Nathan Wolfe, founder of METABIOTA with Hunter Biden; Nathan, the proclaimed 'virus hunter'...hhhmmmmm, the plot thickens thanks to good work by Clandestine, 2nd Smartest, Rhoda etc.
The Hunter Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014, via project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID. What is Hunter Biden doing with COVID research?
Yes, I am a purist scientist, I do know correlation does not mean causation…yuh think I is a dufus like Fauci and the mRNA inventors and vaccine makers? yuh think…I just poking you…I like SAGA H, but a disciple of the oracle SAGE H. A disciple of JJ…that type…midwestern…2nd…Vigilant…etc. that type…provoking you…;-)
CREDIT really needs to be given to George Webb. He is the one who really broke this story probably 3 years ago. I heard him talking about it and connecting the dots a long time ago.
I think the lack of interest back then was not for lack of interest. Most could not conceive such a diabolical scheme for such a trivial pursuit as money and a fiat one at that. These schemes usually don’t end well. I see this one following suit,