The whole world has noticed it already.
Even Hitler in the 1930s wanted the Jews to reside in what is now Israel, even though he was aware that the creation of a Jewish state could result. There was global support for a long time for the movement of Jews from around the world to what is now Israel. No country in the world is proposing the relocation of Israel onto their territory or that of their neighbors. Nobody envies the Palestinians or wants to take the place.
There are claims on social media needing to be addressed that the Machiavellian psychopaths who control the US and Israeli regimes sent a fake warning through Syria to Lebanon to be intercepted by Hezbollah and forwarded to Hamas about a pending attack by Israel to provoke Hamas, which set off the October 7 attack.Did Hamas attack pre-emptively based upon this purported hoax warning? It's claimed that the US was promised Gaza 14 years ago for a US naval/marine base to be built there, aspirations for which have existed since Gerald Ford was president, and that all that was in the way was the Palestinians. It's claimed that Netanyahu was running out of time because Biden won't be in power next year and it was now or never. They had to expel the people and level all structures in Gaza now. It's claimed that the "temporary" port being put together in Gaza will soon morph into a US naval/marine base.
$500 Billion of gas reserves are off the coast of Gaza.
That's what the naval fort, we, port, will be protecting and facilitating on behalf of Israel and US (and other) companies that acquire leases to drill those reserves.
US Army Forts in the 1800's were established to survey the local natural resources, acquire treaties from Indians if possible, and if not, kill or move them to desolate reservations. The located resources were obtained by the wealthy & powerful of the times, known as the Robber Barrons.
The source of all natural debt free wealth is natural resources.
It is legally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority as a result of the Oslo Accords and now Israel and the US, while driving a mass exodus of surviving Palestinian muslim refugees into Europe and US swing states, can seize the resources for themselves and assist the US in energy competition with Russia. Awin-win for everyone. Everyone's a winner. Except for the exploited and expelled Palestinians and the parts of Europe and the US that will absorb them.
are there any links to this? is this bullet proof type reporting or loose language?
These articles don't address the claim that the US will build a naval/marine military base in Gaza. (It would be out of character if it doesn't. And, as the second article notes, the US already has a secret base near Gaza (which, oddly perhaps, failed to give early warning of the Hamas attack.)) They also don't address the claim that the US fed disinformation to Hamas to provoke an attack in order to create a pretext to level Gaza. The first article does, however, point to an economic motive of screwing the Gazans economically by divesting them of recently discovered valuable natural resources and grabbing those resources for Israel/US.
The Real Reason Behind the US ‘Port’ in Gaza. The US goal of course is not to deliver humanitarian aid, after all, who builds an entire port just for a short-term effort?
Government documents pointing to construction at a classified U.S. base offer rare hints about a little noted U.S. military presence near Gaza.
I don't know if there is anything backing up these claims or not. They could be BS. They were brought up by a commenter on The Young Turks YouTube. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Gaza port.
Israel I has been an occupier off Palestine since 1949 - they are murdering them it is GENOCIDE 🤬🤬🤬🤬
I heard a European say about the Palestinians "It's them or us and it's better it's them. It's best they go through this so it doesn't happen in Europe or America."
I am European - i am Belgian, I believe that Palestinians have the right to live!!!! Israelis are murderers 🤬🤬🤬
The European I was referring to was a German. Consider the historical role of Germany in the events that led to the creation of Israel.
Ken Livingstone claims that Hitler had, in 1932, a policy of support for Zionism. 1.1 Sources & Responses
1.1.1 Hitler was supporting Zionism
Home Affairs Select Committee1: “… when Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy was that the Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism. He wanted all the half a million German Jews out. At that stage, his view was to move them out. By autumn 1933, he had negotiated a deal with a German Zionist organisation that led to 66,000 German Jews being moved to what is now Israel. Had the Zionists not negotiated that deal, those 66,000 Jews would have died in the gas chambers.”
Home Affairs Select Committee: “He supported the Zionists because, by doing that deal, the Zionists undermined the worldwide boycott of German goods that were organised by Jewish groups all over the world. In 1937—in August I think—there was a meeting at the German Foreign Ministry of senior Nazi officials who were all worried that the movement of Jews to what was then Palestine could lead to the creation of a Jewish state, which would become a focus for anti-Nazism. They were recommending to Hitler that he stop that. Hitler directed them to continue to move the Jews to Palestine.”
Home Affairs Select Committee: “If you look at the situation, from the moment Hitler came to power, antisemitic legislation, discrimination, absolutely endemic. The only group of Jews he worked with was the Zionists, and his deputy, Heydrich, wrote in 1935 or 1936 in his diary that “There are two kinds of Jews: those that wish to be assimilated and the Zionists, and the Zionists are the ones we should work with”.
Home Affairs Select Committee: “I simply point out that if you go to the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, you can pick up this document, which they give out, which shows that exactly what I said is true. It lists Hitler’s collaboration with Zionists.”
Home Affairs Select Committee: Mr Winnick: “… In fact, the only agreement, basically, was the one that you rightly referred to, which no one denies—the Haavara or transfer agreement, which allowed some 60,000 Jews to leave with their assets. Is that not so?” Ken Livingstone: “That is exactly the one I was referring to. That was Hitler’s support for Zionism and at that World Zionist Congress, there was a vote of 240 to 48 opposing the worldwide boycott of Nazi goods.”
Home Affairs Select Committee (Supplementary Evidence)2: The [1933 Transfer] Agreement has been widely documented. In my questioning by the Committee the source I had originally quoted, 'Zionism in the Age of the Dictators' by Lenni Brenner, was dismissed
1 Home Affairs Select Committee, 14th June 2016, transcript available at: committee/antisemitism/oral/34413.html
2 committee/antisemitism/written/34643.html
All Zionists should be eliminated- they are barbarians
There have been Jewish Israelis on the land for 3,200 years CONTINUOUSLY. The Romans and Greeks DID NOT drive out all of the Jews, so how is it an occupation?
When dispersed Jews from the diaspora started returning to Israel (there has never been a country called Palestine) starting in the early 1900s, they PURCHASED what was junk land from Arabs (I believe mostly Saudis) that were absent land owners, so how is that an occupation?
History is a bitch because it's reality and reality is too hard for your kind to accept. Maybe you can try getting some facts with real references from this man:
Know your history, Jews had been displaced. Where would you suggest the jewish people go? Arab countries? Surely not! Muslim majority countries in Africa. That is not possible. The truth is that mass migration by muslims into Europe has made jews unsafe there. I live in Canada and what I have seen at the pro Hamas protests disgust me. We did not have anti semitic views before our mass immigration from muslim countries. It was unheard of. When the Jews were in Gaza food was plentiful and medical needs were attended to. When they left, it became a shithole.
Israeli Zionists are sinister nation - they are genosidal people
Please note that there was never any evidence provided for anyone being raped on Oct 7th. Yes, it is within the realm of possibilities that Hamas fighters raped some women on Oct 7th. But, there is zero evidence of that happening. There was no semen recovered from any Israeli women's vaginas, or any actual evidence provided of any rapes. Instead of real evidence there were stories given by the same people who claimed that 40 babies were beheaded saying that they saw it happen. It is easy to fool gullible Zionist like Dr. Alexander, but quite difficult to convince these folks that they have been fooled. LOL.
I am no zionist and do not know what that mean. I like your work Michael and thank you for being here but you continually attack me for my view. Do you have yours? and I am being balanced here, I asked questions. This is a debate. An exchange of views to push learning.
I have always liked your work relating to COVID, but am disappointed that you have seemingly fallen for, and continue to parrot some of the lies coming out of Israeli intelligence, like the idea that that numerous Israeli women were raped on Oct 7th by Hamas. Please post the names of 3 Israeli women who you read were raped on Oct 7th, and I will be happy to provide convincing evidence showing that their own family members don't believe they were raped. Also like Joe Biden, I would say that you are in fact a Zionist becuase you seemingly think that Israel has the right to exist through means of taking land from the people who lived there and giving it to people who claim to have Jewish ancestry. Nevertheless, if you really don't think of yourself as a Christian Zionist then please let me know how you would describe your position on Zionism.
Where's evidence that land was taken? Are you that ignorant that you don't know the term palestinian was coined by yassir arafat explicitly to gain sympathy? He admitted it and - he was an Egyptian born in Cairo. Unless Palestinians can prove they were there 3201 years ago and before, no land was taken.
Spoiler alert: they can't.
LOL, the Romans called that land Palestine back in Jesus's day. In fact, according to Jewish scholars/historians, Jesus's father was a Roman solider. So, Jesus's father would have called that land Palestine while his mother would have called it Judea, and the Canaanites who also lived there thousands of years ago would have called it Canaan. Also, Neanderthal bones were found in Israel that are over 100 thousand years old. Many northern Europeans like myself have some Neanderthal ancestry. So, are all of the people who have Neanderthal ancestry entitled to some of that land since their ancestors inhabited that land thousands of years before the Jews?
So what happened wasn't that bad, a few rapes, a few murdered, fake news, we were all fooled ,
Such insight, amazing.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that there was no real evidence ever produced showing that any rapes happened. Despite there being zero evidence of any rapes or beheaded babies, it seems that people keep repeating these false claims in order to justify Israel's response to Oct 7th, which has now killed over 30,000 civilians.
where are the 150 hostages? I went to Israel. If I shared what actual parents of hostages told me, if I told you what I was shown that occurred that you have not seen, you will vomit.
At least a dozen of those hostages were killed by Israeli bullets or bombs, similar to how several hundred of the 1,400, or 1,200 Israelis who were killed on Oct 7th were killed by Israeli friendly fire. While Israel has allowed some Palestinian Muslims to become full Israeli citizens over the years, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israeli citizens, even though they were born in what is considered greater Israel, and Israel won't allow them to become Israeli citizens, becuase if they did the Muslims would outnumber Jews in Israel. That is why Israel is an apartheid country. Israel requires a Jewish majority, even if that means excluding some people who were born in their country of citizenship. If you have really been there then I know you understand this reality that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israeli citizens, and are subjected to military law, and not civilian law. Also, please note that Israel is holding several thousand Palestinians in military detention centers without any official charges, which is at least 10x the 150 hostages you mentioned, while the number of innocent Palestinians killed is at least 10x the number of Israelis killed on Oct 7th. There are also reports of rapes by Israeli solders on Palestinian women and girls who are being held in these Israeli military detention centers.
Really Paul, I can't believe that you think you can reason with this nonsense. I like poking them with facts for fun, but know that this ilk will go to the grave with their fallacies. Biased fools are masters at hiding from truths and regurgitating fables and and this guy is their poster child.
Like shattered pelvic bones, guns put in vaginas, with bullets fired through the body & coming out through the skull? ... Like that?
I have a Messianic friend over there who also does some journalism, he said the same thing. And no, there's NOT "zero evidence".
This I have heard too...very very tragic, terrible
Please share the best evidence have you seen that supports your case or forever hold your peace.
Yes according to hamas, Israel has killed 30,000 women and children and zero hamas fighters. The Israeli weapons systems are so inferior that they can't hurt brave hamas fighters.
Yes according to hamas, Israel has killed 30,000 women and children and zero hamas fighters. The Israeli weapons systems are so inferior that they can't hurt brave hamas fighters.
Evidently, it's much easier to fool you. LOL!
Let me guess, you are a Christian Zionist evangelical who believes that the Jews must unite in Israel before the end times, and thus you must support any ridiculous story you hear that shines Palestinians in a negative light, without the slightest bit of evidence. Do you know what happens at the end of that prophecy? The Jews burn in hell. LOL
thank you
More atrocious details from Townhall - can you handle it? " The Times gives horrific detail from eyewitnesses, videos, and after-death studies. They claim that there are three survivors of the sexual assaults who are all too traumatized to speak to anyone from the press."
I could post 30 of these articles describing what Hamas did.
thank you for sharing
I can barely even read these accounts, want to throw up.
They had to give drugs to the Jihadists to even do these atrocities.
Grayzone, typical antisemitic British rag. This article about one lady proves nothing
LOL. The Grayzone is run by Jews. Just becuase they aren't Zionist doesn't make them antiemetic.
There are many self hating Jews, and left wing radical Jews. The same with Democrats who hate America and are trying their best to destroy our country.
this I agree with fully
Blumenthal is one of the self hating Jews. He defends China, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela. He's published in left wing Hamas propaganda like Al Jazeera and Russian owned Sputnik and RT. Read the posting below to see how he lied about everything.
It seems quite anti-Semitic to call Jews self hating because they aren't Zionist or becuase they point out lies being spread about beheaded babies and mass rapes. Please name the 3 Israeli women who you are most confident were in fact raped by Hamas on Oct 7th, and I suspect that I can provide convincing evidence that they weren't.
Do you see how divided the world is? Look at the responses here. In my own home we’re divided over this issue. That’s the plan, people. There’s never going to be uniformity. It’s evil- What’s happening , what happened, and what will continue. No one is right. And you’ll never prove it. And Joe will not retract his statement. Move on.
$ talks, wait
What about the AI generated photos of dead babies? The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. The pernicious jew needs to be removed by force again, just like countless times in history
Holocaust deniers are brain dead.
That's what they say about the unvaccinated as well
Graphic! Pictures of charred unrecognizable remains for you to peruse over.
Not too bad, right? "Charred remains and a CT scan of the remains show an adult and a child who were bound together and burned alive by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Two spinal columns can be seen in the scan. The pair were likely embracing as they burned. (Aaron Poris/The Media Line) Two spinal cords—one belonging to an adult, one to someone young—most likely a parent and child —bound together by metal wires in a final embrace before being set alight."
thank you for contributing
THANK YOU for your courage to share the brutal truths, as confirmed by major newspapers! Global anti-Semitism puts so many in cognitive dissonance.
But our stupid friend Fons complains "where is the rape kit"
Joe Rogan is correct. The Israeli newspapers admitted that the rapes did not happen and that trigger happy poorly trained reservists were responsible for killing Israelis during the Hamas attack. The behavior of Israel has turned the world against it. You don't bomb civilians like that.
The Hamas raiders on Oct. 7th were GAZAN CIVILIANS, THAT ATTACKED ISRAELI CIVILIANS. Wanna rethink that logic?
Joe Rogan, pull your head out of the sand!!! I have lost ALL confidence and respect for YOU. Wake up!!!!!
I don't normally take note of Rogan but he is spot on here and anyone who thinks that Palestinians cannot defend themselves are colluding with murderers. Israel is the invading force. Israel is the Goliath. I cannot believe anyone would side with Israel they are the most sadistic army on earth.
What proof is there that any of this actually happened? The MSM propaganda machine cannot be trusted. None of it. Anything the MSM tells us is going to be lies and spin to tell you how and what to think and how to feel about what they tell you to think. Nothing but more fear porn.
Hamas committed genocide actually. Purposefully torturing and murdering because of their hatred for the Jew. I don't know. War is horrific. Both sides are snuffing out life. Both sides are wrong actually....If one looks closely, one might get the impression that they are in a "Kill Box"....Katherine Watt.
I appreciate this post Ari...balanced
Joe Rogue should be boycotted.
He has a big following because he is nothing more than crude talking loud mouth causing controversy. People like cage fighting too!!
We have different opinions on this and emotional but we can still love each other and respect each other...yet have difficult discussions yet civil? my question, is a Jewish woman less of a woman? Why has the MeToo movement, the feminists, in USA, Canada etc., the civil rights people, the women in general not stood up for the Israeli Jewish women held underground since October 7th being raped and brutalized? For the children? is the Jewish child lesser than your child?
Once again, a fake pedantic debate with foundations in horseshit.
You only have to look at the de-facto.
Gaza - 31,000 dead; 70,000 injured.
Israel - 1,200 dead; 4,834 injured.
Gaza - 65,000 buildings razed; 290,000 damaged.
Israel - zero buildings razed; less than say 10 damaged.
So, there you go.
Rogan is on the money.
The kikes/kike supporters here including Paul - who cites his standard refrain of all babies' deaths pain him whether raghead or kike - is just more horseshit.
Nigga lives are worth shit too.
King Leopold II of Belgium summarily killed 10M niggas in the Congo. How many of you kikes/kike supporters know that?
It's all about money, always has been/always will be.
Uncle Schmuel's going down with Israel and the rest of the West.
The days of ruling by the gun over apparent weaklings are over.
Barry, much respect for your sage work and input always...issue is a debate on what Rogan said and we have to get to the place where we can have it, disagreement or not, but civilly
Dear Paul,
I always comment with full respect to you, Paul, even when we differ.
I never raise my voice, nor take any personal pot shots.
I give a perspective; it might not be a popular one; however, I'm not looking for followers, only to challenge conventional thinking, which is why we are all here.
A blessed Easter to you and your family and may we all find peace, resolution and fulfilment in our lifetimes.
The kazarian Zionist mafia took over Israel, created Hamas, and yes, Rogan is right…Israel is committing genocide
You forgot to mention during your conspiracy theory how the Jews control the banks and that there is a Palestinian people who had a country before 1948😂😂😂
No matter what a few crazy hamas idiots do, you just can’t take revenge on all Palestinians.
Don’t fall for indoctrination from mass media. The world over, people want peace, love, faith in a higher power, and love. Governments wage war.
There’s deception on both sides . Neither side are innocent. It’s all very disturbing. In my opinion nobody has the entire truth. Governments in the west play both sides so this situation is not helping.
Because he’s an ignorant jackass who doesn’t have a clue who the Israelis are OR Hamas. Most “Palestinian” civilians are FOR Hamas and CELEBRATE what they do. Meanwhile the IDF try not to harm “Palestinian” civilians. There is such a great disparity between good and evil here. Or perhaps Joe doesn’t care.
Are you kidding - the IDF tries not to harm Palestinians? You have no clue what they do. They not only brutalize them and intimidate them but they cut off their water supply, their electricity and brutally restrict Palestinian movement. Israel is a torturer and deserves to be held in contempt by the world collective.
I find that this topic causes so much inflammation, but we have to try to talk it out and find answers...thank you both for sharing and let us ensure we keep it civil...
The Palestinians fired thousands of rockets into Israel, sent suicide bombers in, sent gunman in to kill any Israeli, and then did the Oct 7 attack. And you blame Israel? After Hamas and Gazans killed 1200 innocent Israeli's turning off the water and electricity is small potatoes.
Zionists own 70% or more of the media. So yeah wank away and believe what the most chosen are about - sadism pure and simple. The IDF is so disgusting, I trust the world will shame them into stopping the murdering and slaughtering and trafficking. So disgusting, there are no words.
Ah a lazy thinker, cannot engage or interact with equals - just lays a link - says nothing about it - expects others to read what they lay down with absolutely no idea about anyone else. That is the sign of supremacy thinking and that is going out the window now. We don't want to tolerate it any longer.
Obvious that you won't take the effort to look at any opposing viewpoint, even when I took my time to bring it to your attention. I can't tolerate terrorist Hamas supporters either.
Why is it that there is never any evidence of IDF torturing, raping, burning to death any Palestinians, like Hamas does?
So you're good with a jihadist targeting children in a school bus?
When Hamas fires thousands of rockets into Israel they're targeting civilians.
You can't just say what one side does and say nothing about what the other side does. That makes your argument totally empty. For starters, who funds Hamas? Have you checked out that it isn't the world's most twisted and sadistic army which is Israel itself? Israel is a nuclear power, what kind of rockets are the Palestinians firing to defend their land which was invaded by Isreael? Oh no mention of the invasion, I see...
From dozens of separate donations $233 million per month. Some from the United States. The UN. There's a list of countries. Hamas gets all this money, spends most of it on their terror network to attack Israel with, the Gazan people get a fraction of that. The IDF is a noble, proud army, their purpose is the defense of Israelis. Any propaganda claiming that the IDF is guilty of wrong doing is from Hamas, Palestinians, and Islamists, none of it is believable. If you had the brains to read the Qur'an, then you'd know it says, "WAR IS DECEIT" The Qur'an advises all Muslims to lie and cheat to beat the enemy, the Qur'an condones these and any lies. I already posted evidence that the IDF bends over backwards to protect civilians, where in contrast, Hamas deliberately attack civilians, and rapes, tortures, burns alive, innocent citizens. All of Israel, all of it, is historically the land of Jews, going back 3500 years, thousands of years before Muhammad was even born. The fact that Gaza was given to Palestinians doesn't mean it didn't belong to the Jews, but they gave it away to placate them and aim for peace. The West Bank, (Judea and Samaria) belongs to the Jews also, but most of the people living there are Arabs or Palestinians. Whose land is stolen? The Jews land is stolen.
Speaking of good snd evil, Israel, which is one of the most extensively jabbed and boosted nations on earth, did the Palestinians a huge favor by keeping the covid shots for themselves and refusing them to the Palestinians. Show your solidarity with Israel by getting a booster Bev.
I have no interest in Joe Rogan but I do find it interesting that his is part of an increased wave of anti-Semitism which always peaks around Passover and Easter.
Calling Israel out is not antisemitism. If you love someone you tell them when they’re off the rails