
the dems need to hold power to stay out of jail

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Biden et al. are running to remain out of jail...stole enough money, now its about staying out of jail if Trump can get his way...as he should, to hold them accountable...so thats they aim...45 in part but key is to clean them out so that he destroys them so when he is gone his children are safe...case closed.

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I don't see anything wrong with 2 white males running. Oh, so we just minus the best qualified, because the Republicans can't have 2 white males. So, again we play into the Leftists or whoever they

are hands. I am a woman and it doesn't bother me. Miss VP is brainless and a Marxist like her father.

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no we dont, but we have to play...this time...I am sure 45 can find a very well qualified female....dont you? it does not bother me either, but we need to consider the people out there it impacts...the fact you think you dont consider them is a problem...think about it...you are right yet we do all we must do to win here....the left plays dirty games and I am saying if they put Giggles as POTUS, and a female as VPOTUS, consider the options 2 white males....I am saying they will make it an issue...we think about it...45 must make no decision until they make theirs on 46

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They will drag it out until the last minute, then. What you say is not going to happen. Do you have sources inside of the Trump campaign? Trump/Vance 2024.

Trump is going to name his VP either before the RNC or when it takes place.

I like that idea. Two Leftists women going against 2 Conservative men.

Who cares what the Left says. No matter what, the Leftists always have a problem

with everything the Conservatives, do. We have to get our Country back. The

Leftists/Marxists and the rest have gone Rogue and taken over our Country.

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Are you OK with 2 black women running now that Biden has publicly stated that he is a black woman?

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He is a black woman?

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Yes, he said so. Domestic media coverage of it has been somewhat suppressed but it's been getting a lot of attention in foreign media.

Listen: I’m proud to be first black woman in White House, says Biden


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I know I won't be voting for a man who thinks he's a black woman :-)

I am sick of all those alphabet misfit people. They just want special


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So, what did JOE mean by it? Another Kabuki Theatre plot?

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He's transitioning. He identifies as a black woman therefore he is one, according to his logic. He's trying to appeal to that vast demographic of Americans who are gay or trans as well as black and female. America today. This ain't Europe. America leads the world, especially in gay and trans.You must vote for him otherwise you are sexist, a misogynist, racist, homophobic and transphobic.

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RemovedJul 5
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In their feeble minds they either remain in power or bring down the house, because they do not want to face the consequences.... put on your hard hats folks the house is coming down. The USA corp will implode, but perhaps the republic which has been gone a very long time will be reborn from the ashes. It will be up to us.

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boom....I am trying to warn that this time, its for broke...this November election can result in the dems being so deranged they start civil war....are we ready to defend ourselves? if 45 is declared POTUS elect Nov 5th, the left will move to burn USA down for they know even judges will be headed to jail. this time...45 will do this....as sure as the sun shines.

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You are more right than wrong, but there efforts to turn the USA into a prison will ultimately fail. The question is how much damage will be done on the way out. Many my not live thru this. Those of us in the know, in the Light must maintain that stance with emotional neutrality as events unfold. If the Republic can reconstitute itself, nothing will be as it once was.

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Great piece Paul, love your passion. Yes, Trump knows it's about HIS children, and OUR children, and the future of our nation.

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I think it is beyond cynical for you to say that Trump is doing all this to protect his family and grandchildren If that was all he wanted he could have just been playing golf since 2015. I also don't agree that he has to make a hypocritical DEI choice for VP.

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you can have your opinion...as I can have mine...he is not doing it only but its a critical factor, I would hope you would too...your left, yours, will move to kill his children and imprison them...they have done to him...so its a serious issue and thats why they know 45 2.0 is a different animal and are scared, as they should be...we will get accountability

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Thanks for the response - I guess I’m always ready to defend Trump - my excuse, not that it’s necessary, is that I live in NYC

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It may be true that Trump doesn't have to make a DEI choice, but Dr. Alexander is sharing from his experience in DC. This is how thinking is done inside the Beltway and right or wrong, many decisions are made using this calculus.

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DC is about who leaks first and scandal, who can smear who first....thats all...

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Well, who cares. We need the right people for the jobs. It doesn't matter for the Leftists. They get their way somehow.

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they do not put the right people for the jobs...the republicans love to go wine and cheese and do not play to win...you go to play to win to 'get in' first....then you fix...then you do it how you wish but you get it...45 must do he can to get the full house, WH, congress and senate so he will be unchecked and I want him unchecked for 4 years to fuck those democrats and deepstate and RINOs well....deservedly...jail, do them all they did you and more...legally

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But he applied it to Trump!

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I agree.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

In general, I disagree. One of the crimes of this "Woke" administration is DEI. So, are we going to play *their* game? Are we going to select a person based on gender, race, or sexual preference?


If our side follows their lead and plays by their rules then, what's the difference between them and us?

On the other hand, I understand the 'politics' aspect - make sure you win to get the reigns of power.

That being clear, if to do so means lowering yourself to *their* level then I ask, what have you won?

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no, its not DEI...not select based on gender...yes best qualified person and there are many women...Republican party remains a party of the white man...I was beside Tim Scott and Kash, the only immigrants, in senior roles in the admin....no one does anything deliberate but they are tine deaf....the dems will use all strategies to get votes and divide....you got to play the game to win the game....no more Mr. nice guy....we can find a strong woman...again, think of what I am saying, if the dems end up with 2 women, one POTUS and one VPOTUS, and Republicans end up with 2 males, white....you would say that looks normal? so its about winning first and then we can play....right now we must win...using everything they do and it works, we do it too.

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they will move to take out his children the day he is gone from this world...he knows it, they will investigate and imprison...you need grasp this election, this time is the last chance we get...think hard....they will flip Texas soon...once its gone we will never hold WH etc. again....over! so 45 must get it there and for 4 years burn the shit down and remake it properly...close many alphabets, fire thousands in all agencies, remake FBI, CIA...all of them...he can and will....but we got to get him there...its his to lose now...Biden is done, Kamala headed up the border and was part of flooding the US with rapists and murderers, thats the key message....

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I still think it's dangerous to use *their* tactics. One reason is because later they can - and will - use that against you.

Yes, we have qualified women. Tulsi G comes to mind. My point is that if a (marginally) qualified woman is option A and a (superior) qualified man is option B, then to select A because of gender is a mistake. If the best option is female then, yes, select her.

There are some tactics that they use that we *should* use, but most people are put off by it. I'm referring to FORCE. Playing "nice", as Trump did during 2017-2020, is not going to get the job done. These creatures are filthy thugs that play dirty and violent any time they wish. I pleaded with Trump to turn up the heat -- Trump never did. The rest is history.

Fight fire with fire or lose .... those are the two options.

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I’ve heard from very reliable source that Biden was replace by AI. Could this be true because he looked like he was on drugs during the debate?

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I agree on the AI. IMO part of Bidens problem with his constant sniffles and brain freezes may be that he's been snorting coke for years and still snorting coke. Maybe the coke found at the WH was a delivery for him. Add the 2 anuerism's he's had. I don't trust or like Elon Musk but even he warned of the dangers of AI.

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I read today that Washington state is allowing people to vote even if they do not reside their. I also read today about the liberal Wisconsin judge who reversed the law to go back to allowing drop boxes for ballots. Trump will not win Wisconsin with this cheating. The liberals continue to break the law to cheat us out of a fair election. Where's our military?

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Trump wont put them in jail. He did not do it last time. He cannot do it this time unless he has a backing that will fight with him. I do not think you all are ready for that.

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I DO WISH you didn’t phrase it that way…as if JUSTICE is tit for tat. That’s been the trouble all along!! Justice is supposed to be BLIND. It was SUPPOSED to be happening with incarcerations ALL THIS TIME. The REASON we’ve had no Justice is we haven’t seriously asked for it.

There SHOULD have been consequences to the smashed Clinton blackberries. THAT is not retaliatory. There should have been Justice for vax injury. There should have been Justice for Pompeo. There should have been Justice for ALL historic vax injuries. The cascade to the bottom of our rights started with no Justice for JFK. It’s been downhill since then.

PLEASE!! Do not confuse the issue of JUSTICE with REVENGE. Maybe revenge is how YOU feel justified, however, justification is NOT Justice. But you knew that.

Please frame this in the non-witch-hunt, unemotional, law enforcing framework that Justice deserves.

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IMO, in the current situation, since we have been attacked by our enemies within, it is not only about seeking justice, but it IS about revenge. When we defeat the enemy, they must pay for their crimes against us.

It is a necessary emotional response. You said it when you mentioned JFK. We the American people have been victimized by these evil controllers for far too long. I want to see them pay. If that's vengeance, so be it. But I will settle for complete and total justice.

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If you wring the neck of the law in your intended grip on the perps, what good does your emotion do? The problem is “emotion” is fleeting. “Reaction” is temporary. “The Law” is methodical and with Patriotic dedication and the PATIENCE to use the system as it has used you…you’ll get results we’ve NEVER CONSISTENTLY ASKED FOR. It’s OK for you to feel avenged, but to do “what they do” for spite leads only one way…escalation and pendulum swings so bold they may break the times.

We need DETERMINATION. WE NEED A TOME-TABLE. We need a specific set of PLANS. We just saw plans executed in well orchestrated LawFare, which hopefully has been stemmed by SCOTUS.

We should LEARN from this, and it’s not revenge. We need COOL HEADED, orchestrated, step/-by step plans to LEGALLY prosecute perps so the JUSTICE is something perps fear.

Why should perps fear future crimes if all we’re doing is payback. Once that’s done, is there “the will” to keep up the standard?

The Lunch Mob sleeps/in.

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They already did...at least in Miriam Webster. Poor Webster is spinn8ng 8n his grave

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I likevyourvthink8ng Dr Alexander. You bring up very pertinent points to ponder.

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America All is Drama to Keep everyone unfocused !!! Prayers for Humanity!!

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Vivek for victory! Non white if the racists want to try and play that card. Smartest contender!

Defeat anybody in debate. Ha ha ha kmalahahaha! Fiercely loyal to 45! 1.5 billion Indian citizens would be over joyed and would support him. Could follow up Trump for eight years to really make America great!

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Vivek is an embarrassing "yes man" in relation to Trump. I don't believe Trump respects a man like that. Tim Scott is the same way. I think they both alienate more voters than they could ever bring in.

Vivek is desperate for attention and approval. He's an aggressive, fast-talking salesman with an iffy pharmaceutical background. He wife also has a sketchy history bordering on illegal activity.

I categorically do not trust Vivek.

Trump needs a VP running mate that can step right in as President if necessary. Neither Vivek nor Tim Scott are capable of that role.

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