Malone, Bourla, Weissman, Sahin et al. (Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech) mRNA technology based mRNA COVID gene injections NEVER ever worked! provided NO protection, there is NO evidence they ever worked!
The mRNA COVID gene injections have never functioned to reduce hospitilization, ICU, severe illness or deaths, NEVER! There is no clinical, medical, data evidence showing this ANYWHERE! It was a lie!
The mRNA COVID vaccines never ever protected the upper airways, never! If you took this shot, and recovered, it had nothing to do with any vaccine, it was all a fraud, like the fraud of the non-COVID pandemic.
There is no, not one clinical study anywhere globally, not one existing, no comparative effectiveness research, no randomized clinical trial, no observational study that properly controls for healthy vaccinee effect bias, for co-morbidities, for natural immunity (innate immunity) etc. anywhere, NONE! There is no study that has been done in adults or children, no RCT, that shows the COVID vaccines reduced hospitilization or death! I challenge anyone, anywhere to show me, to show us this study! There is none! Anyone who states or stated that the COVID mRNA vaccines reduced risk of deaths etc. lied to you, they were not talking based on any evidence, anecdotal or otherwise.
I lay my challenge to Malone, to Bourla, to Bancel, to Weissman, to Kariko, to Sahin, to Walensky, to Jha, to Fauci, to Hahn, to anyone…Trump or Biden administration officials, anyone in the Freedom Movement, show me the data…I know you cannot and this is why I am placing you on the hot seat. But show me.
‘I think I understand why Bhattacharya wanted shots in elderly arms now...
Sorry Boomers, we can't afford to pay out your Social Security and Medicare. Off the cliff you go. You understand, right? Just business. Stay up to date with your Covid shots....mmmmmkay?
JAN 31, 2024
YouTube suggested videos is basically writing my Stack for me at this point. 😮
Never did I imagine asking the next indicated question two years ago would lead me to this dark sinister place.
Oh my goodness.
"Dr. Bhattacharya’s research focuses on the economics of health care around the world"
Here is your Expert #2: Jay Bhattacharya
DECEMBER 21, 2023
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Mike Yeadon Disagree on the Ability of Vaccines to Save the Elderly
DECEMBER 13, 2022
Jay Bhattacharya: I mean, you think that for someone who's older, especially, the vaccine is incredibly important. COVID is very deadly disease as we talked about for people who's older. And the vaccine, while we haven't... It's only been in human use for 10 months, right? So we don't know all of the side effects, but we've seen enough to know it's pretty safe.
Jay Bhattacharya is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University.
He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and at the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute.
He holds courtesy appointments as Professor in Economics and in Health Research and Policy.
He directs the Stanford Center on the Demography of Health and Aging.
Dr. Bhattacharya’s research focuses on the economics of health care around the world with a particular emphasis on the health and well-being of vulnerable populations.
You don’t say. You don’t say. Economics of Health Care.
Bureaucratic Mass Murder: A Mini-Documentary
Dr. Bhattacharya’s peer-reviewed research has been published in economics, statistics, legal, medical, public health, and health policy journals. He holds an MD and PhD in economics from Stanford University.
Academic Appointments
Professor, Health Policy
Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Professor (By courtesy), Economics
Senior Fellow (By courtesy), Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Administrative Appointments
Director, Center on the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging, Stanford University (2011 - Present)…(editor’s note: Oh my goodness…😮)
Research Associate, Acumen, LLC (2007 - Present)
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economics Research (2002 - Present)
Program Affiliations
Public Policy
Professional Education
PhD, Stanford University, Economics (2000)
MD, Stanford University (1997)
Jay Bhattacharya, Michael Schoenbaum, Mark Spranca, Neeraj Sood. "United States Patent 7,426,474 Health Cost and Flexible Spending Account Calculator", Sep 16, 2008
Gosh, I wonder if Jay is going to be protecting the Dangerous Germs Countermeasures Model and Governor Ron is going to protect the Emergency Powers that FL or the US Prep Act confer…you know…for “national security”?
Wonder if that angry dude next to Jay is going to posture about not becoming anti-vax or the approximate.
Wonder if they discussed Faked Pandemics, promo code Bobby Kennedy who also doesn’t seem anxious to discuss Faked Pandemics?
When Jay did the below linked “pretty safe” Trade Show Performance, the VAERS Chart was already a hockey stick.
There were more reports on VAERS in ten months than in the prior 30-YEARS COMBINED.
Jay Bhattacharya: Yeah, so COVID vaccines in particular are extremely effective at protecting against severe disease.
Peter Robinson: All right, so briefly, what would you say to someone who's still... Honestly, there may be viewers who won't take it from Anthony Fauci, but might take it from Jay Bhattacharya. What would you say to someone who still hasn't gotten vaccinated?
Jay Bhattacharya: I mean, you think that for someone who's older, especially, the vaccine is incredibly important. COVID is very deadly disease as we talked about for people who's older. And the vaccine, while we haven't... It's only been in human use for 10 months, right? So we don't know all of the side effects, but we've seen enough to know it's pretty safe.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, October 13, 2021
In case you missed the heavy handed bolding (mine)…Dr. Jay was saying that the experimental mRNA injections are…
Safe and Effective.
Sorry Normies and Randos.
You joined the show at Episode 1500.
At the very least, we may be driving the discourse slowly but surely. “Truth is like a lion, and not that brass monstrosity lion on Malone’s wall.”
Does the Tetanus vaccine work? It has never been shown to work, there are no clinical trials, they say they just assume it works cause there is so little tetanus but there are plenty of case reports with those who came down with tetanus wil adequate tetanus toxoid antibodies.
Then there is the aP part of the DTaP.... we now know the bacteria has not only evolved past the vaccine but if you get vaccinated you are 4 x more likely to get Whooping cough.
I could keep going.... the point is this isn't about health, science or preventive measures... this is about GREED., CORRUPTION, INFANTICIDE and DEMOCIDE>
There are some interesting results we have obtained from Didier Raoult's database concerning the clotshots. The results are compelling since it is the only dataset where one controls for the administration of early treatment. Hopefully will be published sometime relatively soon. Unrelated hint: Dr. Raoult's dataset of treated patients included patients that took the shot. So, why were these mandated again? Why were there vaccinated patients that needed covid treatment?