'Original Social Engineering Sin "Death & Taxes:" The Prototypical Psychological Manipulation Meme...”'; excellent substack by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World! Worth reading, on the socio-psychological
foundations of socialism...'Under the various guises of liberty throughout the ages, one of most effective means of control has always been accomplished through finance. Limit disposable income, and
the propensity to borrow increases.’
See 2nd Smartest stack here:
Original Social Engineering Sin
1776, a subscriber of 2nd, had this tremendous informative comment that demands debate:
‘This subject trips up a lot of people that should otherwise know better.
Let's break it down once and for all:
After the Federal Republic subcontracting branch of the "Contract Governments" (three branches, each with a Service Contract known as a Constitution)was rendered "in abeyance" in March of 1861, the wholly foreign and illegitimate Lincoln junta (he was a British Agent and held a title of nobility- ergo he was not eligible to hold office in the Federal Republic subcontractor government, only in the British Territorial subcontractor, known as "United States of America") started making unauthorized changes.
Since the unlawful merc war between Civil subcontractors (Territorial Northern Confederate States known as "Union" and Municipal Southern Confederate States known as "Confederacy") caused most people to be distracted, Lincoln created the "IRS" (known then as the "Bureau of Revenue") via the Revenue Act of 1863. This imposed an excise on the privilege of holding Federal Office. Government workers and military were required to "return" (kick back) a percentage of their "wages" (wages are remuneration earned while in service to a government or military).
Thus originated the "Tax on Federal Income." It has remained virtually unchanged since its inception, the only difference is the expansion/bloating of the "Code" to obfuscate the very simple applications.’
2nd Smartest Guy in the World reply:
‘You are correct. The issue is the judicial system is captured, so when a person explains that they are in fact not a federal employee they are still liable for the illegal gov theft.
There are far more citizens than IRS agents and IRS cops and cops in general. People need to wake up en masse or remain debt-slave tax mules.’
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This is what sheeple get when they elect an ample assed moronic grade five ASSistant drama teacher.
I have heard many people tell me they would love to kill him. I will not say who they are. But I can understand why.
Size means nothing. It is the will. Always was. Always will be.