Legacy of Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Kariko, Weissman, Sahin et al. mRNA technology & vaccine; my friend's son, 26, 3 shots, massive myocarditis, destroyed heart near instant; got urgent transplant
new heart, 1 year constant myocarditis, now may lose this heart, so not good, maybe game is over; doctor on transplant team said the mRNA vaccine has done this; spike produced 24/7 even on new heart
This is what Malone and Weissman et al. and Bourla have done to the world, this is their legacy and you want me to respect or regard these devils? Nothing about mRNA technology is or was good, and they knew it and this is why Malone ran fast soon after the vaccine roll-out Feb 2021 or so to hide out in the Freedom Movement, and he corrupted the Freedom Movement media to not go at him, for money…all money whores…even Bobby Kennedy Jr. lost crtedibility courting Malone….he Malone knew what was coming, he knew the harms of the mRNA technology and the ensuing vaccine so he played a game with you…you who sought truth and answers…did you get anything from the horseman? except about horses and ranches etc.? Did you? just grifting. just stories. yet it is his technology and all we got was law suits against anyone who raised questions.
I am prepared for a law suit for I think Malone is a 100% fraud, a conman…a dangerous one for he chilled and silenced proper scientific debate, he caused scientists to shut up…in fear of being sued…Malone damaged the movement, it is he who conned you with his mass formation bullshit…mass formation yes, but it was played on you by him…
I remain open any day and time, any location, any format to debate him…to get the questions we all sought answered, actually answered.
Malone will never, ever talk to me in a debate…ever, he knows why… and its why he must read from phones and teleprompters and have sycophants around him blocking questions from you…ever noticed that…
It is time the bullshit grift ends, the ludicrous dog and pony Global COVID Summit bullshit…oh I forgot, because of the pedophile crypto backers, they have changed the name to the Global crisis Summit…oh yes, you are that dumb to understand. This is now an embarassment.
These people will not let COVID go, no, its the gift that keeps on giving for they are the very ones driving the lies and fear…the bullshit…its now only about how much money they could squeeze out of you…it makes me want to barf…
14 or 15 yearold, absis in the brain, 46 inoperable brain tumour, 68 absis in the brain, dead. Nothing to see here.
Their genocide has begun.