Peter and Ginger remain two people who I think are legitimate, will NOT turn to the other side; I think many who fought with us were on the other side & now smell MONEY, mRNA money! read this treatise
America First vs. First Destroy America: Take a stand for freedom! Two fundamentally opposing movements are colliding.; big praise for the Breggins who were sought for destruction by Malone
America First vs. First Destroy America: Take a stand for freedom! (
‘As the Presidential Election approaches, two fundamentally opposed movements are colliding. In the history of elections, there has rarely been such a momentous collision — a battle that will impact our personal lives and the course of history. On the one side, there is the America First movement, and on the other side, there is the First Destroy America movement.
If you want to understand the horrific events taking place in Tennessee and in North Carolina with the Democrat administration doing nothing to save these politically Conservative towns and counties from near extinction, if you want insight into why the borders remain open while whole communities are destroyed by inundation, not with flood waters, but with illegal aliens; if you want to know why the Democrats gave away our energy independence, and why they throw away tens of billions on paying for illegal aliens and the war in Ukraine, and if you want to know why Kamala Harris is so weak on proposals to revive America, please continue to read this explanation about the war between those who believe in America First and those who truly believe in First Destroy America.
That the nation is so divided between promoting or destroying itself seems inconceivable and even ridiculous; but it is real and it is tragic. We call the opposition what it is, the First Destroy America movement, to help people identify why this election is as important as human life itself.
The First Destroy America movement began even before our War of Independence in 1776 when large kingdoms and even larger empires were the dominant form of government. As Americans began to protest the British Global Empire’s increasingly coercive actions, the Empire decided to put the Americans in their place — to crush them with military power. That was the beginning of the First Destroy America movement that has never abated since then. With the coming election, the centuries old First Destroy America movement may attain its goal of demolishing the first great constitutional democracy.
Why has so much worldwide, organized effort been poured into the First Destroy America movement that nearly half of Americans are unwittingly supporting it? The answer is clear — American First has always stood in the way of every totalitarian effort to create a global empire.
Origins of First Destroy America
America was the first nation to break away from being ruled by competing empires and to found itself on itself on the God-given rights to individual and political freedom. Ever since then, the most powerful forces on Earth have remained steadfast in their determination and their multiple strategies to First Destroy America! Think about history ever since then, right up to World War II and America leading the fight against two Empires, Germany and Japan, while two other Communist empires, the USSR and Mao’s Communist China, were building up for yet another round of trying to destroy us.
The coming election battle between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is not really between them. The coming election battle is actually between America’s freedom-loving core of America Firsters, who support Trump, and the evil historical coalition we are calling First Destroy America, who supports the Democrat puppets they now have put in place.
A Freedom-Loving Core of People
Within America today, there yet remains a patriotic, freedom-loving core of people who want to regain our freedoms and our American Dream and to resume leading other constitutional democracies or republics as the shining light of liberty to the world. Their motto is America First, but as Donald Trump describes in his 2019 speech to the U.N. (see below), it is really about every nation and every person’s sovereignty against global predators.1
Nearly all of the America First coalition is rooted in our Judeo-Christian traditions and religions and the Founding Principles of America. They are the direct legacy of the War of Independence. Now, in the coming election, these values are once again colliding head-on with the global imperial elites who, for around 4,500 years, have formed kingdoms, dictatorships, and empires to rule over us. Naming that massive opposition the First Destroy America movement helps focus us on what is, in reality, going on — an attempt to finally undo the work of the Founders of America and to reduce the world to a new Dark Ages of global governance.
The Dominance of Empires throughout History
Ever since civilization began, even before the written word, tyrannical men had divided up much of the Earth’s surface into kingdoms and empires. If today we were not governed by competing avaricious heartless violent empires, it would be the first time in about 4,500 years.
Two of the most obvious current empires are what we call the Eastern Global Empire, led by the Chinese Communist Party, and the Muslim Empire or Califate. Both of them hate America and its fundamental, defining principles, and they constantly work toward our destruction. They both have an ideology and a compulsion that commits them to mastering humanity through killing or converting us, whether to Communism or Islam.
America itself became an empire after World War II with the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world, and it became enormously destructive as empires always do. America, as an aspiring empire, created endless wars, tried to dominate as many people as possible, drained the wealth of its own people, and sapped their freedom. To expand its world dominance and wealth while draining the power and finances of poorer nations and peoples, the American Empire at first had overwhelming resources: Its billionaires, its global banking system, its Military-Industrial Complex, its Deep State, its media and entertainment industries; its international corporations, and its philanthropic organizations.
The Rise of the Western Empire
There is no longer an effective American Global Empire — and we thank God for that — but a new and much more powerful empire is growing from its ashes, an empire that has no legal or traditional American restrains on its abusive ambitions. We call it the Western Global Empire.2 The Western Global Empire includes the groups we have listed above as elements of the old American empire, but now it has shifted away from empowering America’s elite to bloating the wealth and power of the far larger number of Western globalists.
The Western Global Empire, which now demands the crushing of America’s last vestiges of a freedom-loving people, also includes all the globalists entrenched in the Deep State — including the CIA, Department of State, Department of Defense, and many others — and nearly all the most powerful political leaders in the nation, except for those closest to Donald Trump and the America First movement.
The existence of “globalist governance” has recently been reaffirmed by name in the legislation for the new U.N. Pacts approved in September 2024 in the General Assembly. Journalist Alex Newman is ahead of everyone in providing first-hand coverage of this giant step toward global totalitarianism.3 I first unearthed the origins of these “Pacts” on February 19, 2022, and spread the news about the threat when they were then called “agreements” and “treaties.”4
Newman reports that, with hardly a peep of resistance from the supposedly sovereign nations of the world, the U.N. General Assembly pushed through a “consensus” vote that gave no recognition of any dissent. The new Pacts are now formally accepted by all nations without records of individual votes. With the Pacts, the U.N. has established its authority to virtually take over the world in any coming crisis of any kind, even those never previously known or identified.
Because the U.N. is dominated by the Chinese government, with marginal competition from the Western Global Empire, this Communist “Bully of Asian”5 has taken a big step in becoming the overlord at the apex of global government, subsuming even the American government, the European Union, NATO, the G 7 and all of what once was the Free World. The Free World is no more — wholly usurped by the coalition of the Eastern and the Western Global Empires, with some help from the Califate.
The Western Global Empire, The Eastern Global Empire, and the Muslim Empire all have one thing in common — First Destroy America. If you grasp this, you will have the most important insight into world affairs today and to the ongoing degradation of America leading to domination by the global governance.
Almost everyone in power in the United States and throughout the world today actually hates traditional America and wants to see it subsumed and even crushed beneath the developing Western Global Empire, which enthusiastically collaborates with the Communist Chinese-led Eastern Global Empire to achieve it. That includes all the leadership of the Democrat Party and much of the elite of the Republican Party, especially those who openly oppose Donald Trump. As we described in COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, without yet calling them the Western Global Empire, we describe how their main priority right now is to replace America with a global governance, that is, to First Destroy America.
Using the UN and WHO to Rob Our Sovereignty
The United Nations and its World Health Organization (WHO), as well as other U.N. agencies, are used by both the Western and Eastern Global Empires to enforce totalitarian docility on the world. However, the Chinese Communists exert by far the greatest influence on the UN and its agencies. António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist/socialist thug,6 and so is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization. Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is also a Communist thug.7 In addition, more UN agencies are directed by Communist Chinese than by citizens of any other country.
Trump Openly Defies the UN and Globalism
President Trump’s direct opposition to globalism is not an accident; it is a conscious policy on his part. Because this appears to remain an open secret, we need to regularly quote from his January 2019 speech to the UN in which he becomes the first President to directly take on the UN and globalism:8
The essential divide that runs all around the world and throughout history is once again thrown into stark relief. It is the divide between those whose thirst for control deludes them into thinking they are destined to rule over others and those people and nations who want only to rule themselves. …
Americans know that in a world where others seek conquest and domination, our nation must be strong in wealth, in might, and in spirit. That is why the United States vigorously defends the traditions and customs that have made us who we are.
Like my beloved country, each nation represented in this hall has a cherished history, culture, and heritage that is worth defending and celebrating and which gives us our singular potential and strength.
The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them or replace them.
Notice Trump’s mention of the Free World — a term that dictionaries now consider antiquated. We need to speak of rebuilding a Free World while we also rebuild a Free America!
Comparing the Globalist Predatory Policies to the Policies of President Trump
Globalist policies are supported by both predatory progressive Marxists and by predatory “capitalists” like Bill Gates, most billionaires, and most CEOs of corporations, and the global banking system. Their primary identification is not with a nation, religion, political system, or economic theory. They are primarily rapacious exploiters of humanity, members of aspiring global empires, who often collaborate, knowing in the end, they will have to fight each other.
Here are some of the First Destroy America policies promoted or carried out by globalists of every ilk that President Trump has already opposed and will continue to oppose if re-elected:
In one of the most obvious efforts to First Destroy America, the Biden/Harris administration opened our borders to flood America with too many people for our economy and society to sustain,9 along with tens of thousands of very dangerous military-age illegal immigrants from Communist China,10 and many more from other hostile nations as well. Small towns with conservative voters are being overwhelmed by the floods of aliens from around the world. School systems don’t know what to do with so many foreign-speaking students. This one action of opening the borders, then inviting and even paying to come across, may be sufficient to weaken America beyond repair. Trump closed the borders, but global predators, led by American Democrats, reopened them and paid the illegal aliens to rush in unimpeded.
The fraudulent election of Joe Biden, not only by means of rigged election processes,11 but by a heavily rigged media that kept all negative Biden information from the public while broadcasting false information about President Trump.
Giving our sovereignty away to UN and the World Health Organization in response to any concocted global threat. Trump withdrew us from WHO and Biden reinstated us on day one of his administration.
Destroying our energy independence by closing pipelines and suppressing domestic energy projects. Trump created our energy independence, and they destroyed it.
Embroiling us in endless wars again, including Ukraine and the Middle East. Trump started no wars, crushed ISIS, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and brokered treaties between Israel and Arab nations.
Undermining our police and military by “woke” policies and driving out patriotic Americans. President Trump supported and built up our military and police.
Corrupting our schools with radical progressive and Marxist indoctrination, from “gender fluidity” to grooming children to accept sexual abuse. Donald Trump is flat-out against this.12
Draining everyone’s wealth by raising taxes, causing inflation, and increasing regulations greatly to the detriment of small businesses and the quality of life for most Americans, including small businesses and the working and middle classes. President Trump opposed these policies and brought greater prosperity to all Americans, including the highest employment rates ever among women and minorities.
Threatening to pack the Supreme Court by increasing the number of Supreme Court justices in order to stack the court with advocates of extreme globalist First Destroy America agendas.13 Trump appointed Conservative liberty-oriented Supreme Court Justices who are now among the last holdouts in support of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Censorship in social media, the major media, the publishing industry, entertainment, and Hollywood are controlled by global predators, the Democrat Party, and the Deep State.
January 6, 2021, the Democrats and the elite Republicans crush a largely peaceful rally in Washington, DC, by infiltration with agitators, inviting peaceful crowds into the buildings, falsely accusing the President of encouraging violence, and then persecuting peaceful Americans with false prosecutions and rigged courts. This resulted in vastly suppressing the right to peaceful assembly in America and hundreds of ongoing injustices, with people languishing in prison in defiance of the law.
Perpetrating constant lawfare against Donald Trump when he was President with impeachments and continuing today with concocted lawsuits.
Encouraging, enabling, and organizing plots to assassinate Donald Trump.
If You Still Hate Trump…
If you hate Trump, think about who else hates him: It’s almost everyone in the world in power: radical Communists, progressives, corrupt crony capitalists, and elite Republicans — all of them predatory globalists! These people hate everything America stands for that stands in their way: The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the American Dream, American exceptionalism, the Judeo-Christian traditions and religions, national sovereignty for all nations, and individual and political freedom.
If you hate Trump, then you — like many other fine people — have been hoodwinked by the apex global predators who lie to you in every way possible, using the major media, social media, the entertainment industry, and every level of formal education. They feel compelled to get rid of Donald Trump — along with you and I as free individuals — in order to impose control over us under their global governance.
The globalists have done their best to make you distrust and dislike Trump, including censoring him on social media, the first one-party attempts at impeachment, fake lawsuits, and now assassination attempts. Nonetheless, his political record is outstanding, and that is why they attacked him so personally. He is our only president since George Washington to stand specifically without equivocation or compromise on an American First policy.
Let go of making political judgments on the basis of “I don’t like him” or “I like him,” and instead, make your decision on whether or not you want America to survive as a free and prosperous nation in the ongoing fight for freedom. We now must choose between movements:
America First or First Destroy America. This is the most urgent moment in our lives to take a stand for freedom!
Primary Author: Peter R. Breggin MD
End Notes
2 (100) The final clash between good vs. evil ( and (100) An open letter to Donald Trump: Grasping the evil that is consuming America (
3 UN about to “transform the global governance” by increasing its power: our guest Alex Newman enlightens the world ( and now for the actual Pacts that have been passed,
4 | Tedros Introduces Globalist Plan to Take Over World’s Health
5 The “Bully of Asia” is taken from the seminal book by that name by Steven W. Mosher in 2017.
8 Remarks by President Trump to the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly – The White House ( and Trump’s vaccine rhetoric sends chills through public health circles (
9 The Cost of Illegal Immigration to American Taxpayers 2023 ( and Southern border hit by record number of migrant encounters in a single day as thousands flood into Texas | Fox News
12 Trump Vows Not to Give Money to Schools with Mask, Vaccine Mandates (
13 Democrats Push For Court-Packing After Controversial Supreme Court Rulings: Why The Proposal Is Likely Doomed (, and Democrats kick off push to pack Supreme Court with four new justices | Fox News
14 ‘We Will Not Comply,’ Trump Says of COVID-19 Lockdowns, Mandates ( and Donald Trump: ‘We Have to End the Mandates’ |
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Dame Ethel Kennedy Mother of Robert F Kennedy Jr passed October 10 2024. Let's keep Bobby in our prayers.
Two Navy seals die in drowning.