'Mr. Nipples' Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, were you not the FcuKING Governor with all your scientific advisors? yet you KILLED people with nursing home policies, all that he did & his fCUked up
brother Chris Cuomo on CNN with Miss Lemon, these freaks caused so much suffering, they pilloried the UNVACCINATED when we had clear evidence the VACCINATED were at more risk, NOT unvaccinated
Never forget Mr. Nipples…never! Never forget Fredo Chris, never…their daily misleading shit, their garbage tripe, nonsensical specious fraud, with Dr. Leana Wench, oh crap, sorry, the arthritis again acting up, I meant Wen, KILLED people…and Mr. Bow-tie Hotez…what a dolt…what a specious misguided lying drivel talking xxxt! Killed people, all of them, and you want me to feel sorry? Oster you want amnesty? You and the fucking medical doctors who preferred to protect their paychecks and grants and refused to give medical notes so Suzy who went and got laid off and then when could not pay bills, lost house etc., she hung her fucking self…
so too, Malone, you the next lying xxnx, we want you under oath…it is liars like you have us here, you, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman et al. God complex freaks! Killed people with your work!
It was always a pandemic of the UNVACCINATED…Shrestha et al. below showed us this, even a clear dose response…
Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine (medrxiv.org)
Exactly, the MSM and personalities are trying to push the limited hangout narrative:
1. Vaccines DO actually cause harm. “But it’s rare and they saved millions of lives”. Combined with “we administered billions so some harm is normal”. All bullshit!
2. Chris Cuomo was vax injured AND takes ivermectin after attacking people who did.
3. Andrew cuomo say “I didnt have the authority to mandate anything, it was all voluntary”
NEVER NEVER NEVER forget the truth! No forgiveness without contrition. Period.
Truth. My cousin who was a former nun was living in a retirement home and was healthy. One day her roommate was pulled out and my cousin JoAnn was told nothing. The next week they returned the roommate coughing and feverish and needing hospitalization. The following week, Joann caught covid and within two weeks died! None of her family was allowed to see her in her dying days. Cuomo killed her! At the same time, Pres Trump had sent a hospital ship to NY harbor but Cuomo didn’t want to send patients. Then Trump had the huge Javitz center turn into a hospital with beds and personnel. Cuomo wouldn’t send patients. Why? All because of politics. Cuomo was Dem and Trump was Republican! So all those patients died needlessly and that’s on Cuomo’s soul!