It is ironic Kennedy is so switched on with the corruption in government, bureaucracy, and corporate sectors, yet seemingly oblivious to the palpable corruption of the climate scam. Like there's some odd reason corrupt actors would not hijack climate for nefarious purposes. It makes no sense at all, particularly given the enormous largesse available in power, control, and money from an anti-CO2 narrative.

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RFK is not a global leader but would be great as the HHS in charge....i will not support anyone who has not denounced the slavery BorgDem party.....and someone (RFK does) who supports global warming which is truly a scam ..... (i could go off here but I will not)......one can be independent which means you do not have to be a Conservative.....but if one is still a party member of the Borg Dems and offers no apology or understanding of its history and behavior, I feel that this shows a certain mentality that I will not support....i also think that a president needs to be in good health....RFK has a degenerative disease....I actually thought there was something in the Constitution saying that the health (mentally and physically) of our president must be really good, but I must be wrong.....either way Parkinson’s can affect the brain along with the body.....i cannot vote for someone who is so very ill....look at Michael J. Fox....really?....however.....we are more than the third dimensional plane and there are higher beings involved so this is a play of God.....still we must use facts and intelligence to decide whom to vote for....(btw, I have gotten RFK’s newsletters for years and I honor his work and his brilliance....)

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I think RDK jr. is more aware then Trump and would not have allowed the covid vax solution go happen. I also believe he will research the climate change narrative and see it for what it is, he may already have doubts.

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Sounds like an effective way to run HHS for now.

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I like and admire RFK, Jr. He's a man of courage and integrity, and very intelligent and thoughtful. He can't be bought or corrupted. I agree with him on most issues.

And I say all this as a guy who voted for Trump twice and will vote for him a third time.

The Democrat party doesn't want him to win their primaries, because they don't want a man with his qualities. They want a corrupt puppet like Biden.

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BS climate change policies are a chickenshit concern when weighed next to the jabs and at any rate RFK Jr says he's more concerned about reducing pollution than he is about climate change.

If the RINOs and Dems install.anyone else but Trump as the GOP nominee then RFK Jr will be the best choice.

RFK Jr is not autistic and he didn't live in the premises of deceased pedophile Kent Stermon or appoint the pedophile to esteemed positions in Florida

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To cozy to killary for my liking. With him it would have been warp speed on steroids with the kill shot. Kennedys have historically been no different from the rest of the ilk

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RFK, Jr. has done some excellent work in bringing corporate killers to trial. He energy on the COVID crisis has been great. But, in that interview he speaks of the great public [dis]service of his family. Please, they have done far more harm than good. Their personal lives were horrendous and showed a total lack of respect for the country and its laws. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. Beware of that acorn in public service.

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I think that part of the climate-confusion might derive from the fact that our solar system is transiting through a superheated interstellar magnetic cloud and all the planets in our system are showing signs of "change" as a result. https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2009/23dec_voyager/ David Wilcock did an outstanding job of tracking down astronomy articles on the pan-planetary changes. I wish he'd post that list, as I failed to record the links when I was watching his presentation.

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My personal feelings on denouncing slavery 250 years before you were born is Climate Change 2.0. The focus now who supports making us all staves in 7 years.

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CO2 does not track with temperature but does track with greening. The Vast desserts have expanded as CO2 drops. We are at 0.04% CO2. When CO2 = 0.02% DEATH (Carbon Zero). CO2 rises 15% prior to a glatial period. Based on the Son's location we should be in one now. 1.5% worries is nonsense. Geothermal activities we have never experienced a modern North South Pole flip before. But most likely it will create at period of multiple North and South Poles.

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I m just saying that the one clip I keep seeing which is him allegedly caring about climate change, it’s from a long time ago. I haven’ t heard him say anything like that recently. In fact all the recent stuff such as the danger of big pharma and vax issues and Fauci and his associates obvious lies.RFK jr notices theses same bs things.

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Kennedy’s support for other causes is his weakness but his tone as a Health Czar would be great.

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He.is, was and always will be a Democrat therefore he supports their platform. He is a liberal, an elite, a progressive. He voted for Clinton, Obama and Biden and would/will do so again. He is for climate crap. He was for masks and lockdowns. He is not against vaccines only the mercury causing autism. He was also agreeable for non mask wearers and non vaxers to be jailed. Easy to speak when you haven't done anything to change things over many years. We all know that the truth about JFK and Bobby was never told. So his statements are not bombshell news. Beware of him.

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