Michael Strahan’s Daughter Isabella has been likely damaged and very very sick with cancer due to the mRNA technology gene injections; the problem is celebrities in media do not use their situation to
help inform and fix this! it is sad and I wish her the best that she comes through...Strahan should sit down and think it through and really begin asking the questions about mRNA & TURBO cancer etc.
Michael Strahan’s Daughter Isabella Says She’s 'Terrified' After Starting Chemo: 'What If My Organs Shut Down?'
Vanessa Etienne
‘“I’m stressing myself out because I feel like everything could just go wrong with me at any moment,” the 19-year-old said of her treatment for a brain tumor’
The right words from him can go a long way into education on the harms of the mRNA vaccines.
Near zero chance chemo works on this turbo cancer.
IVR/FenBen is her best shot.
It grieves us all so to hear of young ones who are so ill due to their parents encouragement to take these d*** COVID shots!