See Kirsch here, great work Steve!!! Praise & mRNA shot did not stop infection, it could not; it did not work! there is no means for antibodies introduced systemically to enter/handle the respiratory
mucosal lining; the COVID mRNA vaccine never worked! Ever! & were deadly & are! Jay Bhattacharya said it helped high-risk elderly, I say no, it did not, love Jay, beautiful man, smart, but it FAILED!
Jay Bhattacharya is wrong, I have no issue saying it, he said it, that the COVID mRNA vaccine by Malone and Bourla and Bancel et al. helped high-risk elderly, I say no, it did not, love Jay, beautiful man, smartest, but the COVID vaccine was a fraud day one, saved no one…as much as Malone is a fraud…same thing…an interesting one though, at least Weissman and Kariko can stand by their death shot, while Malone ran into the Freedom Movement for cover when the deaths started to rise…
It is time people like Malone and Bourla and Bancel and Sahin et al. face proper questions via proper experts in the field (not EPOCH etc.) and under oath, separately as to all on mRNA technology, mRNA vaccine, who knew what, when, who did what etc. Judges and juries. Proper legal settings. Fair and balanced.
Steve Kirsch, good work here but you played on the water’s edge…why not wade in…??why not ask Malone what he did…??? why he was silent as people died? on all the key issues…why he shilled? what about reverse transcription? etc. etc. etc.
See Kirsch here below…great work Steve!!! Praise…and of course it can’t stop infection, it could not for it did not work…there is no means for antibodies introduced systemically to handle the respiratory mucosal lining where virus exists.
‘There’s no known mechanism of action for the COVID vaccine to reduce your risk of infection. So when you see a study showing that, you should be very suspicious.
But what is a real effect is that the COVID vaccines increase your window of spreading the virus as shown in this letter to the editor published in NEJM: Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (BA.1) Infection.
The data
Note how the red line is lower than the other lines. So that means if you got the vaccine, you’re helping to spread the virus to others.
Dr. Lynn Fynn
I’d like to thank Dr. Fynn for bringing this paper to my attention.
She talks about how the drug companies fool you with numbers in this highly informative talk at the 4th Florida Summit on COVID which you can watch on Rumble starting at 1:12:00. She talks about RSV, influenza, and COVID. Points include:
RSV originated from the “safe and effective” polio vaccine
In the Moderna RSV trial they only tracked adverse events for 7 days? They could prevent 66 RSV cases (which are very rarely fatal) over 12 months. This caused an excess of 5,400 adverse events in just the first 7 days. That’s right: 12 months (efficacy) vs. 7 days (safety).
The Sanofi RSV monoclonal had 50% higher all-cause mortality in the treatment group. The CDC recommends this drug and they don’t disclose the number of deaths in the trial. You really have to wonder how deadly the drug has to be before the CDC says something.
We know from many years of data that the flu vaccine doesn’t work. So why do we give it? And if the flu vaccine is not effective, why should we believe the COVID vaccine is?
For the flu vaccine, increasing uptake led to higher hospitalization and mortality as you can see below (at 1:35 in the video):
Giving the flu vaccine to healthcare workers is nonsensical:
Flu shots don't work for those under 18. Why would we expect COVID shots to?
Vaccination doesn’t reduce hospitalization or mortality for older people. So why would we expect the COVID vaccine to be any different?
The COVID vaccines didn’t reduce your risk of getting infected (because it can’t) or your infection fatality rate (IFR) as we know from the US Medicare data.
What the vaccines did do is lengthen the time over which you could spread the virus.
So, even if you didn’t read my last article about all the deaths caused by the COVID vaccines and think the vaccines didn’t increase all-cause mortality at all, vaccination still made things worse.
Of course, this was known in June 2022 when that LTE was published.
However, everyone ignored it. It was so low profile, I didn’t even know about it until now.
So I thought it was important to let you in on the secret.’
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Enter the Wellness Company as a solution and a willing participant in the health care conversation. From telemedicine, prescriptions, memberships, and supplements, TWC is leading America with alternative choices to the traditional health care model.
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
"High risk elderly"? Were they really at risk? Was anyone?
The elderly were targeted as part of the genocide. They did NOT need a fake vaccine/bioweapon. They did NOT need respirators and remdesivir.
be aware contrary to popular opinion the who pandemic treaty has NOT been stopped in fact the who are meeting on november 4th they plan to finalise the treaty by november 11th...for confirmation and the details check out the james roguski substack..also be aware there is an online petition to stop the treaty..go to and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book/you tube/twitter/ who you can be sure will censor and suppress currenyly has over 272000 signatures it urgently needs many more