Of course it is jab-induced. But those lacking integrity, comprising nearly every fake journalist and fake scientist working for and in the mainstream media, will make ad hominem attacks against those of us proposing such rational ideas.

And they will never admit we might be right.

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Didn't the various Entertainment Guilds insist " Get the Covid Vax or no work"? Actors, Singers, and Perfomers? Will we see a continuing rise in the industries Death tolls?

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A history of drug abuse and Covid vaxxes are the worst possible combination.

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As I wrote in the subtitle of my piece on the mysterious illness and death of Glenn Greenwald's husband, "We should be allowed to ask questions."

• "What Caused David Miranda’s Death?" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-caused-david-mirandas-death)

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The articles I read spent 8-10 paragraphs on his drug use. Implying this was an opiate OD. Then, right at the end, said he had been clean and sober since 2021. It was the vax.

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Not long ago you had to provide proof of jab to enter. Now it's taboo to inquire, especially in died suddenly cases.

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" This WHO document is an attempt to put a legal gloss on what are inevitably illegal acts."

Dr.Yeadon Comments on “MEURI”, a WHO Guideline That Justifies Experimentation on Humans Without Their Informed Consent


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Cry me a river. Used to like him, especially the 9 yards film (bit ironic that the star was Willis, though it's doubtful he can remember it). BUT, the fool shilled for an untested genetic injection with his dumbass 'Could I be More Vaccinated?' t-shirts. How many of his fans has he sent to an untimely demise, or a lifetime of suffering?

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Of course it was the bio weapon that caused it.. He is a movie star so of course they had to get it to keep making money... You could see from the story written, they were already blaming it on drowning LOL, in a hot tub, he had drug problems, he had heart problems LOL, everything but what it really was.. No autopsies allowed in Public, only private for the murderers, so they know what a good job their poison is doing, and how to improve it even more to kill more.. His family will not say anything if the want the money to keep flowing.. If you attempt to ask questions, they say just celebrate his life, nothing to see here, lets just celebrate his life LOL.. So they talk about all his movies and all the other shows and BS, basically saying nothing to see here, keep moving.. Do not look at the needle in his arm, only it was not a illegal drug that killed him, it was a legal drug that was brought to market illegally by the EVIL EMPIRE.. We know who they are and what killed him at 54 years old.. We should not be celebrating someone's DEATH at 54 years old, that's BS. WE should be celebrating his life while he is alive..

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It's been reported that he was playing pickle ball that day, which could definitely be a contributing factor - as with athletes and physical exertion - if there was myocarditis or any heart damage from the vax, which we know for sure is one of the adverse effects.

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He was loud and proud of it, it’s on his Instagram. Who knows how many jabs he took. Sad either way.

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We all have a "Matthew Perry" or two, at this point.

My husband's friend, business partner and housemate, when they were young, just dropped dead of a turbo-cancer, coming out of no where.

Look for heart attacks to continue to fell the covid injected as well as turbo-cancers for who knows how far into the future. Maybe it will decline and slowly end? I sure hope do!

But then there will be the inevitable birth defects and fertility issues from taking a toxic, DNA, SV40 enhancer, adulterated, Spike Protien manufacturing system wrapped in toxic, dangerous Lipid Nano Particles which CROSS EVERY CELL MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN BODY, and force injecting this mess into 3/4ths of the women of child bearing age, on Earth.

Seems like the ancient angry gods who want to wipe out humanity are back and running "public health" today.....

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Sheep, believing those two Damming Words; "Safe& Effective" the figures, between 750 Million, and One Billion Deaths Worldwide, have been seen. Culling the Human Race...

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All sudden unexpected deaths if not related to some type of accident, homicide or some medical situation which existed prior to 2021, should be treated as vaccine deaths until proven otherwise.

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A couple of thoughts:

1. Due to Matthew Perry’s history of substance abuse and thus unavoidable damage to his body, IMO his physician should have advised him to not get jabbed.

2. I will never understand why people follow the advice of celebrities.

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Saying this is a drowning is like someone having a fatal heart attack while driving and saying they died in a motor vehicle accident.

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