Marty Makary; Trump's proposed FDA commissioner, I like him, very smart, good heart, & I know wants to do good, the question is will the pharma vaccine cartel let him? This tweet he must explain for
the legacy Pfizer & Moderna studies EXCLUDED PREGNANT women for a reason, we never give a biologically active compound to pregnant women so they were EXCLUDED hence could not extrapolate findings to
them…so on what basis? moreover, I argue today there was never ever evidence, no scientific or clinical evidence to show that these mRNA vaccines reduced hospitalization or death…still today, there is NOT one randomized clinical placebo-controlled study, comparative effectiveness research that shows that any of the COVID Malone et al. mRNA shots reduced hospitalization, severe illness, or deaths…not one!
Let me post it up now, I do have deep respect for Makary intellectually. I also in knowing him, sense a deep sense of humanity in him. We have done some work together in media etc. I shared that. His love of nation, laws, medicine and doing good. Yet that does not preclude me from raising questions in his proposed role and wanting to know his Malone et al. vaccine stance.
Mine is ZERO. It has failed, ineffective, and deadly. None!
Before going further, I think something stinks to high heavens as to mRNA vaccine, I think that they are not stopping and are seeking to make mRNA vaccines part of our daily lives for money, control, power, depopulation. mRNA technology and vaccine must be banned outright! Complete and now and POTUS Trump must lead this now and call it out as the harmful entity it is. What we have lived through as a nation and world as regards to the mRNA vaccine has been downright fraud and criminal by all involved. Any officials with a shred of decency would have them banned immediately. The evidence is there to show the harms that exists from this mRNA technology, both for children, teens, adults, elderly, pregnant women et al.
We need proper legal inquiry, proper courts, judges, juries. USA will never fully recover and heal until there is complete and full transparency and accountability and justice and punishment, which includes harsh sentences for any guilty persons.
We have Malone Sahin et al. mRNA gene vaccines that were brought for a fake fraud PCR manufactured lie of a non-pandemic (COVID was never a pandemic) that was based on the lie of asymptomatic transmission…also the lie of equal risk of severe outcomes if exposed despite differentials in baseline risk and age…all lies, nothing was true about COVID, nothing and had we done NOTHING, most who died would be alive today…our medical response killed people and our doctors killed people…it is what we did that killed the vast majority e.g. dehydration, isolation, DNR orders, denial of antibiotics for likely secondary pulmonary pneumonia, sedatives like ketamines, propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, fentanyl, dia-morphines etc., kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, and the deadly ventilator that caused VAP and blew holes in lungs. Noting worked for nothing…it was nothing…and yes some died, some vulnerable people to something and it could have been a toxin, poison provoking similar symptoms…all of COVID was a fraud, lab leak, wet market, all of it…the Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was deadly, not a success, saved not one life! The Malone et al. mRNA vaccine killed.
Pregnant women were harmed by this vaccine, go ask Dr. Naomi Wolf…children in utero were harmed…died!
I support Marty for FDA commissioner and support him, I think he can reform, but we need to know his position on the mRNA gene vaccine today! It cannot be in support of it, no part of it, and not in pregnant women or in children…hard stop! The accumulated evidence is bullet proof.
I support POTUS Trump fully and think he was due to Rushmore January 2020, and will work hard for him for the next 4 years but his stance still today on OWS and the mRNA vaccine is flat wrong. OWS and the Malone mRNA vaccine saved not one life. I cannot be silent. I will not be bought. Vaccine makers are coming at me to silence me. I cannot. I will work for him if asked and I am the ONLY scientist out there who worked for him and supported him 8 years ago and in COVID…I think not a bad man, he loves USA, our flag….most now are Johnny come Latelys in search of jobs.
I stand with Trump 100% and for sure RFK Jr. I think he brings the tools and will do good. I support RFK Jr.
These tweets by Marty must be explained now given what we know now on how deadly the mRNA vaccine by Malone Bourla Bancel etc. have brought.
The studies were sub-optimal and methodologically wrong, and even fraud, and the outcomes proved nothing of benefit for higher antibody levels = to protection is an invalid conclusion. The studies cited as to pregnancy examined antibody levels. No other outcomes. No patient-important outcomes. e.g. no pregnancy outcomes or harms, adverse effects, deaths etc. No studies to date looked at ‘protection’ against adverse events. None! As to pregnant women and babies in utero.
For example, look at the abstract of this often-cited Munoz study and tell me if you see any mention of hard patient-important outcomes? There is none…the study was not a RCT and was an observational design, thus residually confounded, but importantly, only looked at antibody levels. And I say, SO EFF in what?
This is a pure garbage study in terms of what we needed to know…to conclude that the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine effectively raises antibody titers against COVID virus is NOT enough…we needed hard objective patient important outcomes…and then you go on to speculate that high titers suggest it may confer protection against infection during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This is speculation…
No other outcomes but antibody titers? Typical junk pseudo-science like the CDC’s MMWR reports, junk science. No patient-important outcomes. e.g. no pregnancy outcomes or harms, adverse effects, deaths etc. No studies to date looked at ‘protection’ against adverse events. None! As to pregnant women and babies in utero.
That said again, I like Marty lots and support him. He is a good man. Smart. I would guess today that he would not make this tweet statement again. There is no basis to make this, there is no science or evidence. Not even ‘real-world’.
There is no science today, no medical, clinical, data evidence showing that the mRNA vaccine worked to save any lives. No research evidence.
Just like Malone, he must explain where is this unambiguous data that saved lives for we have none and find none, this statement by Malone was always false:
I do not agree with Marty's statement on vaccine here for pregnant women, not these deadly RNA shots. I STAND against this. there is zero evidence that any OWS aspect, lockdown, anything worked, no mRNA vaccine worked to save lives, period. mRNA technology has failed. it is ineffective, dangerous, safety untested, and has killed. It must be stopped.
No deniers of the jabs' harmfulness should hold positions of authority.