More lies that the COVID virus causes more myocarditis & heart damage than the COVID vaccine so go get your vaccine? You mean Francis Collins & Fauci lied? Sechi et al. "Short-term cardiac outcome in
survivors of COVID-19: a systematic study after hospital discharge"; no abnormalities were identified in the heart of survivors of COVID-19, nor cardiac differences were detected"...
COVID-19 has caused considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide and cardiac involvement has been reported during infection. The short-term cardiac outcome in survivors of COVID-19 is not known.
To examine the heart of patients who survived COVID-19 and to compare the cardiac outcome between patients who recovered from mild-to-moderate or severe illness.
With use of ECG and echocardiography, we examined the heart of 105 patients who had been hospitalized with COVID-19 and were consecutively recruited after hospital discharge while attending follow-up visits. Survivors of COVID-19 were compared with 105 matched controls. We also compared the cardiac outcome and lung ultrasound scan between COVID-19 patients who had mild-to-moderate or severe illness.
Cardiac data were collected a median of 41Â days from the first detection of COVID-19. Symptoms were present in a low percentage of patients. In comparison with matched controls, no considerable structural or functional differences were observed in the heart of survivors of COVID-19. Lung ultrasound scan detected significantly greater residual pulmonary involvement in COVID-19 patients who had recovered from severe than mild-to-moderate illness. No significant differences were detected in ECG tracings nor were found in the left and right ventricular function of patients who had recovered from mild-to-moderate or severe illness.
In a short-term follow-up, no abnormalities were identified in the heart of survivors of COVID-19, nor cardiac differences were detected between patients who had different severity of illness. With the limitations of a cross-sectional study, these findings suggest that patients who recover from COVID-19 do not have considerable cardiac sequelae.’
Never get in a public debate with an opponent that buys tankers of ink and boxcars of printing paper we used to say;
( Now we say its easy to control SPOTIFY, as its owned by BLACKROCK, which is owned by BIG-PHARMA ; That guys like ROGAN are easy to control cuz their 10M USD PAYDAY is dependent upon talking-points provided. )
COVID-19 is/was the flu & common cold rebranded, the PCR test was cycled so high a false positive was 50-50
In effect what they're saying is that the common cold and flu causes cardiac failure, ... that' a stupid thing to say, how do you argue with stupid?
We know that people who get the mRNA jab are having heart-failure but the system having gotten $2 trillion USD payoff, how in the hell do you convince man that he's mis-informed after he's been paid off millions of dollars???
They will never admit that Trumps "Beautiful Vax" is the cause, they will never allow the data to go public, they will fabricate data forever. They will delete data, hide data, forge data, they will do anything they can to jab everybody in the USA until all of the targeted culling is finished.
I liken this to BIG TOBACCO, it killed 10's of millions from lung-cancer for decades & decades and big-tobacco lobby 'proved there was no correlation to smoking and lung cancer"
It's the same here, but now big-pharma has more money to pay off lawyers, judges, doctors, MSM, & politicians and cops;
US-MIL never admits failure, CIA-DOD will deny forever that they deployed the COVID on the earth to destroy China; Trump has said 10,000 times "NEVER APOLOGIZE, for anything"
Sheesh reading the report they don't mention that just maybe these covid patients were put on a ventilator,
Recall original first treatment ventilator and Remdesivir
I would certainly get a terrible EKG result if somebody tied me to an ICU bed and put me on a ventilator and hand-cuffed me and denied my family to be near me.