NEGATIVE EFFICACY, catastrophic UK report week 8: COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week, 24 February 2022; the devastating vaccine data continues for 2022 and 2021
The failure of the vaccine continues to be seen in the UK data week 8, original antigenic sin, ADE/ADVE, massive negative efficacy
Table 11. COVID-19 cases presenting to emergency care (within 28 days of a positive specimen) resulting in an overnight inpatient admission by vaccination status between week 4 2022 and week 7 2022 Please note that corresponding rates by vaccination status can be found in Table 13.
> 80% of those vaccinated, 1, 2, 3 doses are in receipt of emergency hospital care; highest after 3rd dose and in older persons; one may argue this is expected as elderly are too frail to be in receipt in the first place with a compromised immune system also; in other words the elderly are being harmed by these vaccines at alarming numbers
Table 12. COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported on death certificate, by vaccination status between week 4 2022 and week 7 2022 Please note that corresponding rates by vaccination status can be found in Table 13.
a. near 90% of deaths occurring within 28 days happen in those vaccinated (1, 2, 3 doses); a significant proportion in older persons; 2nd and triple vaccine is a problem based on this data even at earlier ages
b. same pattern within 60 days'; 2nd and 3rd dose is a huge problem as to death across age groups/middle age and older persons
Table 13. Unadjusted rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and death in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Please note that the following table should be read in conjunction with pages 37 to 40 of this report, and the footnotes provided on page 45.
Again, as across all weeks for 2022 and 2021, we see massive infection risk in the vaccinated, raising the potential of the vaccinated harboring massive viral loads and transmission to both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I will look at the prior weeks for a temporal examination to see if the same burden holds and likely it does.
What should we be doing to get ready for a really bad mutation? Or is that scenario too unlikely to worry about? I’m taking a bunch of immune-boosting supplements. I feel like it could go either way, either more dangerous or less dangerous. What would you bet on?
Despite the report's omission of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths per 100k population for the categories of single dose and double dose (p45), it is possible to calculate these by using the figures given in the "National Flu and COVID Surveillance Report" (which is where they seem to have got their calculations for no vaccination and three doses). The results for single vaccinated and double vaccinated are much worse than the unvaccinated. For some age groups, over 200% worse! I'd encourage you to look into this. Triple vaccinated rates are rising and unvaccinated are falling and in some age groups, they could be on par in a couple of weeks.