survivors of COVID-19: a systematic study after hospital discharge"; no abnormalities were identified in the heart of survivors of COVID-19, nor cardiac differences were detected"...
Never get in a public debate with an opponent that buys tankers of ink and boxcars of printing paper we used to say;
( Now we say its easy to control SPOTIFY, as its owned by BLACKROCK, which is owned by BIG-PHARMA ; That guys like ROGAN are easy to control cuz their 10M USD PAYDAY is dependent upon talking-points provided. )
COVID-19 is/was the flu & common cold rebranded, the PCR test was cycled so high a false positive was 50-50
In effect what they're saying is that the common cold and flu causes cardiac failure, ... that' a stupid thing to say, how do you argue with stupid?
We know that people who get the mRNA jab are having heart-failure but the system having gotten $2 trillion USD payoff, how in the hell do you convince man that he's mis-informed after he's been paid off millions of dollars???
They will never admit that Trumps "Beautiful Vax" is the cause, they will never allow the data to go public, they will fabricate data forever. They will delete data, hide data, forge data, they will do anything they can to jab everybody in the USA until all of the targeted culling is finished.
I liken this to BIG TOBACCO, it killed 10's of millions from lung-cancer for decades & decades and big-tobacco lobby 'proved there was no correlation to smoking and lung cancer"
It's the same here, but now big-pharma has more money to pay off lawyers, judges, doctors, MSM, & politicians and cops;
US-MIL never admits failure, CIA-DOD will deny forever that they deployed the COVID on the earth to destroy China; Trump has said 10,000 times "NEVER APOLOGIZE, for anything"
Sheesh reading the report they don't mention that just maybe these covid patients were put on a ventilator,
Recall original first treatment ventilator and Remdesivir
I would certainly get a terrible EKG result if somebody tied me to an ICU bed and put me on a ventilator and hand-cuffed me and denied my family to be near me.
Given that there is no diagnostic test for 'COVID'. and no SARS-CoV-2 isolation from any purified clinical samples, the above paper is fit only for the bin. Moreover, the esteemed German pathologist Dr Arne Burkhardt has studied histopathological sections of myocardial tissue following (a) respiratory viral infection and (b) 'COVID vaccination' and found only synthetic spike proteins (from b) -- no other proteins (from a). Therefore, the current skyrocketing amount of acute cardiac pathology is caused by injection, not infection.
“...Cardiac changes that are associated with pulmonary involvement of COVID-19 during the acute phase of infection are rapidly reversed after recovery from disease.” When people are hospitalized with the disease, the likelihood of heart-related diseases resulting from C-19 is low. So any heart damage IS due to the Jab and not the virus! Class action lawsuit against pharma anyone? 💉
Well of course, but are there any lawyers willing to lose their licenses courts have been pretty much paid off by big-pharma to block these cases
I recall that recently the courts ruled that "any chemical could be a vaccine, so long as the physician had good intentions", in other words the mRNA could have been rat-poison but so long as they thought it was a 'vaccine' there heart was in the right place,
Then another argument is that the Vax wasn't tested, or that mRNA isn't legal definition of a Vaccine, to which the courts have said, if WHO say's its a 'vax' then its a 'vax', again if WHO says a rat-turd is a vax, then its a vax.
Like our recent black-moron SCOTUS when asked "Can you tell a man from a woman", to which she responded "I don't have a PHD in biology", where the highest just-us in the land can't tell a boy from girl ( most 2 yr olds can ), then you can see why a 'vax' can be what alice in wonderland says it is
Our legal system is a fraud, almost all decisions are quid-pro-quo back room deals; Most lawyers never want to piss off a judge and force him to hear a case that he doesn't want to hear; The word is out nobody takes mRNA cases against BIG-PHARMA, we are in a WAR this is CIA-DOD operation and discovery of mRNA history is all classified
My understand is JFK jr is shopping for states where the judges & courts are NOT captured by big-pharma and there are a few, but when it goes to DC, then they'll just refuse to hear the case.
To see a very smart girl like you talking out of your ass is disappointing Bilbo.
Are you off your meds?
It was your hero Cho Xiden who rolled out the death jabs.
Trump had been outsmarted by Schiff, Pelosi, Pence, McConnell, Biden, Pompeo and Bolton et al otherwise he would have still been in office to implement the fruits of OWS but he wasn't.
Xiden rolled out the jabs.
Trump didn't place an order for a death jab. He asked for something that would save lives. He got suckered.
He is guilty of nothing more than being a sheep who got played by smart con artists. But you too have been played.
That's why you dribble shit about big tobacco killing millions from lung cancer. Where's your proof?
Show us one veriified case of lung cancer being induced in an experimental animal hooked up to a cigarette smoking machine. You can't.
You just parrot libtard talking points. Correlation does not prove causation.
Prove it's not genetics causing lung cancer. Prove neuroticism, or another third variable, does not cause both smoking and lung cancer.
Intelligence and gullibility are different things.
You seem determined to play your part to try to help ensure a Pompeo or Bolton presidency.
That's your perogative. Good luck with that. You'll need it.
But don't blame Trump for Xiden's failed roll out.
He didn't order a clot shot.
It was Xiden who took delivery of the clot shot and rolled it out.
He should hsve insisted that it be demonstrated to be safe before rolling it out. To believe otherwise shows you are just as much of a sheep as Trump is.
When BIDEN created fast-track I smelled a rat, When Biden create OWS - operation warp speed I saw rat shit on the floor; When BIDEN gave big-pharma CEO's liability-immunity for life I shit my pants.
When I saw Biden demand the US-MIL & US-PUBLIC get the mRNA vaccine I was skeptical, when I saw BIDEN & whitehouse staff all get the Chinese sino-vac (J&J) vaccine I ate my own shit from my soiled pants.
I don't want to smoke but cigarette smoking appears to be safer than the jab. It's the nicotine that fights covid. Wearing a nictine patch or chewing nicotine gum or vaping until recovered from copvd and then stopping it would be better than smoking and also better than the jab.
U win, I have like 50 friends who dropped dead from brain aneurisms from smoking, but I can't say any died from lung cancer,
Here's my guess that aneurysm, did them in before the lung cancer, on autopsy all docs said "You would have eventually died of lung cancer, your lungs were full of black goo"
I agree tar&nicotine are natural things that many of us use in our daily enema
One of my friends who dropped dead from brain aneurysm would make a tea from old cigarette butts, which is essential nicotine tea, he swore by it for his shitake garden, spray it and would kill anything
Its a good thing that tobacco doesn't contain tar or nicotine
PDF) Chapter 9 "Smoking, Cancer and the Final Frontier," from Roderick D. Buchanan, Playing with Fire: The Controversial Career of Hans J. Eysenck, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
You'd no doubt be familiar with rhe studies showing that unprotected sex is good for you, as is pizza, coffee etc. Well, smoking has health benefits too. This is an old article so it doesn't deal with the health benefits of smoking for covid. It's also not reallyvserious, although the finding that semen is an antidepressant is real. (Ever wondrr ehy Lindsey Graham always seems so happy?) However, I was surprised to find a very health conscious friend had taken up smoking. He's a neuroscientist and knew of the benefits of nicotine on the brain but not much else. He got covid and couldn't get ivermectin. So he started smoking and shrugged off covid within a few days, much faster than his jabbed work colleagues did. He is unjabbed and said that cigarettes protected him much better than the vax would have.
Hey I'm a big proponent of MJ, early on pot smokers too didn't get COVID
Pot is a natural anti-viral much like IVER or HCQ, frequent oral use of THC pretty much those people never got COVID
I was a big advocate of a few day a week ingestion, I'm fond of granola bars; Taken at night ensures a good nights sleep
Lot's of stuff out there on preventing COVID, sheesh before BIG-PHARMA created death-medicine in 1910, every household had MJ&opium poppys growing, together they made up 90% of holistic medicine
I suspect that nicotine too had some anti-viral propertys, given that it kills everything
Show us one veriified case of lung cancer being induced in an experimental animal hooked up to a cigarette smoking machine. You can't.
Show me one case of a non-binary person impregnating a gerbil? Where the gerbil gave live birth. You can't can you, that proves to everyone here your not an expert on animal experimentation that you say you are.
I'd love to know your thoughts on Dr. Fleming and Dr Kevin McCairn who claim the virus was made to target the heart and causes prion disease. Are they being deceitful bc this really freaked me out!
How did this become a debate about smoking? In response to the commenter who suggested smoking is okay, please let me suggest that you go ahead and use tobacco products but do it without forcing them on the rest of us, okay? Whenever people smoke, they cannot contain the smoke and it affects the rest of us, many of whom do not want it, are sickened by it and do not want our clothes to stink. So, please go ahead and chew tobacco, chew tobacco gum, use tobacco patches, use tobacco suppositories (if they are legal), whatever, just please also respect our personal property rights by not forcing smoke on the rest of us.
I don't smoke. I was just calling out the simplistic libtard bullshit that it causes cancer plus noting that it's effective against covid and also safer and more effective than the jab. Additionally, in longitudinal studies of mortality comparing laid back smokers with anti-smokers the smokers outlive the anti-smokers, who drop like flies. But feel free to get another booster if you're convinced they are so much safer and more effective against covid than smoking is.
This comment, too, is off topic, because nowhere in the article or comments does anyone suggest the initial jabs or boosters are anything but detrimental. Your posting would have had more credibility if seeing someone with the moniker "Awake... " did not appear to trash personal property rights of nonsmokers.
"Appear to" being the key terms. Your idiosycratic interpretation is just your opinion. It's worth nothing more than that. May I disrespectfully suggest you take a course in reading comprehension and also learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.
I'm hard to gaslight, justass. You can't control me. You can't even control yourself. You're not the moderator of your precious "rules based substack order." It's because of you overcontrolling "bureaucratic compulsives (with narcissistic features)" types that we're in this mess. Walensky and Fauci have the same thought patterns. It's what has driven the mandates and the entire vax agenda. They all believe their own bullshit, think there's one correct way etc and are overscrupulous and overconscientious about right and wrong. I can smell you guys a mile away. Hitler was hung up about justice and ethics too. He thought it was unjust and unethical not to kill the Jews. He also was a zealous antismoker, in contrast to Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. The nicotine would have inhibited his Parkinsons. His fanaticism probably cost him the war. Is this off topic? No, as I said, Fauci and Walensky have the same problem. It's your perspective taking deficits that determines what you think is on topic or off topic.
Does anyone remember Lindsey Graham and a bunch of other jabbed RINOs getting a mild case of covid and then saying how grateful they were for the protection the jabs provided? But was it really the jabs that made their covid mild when some other people were getting severe covid? Several studies have indicated that antidepressants can protect against severe covid, hospitalization and death. Are Lindsey Graham and other RINOs on antidepressants? Most would probably say "no" but I think most, or at least the male RINOs, are but just don't know it. There is an antidepressant that I am sure Lindsey Graham and other male RINOs swallow in copious amounts. See the article at the link below for details. It's not something that I would choose to take myself but RINOs do and I wonder if this antidepressant protects them against covid.
Feeling good? you'll never guess why | New Scientist
Steve Kirsch and others have reviewed data on the effect of getting the jab after having had covid. The conclusion was clear. Remember euthanasia advocate Dr Kevorkian and his apparatus that you could hook yourself up to and then enter a command on a laptop and it would administer a lethal injection? Well, getting jabbed after having earlier had covid produces pretty much the same result.
Never get in a public debate with an opponent that buys tankers of ink and boxcars of printing paper we used to say;
( Now we say its easy to control SPOTIFY, as its owned by BLACKROCK, which is owned by BIG-PHARMA ; That guys like ROGAN are easy to control cuz their 10M USD PAYDAY is dependent upon talking-points provided. )
COVID-19 is/was the flu & common cold rebranded, the PCR test was cycled so high a false positive was 50-50
In effect what they're saying is that the common cold and flu causes cardiac failure, ... that' a stupid thing to say, how do you argue with stupid?
We know that people who get the mRNA jab are having heart-failure but the system having gotten $2 trillion USD payoff, how in the hell do you convince man that he's mis-informed after he's been paid off millions of dollars???
They will never admit that Trumps "Beautiful Vax" is the cause, they will never allow the data to go public, they will fabricate data forever. They will delete data, hide data, forge data, they will do anything they can to jab everybody in the USA until all of the targeted culling is finished.
I liken this to BIG TOBACCO, it killed 10's of millions from lung-cancer for decades & decades and big-tobacco lobby 'proved there was no correlation to smoking and lung cancer"
It's the same here, but now big-pharma has more money to pay off lawyers, judges, doctors, MSM, & politicians and cops;
US-MIL never admits failure, CIA-DOD will deny forever that they deployed the COVID on the earth to destroy China; Trump has said 10,000 times "NEVER APOLOGIZE, for anything"
Sheesh reading the report they don't mention that just maybe these covid patients were put on a ventilator,
Recall original first treatment ventilator and Remdesivir
I would certainly get a terrible EKG result if somebody tied me to an ICU bed and put me on a ventilator and hand-cuffed me and denied my family to be near me.
Given that there is no diagnostic test for 'COVID'. and no SARS-CoV-2 isolation from any purified clinical samples, the above paper is fit only for the bin. Moreover, the esteemed German pathologist Dr Arne Burkhardt has studied histopathological sections of myocardial tissue following (a) respiratory viral infection and (b) 'COVID vaccination' and found only synthetic spike proteins (from b) -- no other proteins (from a). Therefore, the current skyrocketing amount of acute cardiac pathology is caused by injection, not infection.
“...Cardiac changes that are associated with pulmonary involvement of COVID-19 during the acute phase of infection are rapidly reversed after recovery from disease.” When people are hospitalized with the disease, the likelihood of heart-related diseases resulting from C-19 is low. So any heart damage IS due to the Jab and not the virus! Class action lawsuit against pharma anyone? 💉
Well of course, but are there any lawyers willing to lose their licenses courts have been pretty much paid off by big-pharma to block these cases
I recall that recently the courts ruled that "any chemical could be a vaccine, so long as the physician had good intentions", in other words the mRNA could have been rat-poison but so long as they thought it was a 'vaccine' there heart was in the right place,
Then another argument is that the Vax wasn't tested, or that mRNA isn't legal definition of a Vaccine, to which the courts have said, if WHO say's its a 'vax' then its a 'vax', again if WHO says a rat-turd is a vax, then its a vax.
Like our recent black-moron SCOTUS when asked "Can you tell a man from a woman", to which she responded "I don't have a PHD in biology", where the highest just-us in the land can't tell a boy from girl ( most 2 yr olds can ), then you can see why a 'vax' can be what alice in wonderland says it is
Our legal system is a fraud, almost all decisions are quid-pro-quo back room deals; Most lawyers never want to piss off a judge and force him to hear a case that he doesn't want to hear; The word is out nobody takes mRNA cases against BIG-PHARMA, we are in a WAR this is CIA-DOD operation and discovery of mRNA history is all classified
My understand is JFK jr is shopping for states where the judges & courts are NOT captured by big-pharma and there are a few, but when it goes to DC, then they'll just refuse to hear the case.
To see a very smart girl like you talking out of your ass is disappointing Bilbo.
Are you off your meds?
It was your hero Cho Xiden who rolled out the death jabs.
Trump had been outsmarted by Schiff, Pelosi, Pence, McConnell, Biden, Pompeo and Bolton et al otherwise he would have still been in office to implement the fruits of OWS but he wasn't.
Xiden rolled out the jabs.
Trump didn't place an order for a death jab. He asked for something that would save lives. He got suckered.
He is guilty of nothing more than being a sheep who got played by smart con artists. But you too have been played.
That's why you dribble shit about big tobacco killing millions from lung cancer. Where's your proof?
Show us one veriified case of lung cancer being induced in an experimental animal hooked up to a cigarette smoking machine. You can't.
You just parrot libtard talking points. Correlation does not prove causation.
Prove it's not genetics causing lung cancer. Prove neuroticism, or another third variable, does not cause both smoking and lung cancer.
Intelligence and gullibility are different things.
You seem determined to play your part to try to help ensure a Pompeo or Bolton presidency.
That's your perogative. Good luck with that. You'll need it.
But don't blame Trump for Xiden's failed roll out.
He didn't order a clot shot.
It was Xiden who took delivery of the clot shot and rolled it out.
He should hsve insisted that it be demonstrated to be safe before rolling it out. To believe otherwise shows you are just as much of a sheep as Trump is.
Here this is for u ..
When BIDEN created fast-track I smelled a rat, When Biden create OWS - operation warp speed I saw rat shit on the floor; When BIDEN gave big-pharma CEO's liability-immunity for life I shit my pants.
When I saw Biden demand the US-MIL & US-PUBLIC get the mRNA vaccine I was skeptical, when I saw BIDEN & whitehouse staff all get the Chinese sino-vac (J&J) vaccine I ate my own shit from my soiled pants.
Well first of all if you want to smoke so do it, and kill yourself
My point was only that LOBBY's that SELL death have incredible power to buy off courts forever
I don't want to smoke but cigarette smoking appears to be safer than the jab. It's the nicotine that fights covid. Wearing a nictine patch or chewing nicotine gum or vaping until recovered from copvd and then stopping it would be better than smoking and also better than the jab.
U win, I have like 50 friends who dropped dead from brain aneurisms from smoking, but I can't say any died from lung cancer,
Here's my guess that aneurysm, did them in before the lung cancer, on autopsy all docs said "You would have eventually died of lung cancer, your lungs were full of black goo"
I agree tar&nicotine are natural things that many of us use in our daily enema
One of my friends who dropped dead from brain aneurysm would make a tea from old cigarette butts, which is essential nicotine tea, he swore by it for his shitake garden, spray it and would kill anything
Its a good thing that tobacco doesn't contain tar or nicotine
PDF) Chapter 9 "Smoking, Cancer and the Final Frontier," from Roderick D. Buchanan, Playing with Fire: The Controversial Career of Hans J. Eysenck, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
You'd no doubt be familiar with rhe studies showing that unprotected sex is good for you, as is pizza, coffee etc. Well, smoking has health benefits too. This is an old article so it doesn't deal with the health benefits of smoking for covid. It's also not reallyvserious, although the finding that semen is an antidepressant is real. (Ever wondrr ehy Lindsey Graham always seems so happy?) However, I was surprised to find a very health conscious friend had taken up smoking. He's a neuroscientist and knew of the benefits of nicotine on the brain but not much else. He got covid and couldn't get ivermectin. So he started smoking and shrugged off covid within a few days, much faster than his jabbed work colleagues did. He is unjabbed and said that cigarettes protected him much better than the vax would have.
Smoking is good for you | Health | The Guardian
Hey I'm a big proponent of MJ, early on pot smokers too didn't get COVID
Pot is a natural anti-viral much like IVER or HCQ, frequent oral use of THC pretty much those people never got COVID
I was a big advocate of a few day a week ingestion, I'm fond of granola bars; Taken at night ensures a good nights sleep
Lot's of stuff out there on preventing COVID, sheesh before BIG-PHARMA created death-medicine in 1910, every household had MJ&opium poppys growing, together they made up 90% of holistic medicine
I suspect that nicotine too had some anti-viral propertys, given that it kills everything
Great drug, shame about the delivery system | The Economist
Show us one veriified case of lung cancer being induced in an experimental animal hooked up to a cigarette smoking machine. You can't.
Show me one case of a non-binary person impregnating a gerbil? Where the gerbil gave live birth. You can't can you, that proves to everyone here your not an expert on animal experimentation that you say you are.
Dr. Alexander,
I'd love to know your thoughts on Dr. Fleming and Dr Kevin McCairn who claim the virus was made to target the heart and causes prion disease. Are they being deceitful bc this really freaked me out!
How did this become a debate about smoking? In response to the commenter who suggested smoking is okay, please let me suggest that you go ahead and use tobacco products but do it without forcing them on the rest of us, okay? Whenever people smoke, they cannot contain the smoke and it affects the rest of us, many of whom do not want it, are sickened by it and do not want our clothes to stink. So, please go ahead and chew tobacco, chew tobacco gum, use tobacco patches, use tobacco suppositories (if they are legal), whatever, just please also respect our personal property rights by not forcing smoke on the rest of us.
I don't smoke. I was just calling out the simplistic libtard bullshit that it causes cancer plus noting that it's effective against covid and also safer and more effective than the jab. Additionally, in longitudinal studies of mortality comparing laid back smokers with anti-smokers the smokers outlive the anti-smokers, who drop like flies. But feel free to get another booster if you're convinced they are so much safer and more effective against covid than smoking is.
This comment, too, is off topic, because nowhere in the article or comments does anyone suggest the initial jabs or boosters are anything but detrimental. Your posting would have had more credibility if seeing someone with the moniker "Awake... " did not appear to trash personal property rights of nonsmokers.
"Appear to" being the key terms. Your idiosycratic interpretation is just your opinion. It's worth nothing more than that. May I disrespectfully suggest you take a course in reading comprehension and also learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.
Again, off topic.
Maybe and maybe also in response to your "appears to."
I'm hard to gaslight, justass. You can't control me. You can't even control yourself. You're not the moderator of your precious "rules based substack order." It's because of you overcontrolling "bureaucratic compulsives (with narcissistic features)" types that we're in this mess. Walensky and Fauci have the same thought patterns. It's what has driven the mandates and the entire vax agenda. They all believe their own bullshit, think there's one correct way etc and are overscrupulous and overconscientious about right and wrong. I can smell you guys a mile away. Hitler was hung up about justice and ethics too. He thought it was unjust and unethical not to kill the Jews. He also was a zealous antismoker, in contrast to Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. The nicotine would have inhibited his Parkinsons. His fanaticism probably cost him the war. Is this off topic? No, as I said, Fauci and Walensky have the same problem. It's your perspective taking deficits that determines what you think is on topic or off topic.
If it was true it would be bc of the poison treatment administered to in hospital patients who recovered miraculously.
Does anyone remember Lindsey Graham and a bunch of other jabbed RINOs getting a mild case of covid and then saying how grateful they were for the protection the jabs provided? But was it really the jabs that made their covid mild when some other people were getting severe covid? Several studies have indicated that antidepressants can protect against severe covid, hospitalization and death. Are Lindsey Graham and other RINOs on antidepressants? Most would probably say "no" but I think most, or at least the male RINOs, are but just don't know it. There is an antidepressant that I am sure Lindsey Graham and other male RINOs swallow in copious amounts. See the article at the link below for details. It's not something that I would choose to take myself but RINOs do and I wonder if this antidepressant protects them against covid.
Feeling good? you'll never guess why | New Scientist
I'm sorta dummy here were these results of patients with the jab or without after having covid!
Only in America? Or only in some westrn countries? This virus is so selective! 🙃
Steve Kirsch and others have reviewed data on the effect of getting the jab after having had covid. The conclusion was clear. Remember euthanasia advocate Dr Kevorkian and his apparatus that you could hook yourself up to and then enter a command on a laptop and it would administer a lethal injection? Well, getting jabbed after having earlier had covid produces pretty much the same result.