No matter who they are, ministers, congresspeople, senators, MPPS, government bureaucrat, technocrats, COVID pandemic Task Force advisors; IF we show in a court room they did wrong, JAIL them ALL!!!!!
no matter how high up, presidents, Prime Ministers, no matter, no matter how connected, if we show in courts that they did wrong and costed lives, strip them of all money and JAIL them, no retirement!
I did not support capital punishment before. We must reinstate it to rid the planet of those who embody an evil consciousness that is destroying humanity.
I did not support capital punishment before. We must reinstate it to rid the planet of those who embody an evil consciousness that is destroying humanity.
The entire Covid charade is a lie.
Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us
The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 depicts Coronavirus officially discovered in 1965