Mid March 2020 we knew COVID (or whatever this was they released e.g. toxin causing respiratory ILI pulmonary symptoms) was amendable to risk stratification where baseline risk & age was prognostic on
severity of outcome; we knew risk of survival was 99.998% for those up to 70/75 years; we knew life expectancy was 78/79 but median age of COVID death was 83/84 with 3 grave conditions; & that kids
were at statistical zero risk of severe outcome or death and today, after 4 years, we can find not one, NOT ONE, zero, zero healthy children who was exposed, got whatever his was, got severely ill or died, not one! Same Sweden, Germany etc. We knew 2 weeks out so April 2020 that 10 year old Johnny was at a 1000-fold decreased risk of mortality when compared to 85 year old granny, yet we locked both down the same.
These are just some facts I wanted to remind you and key is that COVID or whatever this is/was, never shortened life expectancy and we know that (and knew early on) that the IFR (infection fatality rate) was 0.04% up to 70 years old and 0.03% means corrected. The risk of death for persons 0-19 years was akin to 0.00000%.
There was never a COVID pandemic (pandemic is a made-up word akin to ‘cancer research’) and this was a complete fraud, not even an emergency. They stole 4 years from us based on a lie driven by a PCR (over-cycled to 40 and 45 cycle counts when over 24 amplifications detected viral dust, fragments, old coronavirus, that was not infectious, not pathological, non-consequential pathogen) ‘manufactured’ fake pandemic underpinned by the lie of asymptomatic transmission (still cannot find one case), of recurrent infection (could not find any pre-Omicron) and the lie of equal risk of severe outcome regardless of age and baseline risk. This was a fraud event designed to topple a sitting POTUS Trump by hurting him with the hari kari lockdown lunacy by Fauci, Birx et al. (and the larger TASK FORCE CLOWN car save Giroir) and the manipulation and stealing of valid votes and manufacture of invalid votes.
Nothing they did, no lockdown lunatic deadly policies worked, nothing, no lockdown anywhere in the entire world worked, no school closure, no business closure, no shielding, no mask mandate. All failed and just harmed and we shifted the burden of morbidity and mortality from the wealthier and ‘laptop’ ‘cafe latte’ class to the poor in society.
Had we done nothing, NOTHING save strongly protect our high risk vulnerable e.g. elderly, we would have lost far fewer and in fact, most, 95% of deaths were not caused by any COVID entity…it was the medical policies and management of our high risk people that killed them, yes, our medical doctors, hospital CEOs, our hospitals, our government health officials, our alphabet health agencies killed our parents and grand parents with isolation, a false positive COVID designation, locked away in the back room, fear, pumped with toxic drugs, DNR orders, denial of needed antibiotics for likely pulmonary bacterial pneumonia, sedatives and paralytics such as propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, diamorphine, fentanyl, kidney and liver toxic failed Ebola drug Remdesivir, dehydration, malnourishment, and the deadly ventilator that blew holes in her lungs and drove ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) and lung barotrauma.
It worked! They toppled a sitting POTUS and now he must come loaded for bear, balls to the wall, to punish, with retribution, with vengeance, even malice…use the law, all legal avenues to get accountability Mr. POTUS Trump. All. For these bitches hurt Americans and killed many by their specious, academically sloppy, non-sensical, intellectually lazy, inept uninformed unscientific actions. They either could not read the science that was full of information from people such as myself or Dr. Risch or McCullough or Oskoui or Tenenbaum or Thorp or Vliet or Breggin etc, or could not understand it or ‘get’ it. Pure incompetence.
Hang them all. But then again, we've never gotten Hillary's emails or Epstein's client list, so I'm not holding my breath. Ghislane Maxwell was convicted of trafficking children to nobody....
Powerful. I never believed them, not once, that this was an infectious pandemic.