Latypova asks an important question 'Does spike protein exist?' The key here to Sasha's argument & I have stated is that NO NEED to get in weeds about 'virus or not existing'; we mean SYNTHETIC spike
SYNTHETIC mRNA man made, commercial level, spike induced by the Malone Kariko Bancel et al. mRNA in the mRNA gene vaccine; BOOM 'it is impossible to build pandemic-causing viruses in labs'
Sasha like me and others, are tackling highly complex topics and trying to make sense of the madness and people like her bring pedigree to the table, is heavily worked in the area, reads deeply, and understands issues and is brave and bold and will not be BOUGHT. Most in the COVID battle were BOUGHT.
I wanted to talk again about Japan’s move with this Replicon insanity e.g. self-amplifying RNA vaccines. But put a pin in it for now, I wrote something prior, but we will get back there as this paper by Sasha is stirring, well written.
Bottom line, is spike protein real post mRNA vaccine? Yes, and it results in a catastrophic inflammatory cascade with devastating consequences to cells that produce the synthetic spike. mRNA, synthetic, is also real.
Next is a profound statement by Sasha Latypova and she is basically saying what is known as variants, that function to drive ‘new boosters’ and the continuance of the fraud fake nonsense non-pandemic, is REALLY and ACTUALLY paper generated, computer drawings. In silico computer generated. Very important contribution. Very separate debate from Couey’s infectious clone theory, multiple release points, with RNA’s (respiratory) inability to pandemic etc. In other words, they created a fraud fake non-pandemic aka COVID, using infectious clones (commercial grade DNA/RNA) and used a fraud PCR over-cycled ‘process’ to tell you there was a pandemic when there was NONE (we can create a pandemic in an hour if we wanted using the PCR process and detect anything as positive if we wanted…’detect’ is not the right word), and forced and mandated a safety untested mRNA vaccine that was not needed, ineffective, and deadly. We are over the target here. We will learn exactly what they did in this fake COVID. We will learn, we will not stop getting accountability.
Sasha’s statement here:
Pharmas claim they can make these perfect, precise little things every time. This is the rationale behind “boosters” for “variants”. Because, you see, if X% of this little shape is not the same, it’s a “variant” and your previous shot is no good now, you need to get another shot. All of this is baloney, of course. They can’t precisely PCR these things because PCR is a 200 chemicals/50 steps/no validation cooking exercise + a computer modeling technique, with internal circular referencing and much manual manipulations - i.e. a great method to commit science fraud. Thus the “variants” are simply the inability to reproduce the previous chemical cooking and computer modeling.
So, my question is why would someone like Malone, or Bourla, or Bancel, or Weissman or others in immunology, vaccinology, virology field stay silent? Why? When they know what she is saying is on point. On just this point Sasha made above.
Start Sasha in full here (support her scholarship and this is a key question):
‘I receive a lot of questions about spike protein. Some people are claiming it doesn’t exist, because viruses don’t exist. However, existence of a synthetic or natural protein is not predicated on the existence of any viruses.
This theoretical entity now has its own Wikipedia page. Spike protein is claimed as part of the “corona” of the theoretical entity called SARS-cov-2. It is claimed that the spike protein of the original “Wuhan variant” of covid looks like this:
This structure is not real. It is a modeled, averaged, idealized computer model. Protein folding is a hugely complex unsolved problem in biology. There is not enough computing power in the universe to solve it so that the protein structures could be accurately predicted, and no, AI is not going to solve it either. That’s another fundamental reason why it is impossible to build pandemic-causing viruses in labs, but it’s a separate topic I will try to address at a later date.
The specific spike modeled above has not been found in nature. Same as with an AI-generated human face, no such human exists! While this does not mean humans don’t exist, still, you can’t use an AI-generated face for any purposes where a real identity is required.
The way the spike protein computer model above is constructed was described in my post from about a year ago.
The vaccine science cartel communicate with neat-looking cartoons, and thus most lay public and most lazy-thinking professionals do not understand that these cartoons have very little to do with reality.
Pharmas claim they can make these perfect, precise little things every time. This is the rationale behind “boosters” for “variants”. Because, you see, if X% of this little shape is not the same, it’s a “variant” and your previous shot is no good now, you need to get another shot. All of this is baloney, of course. They can’t precisely PCR these things because PCR is a 200 chemicals/50 steps/no validation cooking exercise + a computer modeling technique, with internal circular referencing and much manual manipulations - i.e. a great method to commit science fraud. Thus the “variants” are simply the inability to reproduce the previous chemical cooking and computer modeling. And so, when pharma spews out some biological product, here is the analogy from the automotive industry on how this looks:
While the biopharma can’t produce precise make-models, it is also evident that the pile of metal, glass and plastic (various synthetic macro-molecules) does exist and various mixtures of it were found in tested vaccine vials.
The vial testing all over the world has found that the mRNA (when it is found) comes in random length strands, majority are broken, and the most prevalent are micro-RNA and smaller strands, which are crude explosive devices - I made an analogy with shrapnel or crude pressure cooker bombs. In addition to the broken RNA, there is a multitude of other poisoning components: DNA plasmids, random proteins, toxic chemicals and metals. All of this is shuttled into different organs and into the cells, and sometimes into the nucleus of the cell by the LNPs. Therefore, spike protein appears to be a product of the immune system destroying cells triggered by a rather crude poisoning simultaneously all over the body.
Therefore, spike protein is a product of cell death that results from the immune system destroying and clearing body’s own cells. This can happen naturally, due to turnover of cells and due to a more aggressive process during some illness. But natural clearance processes are tightly balanced and do not overwhelm the system.
The main mechanism of mRNA jabs is to produce spike protein. The FDA and pharma tell you a cartoon-narrated story that these are good things necessary to teach your immune system to recognize the bad virus. They are technically almost not lying, but the result is definitely the opposite of what the vax-cult wants to propagandize. The spike is sent all over the body and weaponizes the immune system against the body’s own cells.
To quote Dr. Mike Yeadon:
…my additional concern arose because the injected material will travel all around the body and cause a wide variety of cells and tissues to mark themselves as foreign. That triggers lethal, autoimmune attack on every cell complying with the genetic instructions.
Spike protein can also be synthetically made and injected, inducing cell death and production of other “spike proteins”, i.e. aberrant, misfolded products of cellular machinery. Remember that synthetic spike protein by itself can be used instead of mRNA in LNP or in addition to it and marketed under same brand name:
The spikes have been found in blood and tissues post mRNA injection and are associated with injury, inflammation, severe tissue damage and death. This was found in histopathology examinations by late Dr. Arne Burkhardt.
Credible experts like Dr. Chetty have discussed their experience with 90% of patients presenting with covid illness symptoms having no great issues, while about 10% developed a severe allergic response after about 1 week and required antihistamines/steroids to manage it. This means that approx 10 % of the general population has been sensitized to something that can be environmentally deployed. It can be spike protein but it can also be some components used in its synthesis or some analogous biological/chemical matter.
In addition, the pre-sensitized state of some % of the population may explain high sensitivity to shedding in some unvaccinated people. They may have been sensitized by other vaccines in prior years.
Therefore, my current conclusion: spike is real and can be induced by the mechanism of mRNA injections which turn the immune system against the body, inducing mass destruction of cells. In the second part of this article I will discuss the data indicating that spike is involved in the formation of the blood clots and fibrous clots.’
Does spike protein exist? -Part 1 - by Sasha Latypova (
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Great post Dr A! You and Sasha are two of my favorites on Substack and unfortunately there are only a few more who I consider worthy of my valuable time. The people of the world are in a real fix Paul and I have to say that I don't have a lot of confidence that I will live long enough to see this mess get reversed. Considering the number of fronts that humanity is being attacked from, It's GD discouraging. I've been watching this dog and pony show for 60 effing years and while we have never been this close to busting these Psychopaths, we have also never been this close to these eugenicist maniacs pulling the nuclear lever either. They stole the power they wanted in 2020 and I don't believe they are going to give it back. It's a hell of a mess Dr A and I pray to God every day that I don't leave the earthly realm watching my beloved America running crimson with Patriots blood because that's what the Communist party wants and I do believe we're close.
To keep it less confusing, don’t call the synthetic protein a “spike” protein. Just call it an MRNA coded protein, or something other than spike. That word belongs over with the Covid word. What’s happening in the cell now is Frankenstein science.