him to serve, he should & must as the good principled man he is, or any POTUS; he is a democrat yet it is not important as democrats love nation and flag too; if he for global warming fraud, I am lost
It is ironic Kennedy is so switched on with the corruption in government, bureaucracy, and corporate sectors, yet seemingly oblivious to the palpable corruption of the climate scam. Like there's some odd reason corrupt actors would not hijack climate for nefarious purposes. It makes no sense at all, particularly given the enormous largesse available in power, control, and money from an anti-CO2 narrative.
I heard Kennedy say that he is opposed to geoengineering projects, and carbon capture. He says that he is more focused on reducing pollution than fighting climate change.
Good point, and I suspect that he likely does. But, he seems openminded enough to re-evaluate his preconceived notions if he is asked by others whom are likeminded in most other regards.
Oh.....one more thing....climate change is real....it has been going on for (with proof) over 400,000 years but we are actually going to enter a cold cycle and there is plenty of clean energy developed already.....but those in power want us to think otherwise so that they can control us with fear.....
This is disturbing. It is beyond debate that Biden is incapacitated & was so BEFORE he stole the Presidency. Americans suffered election fraud as well as candidacy fraud with Biden (and then “vaccine” fraud with Trump - go figure!).
RFK, Jr. is a very intelligent man. If he were really honest & truly intends to fight corruption then why doesn’t he start with Biden? All of Biden’s policies have worked agst our nation -- he has thrashed the Constitution. Biden & his admins have shown themselves to be traitors. They’re working to further the agenda of the Globalists & the CCP. This is pretty obvious to anyone of clear, unbiased critical thinking skills.
I don’t care that JFK, Jr. is a Dem. Truth is truth. Has he denounced Biden as unfit to be president as he should? How many times must the old, dementia-feeble man fall before we acknowledge that he needs to be removed or resign & then tried for treason? It’s absolutely astounding that Americans continue to along with the charade that Biden is the REAL president.
When nearly 3/4 of the nation (both Dems & Reps) now believe that Biden didn’t win the election, why don’t ppl ask RFK, Jr. if he stands with the majority of Americans?. Does he really view the 2020 election as legitimate despite all the gaping anomalies & evidence of fraud? Come on folks! Why won’t Kennedy call a spade a spade? How is he going to clean up govt corruption when he can’t even acknowledge that Biden was INSTALLED? When he doesn’t challenge the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated agst We the People then he’s only going to help perpetuate the problem.
Kennedy has criticized Putin yet says nothing about the biological weapons laboratories America helped fund & build there. He appears to forget that we broke our verbal promise that Ukraine would remain neutral (Dr. Francis Boyle has spoken about this agreement which was made between Bush, Sr. & Gorbachev). Surely, Russia has the right to defend themselves agst. potential biological/chemical/radiological threats/warfare?
Dr. Boyle also pointed out that Putin made attempts to negotiate peace but America staunchly refused a settlement. What a political embarrassment that Viktor Orban of Hungary rather than the U.S. is now calling for the negotiation of peace with Russia.
Interesting that Russia like Hungary is fighting back against the woke ideology. They both support traditional family values. So, is it really any surprise that it’s not America but Hungary who is showing itself to be a leader in world politics? Yet Kennedy says publicly he doesn’t like Putin (same way he doesn’t like Trump). What kind of diplomacy is this?! He’s already setting a tone of animosity. How stupid & reckless!
Someone needs to ask Kennedy if he believes the former president of Ukraine was overthrown by a color revolution facilitated by our CIA for which there is substantial evidence? If he says yes, then he should acknowledge that Zelensky is illegitimate. If Zelensky is a puppet government then why is the fake president of the US supporting the fake president of Ukraine? CLOWN WORLD!
We have so many false prophets right now and sadly Kennedy appears to be falling in line with the rest of them. I really hoped he would distinguish himself but if he insists on classifying himself as a Democrat & doesn’t promise to work towards fair & transparent elections so that America doesn’t end up with another Biden then our country will continue to devolve into Communism.
Great points, though I think the current 1+1=1 party system we have forces all presidential candidates to align themselves either as a Demoncrat or Publican in the primaries.
Wow….i never thought of that….good thinking….i would hope however that his supporters who are choosing him over let’s say T, would know better…..my family are all Dems and none of them would even consider RFK….but very creative thinking…..thanks….
After listening to RFK Jr.'s interviews with Megyn Kelly, I have the impression that RFK Jr. would support Ron DeSantis over Biden if he does not win the democrat nomination. I can understand why he would never support Trump but in his interviews, RFK Jr. did have praise for Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis will fight to change the out-of-control influence that big Pharma has on the medical establishment, the healthcare system and Congress as opposed to Trump who accepted over 1 million $$$ from Pfizer and to this day will not admit that OWP and the experimental mRNA injections were a major catastrophe! Trump rejected RFK Jr's advice on changing the childhood vaccine schedule early-on in Trump's administration when he met with RFK Jr. This is why RFK Jr. is opposed to endorsing Trump but I do believe he would endorse Ron DeSantis over Biden. I believe that if the DNC does not get away with rigging the primaries against him that RFK Jr. could win the democrat primaries easily. I do believe that RFK Jr. could beat Trump in the general election. Ron DeSantis would win against RFK Jr. in the general but it would be close.
If only given 4 choices: DeeeSantis, Orange Man, RFK Jr, and Brandon, I would pick them in that order, except for Brandon. I'd rather have a rabid weasel as president than Brandon.
I heard him say that the WEF is using climate change as a means of control, so I don't think he is oblivious. If you have the opportunity, consider listening to some of his interview and speeches. He speaks more truth than any politician I have ever heard. Not sure the best place for RFK, Jr., but we absolutely need him in this fight for humanity!
There's no way to seriously reduce CO2 emissions without absolute control over humanity (this is the reason for it being chosen by the globalists). The centralised power required will always lead to absolute corruption. Believe we need to reduce CO2 to near zero, and whether you're a nice guy, or a tyrant, you're advocating for global serfdom.
RFK is not a global leader but would be great as the HHS in charge....i will not support anyone who has not denounced the slavery BorgDem party.....and someone (RFK does) who supports global warming which is truly a scam ..... (i could go off here but I will not)......one can be independent which means you do not have to be a Conservative.....but if one is still a party member of the Borg Dems and offers no apology or understanding of its history and behavior, I feel that this shows a certain mentality that I will not support....i also think that a president needs to be in good health....RFK has a degenerative disease....I actually thought there was something in the Constitution saying that the health (mentally and physically) of our president must be really good, but I must be wrong.....either way Parkinson’s can affect the brain along with the body.....i cannot vote for someone who is so very ill....look at Michael J. Fox....really?....however.....we are more than the third dimensional plane and there are higher beings involved so this is a play of God.....still we must use facts and intelligence to decide whom to vote for....(btw, I have gotten RFK’s newsletters for years and I honor his work and his brilliance....)
I don't believe RFK has Parkinson's, though I do agree with your assertion that his condition is likely a degenerative disease. I read that he has spasmodic dysphonia, which I believe is caused by some sort of disfunction in the brain. I suspect that it could also affect the brain in other respects.
Someone else said that but I got my information from Mercola….but perhaps the person who told me was incorrect…..either way I will never vote for anyone who is not in really good health because if there is a degenerative disease that is neurological it can affect the brain. I highly respect RFK and in many ways he is brilliant but he is a BorgDem still with no apologize to the behavior of that party…..thank you
He actually does have Parkinson’s and he actually knows that he got it as it a side effect of a vaccine a flu vaccine years ago....this is absolutely true and his voice gets shakier and shakier.....
I don’t know……but i do know that i was told it was a side effect of one of the flu vaccines he took decades ago….it does not really matter …. I don’t vote for someone in ill health…..but thank you for your information…..i appreciate
I hadn't heard that. I think it is possible that he does have Parkinson's becuase of the quivering in his voice. However, he doesn't seem to have the tremors in his hands and body, or the hunched back that most people with Parkinson's have.
Well, a lot of us have had some chronic conditions go into remission by stopping eating the products of Big Farma and stopping taking the products of Big Pharma.
That’s great. The healthier the better. I myself (73) have been organic vegan since I was 18. I also chose an alternative lifestyle until taking care of my mom for 25 years became my choice.
Unfortunately despite a good diet and high quality supplements and no jab and no pharmaceuticals my health is fragile. But I’m thrilled for those keeping and becoming healthy. Bravo!!!!
Have you checked to see if there's something that is in your diet that doesn't belong or is too large a part of your diet? For example:
1) Grains, seed/vegetable oils (plant-based oils other than EVOO, avocado, and coconut), natural and artificial sweeteners, starches are not good as major sources of macronutrients
2) Oxalates bother some people, and they are found in lots of "healthy" vegetables
3) Phytates bother some people, and they are found in lots of "healthy" seeds and nuts, especially if their sources are sufficiently cooked/sprouted
4) Lectins bother some people, and they are found in some "healthy" vegetables
Perhaps there is something missing from your diet. For example,
1) If you're not allergic to eggs, then eating eggs from pasture-raised fowl should be super healthy and not raise ethical objections (though of course eggs are not vegan)
2) If you're not allergic to the purest forms of dairy, such as ghee or maybe butter, then consuming it from regeneratively grown cows could also be super-healthy and not raise environmental or ethical objections (though of course dairy products are not vegan)
3) Nutritional yeast, natto, spirulina, and seaweed have lots of micronutrients not found in land plants. I would rather get things from those sources than from pills.
4) Is your B12 supplement based on methyl- instead of cyano- ? I think the cyano- form is more common but viewed as inferior by some "experts"
5) If your D is from D2, then hopefully you can get plenty of sunshine without burning during the sunnier half of the year, since D3 is supposed to be superior
Also. I have an anti radiation device here which I believe is protective. But I’m not entirely sure and where I live there are 230 towers within a 2 mile radius. Crazy!!!!! With those micro antenna. Ugh!
And I was watching Dr. Robert Young who suggested to keep the water in our bodies like the ocean by adding Himalayan salt which I follow. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Wow. You are so kind to share all this. And you are so knowledgeable. I sleep a lot so I apologize I didn’t thank you sooner.
I’m allergic to dairy, carbs and sugars. So I don’t eat any.
My supplements are from Dr. Mercola mainly so yes, D3 and I take methyl folate and the methyl B12 and not the cyan molecular one.
I take something called Lectin Defense from Dr. Gundry. I do take natttokinase. But I am unable to digest veggies though they are my favorite foods. So they are out.
The phytates I don’t know much about. I will research.
Ah. Ghee. I used to live at an ashram and so I’m familiar with ghee not only for fire ceremony but for Ayurvedic cooking. I used to love the taste (made my own) but more recently the smell bothers me.
I tried eggs and actually love them. And avocados.
The eggs I buy are truly organic,from this company that is family owned but I forgot the name. They actually answer the phone and call their chickens their “girls” so the chickens truly roam. Not what our government considers roaming. That’s a cruel joke.
Actually I hardly eat because I can’t swallow well which then doesn’t trigger the rest of the digestive tract.
And the avocados. Here in Florida APEEL seems to be on most of them everywhere except farmers markets but many farmers are not organic so that means other chemicals.
I am so touched by your taking the time to share. You are so kind. Thank you. I will consider and reflect more on what you’ve shared. Whoever knows you is quite blessed.
I think RDK jr. is more aware then Trump and would not have allowed the covid vax solution go happen. I also believe he will research the climate change narrative and see it for what it is, he may already have doubts.
We don’t really know anything about what happened behind the scenes with Trump.....I have heard many reasons behind what T did.....True or not I don’t know.....however I don’t think RFK is more aware than T.....absolutely not....he has not denounced his family behavior or his alliance with a party of slavery.....his mentality is still stuck in the past even with all his good works.........so he is not that aware.....now he may have reasons but then that can be applied to Trump.....Listen to Nino and Juan....but also some psychics have been downloaded very good information....this is not simply politics....we are in an intergalactic war...we are not the only planet in God’s infinite universes and humans are not the end and be all of life....Peace be with you....
I like and admire RFK, Jr. He's a man of courage and integrity, and very intelligent and thoughtful. He can't be bought or corrupted. I agree with him on most issues.
And I say all this as a guy who voted for Trump twice and will vote for him a third time.
The Democrat party doesn't want him to win their primaries, because they don't want a man with his qualities. They want a corrupt puppet like Biden.
If RFK Jr won the primary, the Deep State might help him "win" the general selection, find some skeletons in his closet, break off some large bones, and then beat him senseless with those bones. After which the Deep State's chosen VP would be installed as POTUS (Pinocchio Of The United States). I think he's got a better chance of surviving that scenarios as HHS secretary...
BS climate change policies are a chickenshit concern when weighed next to the jabs and at any rate RFK Jr says he's more concerned about reducing pollution than he is about climate change.
If the RINOs and Dems install.anyone else but Trump as the GOP nominee then RFK Jr will be the best choice.
RFK Jr is not autistic and he didn't live in the premises of deceased pedophile Kent Stermon or appoint the pedophile to esteemed positions in Florida
I want to add that although the jabs killed or maimed 600 million of us the fear of global warming now being called climate change (even by the left) is being used to take our rights away.....so i am not sure any of this can be weighed...all suffering counts.....in CA when they only used “green” energy people on O2 tanks died .... it is all one....and all of it must be corrected for the good of us all...
Stopping the jabs and holding the perpetrators of the jabs to account is priority one. The cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria is the tip of the spear of the cult of fake anthropogenic climate change / global warming hysteria. Stopping the jabs and holding the perpetrators of the jabs to account is striking a blow against the depopulation agenda of the global warming cult.
Ok….but I do think that the brainwashing which is still rampant and can’t be undone so easily as proven by those that tried to unbrainwash kids in cults in the 70’s….the brainwashing was so evil and if people don’t come out of it that is a huge problem….the jabs if we go to a digital currency will be increased and those who have not gotten shut out of society….the good people had better do something and fast….
Wait.....who said RFK is autistic....of course he is not....he does have Parkinson’s ....a degenerative disease.....and I am concerned over the terms global warming and climate change.....there is no global warming and we are actually headed for a cold spell ..... but there is climate change as proven by the ice in the arctic which shows 400,000 years of our history......
To cozy to killary for my liking. With him it would have been warp speed on steroids with the kill shot. Kennedys have historically been no different from the rest of the ilk
RFK, Jr. has done some excellent work in bringing corporate killers to trial. He energy on the COVID crisis has been great. But, in that interview he speaks of the great public [dis]service of his family. Please, they have done far more harm than good. Their personal lives were horrendous and showed a total lack of respect for the country and its laws. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. Beware of that acorn in public service.
I don't think the CIA would have taken out JFK and RFK if they hadn't been seen as obstacles to implementing the Deep State (ergo, on the side of the people at that time). Trump is the latest "obstacle," obviously, but the White Hat Alliance that formed after those previous assassinations is much more prepared now to take down the corrupt Shadow Government/Deep State/Cabal. More power to them!! I like the idea of Trump as President again, with Kennedy as the head of one of the agencies, where he can eliminate the "captured agency" issue and continue to hold corporations accountable.
I think that part of the climate-confusion might derive from the fact that our solar system is transiting through a superheated interstellar magnetic cloud and all the planets in our system are showing signs of "change" as a result. https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2009/23dec_voyager/ David Wilcock did an outstanding job of tracking down astronomy articles on the pan-planetary changes. I wish he'd post that list, as I failed to record the links when I was watching his presentation.
My personal feelings on denouncing slavery 250 years before you were born is Climate Change 2.0. The focus now who supports making us all staves in 7 years.
CO2 does not track with temperature but does track with greening. The Vast desserts have expanded as CO2 drops. We are at 0.04% CO2. When CO2 = 0.02% DEATH (Carbon Zero). CO2 rises 15% prior to a glatial period. Based on the Son's location we should be in one now. 1.5% worries is nonsense. Geothermal activities we have never experienced a modern North South Pole flip before. But most likely it will create at period of multiple North and South Poles.
I m just saying that the one clip I keep seeing which is him allegedly caring about climate change, it’s from a long time ago. I haven’ t heard him say anything like that recently. In fact all the recent stuff such as the danger of big pharma and vax issues and Fauci and his associates obvious lies.RFK jr notices theses same bs things.
Well I read an article from his newsletter about one year ago supporting the WHO and global warming....if he has changed then that is great but he still no leader of our country for me.....he is still a member of a slave party....he relies on his family good deeds but excuse me his uncle JFK slept around so much that spies used his weakness.......well i am getting off of my soap box .....peace be with you....
He.is, was and always will be a Democrat therefore he supports their platform. He is a liberal, an elite, a progressive. He voted for Clinton, Obama and Biden and would/will do so again. He is for climate crap. He was for masks and lockdowns. He is not against vaccines only the mercury causing autism. He was also agreeable for non mask wearers and non vaxers to be jailed. Easy to speak when you haven't done anything to change things over many years. We all know that the truth about JFK and Bobby was never told. So his statements are not bombshell news. Beware of him.
It is ironic Kennedy is so switched on with the corruption in government, bureaucracy, and corporate sectors, yet seemingly oblivious to the palpable corruption of the climate scam. Like there's some odd reason corrupt actors would not hijack climate for nefarious purposes. It makes no sense at all, particularly given the enormous largesse available in power, control, and money from an anti-CO2 narrative.
I heard Kennedy say that he is opposed to geoengineering projects, and carbon capture. He says that he is more focused on reducing pollution than fighting climate change.
Does he include CO2 as a pollutant? If so, he's in Lala land with the rest of them.
We need CO2 for the plants and food.....so I agree....thank you...
Good point, and I suspect that he likely does. But, he seems openminded enough to re-evaluate his preconceived notions if he is asked by others whom are likeminded in most other regards.
Not in his newsletters.....though he may have changed and i can honor that.....so thank you....but i have many reasons not to support him...
Oh.....one more thing....climate change is real....it has been going on for (with proof) over 400,000 years but we are actually going to enter a cold cycle and there is plenty of clean energy developed already.....but those in power want us to think otherwise so that they can control us with fear.....
I have some doubts about him as well. I am worried that he is not going to win, and ultimately tell all of his supporters to vote for Biden.
This is disturbing. It is beyond debate that Biden is incapacitated & was so BEFORE he stole the Presidency. Americans suffered election fraud as well as candidacy fraud with Biden (and then “vaccine” fraud with Trump - go figure!).
RFK, Jr. is a very intelligent man. If he were really honest & truly intends to fight corruption then why doesn’t he start with Biden? All of Biden’s policies have worked agst our nation -- he has thrashed the Constitution. Biden & his admins have shown themselves to be traitors. They’re working to further the agenda of the Globalists & the CCP. This is pretty obvious to anyone of clear, unbiased critical thinking skills.
I don’t care that JFK, Jr. is a Dem. Truth is truth. Has he denounced Biden as unfit to be president as he should? How many times must the old, dementia-feeble man fall before we acknowledge that he needs to be removed or resign & then tried for treason? It’s absolutely astounding that Americans continue to along with the charade that Biden is the REAL president.
When nearly 3/4 of the nation (both Dems & Reps) now believe that Biden didn’t win the election, why don’t ppl ask RFK, Jr. if he stands with the majority of Americans?. Does he really view the 2020 election as legitimate despite all the gaping anomalies & evidence of fraud? Come on folks! Why won’t Kennedy call a spade a spade? How is he going to clean up govt corruption when he can’t even acknowledge that Biden was INSTALLED? When he doesn’t challenge the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated agst We the People then he’s only going to help perpetuate the problem.
Kennedy has criticized Putin yet says nothing about the biological weapons laboratories America helped fund & build there. He appears to forget that we broke our verbal promise that Ukraine would remain neutral (Dr. Francis Boyle has spoken about this agreement which was made between Bush, Sr. & Gorbachev). Surely, Russia has the right to defend themselves agst. potential biological/chemical/radiological threats/warfare?
Dr. Boyle also pointed out that Putin made attempts to negotiate peace but America staunchly refused a settlement. What a political embarrassment that Viktor Orban of Hungary rather than the U.S. is now calling for the negotiation of peace with Russia.
Interesting that Russia like Hungary is fighting back against the woke ideology. They both support traditional family values. So, is it really any surprise that it’s not America but Hungary who is showing itself to be a leader in world politics? Yet Kennedy says publicly he doesn’t like Putin (same way he doesn’t like Trump). What kind of diplomacy is this?! He’s already setting a tone of animosity. How stupid & reckless!
Someone needs to ask Kennedy if he believes the former president of Ukraine was overthrown by a color revolution facilitated by our CIA for which there is substantial evidence? If he says yes, then he should acknowledge that Zelensky is illegitimate. If Zelensky is a puppet government then why is the fake president of the US supporting the fake president of Ukraine? CLOWN WORLD!
We have so many false prophets right now and sadly Kennedy appears to be falling in line with the rest of them. I really hoped he would distinguish himself but if he insists on classifying himself as a Democrat & doesn’t promise to work towards fair & transparent elections so that America doesn’t end up with another Biden then our country will continue to devolve into Communism.
Great points, though I think the current 1+1=1 party system we have forces all presidential candidates to align themselves either as a Demoncrat or Publican in the primaries.
Excellent points that anyone who supports RFK jr needs to realize!!!!
Wow….i never thought of that….good thinking….i would hope however that his supporters who are choosing him over let’s say T, would know better…..my family are all Dems and none of them would even consider RFK….but very creative thinking…..thanks….
After listening to RFK Jr.'s interviews with Megyn Kelly, I have the impression that RFK Jr. would support Ron DeSantis over Biden if he does not win the democrat nomination. I can understand why he would never support Trump but in his interviews, RFK Jr. did have praise for Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis will fight to change the out-of-control influence that big Pharma has on the medical establishment, the healthcare system and Congress as opposed to Trump who accepted over 1 million $$$ from Pfizer and to this day will not admit that OWP and the experimental mRNA injections were a major catastrophe! Trump rejected RFK Jr's advice on changing the childhood vaccine schedule early-on in Trump's administration when he met with RFK Jr. This is why RFK Jr. is opposed to endorsing Trump but I do believe he would endorse Ron DeSantis over Biden. I believe that if the DNC does not get away with rigging the primaries against him that RFK Jr. could win the democrat primaries easily. I do believe that RFK Jr. could beat Trump in the general election. Ron DeSantis would win against RFK Jr. in the general but it would be close.
If only given 4 choices: DeeeSantis, Orange Man, RFK Jr, and Brandon, I would pick them in that order, except for Brandon. I'd rather have a rabid weasel as president than Brandon.
I heard him say that the WEF is using climate change as a means of control, so I don't think he is oblivious. If you have the opportunity, consider listening to some of his interview and speeches. He speaks more truth than any politician I have ever heard. Not sure the best place for RFK, Jr., but we absolutely need him in this fight for humanity!
Best place is a cabinet secretary, probably HEW (as Brandon calls it).
His company, Childrens Health Defense (CHD), expresses great concern for the climate corruption.
There's no way to seriously reduce CO2 emissions without absolute control over humanity (this is the reason for it being chosen by the globalists). The centralised power required will always lead to absolute corruption. Believe we need to reduce CO2 to near zero, and whether you're a nice guy, or a tyrant, you're advocating for global serfdom.
RFK is not a global leader but would be great as the HHS in charge....i will not support anyone who has not denounced the slavery BorgDem party.....and someone (RFK does) who supports global warming which is truly a scam ..... (i could go off here but I will not)......one can be independent which means you do not have to be a Conservative.....but if one is still a party member of the Borg Dems and offers no apology or understanding of its history and behavior, I feel that this shows a certain mentality that I will not support....i also think that a president needs to be in good health....RFK has a degenerative disease....I actually thought there was something in the Constitution saying that the health (mentally and physically) of our president must be really good, but I must be wrong.....either way Parkinson’s can affect the brain along with the body.....i cannot vote for someone who is so very ill....look at Michael J. Fox....really?....however.....we are more than the third dimensional plane and there are higher beings involved so this is a play of God.....still we must use facts and intelligence to decide whom to vote for....(btw, I have gotten RFK’s newsletters for years and I honor his work and his brilliance....)
I may be wrong, but, I think they dispensed with the requirement of good health (mental and physical) recently.
You must be right because Biden never had a cognitive test....if they did I think it was wrong....thank you
Probably just for the dumbocraps.
Edited to correct typo. 😒
I don't believe RFK has Parkinson's, though I do agree with your assertion that his condition is likely a degenerative disease. I read that he has spasmodic dysphonia, which I believe is caused by some sort of disfunction in the brain. I suspect that it could also affect the brain in other respects.
It's spasmodic dysphonia. Challenging, but not life-threatening like Parkinsons.
Well either one of us could be wrong on his condition or right.....peace....
Spasmodic dysphonia :-)
Someone else said that but I got my information from Mercola….but perhaps the person who told me was incorrect…..either way I will never vote for anyone who is not in really good health because if there is a degenerative disease that is neurological it can affect the brain. I highly respect RFK and in many ways he is brilliant but he is a BorgDem still with no apologize to the behavior of that party…..thank you
He could be the Dems Ottoman Empire replacement for Biden.
He actually does have Parkinson’s and he actually knows that he got it as it a side effect of a vaccine a flu vaccine years ago....this is absolutely true and his voice gets shakier and shakier.....
His grandmother Rose also had Spasmodic Dysphonia, as does he. Wonder if there's a genetic component...
I don’t know……but i do know that i was told it was a side effect of one of the flu vaccines he took decades ago….it does not really matter …. I don’t vote for someone in ill health…..but thank you for your information…..i appreciate
I hadn't heard that. I think it is possible that he does have Parkinson's becuase of the quivering in his voice. However, he doesn't seem to have the tremors in his hands and body, or the hunched back that most people with Parkinson's have.
Spasmodic Dysphonia.
That’s true…..but I thought he told Dr. Mercola that he got Parkinson’s from a specific flu vaccine he had taken…..i could be wrong….peace…..
Spasmodic dysphonia.
I wonder how RFK Jr would look and sound after a year on a carnivore diet...
Hmmmmmm. Interesting comment. Thanks.
Well, a lot of us have had some chronic conditions go into remission by stopping eating the products of Big Farma and stopping taking the products of Big Pharma.
That’s great. The healthier the better. I myself (73) have been organic vegan since I was 18. I also chose an alternative lifestyle until taking care of my mom for 25 years became my choice.
Unfortunately despite a good diet and high quality supplements and no jab and no pharmaceuticals my health is fragile. But I’m thrilled for those keeping and becoming healthy. Bravo!!!!
Sorry to hear about your fragile health.
Have you checked to see if there's something that is in your diet that doesn't belong or is too large a part of your diet? For example:
1) Grains, seed/vegetable oils (plant-based oils other than EVOO, avocado, and coconut), natural and artificial sweeteners, starches are not good as major sources of macronutrients
2) Oxalates bother some people, and they are found in lots of "healthy" vegetables
3) Phytates bother some people, and they are found in lots of "healthy" seeds and nuts, especially if their sources are sufficiently cooked/sprouted
4) Lectins bother some people, and they are found in some "healthy" vegetables
Perhaps there is something missing from your diet. For example,
1) If you're not allergic to eggs, then eating eggs from pasture-raised fowl should be super healthy and not raise ethical objections (though of course eggs are not vegan)
2) If you're not allergic to the purest forms of dairy, such as ghee or maybe butter, then consuming it from regeneratively grown cows could also be super-healthy and not raise environmental or ethical objections (though of course dairy products are not vegan)
3) Nutritional yeast, natto, spirulina, and seaweed have lots of micronutrients not found in land plants. I would rather get things from those sources than from pills.
4) Is your B12 supplement based on methyl- instead of cyano- ? I think the cyano- form is more common but viewed as inferior by some "experts"
5) If your D is from D2, then hopefully you can get plenty of sunshine without burning during the sunnier half of the year, since D3 is supposed to be superior
Also. I have an anti radiation device here which I believe is protective. But I’m not entirely sure and where I live there are 230 towers within a 2 mile radius. Crazy!!!!! With those micro antenna. Ugh!
And I was watching Dr. Robert Young who suggested to keep the water in our bodies like the ocean by adding Himalayan salt which I follow. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Wow. You are so kind to share all this. And you are so knowledgeable. I sleep a lot so I apologize I didn’t thank you sooner.
I’m allergic to dairy, carbs and sugars. So I don’t eat any.
My supplements are from Dr. Mercola mainly so yes, D3 and I take methyl folate and the methyl B12 and not the cyan molecular one.
I take something called Lectin Defense from Dr. Gundry. I do take natttokinase. But I am unable to digest veggies though they are my favorite foods. So they are out.
The phytates I don’t know much about. I will research.
Ah. Ghee. I used to live at an ashram and so I’m familiar with ghee not only for fire ceremony but for Ayurvedic cooking. I used to love the taste (made my own) but more recently the smell bothers me.
I tried eggs and actually love them. And avocados.
The eggs I buy are truly organic,from this company that is family owned but I forgot the name. They actually answer the phone and call their chickens their “girls” so the chickens truly roam. Not what our government considers roaming. That’s a cruel joke.
Actually I hardly eat because I can’t swallow well which then doesn’t trigger the rest of the digestive tract.
And the avocados. Here in Florida APEEL seems to be on most of them everywhere except farmers markets but many farmers are not organic so that means other chemicals.
I am so touched by your taking the time to share. You are so kind. Thank you. I will consider and reflect more on what you’ve shared. Whoever knows you is quite blessed.
I think RDK jr. is more aware then Trump and would not have allowed the covid vax solution go happen. I also believe he will research the climate change narrative and see it for what it is, he may already have doubts.
We don’t really know anything about what happened behind the scenes with Trump.....I have heard many reasons behind what T did.....True or not I don’t know.....however I don’t think RFK is more aware than T.....absolutely not....he has not denounced his family behavior or his alliance with a party of slavery.....his mentality is still stuck in the past even with all his good works.........so he is not that aware.....now he may have reasons but then that can be applied to Trump.....Listen to Nino and Juan....but also some psychics have been downloaded very good information....this is not simply politics....we are in an intergalactic war...we are not the only planet in God’s infinite universes and humans are not the end and be all of life....Peace be with you....
I heard him state that the WEF is using climate change as a means for control. So I believe he is already aware of what the elites are trying to do.
Sounds like an effective way to run HHS for now.
I like and admire RFK, Jr. He's a man of courage and integrity, and very intelligent and thoughtful. He can't be bought or corrupted. I agree with him on most issues.
And I say all this as a guy who voted for Trump twice and will vote for him a third time.
The Democrat party doesn't want him to win their primaries, because they don't want a man with his qualities. They want a corrupt puppet like Biden.
If RFK Jr won the primary, the Deep State might help him "win" the general selection, find some skeletons in his closet, break off some large bones, and then beat him senseless with those bones. After which the Deep State's chosen VP would be installed as POTUS (Pinocchio Of The United States). I think he's got a better chance of surviving that scenarios as HHS secretary...
BS climate change policies are a chickenshit concern when weighed next to the jabs and at any rate RFK Jr says he's more concerned about reducing pollution than he is about climate change.
If the RINOs and Dems install.anyone else but Trump as the GOP nominee then RFK Jr will be the best choice.
RFK Jr is not autistic and he didn't live in the premises of deceased pedophile Kent Stermon or appoint the pedophile to esteemed positions in Florida
I want to add that although the jabs killed or maimed 600 million of us the fear of global warming now being called climate change (even by the left) is being used to take our rights away.....so i am not sure any of this can be weighed...all suffering counts.....in CA when they only used “green” energy people on O2 tanks died .... it is all one....and all of it must be corrected for the good of us all...
Stopping the jabs and holding the perpetrators of the jabs to account is priority one. The cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria is the tip of the spear of the cult of fake anthropogenic climate change / global warming hysteria. Stopping the jabs and holding the perpetrators of the jabs to account is striking a blow against the depopulation agenda of the global warming cult.
Ok….but I do think that the brainwashing which is still rampant and can’t be undone so easily as proven by those that tried to unbrainwash kids in cults in the 70’s….the brainwashing was so evil and if people don’t come out of it that is a huge problem….the jabs if we go to a digital currency will be increased and those who have not gotten shut out of society….the good people had better do something and fast….
Wait.....who said RFK is autistic....of course he is not....he does have Parkinson’s ....a degenerative disease.....and I am concerned over the terms global warming and climate change.....there is no global warming and we are actually headed for a cold spell ..... but there is climate change as proven by the ice in the arctic which shows 400,000 years of our history......
Nobody said RFK Jr is autistic. Steve Bannon and Laura Loomer have raised that concern aboutanother candidate.
Why did you bring it up?....the autism....was there a point?...oh well.....peace....
The point was to contrast him with his rival.
Ok…..but i don’t have the thread to actually say anymore…..sorry….
This is who I was referring to.
To cozy to killary for my liking. With him it would have been warp speed on steroids with the kill shot. Kennedys have historically been no different from the rest of the ilk
RFK, Jr. has done some excellent work in bringing corporate killers to trial. He energy on the COVID crisis has been great. But, in that interview he speaks of the great public [dis]service of his family. Please, they have done far more harm than good. Their personal lives were horrendous and showed a total lack of respect for the country and its laws. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. Beware of that acorn in public service.
I don't think the CIA would have taken out JFK and RFK if they hadn't been seen as obstacles to implementing the Deep State (ergo, on the side of the people at that time). Trump is the latest "obstacle," obviously, but the White Hat Alliance that formed after those previous assassinations is much more prepared now to take down the corrupt Shadow Government/Deep State/Cabal. More power to them!! I like the idea of Trump as President again, with Kennedy as the head of one of the agencies, where he can eliminate the "captured agency" issue and continue to hold corporations accountable.
I think that part of the climate-confusion might derive from the fact that our solar system is transiting through a superheated interstellar magnetic cloud and all the planets in our system are showing signs of "change" as a result. https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2009/23dec_voyager/ David Wilcock did an outstanding job of tracking down astronomy articles on the pan-planetary changes. I wish he'd post that list, as I failed to record the links when I was watching his presentation.
My personal feelings on denouncing slavery 250 years before you were born is Climate Change 2.0. The focus now who supports making us all staves in 7 years.
CO2 does not track with temperature but does track with greening. The Vast desserts have expanded as CO2 drops. We are at 0.04% CO2. When CO2 = 0.02% DEATH (Carbon Zero). CO2 rises 15% prior to a glatial period. Based on the Son's location we should be in one now. 1.5% worries is nonsense. Geothermal activities we have never experienced a modern North South Pole flip before. But most likely it will create at period of multiple North and South Poles.
I m just saying that the one clip I keep seeing which is him allegedly caring about climate change, it’s from a long time ago. I haven’ t heard him say anything like that recently. In fact all the recent stuff such as the danger of big pharma and vax issues and Fauci and his associates obvious lies.RFK jr notices theses same bs things.
Well I read an article from his newsletter about one year ago supporting the WHO and global warming....if he has changed then that is great but he still no leader of our country for me.....he is still a member of a slave party....he relies on his family good deeds but excuse me his uncle JFK slept around so much that spies used his weakness.......well i am getting off of my soap box .....peace be with you....
Kennedy’s support for other causes is his weakness but his tone as a Health Czar would be great.
He.is, was and always will be a Democrat therefore he supports their platform. He is a liberal, an elite, a progressive. He voted for Clinton, Obama and Biden and would/will do so again. He is for climate crap. He was for masks and lockdowns. He is not against vaccines only the mercury causing autism. He was also agreeable for non mask wearers and non vaxers to be jailed. Easy to speak when you haven't done anything to change things over many years. We all know that the truth about JFK and Bobby was never told. So his statements are not bombshell news. Beware of him.