My thought & sending this to Premier Peckford; the govn Canada knows COVID is done, they can't lose face; so why not truckers say we will stand down for 3 days & allow govn to follow other nations
Please open your hearts and receive the trucker as heroes as they come home...the trucker has already the public opinion but need to get back to earning a living
‘There is precedence for police laying down their arms and joining the people. We pray that the police come to realize that the next step in this dance is THEIRS ... NOT PARLIAMENT, BUT THEM!’
All my love to RH.
Big love and praise for Corporal Danny Bulford who was arrested. He and his family are supreme. Please pray for him. He once protected Trudeau.
Please pray for Premier Peckford who wrote the charter of rights and freedoms and is working as we speak to move MPs.
Soon the Trucker Convoy will announce, maybe in 15 minutes that they are not defeated but will remove the trucks from the downtown core because of the brutality of the police on the protestors and truckers and the police are smashing the trucks, dragging them out, seizing the truck, putting bonds on it, and towing it; losing their truck and so will move strategically; not defeat, but protecting the protestors from the police who have turned brutal…I do not understand why this has happened for this has been a peaceful protest and at this time the only force or brutality did not come from the trucker or protestor; the trampling with horses was devastating…its a strategic withdrawal now…
people, the trucker is tired, exhausted, so please, receive them, any who come home, as heroes as they are…receive any trucker as a hero…
I want the police to stop, for we are fighting for them too, their children…
the govn has failed in brutalizing the public and protestor and trucker; the police must stop.
I am saying it may be prudent for the trucker to move back, step back for 3 days and allow the vote on Monday, stand down, allow the vote on Monday and openly say now para “we will step back now for 3 days and allow the Canadian govn to do the right thing, the science is on our side and the mandates have failed and no basis and the emergency declarations must end. So we are outraged by the brutality on the protestor and the public and the trucker, so we will step back, we do not want people hurt, and we will allow the govn the space the 3 days to do the right thing and drop the mandates and the emergency declarations; let us see what the govn will do, for if they do not follow the near 15 nations recently dropping mandates, then we will know something other than science is at play and the Canadian govn would be acting against the science and using brute force and this is about power, money, greed…not science and not what is right.”
So if the govn. needs to save face, we give them this…I re-embed the short piece I wrote prior and shared and it will help you understand my thinking…
Note, there is no negotiation, the mandates must be dropped and the emergency declarations. The trucker needs give nothing.
But the movement is not and will not end for this woke up the world and my understanding is no one is giving up in spite of what the govn has done in Ottawa this last 2 days…stay tuned…
but open your hearts for the trucker, they rule the world, the trucker will continue this battle to fix this, the mandates are moot, have no basis, and the emergency powers must come down at the same time…
Again, it is very disappointing to see the brutal force being applied during this peaceful movement and it must stop immediately. The police are the pillars of keeping order and peace in a society, yet the orders they are getting to act in this brutal way is troubling and disturbing. We must not turn on them.
Hard to see what is happening. Yes, the truckers, and everyone who went to Ottawa, must be treated as heroes. The truckers and their families especially. And all who stood with them. Like you. You must not only be treated as heroes. You all are heroes. Accepting reality - the reality of the brutality - is not defeat. It is sanity. One thing the Freedom Convoy has truly exposed is the tyrannical nature of JT and the Liberals, and the NDP who support them - and of the Conservatives who did not dare speak out under Erin the Tool of the Liberals and other forces of tyranny. They - you - have also brought forward our feeling of pride, our strength, our willingness to act.
The government does not need to “save face”. Did Mao need to “save face”?
The government has a monopoly on violence, they can use it at will and without recourse. They can smash and burn the rigs and what exactly is anyone going to do about it? Some people “trespassed” in the US capitol on 1/6/2021 and many of them have been rotting in a political prison for 1 year or more. What is anyone able to do about it?
Until people are prepared to water the tree of liberty the government will have its way.