i dont feel sorry for him. he is a liar he is a racist. he is not a good person

never has been never will.

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If you were him in his present situation, demented, feeling under siege, and with the nuclear codes, what would you do? If he attacks Russia it could save his presidency. Nobody is going to remove the Commander in Chief during wartime, especially if the US is radioactive rubble.

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I don't know who has the codes, but why would anyone in their right mind let Biden have them in his current demented state? Now if they really want to go by the book, they would have to 25 him and give the codes to Kamala, if they want to go to World War 3 with Russia. But when did Democrats ever go by the book?

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He doesn't have the fucking codes. No president has the fucking codes. It's a group of people that have the codes. The same group of people who've been driving this country of the cliff!

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That's even worse Steve!

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I know! That's what I'm saying!

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Point taken.

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So Joey can save his purloined presidency by attacking Russia? Like, destroy America and you will be put in the same category as some sort of hero?? Tell me how that ruse is supposed to come off. Joe is just another turd in America's punchbowl.

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How? If not intercepted and destroyed by the Russians in mid flight the first submarine launched US missile would reach Russia in approximately 10 minutes. Whether intercepted and destroyed or not, Russian space based nuclear missiles would then immediately destroy US satellite networks in space. Minutes later an EMP wave would disable US continental land based communications. Simultaneously, up to 2,400 Russian strategic nuclear weapons tied to hypersonic missiles and ICBMs, many carrying multiple warheads, would then be launched at the US by the Russian "Dead Hand" or "Perimeter" automatic nuclear weapons control system, even if all of the Russian armed forces were dead, which they wouldn't be. Joey would be deep underground in his bunker. Even if some Americans were still alive above ground, they would have more pressing priorities than removing him.

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CIA assets never get sacked, they simply die of natural causes.

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Or plane crashes.

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With an occasional suicide and some lone wolf shooter incidents...

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Or even drownings...like former CIA director William Colby.

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What was the deal with the guy Dick Cheney shot in the face?

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Cheney described the guy as a friend. The guy trusted him. Cheney has bad genes. He is the father of Liz. Cheney is a RINO. He was on a hunting expedition and there were no knives available to stab the guy in the back with but he had a gun.

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I have ZERO sympathy for him or his family or staff, they are human cockroaches and need to be extinguished. Save your kindness for all those who have died and are hospitalized for those that were taken in by the fake vax. I would be joyful if he was hit by a truck!

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You go Kent. My feelings exactly. My Brother died suddenly 9/5/23. He died of

(cardiac arrest) myocarditis. He didn't want to take the JAB. His son insisted, because

of his grandson. It's a long story. Remember, JOE, mandated the JAB.

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The baby sniffing, child molesting, women raping, lying racist, traitorous pedophile puppet only decides what color ice cream to get and when to get his diaper changed.

He can't die fast enough for my liking. (Please God keep him alive until after November 2024)

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You said that so eloquently. I say that everyday. I can't wait until he dies :-)

Another one is Crooked.


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I see no reason to disagree with anything you have written

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Me too. But happier if the slime minister of Canuckistan was hit by a runaway Mack truck while holding hands with Freeloader Freeland and dingaling Singh.

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They needed to create a medical emergency to force him to back out of running. He clearly was not going to do it on his own…

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Wonder if this is how/why Scalia died?

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They made Scalia an offer he couldn't refuse.

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Everything is really weird about his death.

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Other posts are saying this is untrue but then there are other posts stating Biden’s upcoming appearances have been cancelled. With all the lies it’s hard to tell what is truth.

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yes, we have to temper....but where there is smoke there is fire...let me say it again, Biden is stepping down, they are figuring out how to do it...not 'if' , its done

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That's not what JOE said in Wisconsin.

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Yes, but he probably doesn't know what their plans are. And Jill is going rogue on them with her power grab attempt and it's been said she's been running everything, so there's that. If you put 2 + 2 together (Obama's/Biden's), there appears to be infighting. Don't forget Obama is running things and Michael is not happy with the Biden's (about Hunter's divorce of her friend), but there's never been love lost between Michael & Jill. On top of Joe's issues, it appears Jill is setting things up to try to keep him on the ballot as she would basically continue running the country if he won. She has a lot on Obama, so it's possible some backstabbing libeling going back and forth. And, they are in a quandary because their options are limited on replacement - constitutionally. For one Biden already won the primaries, so another primary would be required before the convention.

Think about what MSM has been doing with throwing Biden under the bus all of a sudden. Obama most likely put them up to that because he's been running the propaganda shows since 2008. The regime just needs this win to keep on track with their 2030 agenda. It's failing - thank God!

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You are a wealth of knowledge. I see the picture clearer now. It's a very

layered web. So, Hunter was married to Michael's friend?

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Yes very layered web. I don't even watch Fox anymore, only get my info by watching/reading alt media, and Gateway Pundit, Revolver News, Epoch Times, and others delved into this and yes Hunter was married to Michael's friend Kathleen Buhle. I don't know if you remember, but Hunter was with her for a very short time, now has a new girl that has been at his trials. Several of the shows I watch covered this and used the cold open from Fox...


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I'm the same on the media. I stopped watching FOX on Nov. 3, 2020. Hunter is now married to Melissa Cohen. They have a son together. He also has a daughter that he has disowned. What a disgrace. Thanks for the link :-)

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Barack and Michael= Butch Cassidy and Sundance.

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Love that photo of Michael and his crew cut. Looks sooooooo feminine......

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Got it! Thanks LauraB.

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I seen to have lost out on the mention a name. Who is Michael? Help me out

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Michelle's nickname ;)

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Does Joe even know he was in Wisconsin?

😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣

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Hi Lynn. It looks like we all will be eating bugs soon

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NOT ME :-) I can't crunch. My teeth are getting up there.

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I’ve read a few tweets that said Biden is stepping down on Monday

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It seems that Biden is not giving up his post.

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could be double

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have you seen my posts on masks, DECODE etc.

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That's very possible...Obama has to do something about the recent power grab.

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Loomer has always been accurate...she has good contacts.

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yes thats why I posted it...I know her well, excellent instincts and contacts

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Is this how the Deep State will fix the "problem"?

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I would rather have him stay in power and sink the Democrats in the election. But, feel free to change my mind.

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💯 Shove that baby sniffing, child molesting, women raping, lying racist, traitorous pedophile puppet right down their throats. You wanted him? You got him! Now own it!

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You are so low key.

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I'm just going to throw this out there. Hunter has been in WH meetings, Jill is running the show. Family meeting about stepping down - yeah right. It's been obvious they've been drugging him up, but he most likely was a willing participant in the past. This has been a dysfunctional family since day one (decades ago) and now that they are in power, they can't let go. IF there's been body doubles, masked President, which I personally never doubted the possibility, then we could be seeing the family's version and Obama's version (and maybe others) when it suits their purpose for him.

Biden has been a liar since he before he became a Senator and has never repented. Tongue tied is a manifestation of his evil ways. So, he has brought everything that is/has happened to him on himself. Now his family is trying to hold onto power rather than him. It is sad, but we must realize the evilness first and foremost and come to the realization people have been bamboozled and it's absolutely crazy that anyone actually voted for him - which has been very debatable also.

Loomer is good and I anticipate a spin from the DS very soon.

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Specifics of Biden’s medical emergency and care

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Brought to you by the tweet of a fella who claimed to be an intelligence analyst for the Dutch East India Co.

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So, JOE had one of those medical emergencies, too. I don't feel sorry for him at all. Did you see how he was bashing Trump at that pathetic so called rally today in Wisconsin. He was at a school. All the

kids were told to CLAP and make lots of noise.

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I guarantee he dies before the November selection! Then the rats get to have their State funeral for two weeks with the American Pravda plastering the coffin surrounded by the four branches of military and the crime families from around the world coming to pay their respects. American Pravda listing imaginary accomplishments of the baby sniffing, child molesting, women raping, lying, racist puppet Pedophile puppet. I can hear it now, He have the country his last full measure, He have his entire life to this country... Fucking Gag.🤮

But this is their best play.

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It would be very helpful if you could provide links as well as screenshots. The screenshots are difficult to read. Thank you.

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Where is all the transparency that was offered by Biden in the beginning of his presidency?? This has been the most secretive, blacked out administration ever. We need everyone even remotely tied to this administration throughly investigated as to the secret crap that they have done to the USA!

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I don't feel sorry for the baby sniffing, child molesting, women raping, Treasonous pedophile.

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I absolutely abhor this Joe Bidumb character. Any sumbitch who is part of a worldwide movement to destroy humanity will get ZERO sympathy from me. Under no circumstances will I feel sorry for the head of an obvious crime family.

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Actually the ass end.

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What? Did he run out of cocaine?

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