Great post Dr A! You and Sasha are two of my favorites on Substack and unfortunately there are only a few more who I consider worthy of my valuable time. The people of the world are in a real fix Paul and I have to say that I don't have a lot of confidence that I will live long enough to see this mess get reversed. Considering the number of fronts that humanity is being attacked from, It's GD discouraging. I've been watching this dog and pony show for 60 effing years and while we have never been this close to busting these Psychopaths, we have also never been this close to these eugenicist maniacs pulling the nuclear lever either. They stole the power they wanted in 2020 and I don't believe they are going to give it back. It's a hell of a mess Dr A and I pray to God every day that I don't leave the earthly realm watching my beloved America running crimson with Patriots blood because that's what the Communist party wants and I do believe we're close.

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thank you much for this stunning post, thank you...but we are just trying to be open...honest...people like Sasha get hit in media but like others is sharing her views. but the public is more knowledgeable...critical thinkers like you. blessings today...do not abandon us...

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Yes, Biden is upping his game (or should it be downing his game) in a last ditch attempt to keep in power. Things will become very messy in the next two weeks.

As regards the quality of material and sub-stack I think you're being a bit hard. The problem is that if you try to write for everybody from the Beginner to the scientist, you write for nobody and I think people should say before they start to write who their article is aimed at

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To keep it less confusing, don’t call the synthetic protein a “spike” protein. Just call it an MRNA coded protein, or something other than spike. That word belongs over with the Covid word. What’s happening in the cell now is Frankenstein science.

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My two cents...restricted to SARSCov2 testing.

The PCR cycle threshold (CT) is not an absolute value nor diagnostic of any disease causing pathogen. It is simply a numerical value chosen that when used with appropriate clinical indications for the test, can substantiate that the clinical symptomology is likely caused by the detected pathogen. The PCR primers (e.g. N, S, ORF1b) simply identify homologous viral RNA segments and afford amplification cycles of those segments to a given CT. Each primer does not have same CT. None of the primers can differentiate a pathogenic intact virus from non-pathogenic fragments of virus. None provide any predictive or prognostic information. None define an active infection irrespective as to what CT value is deemed to indicate a positive test. None demonstrate to a high likelihood that the "positive" test result will demonstrate concomitant cell culture viropathic features of an intact, actively replicating virus.

The PCR test was the laboratory keystone in as much the PREP Act was to legal keystone ensuring near absolute immunity from litigation

Both were two of the many compartments within the plandemic compartmentalized operation.

There were key people assigned to each compartment to ensure operational success. There were also many useful idiots whos involvement provided the plausible deniability for the key persons.

Asymptomatic testing was in my opinion the glue that held the plandemic together. Without it, the plandemic would have fallen apart quickly. Feel free to list all the collateral societal level damage that resulted from asymptomatic testing. It is truly Biblical in extent and degree.

Asymptomatic testing via PCR should have never ever occurred. Ever.

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Why where the safety data sheets classified? One ingredient was labeled not for human use, experimental. Why would they put it in there. The army doctor before it was mandated for the military use even though it violates the army function video 1 Jonathan Otto remix playing now.


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very fascinating and key comments

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I see my doctor this week about a mishap AGAIN on my motorcycle that will set the stage for a lawsuit AGAIN. Car drivers tend to not see motocyclists so maybe instead of being 176 pounds I should add another hundred! Or put 100 flashing orange lights all over me and my machine.

I successfully sued in the last mishap in the six digit figures and expect this to be a much larger settlement. It takes a motorcyclist to see another motorcyclist I guess.

But I digress. It is ALL history. The scamdemic fake jab adversely affects people or kills them.

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