Kim et al.: "Cardiac Imaging of Acute Myocarditis Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination"; Pesent a 24-year-old male with acute myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer). Chest pain
developed the day after vaccination and cardiac biomarkers were elevated; rapid surveillance such as cardiac markers, electrocardiography, or cardiac imaging should be required for its early diagnosis
‘Pesent a 24-year-old male with acute myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination (BNT162b2). His chest pain developed the day after vaccination and cardiac biomarkers were elevated.
Echocardiography showed minimal pericardial effusion but normal myocardial contractility. Electrocardiography revealed diffuse ST elevation in lead II, and V2-5. Cardiac magnetic resonance images showed the high signal intensity of T2- short tau inversion recovery image, the high value of T2 mapping sequence, and late gadolinium enhancement in basal inferior and inferolateral wall.’
This is fantastic. Just for the record, we have a criminal case on June 7th as well as AN ACTUAL OPP CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION with an existing incident number! Dr. Alexander, your evidence will be put on the record both in court and in a real criminal complaint. Feel free to get in touch at
From the study: "Clinical course of the patient was favorable and he was discharged without any adverse event." Without any adverse event?! What do they think myocarditis is, nasal drip?